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albicans with a MIC of 15 μg/ml. Furthermore, the Mn3O4 NPs anti-cancer activity was examined using MTT essay against A549 lung and MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. The Mn3O4 NPs revealed significant activity against the examined cancer cell lines A549 and MCF-7. The IC50 values of Mn3O4 NPs with A549 cell line was found at concentration of 98 µg/mL and MCF-7 cell line was found at concentration of 25 µg/mL.

The immunological factors involved in protection against the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 are insufficiently defined and understood. However, previous knowledge pertaining to the related SARS virus and other human coronaviruses may prove useful. Population-based serosurveys measuring anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies may provide a pattern for estimating infection degrees and observing the development of the epidemic. In this study, we aimed to investigate the persistence of antibody against the SARS-CoV-2 in recovered patients in Al Madinah region of Saudi Arabia.

A total of 150 recovered COVID-19 patients participated in this study. All the patients tested positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA, using qualitative RT-PCR. An ELISA was used to measure anti-Spike (S) IgG antibodies in serum samples and screen for their persistence at various time points post-infection.

The patients were categorized as asymptomatic (27.3%), mild (28%) and moderate (44.7%) according to the disease severity. Amongst them, 35.3vered patients up to a hundred days' post-infection, the latest time point for antibody measurement in our study. Ours is the first report in Saudi Arabia to investigate the durability of humoral immune response in recovered COVID-19 patients.Pediatric dental emergency management were temporarily suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic, which worsened urgent dental needs. This retrospective study investigated the management of pediatric emergencies during COVID-19 lockdown and the trends in parental preferences from March to July in 2019 and 2020. Pediatric dental emergencies managed during pandemic was collated, procedures were categorized (emergency, restorative, preventive, elective) and trends in parental treatment preference was compared from March-July 2019/2020. Bivariate analysis was performed using fisher-exact test and statistical significance was set at 5%. Total 1081 children were treated during COVID-19 lockdown, and 1509 procedures were performed, of which 20.8% were emergency, 42% restorative, 24.4% preventive, 12.6% elective. In 2019, 7462 children were treated; and except for emergency (10.6%), other procedures were comparable to 2020. Extractions (267) predominated in 2020 followed by sealants (195); but in 2019, pulectomy (1268), scaling (1251) were predominant. None of the residents who performed aerosol procedures got infected with COVID-19 during the lockdown. Emergency dental needs among pediatric patients were very high during the COVID-19 pandemic in South India, and there was not much change in the trend in parental treatment preference in 2019 and 2020. Further, aerosol procedures did not increase the risk of COVID-19 during the pandemic provided proper universal precautions were followed.Ascochyta koolunga (Didymellaceae, Pleosporales) was first described in 2009 (as Phoma koolunga) and identified as the causal agent of Ascochyta blight of Pisum sativum (field pea) in South Australia. Since then A. koolunga has not been reported anywhere else in the world, and its origins and occurrence on other legume (Fabaceae) species remains unknown. Blight and leaf spot diseases of Australian native, pasture and naturalised legumes were studied to investigate a possible native origin of A. koolunga. Ascochyta koolunga was not detected on native, naturalised or pasture legumes that had leaf spot symptoms, in any of the studied regions in southern Australia, and only one isolate was recovered from P. sativum. However, we isolated five novel species in the Didymellaceae from leaf spots of Australian native legumes from commercial field pea regions throughout southern Australia. The novel species were classified on the basis of morphology and phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region and part of the RNA polymerase II subunit B gene region. Three of these species, Nothophoma garlbiwalawardasp. nov., Nothophoma naiawusp. nov. and Nothophoma ngayawangsp. nov., were isolated from Senna artemisioides. The other species described here are Epicoccum djirangnandirisp. nov. from Swainsona galegifolia and Neodidymelliopsis tinkyukukusp. nov. see more from Hardenbergia violacea. In addition, we report three new host-pathogen associations in Australia, namely Didymella pinodes on S. artemisioides and Vicia cracca, and D. lethalis on Lathyrus tingitanus. This is also the first report of Didymella prosopidis in Australia.A new pardaliscid amphipod, Princaxelia marianaensissp. nov., is described from a single female captured at the Shinkai Seep Field, Mariana Trench, from a depth of 5,689-5,683 m. A key to species of Princaxelia is provided. This is the first species of Princaxelia to be described from the Mariana Trench, and the second report of this genus from this region.Hemienchytraeus wuhanensissp. nov. is described from hardwood forest soil in Wuhan, China. This moderately sized enchytraeid species of 6-9 mm body length is characterized by (1) an oesophageal appendage with tertiary branches, (2) three pairs of secondary pharyngeal gland lobes in V, VI, VII, (3) five pairs preclitellar nephridia, from 5/6 to 9/10, (4) dorsal vessel originating in clitellar segments, (5) a girdle-shaped clitellum, (6) a relatively small male reproductive apparatus without seminal vesicle, and (7) spermathecae that extend to VI-VII. DNA barcodes of paratype specimens of the new species are provided. Previous species records of Hemienchytraeus from China are critically discussed.Planktonic larvae of spionid polychaetes are among the most common and abundant group in coastal meroplankton worldwide. The present study reports the morphology of spionid larvae collected mainly from coastal waters of northeastern Japan that were identified by the comparison of adult and larval 18S and 16S rRNA gene sequences. The molecular analysis effectively discriminated the species. Adult sequences of 48 species from 14 genera (Aonides Claparède, 1864; Boccardia Carazzi, 1893; Boccardiella Blake & Kudenov, 1978; Dipolydora Verrill, 1881; Laonice Malmgren, 1867; Malacoceros Quatrefages, 1843; Paraprionospio Caullery, 1914; Polydora Bosc, 1802; Prionospio Malmgren, 1867; Pseudopolydora Czerniavsky, 1881; Rhynchospio Hartman, 1936; Scolelepis Blainville, 1828; Spio Fabricius, 1785; Spiophanes Grube, 1860) and larval sequences of 41 species from 14 genera (Aonides; Boccardia; Boccardiella; Dipolydora; Laonice; Paraprionospio; Poecilochaetus Claparède in Ehlers, 1875; Polydora; Prionospio; Pseudopolydora; Rhynchospio; Scolelepis; Spio; Spiophanes) of spionid polychaetes were obtained; sequences of 27 of these species matched between adults and larvae. Morphology of the larvae was generally species-specific, and larvae from the same genus mostly shared morphological features, with some exceptions. Color and number of eyes, overall body shape, and type and arrangement of pigmentation are the most obvious differences between genera or species. The morphological information on spionid larvae provided in this study contributes to species or genus level larval identification of this taxon in the studied area. Identification keys to genera and species of planktonic spionid larvae in northeastern Japan are provided. The preliminary results of the molecular phylogeny of the family Spionidae using 18S and 16S rRNA gene regions are also provided.High-profile trials are often held up as emblematic of social justice causes, but this often obscures rather than clarifies justice issues for the public. Trial outcomes may be seen as proxies of much deeper, structural problems, though media coverage routinely focuses on singular, criminal justice outcomes. This study uses a press analysis of two high-profile cases to investigate how these dynamics restrict our cultural understandings of justice outside the context of formal criminal justice responses. Specifically, we use three forms of media discourse to examine public discussion following the verdicts in the Stanford rape case in 2015 and the killing of Philando Castile by Officer Jeronimo Yanez in Minnesota in 2016. We find that both cases elicited diverse narratives, including those calling for alternative justice processes and penal populist ones. We explore these narratives under the framing of system failure, examining three different articulations. We conclude by theorizing the implications each case raises for how media negotiate ideas about what constitutes justice.Moraxella lacunata, a low-virulence Gram-negative coccobacillus, is classically associated with conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract infections; systemic infections such as sepsis have rarely been reported, especially in children. We describe a 28-month-old girl with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome and stage II chronic kidney disease on long-term eculizumab therapy who presented with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and was found to have Moraxella lacunata bloodstream infection. Eculizumab, a humanized monoclonal anti-C5 antibody, has been associated with susceptibility to infections with encapsulated bacteria, especially Neisseria meningitidis. This is the first report of an invasive bacterial infection with Moraxella lacunata in a pediatric eculizumab recipient.

Thyroid function tests (TFTs) changes in obese people have been studied with increasing interest, however, studies have been inconsistent hence it remains poorly understood. We compared the TFTs of morbidly obese euthyroid Saudi subjects with non-obese controls and then we examined the influence of leptin, adiponectin, and insulin resistance on TFTs.

Fifty-five euthyroid obese subjects attending bariatric surgery clinic and 52 non-obese age-and gender-matched controls were recruited. We measured body weight, BMI, body composition, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), Free T4 (FT4), Free T3(FT3), thyroid antibodies, fasting leptin, adiponectin, and lipid profile. Insulin resistance was quantified by HOMA-IR. Data are presented as mean ± SEM.

Mean BMI was 45.6 ± 1.5 and 23.2 ± 0.5 kg/m

, for the obese and non-obese controls, respectively,

value < 0.001. Mean TSH was 2.7 ± 0.18 mIU/L in obese subjects and 1.7 ± 0.13 mIU/L (0.27-4.2) in the non-obese controls, respectively,

value .014. Mean FT3 was adaptive to the obesity state. FT4 and FT3 seem to correlate with leptin (but not with adiponectin or HOMA-IR) in the non-obese controls only. Larger mechanistic studies are needed to further elucidate the interesting association between obesity and TFTs.

We report a small increase in TSH and a small decrease in FT3 within the normal range in obese subjects compared to non-obese controls. We also report a positive correlation between TSH and BMI with increased odds ratio of becoming obese with the increase in TSH and decrease in FT3. These changes may be either causally related or adaptive to the obesity state. FT4 and FT3 seem to correlate with leptin (but not with adiponectin or HOMA-IR) in the non-obese controls only. Larger mechanistic studies are needed to further elucidate the interesting association between obesity and TFTs.

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