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Collectively, these results suggest that HcMYB132 might play a significant role in the regulation of terpenoid biosynthesis in H. coronarium.This Special Issue (SI) was planned to focus on abiotic stress-induced metabolic adjustments and their regulations in plants [...].The breeding improvement of triticale is tightly associated with the introgression of dwarfing genes, in particular, gibberellin (GA)-insensitive Ddw1 from rye. Despite the increase in harvest index and resistance to lodging, this gene adversely affects grain weight and size. Growth regulation factor (GRF) genes are plant-specific transcription factors that play an important role in plant growth, including GA-induced stem elongation. This study presents the results of a two-year field experiment to assess the effect of alleles of the TaGRF3-2A gene in interaction with DDW1 on economically valuable traits of spring triticale plants grown in the Non-Chernozem zone. Our results show that, depending on the allelic state, the TaGRF3-2A gene in semi-dwarf spring triticale plants influences the thousand grain weight and the grain weight of the main spike in spring triticale, which makes it possible to use it to compensate for the negative effects of the dwarfing allele Ddw1. The identified allelic variants of the TaGRF3-2A gene can be included in marker-assisted breeding for triticale to improve traits.Plants from arid zones of Mexico are an interesting source of phytochemicals that exhibit a large number of biological properties. In this context, Rhus microphylla (Rm) and Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Mg) fruits have been used as folk remedies and to make traditional foods, respectively; however, studies on their composition and bioactivity are limited. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the yields, phenolic composition, and bioactive properties (scavenging and reducing capacities, antiproliferative, and antifungal) of aqueous and hydroalcohol extracts of Rm and Mg fruits obtained by conventional agitation and ohmic heating (OH). The results showed that the Rm fruit extracts had the highest total phenolic content (TPC) values and the strongest scavenging and reducing capacities compared to those of Mg fruits, being characterized by the presence of gallic acid, while the composition of the Mg extracts varied with respect to the extraction conditions used. Regarding antifungal activity in vitro against two phytopathogenic fungi, Rhizopus stolonifer and Fusarium oxysporum, the hydroalcohol extracts obtained by conventional agitation of both plants (RmH-C and MgH-C) showed the best inhibitory effect, respectively. Interestingly, none of the extracts under study presented cytotoxicity against the noncancerous ARPE-19 cell line, while three extracts of Rm fruit exhibited a moderate antiproliferative activity against HeLa (cancerous) cell line. These findings reveal for the first time the potential of Rm and Mg fruits as a new source of bioactive compounds for future industrial applications.Arsenic is a ubiquitous toxic element that can be accumulated into plant parts. The present study investigated the response of Pteris cretica and Spinacia oleracea to As treatment through the analysis of selected physiological and metabolic parameters. CHIR-99021 concentration Plants were grown in pots in As(V) spiked soil (20 and 100 mg/kg). Plants' physiological condition was estimated through the determination of elements, gas-exchange parameters, chlorophyll fluorescence, water potential, photosynthetic pigments, and free amino acid content. The results confirmed differing As accumulation in plants, as well as in shoots and roots, which indicated that P. cretica is an As-hyperaccumulator and that S. oleracea is an As-root excluder. Variations in physiological and metabolic parameters were observed among As treatments. Overall, the results revealed a significant effect of 100 mg/kg As treatment on the analysed parameters. In both plants, this treatment affected growth, N, Mg, S, Mn, and Zn content, as well as net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll fluorescence, and total free amino acid content. In conclusion, the results reflect the similarity between P. cretica and S. oleracea in some aspects of plants' response to As treatment, while physiological and metabolic parameter changes related to As treatments indicate the higher sensitivity of S. oleracea.Rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) is one of the most damaging viruses of the rice culture area in south and far-eastern Asia. To date, no genetic resistance has been identified and only expensive and non-environmentally friendly chemical treatments are deployed to fight this important disease. Non-chemical approaches based on RNA-silencing have been developed as resistance strategies against viruses. Here, we optimized classical miRNA and siRNA-based strategies to obtain efficient and durable resistance to RRSV. miRNA-based strategies are involved in producing artificial miRNA (amiR) targeting viral genomes in plants. Classically, only one amiR is produced from a single construct. We demonstrated for the first time that two amiRs targeting conserved regions of RRSV genomes could be transgenically produced in Nicotiana benthamiana and in rice for a single precursor. Transgenic rice plants producing either one or two amiR were produced. Despite efficient amiR accumulations, miRNA-based strategies with single or double amiRs failed to achieve efficient RRSV resistance in transformed rice plants. This suggests that this strategy may not be adapted to RRSV, which could rapidly evolve to counteract them. Another RNA-silencing-based method for viral resistance concerns producing several viral siRNAs targeting a viral fragment. These viral siRNAs are produced from an inverted repeat construct carrying the targeted viral fragment. Here, we optimized the inverted repeat construct using a chimeric fragment carrying conserved sequences of three different RRSV genes instead of one. Of the three selected homozygous transgenic plants, one failed to accumulate the expected siRNA. The two other ones accumulated siRNAs from either one or three fragments. A strong reduction of RRSV symptoms was observed only in transgenic plants expressing siRNAs. We consequently demonstrated, for the first time, an efficient and environmentally friendly resistance to RRSV in rice based on the siRNA-mediated strategy.In rice, the high-affinity K+ transporter, OsHKT1;3, functions as a Na+-selective transporter. mRNA variants of OsHKT1;3 have been reported previously, but their functions remain unknown. In this study, five OsHKT1;3 variants (V1-V5) were identified from japonica rice (Nipponbare) in addition to OsHKT1;3_FL. Absolute quantification qPCR analyses revealed that the transcript level of OsHKT1;3_FL was significantly higher than other variants in both the roots and shoots. Expression levels of OsHKT1;3_FL, and some variants, increased after 24 h of salt stress. Two electrode voltage clamp experiments in a heterologous expression system using Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed that oocytes expressing OsHKT1;3_FL and all of its variants exhibited smaller Na+ currents. The presented data, together with previous data, provide insights to understanding how OsHKT family members are involved in the mechanisms of ion homeostasis and salt tolerance in rice.This research characterizes phytochemicals inherent in lotus flower and investigates the antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity of ethyl acetate (EA) and ethyl alcohol (ET) lotus petal extracts. In the experiment, human monocytes-derived macrophages were stimulated by lipopoly-saccharide to mimic bacteria-induced inflammation. The results showed that ferulic acid, couma-rin, and chlorogenic acid were three dominant polyphenols. link2 The EA and ET lotus petal extracts also possessed high antioxidant capability. Furthermore, the extracts exhibited immunomodulatory properties by suppressing TNF-α secretion in inflammatory-induced human macrophages by in-hibiting NF-κB-dependent inflammatory response. In essence, the lotus petal extracts possess reme-dial attributes beneficial to individuals afflicted with declined immune functions.Cell division of unicellular microalgae is a fascinating process of proliferation, at which whole organelles are regenerated and distributed to two new lives. We performed dynamic live cell imaging of Euglena gracilis using optical microscopy to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the regulation of the eyespot and flagellum during cell division and distribution of the organelles into the two daughter cells. Single cells of the wild type (WT) and colorless SM-ZK cells were confined in a microfluidic device, and the appearance of the eyespot (stigma) and emergent flagellum was tracked in sequential video-recorded images obtained by automatic cell tracking and focusing. We examined 12 SM-ZK and 10 WT cells and deduced that the eyespot diminished in size and disappeared at an early stage of cell division and remained undetected for 26-97 min (62 min on average, 22 min in deviation). Subsequently, two small eyespots appeared and were distributed into the two daughter cells. Additionally, the emergent flagellum gradually shortened to zero-length, and two flagella emerged from the anterior ends of the daughter cells. Our observation revealed that the eyespot and flagellum of E. gracilis are degraded once in the cell division, and the carotenoids in the eyespot are also decomposed. Subsequently, the two eyespots/flagella are regenerated for distribution into daughter cells. As a logical conclusion, the two daughter cells generated from a single cell division possess the equivalent organelles and each E. gracilis cell has eternal or non-finite life span. The two newly regenerated eyespot and flagellum grow at different rates and mature at different timings in the two daughter cells, resulting in diverse cell characteristics in E. link3 gracilis.Devil's claw is the vernacular name for a genus of medicinal plants that occur in the Kalahari Desert and Namibia Steppes. The genus comprises two distinct species Harpagophytum procumbens and H. zeyheri. Although the European pharmacopeia considers the species interchangeable, recent studies have demonstrated that H. procumbens and H. zeyheri are chemically distinct and should not be treated as the same species. Further, the sale of H. zeyheri as an herbal supplement is not legal in the United States. Four markers were tested for their ability to distinguish H. procumbens from H. zeyheri rbcL, matK, nrITS2, and psbA-trnH. Of these, only psbA-trnH was successful. A novel DNA mini-barcode assay that produces a 178-base amplicon in Harpagophytum (specificity = 1.00 [95% confidence interval = 0.80-1.00]; sensitivity = 1.00 [95% confidence interval = 0.75-1.00]) was used to estimate mislabeling frequency in a sample of 23 devil's claw supplements purchased in the United States. PCR amplification failed in 13% of cases. Among the 20 fully-analyzable supplements H. procumbens was not detected in 75%; 25% contained both H. procumbens and H. zeyheri; none contained only H. procumbens. We recommend this novel mini-barcode region as a standard method of quality control in the manufacture of devil's claw supplements.Radish, one of the important root vegetables, is widely grown in the world due to its easy cultivation, short duration, growing habit, and adaptability to various growing conditions. However, it is still extremely difficult to produce good quality radish roots due to its vulnerability to different preharvest physiological disorders. Important physiological disorders that significantly reduce the yield and quality of radish are forking, pithiness/sponginess, cracking/splitting, hollowness, and internal browning. Different abiotic factors like moisture stress, temperature fluctuation, growing medium, nutrient imbalance, plant density and harvesting time cause a disturbance in the metabolic activities of root tissues that produce non-marketable roots. Therefore, this review provides a detail insight on the causes, physiology of these disorders, and the management practices to prevent them to produce commercial quality roots. This comprehensive knowledge will not only help the growers, but it will provide relative information for researchers as well to control these disorders through breeding innovations and biotechnological tools.

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