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Increasing obesity-related problems and rising healthcare expenditures have led governments in developed countries to consider the introduction of soda taxes. We study a recent such tax, implemented in Portugal in February 2017 -one of the first soda taxes worldwide that increases with sugar content (0.08 euros per liter for drinks with less than 80 g of sugar per liter, and 0.16 euros per liter for drinks with 80 g or more sugar per liter, plus VAT). We use extremely detailed panel data from one of the two largest retailers in the country, covering the period between February 2015 and January 2018. We take advantage of the tax breakdown by sugar levels to examine how soda prices and quantities purchased reacted. For identification, we rely on difference-in-differences models with various vectors of fixed effects, comparing each group of products to water. For drinks with more than 80 g of sugar per liter, results indicate almost full price pass-through to the consumer. For drinks with less than 80 g of sugar per liter, price pass-through surpassed 100%. Regarding consumption, our findings suggest stockpiling behavior in the quarter when the tax was approved and before it was actually implemented. HIV Protease inhibitor In the implementation period, there are no significant changes in quantities purchased for most beverages vis-à-vis water, with the exception of soda drinks with comparatively low levels of sugar. This suggests that benefits of the soda tax in terms of reducing sugar intake are mainly due to reformulation, as producers reduced the sugar content of some drinks to fall below the 80 g per liter threshold.Seagrasses are key habitat-forming species of coastal areas. While previous research has demonstrated considerable small-scale variation in seagrass abundance and structure, studies teasing apart local from large-scale variation are scarce. We determined how different biogeographic scenarios, under varying environmental and genetic variation, explained variation in the abundance and structure (morphology and biomass allocation), epiphytes and sexual reproduction intensity of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Regional and local-scale variation, including their temporal variability, contributed to differentially explain variation in seagrass attributes. Structural, in particular morphological, attributes of the seagrass leaf canopy, most evidenced regional seasonal variation. Allocation to belowground tissues was, however, mainly driven by local-scale variation. High seed densities were observed in meadows of large genetic diversity, indicative of sexual success, which likely resulted from the different evolutionary histories undergone by the seagrass at each region. Our results highlight that phenotypic plasticity to local and regional environments need to be considered to better manage and preserve seagrass meadows.Produced water (PW), a large byproduct of offshore oil and gas extraction, is reinjected to formations or discharged to the sea after treatment. The discharges contain dispersed crude oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alkylphenols (APs), metals, and many other constituents of environmental relevance. Risk-based regulation, greener offshore chemicals and improved cleaning systems have reduced environmental risks of PW discharges, but PW is still the largest operational source of oil pollution to the sea from the offshore petroleum industry. Monitoring surveys find detectable exposures in caged mussel and fish several km downstream from PW outfalls, but biomarkers indicate only mild acute effects in these sentinels. On the other hand, increased concentrations of DNA adducts are found repeatedly in benthic fish populations, especially in haddock. It is uncertain whether increased adducts could be a long-term effect of sediment contamination due to ongoing PW discharges, or earlier discharges of oil-containing drilling waste. Another concern is uncertainty regarding the possible effect of PW discharges in the sub-Arctic Southern Barents Sea. So far, research suggests that sub-arctic species are largely comparable to temperate species in their sensitivity to PW exposure. Larval deformities and cardiac toxicity in fish early life stages are among the biomarkers and adverse outcome pathways that currently receive much attention in PW effect research. Herein, we summarize the accumulated ecotoxicological knowledge of offshore PW discharges and highlight some key remaining knowledge needs.Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter in the world and their environmental impact is related to both persistence and potential toxic effects for chemical composition. The objective of this study was to assess the acute toxicity (LC50-48 h) of human-smoked cigarette butts leachate on 3 cultured genera of benthic foraminifera the calcareous perforate Rosalina globularis, the calcareous imperforate Quinqueloculina spp., and the agglutinated Textularia agglutinans. The specimens were exposed to 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 cigarette butts/L concentrations that prove to be acutely toxic to all taxa. Starting from 4 cigarette butts/L, both calcareous genera showed shell decalcification, and death of almost all the individuals, except for the more resistant agglutinated species. These results suggest the potential harmfulness of cigarette butts leachate related to pH reduction and release of toxic substances, in particular nicotine, which leads to physiology alteration and in many cases cellular death.The sea bottom of the Skagerrak Strait (North Sea) contains munitions loaded with chemical warfare agents (CWA), mostly stored in shipwrecks scuttled intentionally after the end of the World War II. The munition shells inside the wrecks are in different states of deterioration and corrosion and their environmental risk potential is unknown. The Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa), a sediment-dwelling chordate, was used as a model organism to study the potential impact of dumped CWA on the local ecosystem by using biochemical biomarkers. The hagfish were collected in 2017 and 2018 at three sampling sites in the immediate vicinity of a wreck with CWA in the Skagerrak, a few kilometres from the wreck, and a reference site 21 km from the wreck, considered to be free of CWA. Significant differences were observed between the wreck site and the reference sites in the activities of glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione S-transferase, while the activity levels of catalase and acetylcholinesterase were identical at all sites. The recorded differences demonstrated negative biological effects in the hagfish sampled close to the dumped chemical munitions. Due to the limited knowledge of hagfish biology and of the extent of CWA contamination in Skagerrak, the results presented here warrant more research to further elucidate the potential environmental risks of the scuttled wrecks. The usefulness of the species as a bioindicator organism is further discussed.A new sample preparation method was developed for auxin-like herbicide clopyralid residue in agricultural products. The method uses extraction with sulfuric acid - acidified acetonitrile, with cleanup of sample extracts using solid-phase extraction (diatomaceous earth) and micro liquid-liquid extraction, followed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). link2 This sample preparation method greatly reduces the influence on ionization during determination with UPLC-MS/MS. Quantification was achieved using external calibrators prepared in matrix-free 0.1% formic acid. The proposed analytical method supported good recovery of 73.7-91.4% with less than 8% relative standard deviation. Method quantification limits (MQL) of samples were 0.6-1.0 ng g-1. The method was applied to determine clopyralid residue in several crop samples. The herbicide was detected as near the MQLs in all samples.In this study, the possibilities of temperature responsive × reversed phase liquid chromatography (TRLC × RPLC) are assessed in terms of pharmaceutical impurity analysis. Due to the increased peak capacity per unit time they offer, two-dimensional LC approaches are gaining relevance for the analysis of complex drug formulations. Because the latter depicts a larger predisposition for the occurrence of an increased number of impurities, current 1D-HPLC approaches often prove insufficient. link3 Since many LC × LC methods are limited by modulation, solvent compatibility, orthogonality, and sensitivity issues, the combination of TRLC × RPLC is explored in this work for pharmaceutical impurity analysis. As this combination of a purely aqueous separation with RPLC allows for systematic and optimization-free refocusing in the second dimension, it opens possibilities for generic LC × LC requiring minimal to no method development, in this way overcoming a major perceived contemporary hurdle of LC × LC. The approach is demonstrated with a representative mixture of 17 solutes comprising 11 corticosteroids and 6 progestogens. Orthogonality and peak capacities were assessed on three RP core-shell column selectivities (Poroshell EC-C18, phenyl-hexyl and PFP). Although the TRLC × EC-C18 combination offered somewhat better orthogonality, the combination with the PFP column proved the best for the separation at hand. Depending on the composition of the mixture, the use of full, shifted, or segmented gradients allowed facile optimization of the separation. The developed platform allowed detection of the impurities at the 0.05% level compared to a selected main compound, while also opening up possibilities for analysis of formulations comprising two active ingredients.A highly selective, sensitive, and simple analytical method for identification and quantification of nine haloacetic acids, bromate, and dalapon has been developed. This method uses ion chromatography (IC) coupled with electrospray ionization-high-resolution mass spectrometry (IC-ESI-HRMS) to directly analyze water samples on a high capacity anion-exchange column, eliminating the need for sample pretreatment/derivatization. Our study compared the following three types of targeted quantitation experiments using a quadrupole-orbitrap hybrid mass spectrometer, full-scan MS with data-dependent tandem mass spectrometry (full MS/dd-MS2 with inclusion list), targeted selected ion monitoring (SIM) with data-dependent tandem mass spectrometry (t-SIM/dd-MS2), and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM). Sensitivity, linearity, accuracy, and precision were validated following the guidelines of U.S. EPA Method 557. Single laboratory lowest concentration minimum reporting levels (LCMRLs) for the analytes using three different aboratory synthetic sample matrix (LSSM), and tap water. Single laboratory precision was 0.078- 8.04%, and accuracy was in the range 70-130% for the three MS modes.We describe a simple, safe, efficient, and environment-friendly method with low cost for transporting cells between laboratories in distant regions. Cell transportation can be carried out at ambient temperature without the consumption of dry ice. It provides researchers across the globe an efficient way to share cell samples in an economical and convenient manner.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is known to be associated with diabetes mellitus (DM). Age is factor associated with different clinical features of OSA. There is limited data on clinical differences of young DM patients with OSA versus older DM patients with OSA. This study aimed to find clinical differences of DM coexisting with OSA between young age group and older.

This is a retrospective, analytical study conducted at Srinagarind Hospital, Thailand. The inclusion criteria were adult patients diagnosed as DM with OSA. The study period was between January 2008 and December 2019. The diagnosis of OSA was made by presence of apnea hypopnea index (AHI) of ≥5 times/hour by polysomnography. Clinical predictors of OSA in young DM patients with age under 40 years were executed.

There were 56 patients in the young diabetes mellitus group, while there were 137 patients in the older diabetes mellitus group. The mean (SD) age of diagnosis for diabetes mellitus of both groups were 31.61 (6.53) and 54.68 (7.62) years, respectively.

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