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Antiviral prophylaxis may be offered to more patients who are at risk of HBVr and the duration of both prophylaxis and subsequent monitoring may be extended until 6 to 18 months following completion of treatment.No abstract provided.Maintaining hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) services during the initial phase of a pandemic in a state referral hospital for COVID-19 presents a few challenges, especially when a nationwide, government-issued partial lockdown is in enforcement. We describe the adaptations to our practice to maintain the services whilst ensuring safety of patients and staff, by postponing non-urgent clinic cases, grouping our staff to two mutually exclusive teams that work on alternate shifts and selecting HPB operative cases according to the modified Risk Urgency Decision Matrix.

Acute cholecystitis (AC) is a common problem encountered in surgical practice. This occurs due to obstruction of the cystic duct by calculi resulting in inflammation of the gallbladder. Increasingly, contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans are being used for assessment. While the imaging features of AC are well recognized and extensively described in the literature, radiological features of the rarer complications related to AC such as pseudoaneurysm formation and gallbladder volvulus are less well known. We aim to describe these rarer findings in our pictorial review, to better educate the clinician and radiologist, such that timely diagnoses can be reached, and relevant management can be affected.

A collection of cases showing the common acute gallbladder pathologies and complications such as acute cholecystitis, gangrenous cholecystitis, emphysematous cholecystitis, haemorrhagic cholecystitis, Mirizzi's syndrome, gallbladder perforation and abscess formation, were collected between July 2016 and March 2018 at two different medical institutions in Singapore. In addition, rarer cases of gallbladder volvulus and vascular complications such as cystic artery pseudoaneurysms and vessel erosions, were also followed up.

The CT and MRI imaging features of these conditions were discussed, with key diagnostic imaging features emphasized.

Acute gallbladder pathologies are commonly encountered in day-to-day radiology practice. Knowledge of the rarer gallbladder pathologies and their key imaging features will help the radiologist, in particular, the on call radiologist in training, improve diagnostic accuracy and allow for timely management.

Acute gallbladder pathologies are commonly encountered in day-to-day radiology practice. Knowledge of the rarer gallbladder pathologies and their key imaging features will help the radiologist, in particular, the on call radiologist in training, improve diagnostic accuracy and allow for timely management.

Antibiotic resistance is a burgeoning problem worldwide. The trend of bacterial resistance has increased over the past decade in which more common bacteria are becoming resistant to almost all the antibiotics currently in use, posing a threat to humans and even livestock.

The databases used to search for the relevant articles for this review include PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus. The following keywords were used in the search Antimicrobial resistance, Malaysian action plan, antibioticresistant bacteria, and Malaysian National Surveillance on Antimicrobial Resistance (NSAR). The relevant articles published in English were considered.

The antibiotic-resistant bacteria highlighted in this review showed an increase in resistance patterns to the majority of the antibiotics tested. The Malaysian government has come up with an action plan to create public awareness and to educate them regarding the health implications of antibiotic resistance.

Antimicrobial resistance in Malaysia continues to escalate and is attributed to the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in various fields. As this crisis impacts the health of both humans and animals, therefore a joined continuous effort from all sectors is warranted to reduce the spread and minimize its development.

Antimicrobial resistance in Malaysia continues to escalate and is attributed to the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in various fields. As this crisis impacts the health of both humans and animals, therefore a joined continuous effort from all sectors is warranted to reduce the spread and minimize its development.

In Sudan, cancer a common health challenge, is the leading cause of death after malaria and viral pneumonia. The aim of the review is to determine the risk factors associated with esophageal cancer (EC) among Sudanese population.

All published online data concerning EC epidemiology, diagnosis, and management in Sudan were studied.

The prevalence of EC in Sudan is ranked fourth among cancer types in males and fifth in females. The squamous cell carcinoma is more predominant than adenocarcinoma. The dietary, dysplasia and teeth loss, cigarette smoking, age, sex, GERD, genetic and environmental interactions remain a risk for developing EC in clinical practice. A significant challenge for treatment is that most of EC patients were often diagnosed in advanced stages due to the lack of early clinical symptoms. Management of EC depends on patient fitness and tumor stage, endoscopic removal was used for early tumors, while chemotherapy, chemo-radiotherapy, surgical resection, or combinations of these were used for advanced tumors. Despite improvements in the management and treatment of EC patients, the general outcome remains very poor. Furthermore, using molecular techniques to better understand the etiology of EC, it may assist in identifying complicated and critical issues and improve therapy towards a new treatment strategy.

The remarkable factors associated with EC among Sudanese are geographical variation, environmental factors, ethnic differences, dietary and social habits.

The remarkable factors associated with EC among Sudanese are geographical variation, environmental factors, ethnic differences, dietary and social habits.Over the past decade, 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PETCT) has emerged as an important imaging modality in the management of lymphoma. Since the introduction of Deauville scoring system (2009) and the Lymphoma Response Assessment Criteria (2014), clinicians are now sharing a common language in the management of lymphoma. In Malaysia, nearly a third of PET-CT request is related to lymphoma imaging. Though there are extensive publications regarding these scoring systems and assessment criteria for lymphoma, there are hardly any literature on the reporting format for the 18F-FDG PET-CT in this disease. The variable reporting formats have on many occasions caused confusion not only to the referring clinicians but also to nuclear medicine physicians. Thus, a working committee comprising experienced nuclear medicine physicians and haematologists in Malaysia have agreed and made a joint recommendation on the standard reporting format for 18F-FDG PET-CT in Lymphoma. This recommendation will minimize inter-observer discrepancies in reporting, facilitate the understanding of the report of the referring clinicians as well as facilitate counseling between patients and clinicians in the management of the disease.

Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) has been used globally and translated to several languages, including Brazilian Portuguese, Italian and Persian. The aim of this study is to translate and validate ERC to the Malay language and to measure the reliability and validity of the translated version of this scale among Malaysian parents.

This study involved forward and back translation method. The translated questionnaire was then pretested and piloted among 10 parents and 50 participants, respectively. The procedure was repeated using the same questionnaire to evaluate the test-retest reliability.

The ERC-Malay (ERC-M) has excellent qualitative and quantitative measurements in both item-level content validation index (I-CVI) and scale-level content validation index (S-CVI). In addition, the ERC-M demonstrated good internal consistency from Cronbach's alpha and test-retest reliability based on the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) in all domains.

ERC-M can potentially be used as a tool to evaluate emotion for the population with emotional dysregulation issue, such as autism spectrum disorder.

ERC-M can potentially be used as a tool to evaluate emotion for the population with emotional dysregulation issue, such as autism spectrum disorder.

The aims of this study are to measure the psychometric properties of the newly developed preliminary version of hearing impairment inventory for religious duties for Muslim adults, i.e., the Inventori Persepsi Bagi Muslim Yang Memiliki Masalah Pendengaran (IPM3P), and to produce a final version of IPM3P.

The preliminary version of IPM3P that is used to investigate the perception of Muslim adults with hearing impairment towards Islamic understanding and practice has been tested in this study. The preliminary version of IPM3P consists of three domains (obligation, practice, and difficulty) with 59 items in total. Four phases of validity and reliability testing involved were i) Content validation, ii) Pretesting, face validity and proofreading, iii) Pilot study, and iv) Psychometric evaluation.

The final version of IPM3P consists of 36 items. The findings from the present study suggest that the final version of IPM3P has excellent psychometric properties manifested by i) good content validity, ii) excellently pretested, iii) good face validity, iv) good construct validity shown by principal component analysis and convergent validity, and v) good discriminant validity showed by divergent validity.

IPM3P shows good potential to be used as a tool in investigating perception of Muslim adults towards Islamic understanding and practice.

IPM3P shows good potential to be used as a tool in investigating perception of Muslim adults towards Islamic understanding and practice.

Bone marrow biopsy (BMB) is the standard of care for detecting bone marrow involvement (BMI) in newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The role of 18F-FDG PET/CT has been explored as a non-invasive method for detecting BMI in newly diagnosed DLBCL. Due to limited evidence, this method has not been adopted as a mainstream investigation for BMI in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to identify the role of 18F-FDG PET/CT for the detection of BMI in newly diagnosed DLBCL patients at Hospital Pulau Pinang (HPP).

DLBCL patients at HPP who underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT and BMB were recruited between November 2016 to February 2018. Two reviewers, blinded to the BMB results, evaluated the 18F-FDG PET/CT scans to identify and characterize BMI. The diagnostic performance of 18F-FDG PET/CT was calculated using the BMB histopathological evaluation as the reference standard.

A total of 21 DLBCL patients were enrolled. Seven patients demonstrated BMI on PET/CT (3 with multifocal uptake were concordant with BMB). Fourteen scans were negative for BMI and concordant with BMB. The sensitivity and specificity of 18F-FDG PET/CT scans for detecting BMI is 100% and 77.8%, respectively.

18F-FDG PET/CT is excellent for ruling-out the presence of BMI. A negative 18F-FDG PET/CT scan for BMI can preclude the need for BMB in certain cases. find more Although 18F-FDG PET/CT can accurately detect BMI in multifocal pattern of infiltration, it cannot fully replace BMB, which is still considered as the gold standard for evaluating BMI in DLBCL.

18F-FDG PET/CT is excellent for ruling-out the presence of BMI. A negative 18F-FDG PET/CT scan for BMI can preclude the need for BMB in certain cases. Although 18F-FDG PET/CT can accurately detect BMI in multifocal pattern of infiltration, it cannot fully replace BMB, which is still considered as the gold standard for evaluating BMI in DLBCL.

Autoři článku: Medlinmercado4333 (Wall Henningsen)