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Morgagni-Larrey hernia is an exceedingly rare presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Despite its rarity, it is associated with significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Herein, we describe a unique case report of an elderly woman who presented with left-sided chest pain, dyspnea, and chronic history of recurrent respiratory tract infections. On the basis of her medical history, general physical examination and imaging studies, she was operated for a presumptive diagnosis of thymolipoma. However, the intra-operative findings revealed that it was an unusual variant of a diaphragmatic hernia and the hernia sac appeared through the retrosternal foramen of Morgagni. Hence we concluded that it was a Morgagni-Larrey hernia compressing the lungs and heart. Consequently, the hernia was reduced and the defect was repaired. During the postoperative period, the patient had an uneventful recovery. To conclude, the possibility of a Morgagni-Larrey hernia should be strongly considered while evaluating a patient with recurrent chest infections, dyspnea, and vague chest pain. Copyright © 2019, Hashmi et al.The Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment (VISA) questionnaire model is based on item response theory using a graded response (responses reflect increasing difficulty). The purpose of the VISA-G is to monitor patient outcomes and evaluate treatment strategies for people with greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS). The primary aim of the current study was to translate and culturally adapt the VISA-G into a Danish context (DK) through forward and back translation and cognitive interviews. The second aim was to establish test-retest reliability and face validity of the VISA-G into a Danish context (DK). No major disagreements were observed between the original and translated versions of the questionnaire. A total of 58 heterogenous asymptomatic, and 49 symptomatic respondents (response rate 92% and 78% respectively) completed the VISA-G.DK twice, 1 week apart. The VISA-G.DK had excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha asymptomatic = 0.86; symptomatic = 0.98). The test-retest reliability was excellent for the total score ICC 0.961 (95% CI [0.933-0.978]). Standard Error Measurement was calculated to be 0.6. Bland-Altman plots showed no significant or relevant differences from test to retest in the total score with mean differences below 1 (0.61). The minimal detectable change was 3.17 for both groups. The VISA-G.DK was found to be valid, reliable and acceptable for use in the Danish population. © 2020 Jorgensen et al.Whether through direct supplementation of bacteria or by prebiotic supplementation thought to favour subsets of bacteria, modulation of gut microbiota constitutes an important and promising alternative to the use of prophylactic and growth promoting antibiotics in worldwide aquaculture. We fed a commercial base feed, alone or supplemented with either proprietary β-glucan, β-glucan and organic acids, citrus flavonoid or yeast cell wall supplements, to rainbow trout over a period of four weeks. Fish from each feed group were then subjected to experimental, waterborne infection with Yersinia ruckeri O1 biotype 2. Following experimental feeding, the β-glucan and organic acids supplemented group showed significantly improved feed conversion and lipid efficiency ratios. Furthermore, the β-glucan, β-glucan and organic acids and citrus flavonoid supplements proved to significantly reduce the risk of mortality in rainbow trout during experimental infection as shown by hazard ratio analysis. Resulting in 33.2%, 30.6% and 30.5% reduction in risk relative to the non-supplemented base feed, respectively, these three supplements show a promising potential either as stand-alone feed supplements, or as components in complex feed formulations. ©2020 Rømer Villumsen et al.Background Grain weight is a grain yield component, which is an integrated index of grain length, width and thickness. They are controlled by a large number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Besides major QTLs, minor QTLs play an essential role. In our previous studies, QTL analysis for grain length and width was performed using a recombinant inbred line population derived from rice cross TQ/IRBB lines. Two major QTLs were detected, which were located in proximity to GS3 and GW5 that have been cloned. In the present study, QTLs for grain weight and shape were identified using rice populations that were homozygous at GS3 and GW5. Method Nine populations derived from the indica rice cross TQ/IRBB52 were used. An F1011population named W1, consisting of 250 families and covering 16 segregating regions, was developed from one residual heterozygote (RH) in the F7generation of Teqing/IRBB52. Three near isogenic line (NIL)-F2 populations, ZH1, ZH2 and ZH3 that comprised 205, 239 and 234 plants, respectively, were deimited within a 103-kb region flanked by Tw35293 and Tw35395. selleckchem Conclusion qTGW2 with significant effects on TGW, GL and GW was validated and fine-mapped using NIL and NIL-F2 populations. These results provide a basis for map-based cloning of qTGW2 and utilization of qTGW2 in the breeding of high-yielding rice varieties. ©2020 Zhang et al.The D genome progenitor of bread wheat, Aegilops tauschii Cosson (DD, 2n = 2x = 14), which is naturally distributed in Central Eurasia, ranging from northern Syria and Turkey to western China, is considered a potential genetic resource for improving bread wheat. In this study, the chloroplast (cp) genomes of 17 Ae. tauschii accessions were reconstructed. The cp genome sizes ranged from 135,551 bp to 136,009 bp and contained a typical quadripartite structure of angiosperms. Within these genomes, we identified a total of 124 functional genes, including 82 protein-coding genes, 34 transfer RNA genes and eight ribosomal RNA genes, with 17 duplicated genes in the IRs. Although the comparative analysis revealed that the genomic structure (gene order, gene number and IR/SC boundary regions) is conserved, a few variant loci were detected, predominantly in the non-coding regions (intergenic spacer regions). The phylogenetic relationships determined based on the complete genome sequences were consistent with the hypothesis that Ae.

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