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Prokaryoplankton genomes from the deep marine sediments are less explored compared to shallow shore sediments. The Gulfs of Kathiawar peninsula experience varied currents and inputs from different on-shore activities. Any perturbations would directly influence the microbiome and their normal homeostasis. Advancements in reconstructing genomes from metagenomes allows us to understand the role of individual unculturable microbes in ecological niches like the Gulf sediments. Here, we report 309 bacterial and archaeal genomes assembled from metagenomics data of deep sediments from sites in the Gulf of Khambhat and Gulf of Kutch as well as a sample from the Arabian Sea. Phylogenomics classified them into 5 archaeal and 18 bacterial phyla. The genomes will facilitate understanding of the physiology, adaptation and impact of on-shore anthropogenic activities on the deep sediment microbes.Voltage dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2) is an outer mitochondrial membrane porin known to play a significant role in apoptosis and calcium signaling. Abnormalities in calcium homeostasis often leads to electrical and contractile dysfunction and can cause dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure. However, the specific role of VDAC2 in intracellular calcium dynamics and cardiac function is not well understood. To elucidate the role of VDAC2 in calcium homeostasis, we generated a cardiac ventricular myocyte-specific developmental deletion of Vdac2 in mice. Our results indicate that loss of VDAC2 in the myocardium causes severe impairment in excitation-contraction coupling by altering both intracellular and mitochondrial calcium signaling. We also observed adverse cardiac remodeling which progressed to severe cardiomyopathy and death. Reintroduction of VDAC2 in 6-week-old knock-out mice partially rescued the cardiomyopathy phenotype. Activation of VDAC2 by efsevin increased cardiac contractile force in a mouse model of pressure-overload induced heart failure. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that VDAC2 plays a crucial role in cardiac function by influencing cellular calcium signaling. Through this unique role in cellular calcium dynamics and excitation-contraction coupling VDAC2 emerges as a plausible therapeutic target for heart failure.Sensory processing necessitates discarding some information in service of preserving and reformatting more behaviorally relevant information. selleck chemicals Sensory neurons seem to achieve this by responding selectively to particular combinations of features in their inputs, while averaging over or ignoring irrelevant combinations. Here, we expose the perceptual implications of this tradeoff between selectivity and invariance, using stimuli and tasks that explicitly reveal their opposing effects on discrimination performance. We generate texture stimuli with statistics derived from natural photographs, and ask observers to perform two different tasks Discrimination between images drawn from families with different statistics, and discrimination between image samples with identical statistics. For both tasks, the performance of an ideal observer improves with stimulus size. In contrast, humans become better at family discrimination but worse at sample discrimination. We demonstrate through simulations that these behaviors arise naturally in an observer model that relies on a common set of physiologically plausible local statistical measurements for both tasks.Solar-light driven CO2 reduction into value-added chemicals and fuels emerges as a significant approach for CO2 conversion. However, inefficient electron-hole separation and the complex multi-electrons transfer processes hamper the efficiency of CO2 photoreduction. Herein, we prepare ferroelectric Bi3TiNbO9 nanosheets and employ corona poling to strengthen their ferroelectric polarization to facilitate the bulk charge separation within Bi3TiNbO9 nanosheets. Furthermore, surface oxygen vacancies are introduced to extend the photo-absorption of the synthesized materials and also to promote the adsorption and activation of CO2 molecules on the catalysts' surface. More importantly, the oxygen vacancies exert a pinning effect on ferroelectric domains that enables Bi3TiNbO9 nanosheets to maintain superb ferroelectric polarization, tackling above-mentioned key challenges in photocatalytic CO2 reduction. This work highlights the importance of ferroelectric properties and controlled surface defect engineering, and emphasizes the key roles of tuning bulk and surface properties in enhancing the CO2 photoreduction performance.Mitochondria are transported along microtubules by opposing kinesin and dynein motors. Kinesin-1 and dynein-dynactin are linked to mitochondria by TRAK proteins, but it is unclear how TRAKs coordinate these motors. We used single-molecule imaging of cell lysates to show that TRAK2 robustly activates kinesin-1 for transport toward the microtubule plus-end. TRAK2 is also a novel dynein activating adaptor that utilizes a conserved coiled-coil motif to interact with dynein to promote motility toward the microtubule minus-end. However, dynein-mediated TRAK2 transport is minimal unless the dynein-binding protein LIS1 is present at a sufficient level. Using co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization experiments, we demonstrate that TRAK2 forms a complex containing both kinesin-1 and dynein-dynactin. These motors are functionally linked by TRAK2 as knockdown of either kinesin-1 or dynein-dynactin reduces the initiation of TRAK2 transport toward either microtubule end. We propose that TRAK2 coordinates kinesin-1 and dynein-dynactin as an interdependent motor complex, providing integrated control of opposing motors for the proper transport of mitochondria.This study aims to develop and validate prediction models for the number of all heatstroke cases, and heatstrokes of hospital admission and death cases per city per 12 h, using multiple weather information and a population-based database for heatstroke patients in 16 Japanese cities (corresponding to around a 10,000,000 population size). In the testing dataset, mean absolute percentage error of generalized linear models with wet bulb globe temperature as the only predictor and the optimal models, respectively, are 43.0% and 14.8% for spikes in the number of all heatstroke cases, and 37.7% and 10.6% for spikes in the number of heatstrokes of hospital admission and death cases. The optimal models predict the spikes in the number of heatstrokes well by machine learning methods including non-linear multivariable predictors and/or under-sampling and bagging. Here, we develop prediction models whose predictive performances are high enough to be implemented in public health settings.Understanding motivations underlying acts of hatred are essential for developing strategies to prevent such extreme behavioral expressions of prejudice (EBEPs) against marginalized groups. In this work, we investigate the motivations underlying EBEPs as a function of moral values. Specifically, we propose EBEPs may often be best understood as morally motivated behaviors grounded in people's moral values and perceptions of moral violations. As evidence, we report five studies that integrate spatial modeling and experimental methods to investigate the relationship between moral values and EBEPs. Our results, from these U.S. based studies, suggest that moral values oriented around group preservation are predictive of the county-level prevalence of hate groups and associated with the belief that extreme behavioral expressions of prejudice against marginalized groups are justified. Additional analyses suggest that the association between group-based moral values and EBEPs against outgroups can be partly explained by the belief that these groups have done something morally wrong.From a gym workout, to deciding whether to persevere at work, many activities require us to persist in deciding that rewards are 'worth the effort' even as we become fatigued. However, studies examining effort-based decisions typically assume that the willingness to work is static. Here, we use computational modelling on two effort-based tasks, one behavioural and one during fMRI. We show that two hidden states of fatigue fluctuate on a moment-to-moment basis on different timescales but both reduce the willingness to exert effort for reward. The value of one state increases after effort but is 'recoverable' by rests, whereas a second 'unrecoverable' state gradually increases with work. The BOLD response in separate medial and lateral frontal sub-regions covaried with these states when making effort-based decisions, while a distinct fronto-striatal system integrated fatigue with value. These results provide a computational framework for understanding the brain mechanisms of persistence and momentary fatigue.Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes provide a promising regenerative cell therapy for cardiovascular patients and an important model system to accelerate drug discovery. However, cost-effective and time-efficient platforms must be developed to evaluate the quality of hPSC-derived cardiomyocytes during biomanufacturing. Here, we develop a non-invasive label-free live cell imaging platform to predict the efficiency of hPSC differentiation into cardiomyocytes. Autofluorescence imaging of metabolic co-enzymes is performed under varying differentiation conditions (cell density, concentration of Wnt signaling activator) across five hPSC lines. Live cell autofluorescence imaging and multivariate classification models provide high accuracy to separate low ( less then 50%) and high (≥ 50%) differentiation efficiency groups (quantified by cTnT expression on day 12) within 1 day after initiating differentiation (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.91). This non-invasive and label-free method could be used to avoid batch-to-batch and line-to-line variability in cell manufacturing from hPSCs.CRISPR-based gene-drives targeting the gene doublesex in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae effectively suppressed the reproductive capability of mosquito populations reared in small laboratory cages. To bridge the gap between laboratory and the field, this gene-drive technology must be challenged with vector ecology.Here we report the suppressive activity of the gene-drive in age-structured An. gambiae populations in large indoor cages that permit complex feeding and reproductive behaviours.The gene-drive element spreads rapidly through the populations, fully supresses the population within one year and without selecting for resistance to the gene drive. Approximate Bayesian computation allowed retrospective inference of life-history parameters from the large cages and a more accurate prediction of gene-drive behaviour under more ecologically-relevant settings.Generating data to bridge laboratory and field studies for invasive technologies is challenging. Our study represents a paradigm for the stepwise and sound development of vector control tools based on gene-drive.A large non-saturating magnetoresistance has been observed in several nonmagnetic topological Weyl semi-metals with high mobility of charge carriers at the Fermi energy. However, ferromagnetic systems rarely display a large magnetoresistance because of localized electrons in heavy d bands with a low Fermi velocity. Here, we report a large linear non-saturating magnetoresistance and high mobility in ferromagnetic MnBi. MnBi, unlike conventional ferromagnets, exhibits a large linear non-saturating magnetoresistance of 5000% under a pulsed field of 70 T. The electrons and holes' mobilities are both 5000 cm2V-1s-1 at 2 K, which are one of the highest for ferromagnetic materials. These phenomena are due to the spin-polarised Bi 6p band's sharp dispersion with a small effective mass. Our study provides an approach to achieve high mobility in ferromagnetic systems with a high Curie temperature, which is advantageous for topological spintronics.

Autoři článku: Michelsencrane2315 (Contreras Ortega)