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Otitic hydrocephalus (OH) comprises a form of benign intracranial hypertension, which is secondary to otogenic lateral sinus thrombosis (LST). Only a small percentage of the patients with otogenic LST go into developing OH, and this may be associated with the multiplicity of anatomic variations of the cerebral venous drainage pathways. We present two pediatric cases of OH, along with a comprehensive review of the relevant literature. Both cases discussed in this article had concomitantly a rather rare anatomical variation; a high-riding, dehiscent jugular bulb, which might have played a role in the development of their clinical syndrome. The pediatric population with this particular imaging finding should receive special attention. Clinical implications of this concurrence are fitly discussed. Major changes occur at the cerebral level with aging. Cerebral atrophy develops progressively. Multiple lesions related to small-vessel diseases are detected in association with cerebral atrophy including white-matter hyperintensities, lacunes, microbleeds, dilated perivascular spaces and cerebral, including cortex, atrophy. The clinical impact and predictive value of these Imaging makers were examined. OBJECTIVE Detailed analysis of hematological manifestations (HM) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are limited and their clinical impact on disease remain obscure. Here, we aimed to decipher factors associated with different hematological abnormalities in SLE patients and to assess their impact on disease related outcomes. METHODS A dataset (GIPT) originating from SLE patients of six European tertiary centers was assessed. Six-monthly visits of each patient for at least 2 years were registered. The association between hematologic manifestations (HM; per ACR-1997criteria) and clinical/serologic variables, as well as the impact of HM on disease related outcomes (damage, infection and hemorrhage) were explored. Scores on the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index 2000(SLEDAI2K), the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC)/American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Damage Index (SDI) and events for any infection and hemorrhage were recorded. Results were compared with a cross-sectiONCLUSION Lymphopenia in SLE is independently associated with neurologic involvement and organ damage accrual, and thus, may be considered as a marker of severe/progressive disease. Buloxibutid concentration INTRODUCTION Poikilodermatous mycosis fungoides is a rare and indolent clinical variant of mycosis fungoides (MF). It can be difficult to distinguish from poikilodermatous parapsoriasis, a group of chronical dermatoses that may sometimes progress to MF. We aimed to specify the clinical, histopathological and developmental features of these entities by means of a retrospective study of 12 cases followed in our center. PATIENTS AND METHODS We identified cases of poikiloderma for which a diagnosis of MF or parapsoriasis was made by the physician. Photographs and histological slides were reviewed, and a final diagnosis of MF was made if the International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma criteria for the diagnosis of early MF were fulfilled. RESULTS Twelve patients were included, 10 of whom met of the MF criteria. 5 patients had large poikilodermatous patches or thin, well-defined plaques ; 3 patients had the same lesions associated with classical MF lesions ; finally, 4 patients had widespread ill-defined erythematous lesions in a net-like pattern, described as parakeratosis variegata, including 3 MF. 2 patients with well-defined lesions (one associated with classical MF lesions) progressed to the tumoral stage whereas none of the patients with parakeratosis variegata presented such progression. A total of 5 patients had a high skin phototype (IV and V). Two patients had squamous cell carcinoma on poikilodermatous lesions. DISCUSSION Our study suggests that poikilodermatous MF covers a heterogeneous clinical spectrum comprising on one hand a presentation of delimited lesions sharing classical MF risk of progression, and on the other, an entity similar to parakeratosis variegata, an entity overlooked in the French nomenclature, which was particularly benign in our small series, raising the question of its affiliation to the MF group. This question merits further investigation in a larger-scale study. INTRODUCTION Lichenoid cutaneous reactions to antituberculosis drugs are rare. Herein we report a new case. PATIENTS AND METHODS A 41-year-old patient was seen for a profuse and pruriginous rash occurring 2 weeks after administration of rifampicin and isoniazid for pulmonary tuberculosis. Dermatological examination revealed polymorphic erythemato-squamous plaques with lichenoid, psoriatic and eczematous features, associated with cheilitis, erosions on the cheeks and diffuse onychodystrophy. The skin biopsy confirmed a lichenoid reaction. The pharmacovigilance investigation incriminated isoniazid and rifampicin. The patient was treated with topical corticosteroids and UVB phototherapy. The outcome involved complete regression of the eruption but with secondary anonychia. DISCUSSION Antituberculosis drugs including isoniazid and rifampicin are known to induce lichenoid reactions. It is difficult to distinguish the results from lichen planus. The clinical polymorphism of the rash as well as the patient's drug intake militate in favour of a diagnosis of lichenoid reaction. Widespread ungual involvement, which is extremely rare, warranted early management in order to avert irreversible anonychia. BACKGROUND The clinical impact of head-of-bed elevation in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is unclear, because of inconsistency and methodological limitations of previous studies. PATIENTS AND METHODS A randomised single-blind single-centre controlled clinical trial with a 2x2 cross-over design, in 39 pharmacologically treated patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Active intervention was to use a head-of-bed-elevation of 20cm for 6 weeks and then to sleep without inclination for 6 additional weeks, with a wash-out of 2 weeks between periods. The primary outcome was a change ≥10% in RDQ score and secondary outcomes were a change ≥10% in SF-36 score, patient preference and frequency of adverse events. RESULTS 27 (69.2%) patients who used the intervention reached the primary outcome vs 13 (33.3%) patients in the control group (RR 2.08; 95 CI% 1.19 - 3.61). No effect was found in SF-36 score (RR 1.11; 95% CI 0.47 - 2.60). Preference favouring the intervention was 77.1% and adverse event proportion was 54.

Autoři článku: Medinapilgaard7328 (Gupta Charles)