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976, η2p less then 0.001) or 10-m (F = 4.174, P = 0.058, η2p = 0.207). The effect size obtained in the results of the sprint tests was small in both exercises (ES less then 0.2). None of the BS or HT exercises performed with heavy load induced a significant PAPE phenomenon on the ability to sprint in rugby players.Throughout their life span, plants confront an endless barrage of pathogens and pests. To successfully defend against biotic threats, plants have evolved a complex immune system responsible for surveillance, perception, and the activation of defense. Plant immunity requires multiple signaling processes, the outcome of which vary according to the lifestyle of the invading pathogen(s). In short, these processes require the activation of host perception, the regulation of numerous signaling cascades, and transcriptome reprograming, all of which are highly dynamic in terms of temporal and spatial scales. At the same time, the development of a single immune event is subjective to the development of plant immune system, which is co-regulated by numerous processes, including plant ontogenesis and the host microbiome. In total, insight into each of these processes provides a fuller understanding of the mechanisms that govern plant-pathogen interactions. In this review, we will discuss the "lifecycle" of plant immunity the development of individual events of defense, including both local and distal processes, as well as the development and regulation of the overall immune system by ontogenesis regulatory genes and environmental microbiota. In total, we will integrate the output of recent discoveries and theories, together with several hypothetical models, to present a dynamic portrait of plant immunity.Estimates of airborne pollen concentrations at the urban scale would be useful for epidemiologists, land managers, and allergy sufferers. Mechanistic models could be well suited for this task, but their development will require data on pollen production across cities, including estimates of pollen production by individual trees. In this study, we developed predictive models for pollen production as a function of trunk size, canopy area, and height, which are commonly recorded in tree surveys or readily extracted from remote sensing data. Pollen production was estimated by measuring the number of flowers per tree, the number of anthers per flower, and the number of pollen grains per anther. Variability at each morphological scale was assessed using bootstrapping. Pollen production was estimated for the following species Acer negundo, Acer platanoides, Acer rubrum, Acer saccharinum, Betula papyrifera, Gleditsia triacanthos, Juglans nigra, Morus alba, Platanus x acerfolia, Populus deltoides, Quercus palustris, Quercus rubra, and Ulmus americana. Basal area predicted pollen production with a mean R2 of 0.72 (range 0.41 - 0.99), whereas canopy area predicted pollen production with a mean R2 of 0.76 (range 0.50 - 0.99). These equations are applied to two tree datasets to estimate total municipal pollen production and the spatial distribution of street tree pollen production for the focal species. YD23 mouse We present some of the first individual-tree based estimates of pollen production at the municipal scale; the observed spatial heterogeneity in pollen production is substantial and can feasibly be included in mechanistic models of airborne pollen at fine spatial scales.Characterizing the iron distribution in tissue sections is important for several pathologies. Iron content in excised tissue is typically analyzed via histochemical stains, which are dependent on sample preparation and staining protocols. In our recent studies, we examined how magnetic properties of iron can also be exploited to characterize iron distribution in tissue sections in a label free manner. To enable a histomagnetic characterization of iron in a wide variety of available tissues, it is important to extend it to samples routinely prepared for histochemical staining, which often involve use of chemical fixatives. In this study, we took a systematic approach to determine differences between unfixed and formalin-fixed murine spleen tissues in histomagnetic characterization of iron. Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry and magnetic force microscopy (MFM) were used for macro- and micro-scale histomagnetic characterization. Perl's stain was used for histochemical characterization of ferric (Fe3+) iron on adjacent sections as that used for MFM analysis. While histochemical analysis revealed a substantial difference in the dispersion of the stain between fixed versus unfixed samples, histomagnetic characterization was not dependent on chemical fixation of tissue. The results from this study reveal that histomagnetic characterization of iron is free from staining artifacts which can be present in histochemical analysis.Agricultural land expansion and intensification, driven by human consumption of agricultural goods, are among the major threats to environmental degradation and biodiversity conservation. Land degradation can ultimately hamper agricultural production through a decrease in ecosystem services. Thus, designing viable land use policies is a key sustainability challenge. We develop a model describing the coupled dynamics of human demography and landscape composition, while imposing a trade-off between agricultural expansion and in-tensification. We model land use strategies spanning from low-intensity agriculture and high land conversion rates per person to high-intensity agriculture and low land conversion rates per person; and explore their consequences on the long-term dynamics of the coupled human-land system. We seek to characterise the strategies' viability in the long run; and understand the mechanisms that potentially lead to large-scale land degradation and population collapse due to resource scarcity. We show that the viability of land use strategies strongly depends on the land's intrinsic recovery rate. We also find that socio-ecological collapses occur when agricultural intensification is not accompanied by a sufficient decrease in land conversion. Based on these findings we stress the dangers of uninformed land use planning and the importance of precautionary behaviour for land use management and land use policy design.

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