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The quantitative assessment of ecosystem health is important for interpreting the ecological effects of land use changes and formulating effective measures of sustainable ecological development by policymakers. This study investigated the response of ecosystem health to land use changes and landscape patterns in the karst mountainous regions of southwest China by taking Guiyang City as a case study area and assessing the spatial and temporal changes in ecosystem health from 2008 to 2017 using the vigor-organization-resilience model; it analyzed the influence of land use changes and landscape patterns on ecosystem health using spatial overlay analysis, the Dunnett's T3 test, and the Spearman correlation analysis. The results show that the land use structure dramatically changed, with a trend of a sharp decrement of farmland and rapid increment of forestland and construction land due to rapid urbanization and ecologization. The overall ecosystem health was at a relatively strong level, with the average value greater than 0.6. The deterioration of ecosystem health was attributed to the expansion of construction land and farmland and the degradation of forestland, while the increment of forestland was the major contributor to the improvement of ecosystem health. The ecosystem health of the forestland + farmland landscape was significantly superior to that of forestland + construction land and construction land + farmland landscapes. Moreover, each landscape configurations had a significant positive or negative correlation with the ecosystem health. This study provides a valuable reference for formulating sustainable environmental management strategies in karst mountainous regions in China.This study explored subjective changes in tobacco product use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The online survey included 828 tobacco product users and was implemented from 20 August to 27 August 2021. Participants were classified based on currently used products (cigarettes, heated tobacco products (HTPs), and e-cigarettes) and categorized as single, dual, or triple users. Subjective changes in product use over the past year were designated as "no chang", "increase", or "decreased". Single use was most common, as reported by 447 participants (male 249, female 198), while 283 (male 164, female 119) and 98 (male 59, female 39) participants reported dual and triple use, respectively. Age, income, and triple use were associated with increased cigarette use, whereas living with family was associated with decreased use. Gender, age, income, and triple use were associated with the changed use of HTPs. No factors were significantly associated with an increase in e-cigarette use, whereas age and income were associated with decreased use. Similar to many COVID-19-related changes in cultural, social, and economic aspects of life, users' patterns of tobacco product use have also changed. Increasing tobacco product taxes, effective messaging, and customized cessation services might help prevent or limit tobacco product usage.NH4+ is often produced during the electro-reduction of NO3-, which results in inadequate total nitrogen (TN) removal during advanced sewage treatment. In this study, the electro-reduction byproduct NH4+ was oxidized and removed using sulfate radical (SO4•-)-based advanced oxidation. Persulfate (PS) was activated by electrocatalysis, using Co/AC0.9-AB0.1 particle electrodes to produce SO4•-. Results showed that when the influent concentration of NO3--N was 20 mg/L, a PS dosage of 5.0 mM could completely oxidize NH4+ at 0.1 A (nondetectable in effluent) reducing the TN concentration from 9.22 to 0.55 mg/L. The presence of coexisting PO43-, CO32- and humic acid suppressed the oxidation and removal of NH4+. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra and quenching experiments revealed SO4•- as the dominant radical in the process of indirect NH4+ oxidation, while •OH radicals only had an assisting role, and the surface accumulated free radicals were responsible for the indirect oxidation of NH4+. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves indicated that NO3- was primarily reduced via atomic H*-mediated indirect reduction. Therefore, the activation of PS using Co/AC0.9-AB0.1 particle electrodes might be a promising alternative method for oxidizing byproduct NH4+ in the electro-reduction of NO3- and reduce TN concentration in advanced sewage treatment.Medical resources are limited for hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination in rural indigenous areas of Taiwan. This study aimed to investigate liver disease risk and conduct a HCV elimination program in two rural indigenous townships. A program of village-by-village screening tests was conducted including hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg), antibody to HCV (anti-HCV) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), linking to outreach hepatology care at two indigenous townships (Laiyi and Mudan). Adult residents were invited to join this program. One hepatology specialist assessed liver disease risk, provided HCV treatment counselling and initiated direct acting antivirals (DAA) at an outreach hepatology clinic in primary health centers. A total of 3503 residents attended this program with a screening coverage of 73.5%. The prevalence of HBsAg, anti-HCV, and high GGT level was 8.2%, 10.0% and 19.5%, respectively. Laiyi had significantly higher prevalence of anti-HCV than Mudan. While males had significantly higher prevalence of HBsAg and high GGT in both townships, females in Laiyi had higher anti-HCV prevalence. HBsAg and high GGT prevalence peaked at 40-59 years of age and anti-HCV prevalence increased significantly with age. Two hundred and sixty-three residents visited the outreach hepatology clinic for HCV treatment evaluation, with 121 (46%) residents having active HCV, while 116 received DAA, with 111 (95.7%) achieving HCV elimination. For rural indigenous townships in southern Taiwan, HCV infection and alcohol consumption were two major liver disease risks. While HCV infection was predominant in old females, chronic hepatitis B virus infection and habitual alcohol consumptions predominated in middle-aged males. HCV elimination was achieved by the village-by-village screening model and linked to outreach hepatology care.Liver cancer is a highly fatal condition disproportionately impacting American Indian populations. A thorough understanding of the existing literature is needed to inform region-specific liver cancer prevention efforts for American Indian people. This integrative review explores extant literature relevant to liver cancer in American Indian populations in Arizona and identifies factors of structural inequality affecting these groups. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines informed the methodology, and a literature search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsycInfo for articles including Arizona American Indian adults and liver disease outcomes. Seven articles met the inclusion criteria in the final review. Five of the studies used an observational study design with secondary analysis. One article used a quasiexperimental approach, and another employed a community-engagement method resulting in policy change. The results revealed a lack of empirical evidence on liver cancer prevention, treatment, and health interventions for American Indian populations in Arizona. Research is needed to evaluate the high rates of liver disease and cancer to inform culturally relevant interventions for liver cancer prevention. Community-engaged research that addresses structural inequality is a promising approach to improve inequities in liver cancer for American Indian people.Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition of excess accumulation of fats in the liver. Thyroid dysfunction is commonly observed in adult populations with NAFLD. In subjects with thyroid dysfunction, phthalates, which are chemical compounds widely used to increase the flexibility of various plastic products, may increase the risk of NAFLD prevalence. Therefore, our study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the levels of urinary phthalate metabolites and the risk of NAFLD stratified by the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Data (n = 2308) were obtained from the Korean National Environmental Health Survey II (2012-2014). Using the hepatic steatosis index, participants were classified into non-NAFLD (<30) and NAFLD (>36) groups. Participants with euthyroidism were defined as 0.45-4.5 mIU/L for serum TSH and normal thyroxine (T4) levels (n = 2125). Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) was defined as a higher TSH level (4.5-10 mIU/L) with normal total T4 levels in the serum (n = 18oid function.

Under metabolic stress conditions, there is a higher demand for nutrients which needs to be met. This is to reduce the risk of delay in wound healing which could lead to chronic wound.

This is a systematic review of the effect of

on wound healing.

is a traditional medicinal plant used due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and wound healing properties.

PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines were followed for the systematic review and four electronic databases were used.

Four clinical trials met the inclusion criteria. The following distinct areas were identified under

wound contraction and granulation; healing/bleeding time and re-epithelialization; VAS (visual analogue scale) scores; skin erythema and wound appearance.

might enhance wound healing resulting from improved angiogenesis. This might occur due to its stimulating effect on collagen I, Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and Vascular Endothelial Growthnoencapsulation could be used to increase C. asiatica bioavailability. Nevertheless, more studies are needed in order to perform a meta-analysis and ascertain the effects of C. asiatica on wound healing and its different parameters.

Monitoring of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to antimicrobials is important, as they can cause life-threatening illness, permanent disabilities, and death. We assessed country-wide ADR reporting on antimicrobials and their outcomes.

A cross-sectional study was conducted using individual case safety reports (ICSRs) entered into the national pharmacovigilance database (VigiFlow) during 2017-2021.

Of 566 ICSRs, inconsistent reporting was seen, with the highest reporting in 2017 and 2019 (mass drug campaigns for deworming), zero reporting in 2018 (reasons unknown), and only a handful in 2020 and 2021 (since COVID-19). Of 566 ICSRs, 90% were for antiparasitics (actively reported during mass campaigns), while the rest (passive reporting from health facilities) included 8% antibiotics, 7% antivirals, and 0.2% antifungals. In total, 90% of the reports took &gt;30 days to be entered (median = 165; range 2-420 days), while 44% had &lt;75% of all variables filled in (desired target = 100%). There were 10 serious ADRs, 18 drug withdrawals, and 60% of ADRs affected the gastrointestinal system. The patient outcomes (N-566) were recovered (59.5%), recovering (35.5%), not recovered (1.4%), death (0.2%), and unknown (3.4%). There was no final ascertainment of 'recovering' outcomes.

ADR reporting is inconsistent, with delays and incomplete data. This is a wake-up call for introducing active reporting and setting performance targets.

ADR reporting is inconsistent, with delays and incomplete data. This is a wake-up call for introducing active reporting and setting performance targets.

Autoři článku: Mcleanriggs8946 (Gibbs Acevedo)