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A negative correlation was observed between 3NT and GSH levels in the initial values of all tissues of the control group only, whereas all pathological tissues showed a positive correlation between NO and GSH. There was an increase or a stabilization of GSH levels in the majority of the organs in all treated mice despite the increase in nitrosative stress. Copyright © Gutiérrez-Camacho et al.The cytoplasmic protein AXIN1 is involved in the Wnt signalling pathway and its expression is increased in patients with endometriosis compared with healthy controls. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to further assess the levels of AXIN1 and other inflammatory biomarkers in patients with endometriosis. Patients with laparoscopy-verified endometriosis were recruited (n=172) and completed a questionnaire regarding socioeconomic factors, lifestyle habits and medical history. selleck products Plasma AXIN1 and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels were analysed by ELISA. The levels of calprotectin were determined in the faeces, and the haemoglobin concentration and number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets were determined in the blood in a subgroup of 64 patients during clinical routine procedures. F-calprotectin expression was detected in 18 women (28.1%), who had more severe constipation and more frequently experienced incomplete evacuation when defecating, and 5 women (7.8%) exhibited elevat of obtaining native samples for future studies regarding its role in the development and presentation of endometriosis. However, hs-CRP and other studied biomarkers seemed to be of no value for the assessment and diagnosis of endometriosis. Copyright © Dihm et al.The present study aimed to (a) establish the frequency of consumption of red meat and eggs; (b) determine serum ferritin levels (μg/l); and (c) establish the relationship between serum ferritin and the consumption of red meat and eggs. In Colombia during 2014-2018, an analytical study was conducted in 13 243 Colombian children between the ages of 5 and 17 years, based on cross-sectional data compiled by ENSIN-2015 (Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional en Colombia-2015) on serum ferritin levels and dietary consumption based on a questionnaire of the frequency of consumption. Using simple and multiple linear regression, with the serum ferritin level as the dependent variable and the frequency of consumption as the main explanatory variable, the crude and adjusted partial regression coefficients (β) between serum ferritin levels and consumption were calculated. The frequency of habitual consumption of red meat was 0⋅49 (95 % CI 0⋅47, 0⋅51) times/d. The frequency of habitual egg consumption was 0⋅76 (95 % CI 0⋅74, 0⋅78) times per d. The mean serum ferritin level in men was 41⋅9 (95 % CI 40⋅6, 43⋅1) μg/l and in women, 35⋅7 (95 % CI 34⋅3, 37⋅7) μg/l (P less then 0⋅0001). link2 The adjusted β between the consumption of red meat and eggs and serum ferritin levels were β = 3⋅0 (95 % CI 1⋅2, 4⋅7) and β = 2⋅5 (95 % CI 1⋅0, 3⋅9) for red meat and eggs, respectively. In conclusion, red meat and eggs are determinants of serum ferritin levels in Colombia and, therefore, could be considered public policy options to reduce anaemia and Fe deficiency. © The Author(s) 2020.The use of fundamental modelocking to generate short terahertz (THz) pulses and THz frequency combs from semiconductor lasers has become a routine affair, using quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) as a gain medium. However, unlike classic laser diodes, no demonstrations of harmonic modelocking, active or passive, have been shown in THz QCLs, where multiple pulses per round trip are generated when the laser is modulated at the harmonics of the cavity's fundamental round-trip frequency. Here, using time-resolved THz techniques, we show for the first time harmonic injection and mode-locking in which THz QCLs are modulated at the harmonics of the round-trip frequency. We demonstrate the generation of the harmonic electrical beatnote within a QCL, its injection locking to an active modulation and its direct translation to harmonic pulse generation using the unique ultrafast nature of our approach. Finally, we show indications of self-starting harmonic emission, i.e., without external modulation, where the QCL operates exclusively on a harmonic (up to its 15th harmonic) of the round-trip frequency. This behaviour is supported by time-resolved simulations of induced gain and loss in the system and shows the importance of the electronic, as well as photonic, nature of QCLs. These results open up the prospect of passive harmonic modelocking and THz pulse generation, as well as the generation of low-noise microwave generation in the hundreds of GHz region. © The Author(s) 2020.Metamaterials are artificial materials made of subwavelength elementary cells that give rise to unexpected wave properties that do not exist naturally. However, these properties are generally achieved due to 3D patterning, which is hardly feasible at short wavelengths in the visible and near-infrared regions targeted by most photonic applications. To overcome this limitation, metasurfaces, which are the 2D counterparts of metamaterials, have emerged as promising platforms that are compatible with planar nanotechnologies and thus mass production, which platforms the properties of a metamaterial into a 2D sheet. In the linear regime, wavefront manipulation for lensing, holography, and polarization control has been achieved recently. Interest in metasurfaces operating in the nonlinear regime has also increased due to the ability of metasurfaces to efficiently convert incident light into harmonic frequencies with unusual polarization properties. However, to date, the nonlinear absorption of metasurfaces has been mostly ignored. Here, we demonstrate that plasmonic metasurfaces behave as saturable absorbers with modulation performances superior to the modulation performance of other 2D materials and exhibit unusual polarimetric nonlinear transfer functions. link3 We quantify the link between saturable absorption, the plasmonic resonances of the unit cell and their distribution in a 2D metasurface, and finally provide a practical implementation by integrating the metasurfaces into a fiber laser cavity operating in pulsed regimes driven by the metasurface properties. As such, this work provides new perspectives on ultrathin nonlinear saturable absorbers for applications where tunable nonlinear transfer functions are needed, such as in ultrafast lasers or neuromorphic circuits. © The Author(s) 2020.Enhancing magneto-optical effects is crucial for reducing the size of key photonic devices based on the non-reciprocal propagation of light and to enable active nanophotonics. Here, we disclose a currently unexplored approach that exploits hybridization with multipolar dark modes in specially designed magnetoplasmonic nanocavities to achieve a large enhancement of the magneto-optically induced modulation of light polarization. The broken geometrical symmetry of the design enables coupling with free-space light and hybridization of the multipolar dark modes of a plasmonic ring nanoresonator with the dipolar localized plasmon resonance of the ferromagnetic disk placed inside the ring. This hybridization results in a low-radiant multipolar Fano resonance that drives a strongly enhanced magneto-optically induced localized plasmon. The large amplification of the magneto-optical response of the nanocavity is the result of the large magneto-optically induced change in light polarization produced by the strongly enhanced radiant magneto-optical dipole, which is achieved by avoiding the simultaneous enhancement of re-emitted light with incident polarization by the multipolar Fano resonance. The partial compensation of the magneto-optically induced polarization change caused by the large re-emission of light with the original polarization is a critical limitation of the magnetoplasmonic designs explored thus far and that is overcome by the approach proposed here. © The Author(s) 2020.In light science and applications, equally important roles are played by efficient light emitters/detectors and by the optical elements responsible for light extraction and delivery. The latter should be simple, cost effective, broadband, versatile and compatible with other components of widely desired micro-optical systems. Ideally, they should also operate without high-numerical-aperture optics. Here, we demonstrate that all these requirements can be met with elliptical microlenses 3D printed on top of light emitters. Importantly, the microlenses we propose readily form the collected light into an ultra-low divergence beam (half-angle divergence below 1°) perfectly suited for ultra-long-working-distance optical measurements (600 mm with a 1-inch collection lens), which are not accessible to date with other spectroscopic techniques. Our microlenses can be fabricated on a wide variety of samples, including semiconductor quantum dots and fragile van der Waals heterostructures made of novel two-dimensional materials, such as monolayer and few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides. © The Author(s) 2020.Background Over the last two decades, the Mexican government has released several efforts to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), based on the principles of fairness and social protection, to reduce the inequities in utilization, access, and quality of care existing in the health system. Two of the most important social public policies that have targeted the population without access to social security include the 1997 conditional cash transfers (CCT) program known as Prospera (formerly Oportunidades or Progresa) and the Seguro Popular de Salud (SPS by its Spanish initials), launched in 2003. These two programs, so far, have survived changes in the federal administrations being the most longstanding social programs targeting poor (or unprotected) populations ever in the history of modern Mexico. We tested the existence of positive synergies between demand-side (or CCT-Prospera) and supply-side (or Seguro Popular de Salud, SPS) social programs in the achievement of effective coverage (EC) of maternal-childynergies between Prospera and SPS in the reduction of the gaps in EC. The most vulnerable population groups need to be reached by the combination of these programs so that public health efforts translate into greater EC of maternal health services and better maternal-child outcomes. To maintain support for further investments into health research and prevent large groups of people from questioning modern science, researchers will increasingly need to master their communication of scientific progress in the 21st century to broad general population. The new generations, who inform and educate themselves online, prefer to make their own choices in what they view. This makes them vulnerable to many types of online misinformation, which is placed there mainly to attract their clicks. This evolving context could strongly undermine a consensus in the population over very important public health issues and gains. Therefore, we believe that it deserves to be recognised as a serious problem of our time that needs to be addressed. In addition to possible inaccuracies of the health information found online, the other component of the problem is how to make global public health topics and issues attractive for viewing online and engaging with. They need to compete with popular music, celebrity gossip, sports, movies and other forms of entertainment.

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