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reased, the PhNR, PERG-N95 amplitudes were diminished and the implicit times were prolonged compared to non-smokers. PhNR and PERG reflect both dysfunction and loss of ganglion cells and their axons. © 2020 Abdelshafy and Abdelshafy.Purpose To evaluate the outcome of macular surgery with ILM- and epiretinal membrane peel associated with significant dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) as defined by the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS). Patients and Methods Institutional. Retrospective case-control study. A total of 42 pseudophacic eyes of 39 patients (7 with full thickness macular hole and 35 with epiretinal membrane) with coexisting dry AMD underwent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with internal limiting membrane (ILM) and epiretinal membrane peel. Preoperative and postoperative data including best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), AMD grade according to AREDS, central retinal thickness (CRT), development of choroidal neovascularization (CNV), and central retinal atrophy have been evaluated. Twenty-eight fellow eyes with dry AMD of the included 39 patients served as a control group. Results A significant improvement in the visual acuity could be observed after surgery (initial BCVA 0.47±0.31 logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) vs 0.33±0.29logMAR 9 months postoperatively; p=0.006). CRT decreased significantly after surgery (p less then 0.001). In the surgery group, there were 4 eyes (9.5%) with CNV and 1 eye (2.5%) with new central retinal atrophy development after surgery. All these eyes had preoperative AREDS 3 (4 eyes) or AREDS 4 (1 eye) AMD category. In the control group, there was 1 eye (4%) with CNV and 4 eyes (14%) with new central retinal atrophy development during the follow-up of 9 months. These eyes had initially AREDS 2 (1 eye), AREDS 3 (3 eyes) or AREDS 4 (1 eye) AMD category. Conclusion Eyes with dry AMD of AREDS 3 and AREDS 4 with coexisting VMI abnormalities improve significantly after PPV with membrane peel. While there is a higher risk of CNV development after surgery (9.5%) in these eyes, the vitrectomy does not seem to accelerate central retinal atrophy progression compared to the fellow eyes course. © 2020 Furashova and Engelmann.Purpose To assess the direct and indirect costs of infectious conjunctivitis and quantify medical costs due to conjunctivitis transmission in families. Methods In this retrospective claims analysis from the OptumHealth Care Solutions, Inc. database (1998-2016), beneficiaries with or without at least one diagnosis of infectious conjunctivitis were identified. Direct and indirect costs (in 2016 US$) during the 60 days post conjunctivitis diagnosis (or imputed date for controls) were compared using cost differences in linear regressions. For transmission cost analysis, the total cost of each conjunctivitis episode was the sum of the primary episode (seed patient) and the secondary episode (infected family members) costs. A generalized estimating equation model adjusted for seed patient characteristics was used to assess the impact of number and rate of transmissions on episode cost. Results Health care resource utilization and direct costs were significantly higher for patients with conjunctivitis (n=1,002,188) versus controls (n=4,877,210) 1.67 all-cause visits per person per month (PPPM) versus 0.79 visits PPPM, respectively; total mean direct cost of $396.04 PPPM versus $289.63 PPPM, respectively. The cost of medically related absenteeism was $105.42 (95% confidence interval [CI], $104.18-$106.75) higher for patients with conjunctivitis than for controls. Episode cost, without transmission due to seed patient, was $669.43 (95% CI, $654.67-$684.85); it increased with each additional infected family member and with increased infection transmission time between family members. Conclusion Conjunctivitis was associated with a notable economic burden in terms of direct medical costs and medically related absenteeism. Family health care costs increased with transmission time and with each family member infected with conjunctivitis. © 2020 Pepose et al.Purpose To review refractive, visual acuity, defocus curve and contrast sensitivity results after bilateral implantation of a trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) in a large population. Setting One site in Santiago, Chile. Design Single arm, non-randomized retrospective chart review. Methods This was a single-arm retrospective chart review of clinical outcomes after bilateral implantation of a trifocal IOL (Panoptix®), both toric and non-toric versions. Binocular visual acuity at 4 m, 60 cm and 40 cm was tested. Other tests included refraction, mesopic and photopic contrast sensitivity, and defocus curve measurement. Results The review included 500 eyes of 250 patients implanted with the trifocal IOL and 200 eyes of 100 patients implanted with the trifocal toric IOL, with no clinically significant differences between groups. Ninety-six percent of all eyes were within 0.50D of the intended spherical equivalent correction. In the toric group, 94% of eyes (187/200) had a residual refractive cylinder ≤0.50D, compared to 81% of eyes (406/500) in the non-toric group. Four out of five patients (80.6%, 282/350) had a binocular uncorrected VA of 0.1 logMAR (20/25) at all test distances. Mean defocus was 0.1 logMAR or better from vergences from 0.00 to -3.00 D (corresponding to vision from distance to about 33 cm). With a cutoff of 0.2 logMAR, 96% of patients had a range of vision 2.5 D or greater. Contrast sensitivity was similar between the toric and non-toric lenses, and similar to age-matched normal results. Conclusion The non-toric and toric trifocal IOLs provided good distance, intermediate and near vision to patients, with a wide range of vision and good contrast sensitivity. © 2020 Carreño et al.Objective To study silicone oil (SO) emulsification, anatomic and visual outcome after complicated retinal detachment surgery by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with intraocular SO tamponade, comparing between low and high viscosity SO. Design Randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial. Patients and Methods Patients with complicated retinal detachment who had been surgically treated by PPV and intraocular SO tamponade were randomly divided into low viscosity (Group 1) or high viscosity (Group 2). Main Outcome Measures were rate of silicone oil emulsification, anatomic retinal reattachment and visual outcome, assessed at 1,3,6,9 and 12 months. Results One hundred patients were divided into 50 patients in each group. The rate of silicone oil emulsification in Group 1 (63.64%) was higher than Group 2 (40%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.08). Rates of anatomic retinal reattachment were 88% in Group 1 and 90% in Group 2 (p = 0.76). For functional visual outcome, final best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at Month 12 compared with the baseline BCVA was improved vision 52% in Group 1 and 58% in Group 2 (p = 0.82). Conclusion SO emulsification rate in low viscosity group is non-significantly higher than high viscosity group, but results in a comparable reattachment rate and final visual recovery. Emulsification in both groups is detected at as early as 1 month and mostly within 3 months. We recommend using either low or high viscosity SO in complicated retinal detachment surgery and removing it as early as possible to prevent the consequent serious complications. Clinical Trial Registration Identifier NCT02988583. © 2020 Ratanapakorn et al.An alarming number of youth worldwide are victims of commercial sexual exploitation, particularly sex trafficking. Normative developmental processes and motivations across the adolescent period-the age when youth are at greatest risk for trafficking-combined with their history, make them highly likely to be reluctant to disclose their exploitation to police, who often encounter victims because they are suspected of delinquency and crime and who interrogate the victims as suspects. Little scientific and policy attention has been devoted to understanding how to question these victims in a way that reduces their disclosure reluctance and increases their provision of legally relevant information. In the current review, we describe research concerning trafficking victims' histories and exploitative experiences, juvenile suspects' and victims' encounters with the legal system, and best-practice forensic interviewing approaches to elicit disclosures from child victims. We highlight the implications of these areas for understanding the dynamics between how police encounter and interact with adolescent trafficking victims and whether and how the victims disclose trafficking details during these interactions. We close with an agenda for research to test interviewing methods for suspected victims of sex trafficking and with policy and practice recommendations for interviewers.Conditional generative models enjoy remarkable progress over the past few years. One of the popular conditional models is Auxiliary Classifier GAN (AC-GAN), which generates highly discriminative images by extending the loss function of GAN with an auxiliary classifier. However, the diversity of the generated samples by AC-GAN tends to decrease as the number of classes increases, hence limiting its power on large-scale data. In this paper, we identify the source of the low diversity issue theoretically and propose a practical solution to solve the problem. We show that the auxiliary classifier in AC-GAN imposes perfect separability, which is disadvantageous when the supports of the class distributions have significant overlap. To address the issue, we propose Twin Auxiliary Classifiers Generative Adversarial Net (TAC-GAN) that further benefits from a new player that interacts with other players (the generator and the discriminator) in GAN. Theoretically, we demonstrate that TAC-GAN can effectively minimize the divergence between the generated and real-data distributions. Extensive experimental results show that our TAC-GAN can successfully replicate the true data distributions on simulated data, and significantly improves the diversity of class-conditional image generation on real datasets.BACKGROUND Neuroendocrine neoplasms are rarely located in the gallbladder (GB), and carcinoid syndrome is exceedingly rare in patients with GB neuroendocrine neoplasms. CASE SUMMARY We report a case of GB neuroendocrine carcinoma (GB-NEC) in a 65-year-old man, who presented with flushing for 2 mo. Pathological specimens of the flushed skin revealed that mucin was deposited between the collagen bundles in the dermis. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging indicated neoplasm in the GB with liver invasion and enlarged lymph nodes in the portacaval space. High fluorodeoxyglucose uptake was detected in lymph nodes in the portacaval space, but distant metastasis was not seen by positron emission tomography. MAT2A inhibitor Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of the GB neoplasm was suggestive of high-grade NEC. Because of the functional characteristics of poorly differentiated NEC, en bloc cholecystectomy, resection of hepatic segments IVb and V, pancreaticoduodenectomy, and regional lymphadenectomy were performed. A diagnosis of poorly differentiated NEC was made by pathological findings and immunohistochemical staining data. Ki-67 index was > 80%. The patient refused adjuvant therapy and passed away in the 7th month. CONCLUSION Distinctive manifestation combined with imaging helps make correct preoperative diagnosis. Radical surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy might improve prognosis. ©The Author(s) 2020. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.

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