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Many studies have demonstrated that moral philosophies, such as idealism and relativism, could be used as robust predictors of judgements and behaviours related to common moral issues, such as business ethics, unethical beliefs, workplace deviance, marketing practices, gambling, etc. However, little consideration has been given to using moral philosophies to predict environmentally (un)friendly attitudes and behaviours, which could also be classified as moral. In this study, we have assessed the impact of idealism and relativism using the Ethics Position Theory. We have tested its capacity to predict moral identity, moral judgement of social vs. environmental issues, and self-reported pro-environmental behaviours. The results from an online MTurk study of 432 US participants revealed that idealism had a significant impact on all the tested variables, but the case was different with relativism. Consistently with the findings of previous studies, we found relativism to be a strong predictor of moral identity and moral judgement of social issues. In contrast, relativism only weakly interacted with making moral judgements of environmental issues, and had no effects in predicting pro-environmental behaviours. These findings suggest that Ethics Position Theory could have a strong potential for defining moral differences between environmental attitudes and behaviours, capturing the moral drivers of an attitude-behaviour gap, which continuously stands as a barrier in motivating people to become more pro-environmental.Blood vessels are vital to sustain life in all vertebrates. While it is known that mural cells (pericytes and smooth muscle cells) regulate vascular integrity, the contribution of other cell types to vascular stabilization has been largely unexplored. Using zebrafish, we identified sclerotome-derived perivascular fibroblasts as a novel population of blood vessel associated cells. In contrast to pericytes, perivascular fibroblasts emerge early during development, express the extracellular matrix (ECM) genes col1a2 and col5a1, and display distinct morphology and distribution. Time-lapse imaging reveals that perivascular fibroblasts serve as pericyte precursors. Genetic ablation of perivascular fibroblasts markedly reduces collagen deposition around endothelial cells, resulting in dysmorphic blood vessels with variable diameters. Strikingly, col5a1 mutants show spontaneous hemorrhage, and the penetrance of the phenotype is strongly enhanced by the additional loss of col1a2. Together, our work reveals dual roles of perivascular fibroblasts in vascular stabilization where they establish the ECM around nascent vessels and function as pericyte progenitors.Animal behavior is guided by the brain. Therefore, adaptations of brain structure and function are essential for animal survival, and each species differs in such adaptations. The brain of one individual may even differ between life stages, for instance, as adaptation to the divergent needs of larval and adult life of holometabolous insects. All such differences emerge during development, but the cellular mechanisms behind the diversification of brains between taxa and life stages remain enigmatic. In this study, we investigated holometabolous insects in which larvae differ dramatically from the adult in both behavior and morphology. As a consequence, the central complex, mainly responsible for spatial orientation, is conserved between species at the adult stage but differs between larvae and adults of one species as well as between larvae of different taxa. We used genome editing and established transgenic lines to visualize cells expressing the conserved transcription factor retinal homeobox, thereby marking homologous genetic neural lineages in both the fly Drosophila melanogaster and the beetle Tribolium castaneum. This approach allowed us for the first time to compare the development of homologous neural cells between taxa from embryo to the adult. We found complex heterochronic changes including shifts of developmental events between embryonic and pupal stages. Further, we provide, to our knowledge, the first example of sequence heterochrony in brain development, where certain developmental steps changed their position within the ontogenetic progression. We show that through this sequence heterochrony, an immature developmental stage of the central complex gains functionality in Tribolium larvae.Within the hepatitis virus landscape, one incomplete virus, the hepatitis delta virus (HDV), appears to differ from hepatitis B and C viruses in the context as it still may not infrequently lead to complications of chronic liver disease and continues to be associated with significant liver-related mortality even when patients have received available treatment for it. Breakthrough therapies are so far lacking for HDV-infected patients and treatment has not changed since the discovery of HDV in 1977 and consists mainly of interferons. Selleck Pyrvinium While there was little interest on the global epidemiology of HDV until recently, this has changed in the past 2 years and we are currently observing a stream of papers on the global epidemiology of HDV and commentaries about why prevalence estimates appear to differ so dramatically. This may be related to the fact that reliable data are not available for most of the countries. However, in the industrialized world, data on the epidemiology of HDV are expected to be of better overall quality. Hence, this review was undertaken to provide a detailed overview on the epidemiology of HDV infection in industrialized countries using data from representative larger countries. In industrialized countries, with maybe the exception of China, HDV infection is a disease of high-risk groups. Migrant groups and people who inject drugs are the most encountered high-risk groups. This review summarizes the dynamics of their contribution to the HDV epidemiology in industrialized countries of the west and the east.There has been an increase of fertility desire among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) thanks to the advancement of HIV treatment and prevention of mother-to-children transmission programs. However, the development of research focusing on this topic over the past three decades is not well documented. We aimed to explore the trend of global publications regarding fertility desires among PLWH and identify their contents through the natural language processing technique. Dataset from 1992 to 2019 was downloaded using the Web of Science Core Collection. Bibliometric indicators such as change in total publications, citations, and countries' collaboration were examined. Main topics of selected publications were determined using the latent Dirichlet allocation. There were 303 articles published during the period 1992-2019, with a rapid increase in the number of publications in the past 5 years. Common themes included determinants of fertility desire, HIV prevention for adolescents, and safer conception for couples affected with HIV. However, publications on HIV care and antenatal care for women with HIV had been still limited. Findings suggested a call for the future support and collaborations for fertility intention, as well as the promotion of HIV care and service for adolescents and pregnant women with HIV, especially in countries with poor resources and a high burden of HIV/AIDS.Residual stress affects significantly the quality of plastic lenses. In this paper, the influence of process parameters on the residual stress of injection compression molded plastic lenses was investigated by orthogonal simulation. The results show that the effect of compression delay time on residual stress was the most significant, followed by compression distance and compression speed, which are both related to the compression process. Then, the relationship between the residual stress obtained by simulations and the optical path difference measured by the experiment was compared by single factor experiments of four key injection compression molding process parameters. The change trends were similar, which proves that the numerical simulation has the potential to predict the residual stress of plastic lenses and optimize the process parameters, so as to improve their optical quality.Owing to the Bragg interference mechanism, band gap in all-dielectric one-dimensional photonic crystal (1DPC) is strongly sensitive to the incident angle, which limits the width of omnidirectional band gap. Based on the angle-insensitive Bragg band gap in 1DPC composed of alternating dielectric and hyperbolic metamaterial layers, we design a broadband omnidirectional near-infrared mirror with the bandwidth of 943 nm (52.3% relative bandwidth) without using the conventional cascade method. In addition, we show that the angle-insensitive property of the band gap is robust against the layer thickness disturbance. This multilayer-based broadband omnidirectional reflector will possess potential applications for omnidirectional filters within broad stopbands and photonic crystal fibers with broad operating bandwidths.This paper reports a two-dimensional stretchable blazed wavelength-tunable grating based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). In the elastic range, stretch the grating along (Y-axis) and perpendicular to (X-axis) the grating line, fix the position of the +1st-order spot to maintain the grating period, and only change the groove angle to tune the blazed wavelength. By stretching the grating up to 20% of the Y-axis, and 5.2% of the X-axis, the groove angle is reduced by 1.33°, and the blazed wavelength of the first-order diffraction shifts toward the short-wave direction by 42.3 nm. The sensitivity of a spectrometer can be enhanced by tuning the blazed wavelength of the PDMS grating to the wavelength of the spectrum peak under observation in the bands from 460.8 nm to 503.1 nm.Black phosphorus (BP) is a two-dimensional material with a direct bandgap that exhibits in-plane anisotropy, high charge carrier mobility, and excellent optical properties. It also can demonstrate a strong magneto-optical response under an external magnetic field. In this paper, we present a theoretical study to enhance the Faraday rotation of the monolayer BP by the optical Tamm state at the interface between two photonic crystals. The optical Tamm state can increase the Faraday rotation angle significantly through the localization of the electromagnetic field with high transmittance. When the externally applied magnetic field is 5 T, the gain in the Faraday rotation angle can reach 37.37 dB with a transmittance greater than 65%. The Faraday rotation angle can be adjusted proportionally by the external magnetic field while retaining the high transmittance, and the operating frequency also remains unchanged. In addition, the Faraday rotation angle and operating frequency can be adjusted by changing the carrier density and photonic crystal parameters.The fringe skeleton method is the most straightforward method to estimate phase terms in electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI). It usually needs to binarize the fringe patterns. However, the massive inherent speckle noise and intensity inhomogeneity in ESPI fringe patterns make it difficult to binarize the ESPI fringe patterns. In this paper, we propose a binarization method for ESPI fringe patterns based on a modified M-net convolutional neural network. Our method regards the binarization of fringe patterns as a segmentation problem. The M-net is an excellent network for segmentation and has proven to be a useful tool for skeleton extraction in our previous work. Here we further modify the structure of the previous network a bit to suit our task. We train the network by pairs of ESPI fringe patterns and corresponding binary images. After training, we test our method on 20 computer-simulated and three groups of experimentally obtained ESPI fringe patterns. The results show that even for fringe patterns with high noise and intensity inhomogeneity, our method can obtain good binarization results without image preprocessing.

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