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05). This treatment decreased the malondialdehyde content (P less then 0.05) and increased the expression of liver glutathione peroxidase 4 and deiodinase 1 mRNA (P less then 0.05). Adding L-SM to the diets of chickens increased the hatchability of breeder eggs as well as the amount of Se deposited and antioxidant enzyme activity in breeder eggs and embryos. Compared with SS, L-SM was more effectively transferred from the mother to the embryo and offspring, showing efficient maternal nutrition. For breeder diets, the combination of organic and inorganic Se (0.15 mg/kg SS + 0.15 mg/kg L-SM) is an effective nutrient supplementation technology program for effectively improving the breeding performance of breeders and the antioxidant performance and health level of offspring chicks.In this study, we analyzed the parent stock of ISA Brown hens reared in closed and open aviary (CA and OA, respectively) sections with regard to the productive performance of hens, hatchability, and quality of chicks. The flocks were reared (1,570 cocks and 17,515 hens) for 16 wk in a three-level aviary system. On the 7th wk of rearing, half of the birds (OA group of birds) were allowed to leave the section and use half of the area of the poultry house and to use all levels. The remaining half of the birds were kept in the CA section for the entire duration of rearing. After the duration of rearing, the birds were moved to 2 neighboring production poultry houses (OA = 680 cocks and 8,126 hens; CA = 685 cocks and 8,133 hens). Reproduction was performed in a litter system in accordance with the norms for parent stock of laying hens. During the production cycle (53 wk), laying performance, feed conversion ratio, water consumption, and mortality were analyzed. On 27th, 37th, and 49th wk of production, the following analysis was performed rate of fertilization (%), rate of hatching (%), and quality of chick. In accordance with the results, birds in OA flock required less amount of feed (P 0.05). In summary, it is possible to rear parent ISA Brown hens in open sections of aviary system without the fear of subsequent deterioration of indicators of future egg production.The difference in microbiota was examined for breeders with different egg-laying rates, and the impact of dietary Enterococcus faecium (EF) was also determined in the present study. A total of 256 Arbor Acres broiler breeders (48-wk-old) were used in a 2 × 2 factorial design, which encompassed 2 egg-laying rate levels [average (average egg laying AP, 80.45 ± 0.91%) and low (lower egg laying LP, 70.61 ± 1.16%)] and 2 different dietary groups [control (no additive), 6 × 108 cfu/kg EF]. The results showed that the AP breeders presented a lower egg weight, feed conversion ratio, abdominal fat rate, and serum leptin level (P(laying) ≤ 0.05) as well as a higher egg-laying rate (P(laying) less then 0.01) than the LP breeders. Dietary supplementation with EF improved the egg weight (P(EF) = 0.03) and had a higher concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the serum (P(EF) = 0.04). The relative expression of Caspase 9, Bax, AMHR, BMP15, and GATA4 in the ovary of AP breeders was lower, whereas the FSHR anould possibly be the potential mechanisms under which breeders have different reproductive performance. Dietary EF increased the egg weight and serum FSH level and decreased the Bacteroidetes (phylum) in low reproductive breeders.In contrast to the later stages of follicle development, little is known about the characteristics and mechanisms associated with early folliculogenesis in avian species. The objectives of the present study were to examine and compare the histomorphological and molecular changes of primordial, primary, and secondary follicles from duck and goose ovaries during the first 6 post-hatching week. Morphological analysis showed that the length and width of both duck and goose ovaries increased steadily during weeks 1 to 5 but increased acutely at week 6, whereas a greater increment was observed in the ovarian length of ducks than that of geese during weeks 4 to 5. Furthermore, smaller diameters of the 3 categories of follicles were observed in ducks than those in geese at the first appearance, but they reached a similar size at week 6. More importantly, secondary follicles were found in the ovaries of ducks 1 wk earlier than in those of geese. These results indicated a more rapid growth rate for ovarian follicles inf FSHR, AMH, and CASPASE3 during early post-hatching development.Florfenicol, apramycin, and danofloxacin are antibiotics approved only for veterinary use and that have good therapeutic effects on chicken respiratory infections caused by Escherichia coli. We established epidemiological cutoff values (ECV) for these antibiotics using 363 E. coli isolates from tracheal samples of chickens in 5 veterinary clinics in Guangdong Province, China. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined using the agar dilution method as per Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institution guidelines. The ECV were then calculated using the statistical method and verified by normalized resistance interpretation and ECOFFinder software programs. The ECV of florfenicol, apramycin, and danofloxacin against E. coli were 16, 16, and 0.125 μg/mL, respectively. read more Susceptibility tests indicated that these isolates were resistant to florfenicol (66.7%), apramycin (22.3%), and danofloxacin (92.3%). Strains carrying floR were distributed in the range of MIC ≥32 μg/mL for florfenicol. Apramycin resistance was found in 77 strains (77/363, 21.1%), and isolates that carried aac(3)-IV were all in the range of MIC ≥512 μg/mL. Danofloxacin resistance was found in the range of MIC ≤0.125 μg/mL, but there were no mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining regions and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes qnrA, qnrB, qnrC, qnrD, aac-(6')-Ib-cr, qep, and oqxB. The presence of the qnrS gene was verified in a few of the strains with an MIC of 0.06 μg/mL. The establishment of ECV was significant for monitoring of resistance development and therapy guidance.Probiotics often play an important role in improving gut health in chickens through multiple mechanisms, including enhancement of tight junctions, nutrient acquisition, niche colonization, or coaggregation with enteric pathogens. The objective of this study was to characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from the gut of healthy broiler chickens for a number of phenotypes that might be indicative of good probiotic potentials. A total 40 bacterial isolates were isolated from 3-week-old chickens using Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar plates. The bacterial isolates were evaluated in vitro for motility, autoaggregation, pathogen inhibition, pH of overnight culture, growth on different agar plates, and their impact on gut integrity. Selected isolates were genotyped by sequencing the 16S-23S rRNA gene intergenic region. Based on the phenotype and genotype, we identified 20 potential probiotic (PP) isolates that belong to LAB. Multivariate analysis showed that PP isolates were positively correlated with parameters such as growth on MRS agar plate (pH 5.

Autoři článku: Mendozamunn8614 (Damgaard Dunn)