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Gravitational waves (GWs) produce small distortions in the observable distribution of stars in the sky. We describe the characteristic pattern of astrometric deflections created by a specific gravitational waveform called a burst with memory. Memory is a permanent, residual distortion of space left in the wake of GWs. We demonstrate that the astrometric effects of GW memory are qualitatively distinct from those of more broadly considered, oscillatory GWs-distinct in ways with potentially far-reaching observational implications. We discuss some such implications pertaining to the random-walk development of memory-induced deflection signatures over cosmological time spans and how those may influence observations of the cosmic microwave background.We show that changes in the surface tension of a particle due to the presence of nonionic surfactants and impurities, which alter the interfacial entropy, have an impact on the value of the thermophoretic mobility. We have found the existence of different behaviors of this quantity in terms of particle size which can be summarized through a power law. For particles that are small enough, the thermophoretic mobility is a constant, whereas for larger particles it is linear in the particle radius. These results show the important role of the interfacial entropic effects on the behavior of the thermophoretic mobility.In exponentially proliferating populations of microbes, the population doubles at a rate less than the average doubling time of a single-cell due to variability at the single-cell level. It is known that the distribution of generation times obtained from a single lineage is, in general, insufficient to determine a population's growth rate. Is there an explicit relationship between observables obtained from a single lineage and the population growth rate? We show that a population's growth rate can be represented in terms of averages over isolated lineages. This lineage representation is related to a large deviation principle that is a generic feature of exponentially proliferating populations. Due to the large deviation structure of growing populations, the number of lineages needed to obtain an accurate estimate of the growth rate depends exponentially on the duration of the lineages, leading to a nonmonotonic convergence of the estimate, which we verify in both synthetic and experimental data sets.Decoherence of a quantum system arising from its interaction with an environment is a key concept for understanding the transition between the quantum and classical world as well as performance limitations in quantum technology applications. The effects of large, weakly coupled environments are often described as a classical, fluctuating field whose dynamics is unaffected by the qubit, whereas a fully quantum description still implies some backaction from the qubit on the environment. Here we show direct experimental evidence for such a backaction for an electron-spin qubit in a GaAs quantum dot coupled to a mesoscopic environment of order 10^6 nuclear spins. By means of a correlation measurement technique, we detect the backaction of a single qubit-environment interaction whose duration is comparable to the qubit's coherence time, even in such a large system. We repeatedly let the qubit interact with the spin bath and measure its state. Between such cycles, the qubit is reinitialized to different states. The correlations of the measurement outcomes are strongly affected by the intermediate qubit state, which reveals the action of a single electron spin on the nuclear spins.We measure inelastic collisions between ultracold CaF molecules by combining two optical tweezers, each containing a single molecule. We observe collisions between ^2Σ CaF molecules in the absolute ground state |X,v=0,N=0,F=0⟩, and in excited hyperfine and rotational states. In the absolute ground state, we find a two-body loss rate of 7(4)×10^-11  cm^3/s, which is below, but close to, the predicted universal loss rate.Scintillators are central for detection of γ-ray, x-ray, and high energy particles in various applications, all seeking higher scintillation yield and rate. However, these are limited by the intrinsic isotropy of spontaneous emission of the scintillation light and its inefficient outcoupling. We propose a new design methodology for scintillators that exploits the Purcell effect to enhance their light emission. As examples, we show 1D photonic crystals from scintillator materials that achieve directional emission and fivefold enhancement in the number of detectable photons per excitation.Two-dimensional (2D) layered materials have been an exciting frontier for exploring emerging physics at reduced dimensionality, with a variety of exotic properties demonstrated at 2D limit. Here, we report the first experimental discovery of in-plane antiferroelectricity in a 2D material β^'-In_2Se_3, using optical and electron microscopy consolidated by first-principles calculations. Different from conventional 3D antiferroelectricity, antiferroelectricity in β^'-In_2Se_3 is confined within the 2D layer and generates the unusual nanostripe ordering the individual nanostripes exhibit local ferroelectric polarization, whereas the neighboring nanostripes are antipolar with zero net polarization. Such a unique superstructure is underpinned by the intriguing competition between 2D ferroelectric and antiferroelectric ordering in β^'-In_2Se_3, which can be preserved down to single-layer thickness as predicted by calculation. Besides demonstrating 2D antiferroelectricity, our finding further resolves the true nature of the β^'-In_2Se_3 superstructure that has been under debate for over four decades.Sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy is a highly versatile tool for surface analysis. Improving the SFG intensity per molecule is important for observing low concentrations of surface species and intermediates in dynamic systems. Herein, Shell-Isolated-Nanoparticle-Enhanced SFG (SHINE-SFG) was used to probe a model substrate. The model substrate, p-mercaptobenzonitrile adsorbed on a Au film with SHINs deposited on top, provided an enhancement factor of up to 10^5. Through wavelength- and polarization-dependent SHINE-SFG spectroscopy, the majority of the signal enhancement was found to come from both plasmon enhanced emission and chemical enhancement mechanisms. A new enhancement regime, i.e., the nonlinear coupling of SHINE-SFG with difference frequency generation, was also identified. This novel mechanism provides insight into the enhancement of nonlinear coherent spectroscopies and a possible strategy for the rational design of enhancing substrates utilizing coupling processes.MoTe_2 has recently attracted much attention due to the observation of pressure-induced superconductivity, exotic topological phase transitions, and nonlinear quantum effects. However, there has been debate on the intriguing structural phase transitions among various observed phases of MoTe_2 and their connection to the underlying topological electronic properties. In this work, by means of density-functional theory calculations, we investigate the structural phase transition between the polar T_d and nonpolar 1T^' phases of MoTe_2 in reference to a hypothetical high-symmetry T_0 phase that exhibits higher-order topological features. In the T_d phase we obtain a total of 12 Weyl points, which can be created/annihilated, dynamically manipulated, and switched by tuning a polar phonon mode. We also report the existence of a tunable nonlinear Hall effect in T_d-MoTe_2 and propose the use of this effect as a probe for the detection of polarity orientation in polar (semi)metals. By studying the role of dimensionality, we identify a configuration in which a nonlinear surface response current emerges. The potential technological applications of the tunable Weyl phase and the nonlinear Hall effect are discussed.Spectral filtering of resonance fluorescence is widely employed to improve single photon purity and indistinguishability by removing unwanted backgrounds. For filter bandwidths approaching the emitter linewidth, complex behavior is predicted due to preferential transmission of components with differing photon statistics. We probe this regime using a Purcell-enhanced quantum dot in both weak and strong excitation limits, finding excellent agreement with an extended sensor theory model. By changing only the filter width, the photon statistics can be transformed between antibunched, bunched, or Poissonian. Our results verify that strong antibunching and a subnatural linewidth cannot simultaneously be observed, providing new insight into the nature of coherent scattering.A quantity known as the contact is a fundamental thermodynamic property of quantum many-body systems with short-range interactions. Determination of the temperature dependence of the contact for the unitary Fermi gas of infinite scattering length has been a major challenge, with different calculations yielding qualitatively different results. Here we use finite-temperature auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (AFMC) methods on the lattice within the canonical ensemble to calculate the temperature dependence of the contact for the homogeneous spin-balanced unitary Fermi gas. We extrapolate to the continuum limit for 40, 66, and 114 particles, eliminating systematic errors due to finite-range effects. We observe a dramatic decrease in the contact as the superfluid critical temperature is approached from below, followed by a gradual weak decrease as the temperature increases in the normal phase. Our theoretical results are in excellent agreement with the most recent precision ultracold atomic gas experiments. We also present results for the energy as a function of temperature in the continuum limit.The evolution with a complex Hamiltonian generally leads to information scrambling. A time-reversed dynamics unwinds this scrambling and thus leads to the original information recovery. We show that if the scrambled information is, in addition, partially damaged by a local measurement, then such a damage can still be treated by application of the time-reversed protocol. This information recovery is described by the long-time saturation value of a certain out-of-time-ordered correlator of local variables. We also propose a simple test that distinguishes between quantum and reversible classical chaotic information scrambling.Quantum entanglement is a key physical resource in quantum information processing that allows for performing basic quantum tasks such as teleportation and quantum key distribution, which are impossible in the classical world. Ever since the rise of quantum information theory, it has been an open problem to quantify entanglement in an information-theoretically meaningful way. In particular, every previously defined entanglement measure bearing a precise information-theoretic meaning is not known to be efficiently computable, or if it is efficiently computable, then it is not known to have a precise information-theoretic meaning. In this Letter, we meet this challenge by introducing an entanglement measure that has a precise information-theoretic meaning as the exact cost required to prepare an entangled state when two distant parties are allowed to perform quantum operations that completely preserve the positivity of the partial transpose. Additionally, this entanglement measure is efficiently computable by means of a semidefinite program, and it bears a number of useful properties such as additivity and faithfulness.

Autoři článku: Mckeeurquhart2243 (Zimmerman Ratliff)