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Between 2009 and 2016, 30 patients (14.6%) deceased and 3 patients (1.5%) left the care facility. During follow-up, 156 clinical fractures were reported in 82 patients (40.0%). Thirty-eight patients (18.5%) had at least one major osteoporotic fracture. Overall, the IR was 11.6 fractures per 100 person-years. Fracture risk was significantly lower in patients who were wheelchair dependent than in patients who were able to walk (p<.001).

This study demonstrated that 40% of institutionalized adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability had at least one clinical fracture during seven years of follow-up, despite adequate anti-osteoporosis treatment.

This study demonstrated that 40% of institutionalized adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability had at least one clinical fracture during seven years of follow-up, despite adequate anti-osteoporosis treatment.Manipulation of host metabolic fluxes by Leishmania represents a strategy to circumvent host immune response leading to long-term parasite survival and playing an important role in the pathology of infection. Specific Leishmania-dependent metabolic alterations in infected macrophages have been associated with resistance or susceptibility to infection. Thus, deciphering the multilevel interactions between metabolism and function on innate immune cells during infection offers considerable therapeutic or prophylactic promise. In this review, we provide an overview of recent literature highlighting Leishmania-macrophage interactions and discuss the potential of metabolic targeted therapies to shift the balance of dysfunctional, damaging, or non-productive responses to protective immune reactivity patterns towards pathogen elimination.Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social interaction, behavior, and communication challenges. Here, we generated an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line, QBRIi013-A using a non-integrating Sendai virus from a 6-year-old female diagnosed with ASD and intellectual disability. The QBRIi013-A cell line was fully characterized and exhibited a pluripotency capacity and trilineage differentiation potential. Furthermore, it showed normal karyotype and genetic identity to the patient's PBMCs. Consequently, this iPSC line provides a valuable cell model in understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the complexities of ASD pathogenesis.Here we described two human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of idiopathic autism spectrum disorder (ASD) patients through forced expression of OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-MYC. The hiPSC lines displayed morphology, gene expression patterns, and pluripotential differentiation potentials similar to those of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The hiPSC lines from idiopathic ASD patients might be useful to unveil the underlying mechanism of idiopathic ASD and finding its therapeutics.Induced pluripotent stem cell lines (iPSCs) were generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from the peripheral blood of a ten years old boy with the type 2 Long QT syndrome carrying the heterozygous mutation c.1814C>T(p.P605L) in KCNH2. PBMCs were reprogrammed using non-integrative Sendai viral vectors containing reprogramming factors OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and C-MYC. The iPSCs were shown to express pluripotent markers, have trilineage differentiation potential, carry c.1814C>T(p.P605L) mutation in KCNH2 and have a normal karyotype. Thuse the iPSC line we established will be useful for studying the pathogenesis of the type 2 long QT syndrome and drug testing.Cardiac laminopathy caused by mutations in the LMNA gene are common and highly penetrant with a poor prognosis. We have generated a novel human induced pluripotent stem cell(iPSC) lines YCMi003-A from a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy associated with genetic variant LMNA c.1090G > C; p.Asp364His. We reprogrammed patient-specific peripheral blood mononuclear cells using five episomal vectors Oct4, Sox2, Lin28, L-Myc, and Klf4. The reported iPSC line would be a useful model for in vitro modeling of cardiac laminopathy.Nature's contributions to people (NCP) may be both beneficial and detrimental to humans' quality of life. Since our origins, humans have been closely related to wild ungulates, which have traditionally played an outstanding role as a source of food or raw materials. Currently, wild ungulates are declining in some regions, but recovering in others throughout passive rewilding processes. This is reshaping human-ungulate interactions. Thus, adequately understanding the benefits and detriments associated with wild ungulate populations is necessary to promote human-ungulate co-existence. Here, we reviewed 575 articles (2000-2019) on human-wild ungulate interactions to identify key knowledge gaps on NCP associated with wild ungulates. Wild ungulate research was mainly distributed into seven research clusters focussing on (1) silvicultural damage in Eurasia; (2) herbivory and natural vegetation; (3) conflicts in urban areas of North America; (4) agricultural damage in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems; (5) social researasing research and awareness about beneficial NCP and effective management tools may help to improve the conservation of wild ungulates and the ecosystems they inhabit to facilitate people-ungulate co-existence in the Anthropocene.Seafloor methane emission is widespread on both active and passive continental margins, which may exerts significant impact on global climate change, ocean acidification, cold seep ecosystem, and global carbon cycle. However, due to the limitation of the thick water body, systematic knowledge of detection, quantification and activity of the submarine methane seepage is still unreachable, which greatly limits the assessment of the environmental impact. In 2018, a comprehensive geological survey, including multibeam mapping, seafloor observation, and seismic reflection profiling, was conducted using R/V "Haiyangdizhi 10" on the Makran continental margin. Sixty-five gas flares, which indicated seafloor methane seepage, were detected in a total survey area of 32,000 km2. The total methane flux of the surveyed area is estimated to be 4.7-5.9 × 103 Mg/yr, accounting for 0.013-0.016% of the global seafloor methane emission. In addition, three gas seeps, which were active in 2007, were inactive during our survey in 2018. It is inferred that the intermittent activity might be related to the periodic pressure release and accumulation in the system. All the flares vanish in the water column, which indicates that all the methane gas was oxidized and/or dissolved by seawater. No methane was observed entering the atmosphere in gas phase. In this study, we present new data sets of methane seeps on the Makran continental margin, which are useful to better understand the behavior of the submarine methane seepage.During wintertime, the Indo-Gangetic Plain suffers from severe air pollution affecting several hundred million people. link2 Here we present unprecedented measurements and source analyses of 52 NMHCs (25 alkanes, 16 aromatics, 10 alkenes and one alkyne) in the cities of Delhi and Mohali (300 km north of Delhi) during wintertime (Dec 2016-Jan 2017). NMHCs were measured using a thermal desorption gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionisation detectors with data traceable to WMO standards. The ten most abundant NMHCs that were measured were the same at both Delhi and Mohali propane, n-butane, acetylene, ethane, toluene, i-butane, ethene, i-pentane, benzene and propene and accounted for >50% of total measured NMHC mass concentration (137 ± 5.8 μg m-3 in Mohali and 239 ± 7.7 μg m-3 in Delhi). Ambient NMHCs and calculated hydroxyl radical reactivity were approximately twice as high in Delhi relative to Mohali, and 2-12 times higher than most other mega-cities, except Lahore and Karachi. Using chemical source signatures, traffic and LPG usage emissions were identified as the major contributor of these reactive NMHCs at both sites during nighttime, with additional minor contributions of garbage burning in Mohali, and evaporative fuel and biomass burning emissions in Delhi. Comparison of NMHC/CO and NMHC/C2H2 ratios over Mohali and Delhi, to other cities, suggested gasoline/petrol-fuelled vehicles were major NMHC emitters within the traffic source. The data from both Mohali and Delhi suggest that a large fraction of the fleet comprised vehicles with older emission control in both Mohali and Delhi. Analyses revealed poor representation of propene, ethene and trimethylbenzenes in the emission inventory (EDGARv4.3.2) over Mohali and Delhi. This study provides key data and new insights into the sources of reactive NMHCs (lifetime less then few days) that drive regional wintertime pollution through direct effects and the formation of secondary pollutants.Herbicides can drift from intended plants onto non-target species. It remains unclear how drift impacts plant functional traits that are important for fitness. To address this gap, we conducted an experiment where fast cycling Brassica rapa plants were exposed to one of three drift concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 10%) of synthetic-auxin dicamba. We evaluated damage to and capacity of floral and vegetative traits to recover as well as lifetime fitness by comparing treated plants to controls. Response to dicamba exposure was concentration-dependent across all traits but varied with trait type. At 0.5% dicamba, three out of five floral traits were affected, while at 1% dicamba, four floral traits and one out of two vegetative traits were negatively impacted. At 10% dicamba all floral and vegetative traits were stunted. Overall, floral traits were more responsive to all dicamba drift concentrations than vegetative traits and displayed a wide range of variation ranging from no response (e.g., pistil length) to up to 84% reduction (ovule number). However, despite floral traits were more affected across the dicamba drift concentrations they were also more likely to recover than the vegetative traits. There was also variation among lifetime traits; the onset of flowering was delayed, and reproductive fitness was negatively affected in a concentration-dependent manner, but the final biomass and total flower production were not affected. link3 Altogether, we show substantial variation across plant traits in their response to dicamba and conclude that accounting for this variation is essential to understand the full impact of herbicide drift on plants and the ecological interactions these traits mediate.Management of contaminated sites requires application of remediation technologies to reduce environmental and human health risks, but these actions can also produce negative effects, such as energy and natural resources consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and impacts on local communities. The tenets of sustainability can be used to select sustainable alternatives in the environmental cleanup of these areas to reduce negative consequences and seek new solutions for site reuse. The present study evaluates seven case studies of contaminated sites to identify how sustainable practices were adopted at each site and how environmental, economic and social benefits were achieved. Based on this survey, an in-depth analysis of 48 sustainable management practices was conducted to assess interim actions and institutional controls at a contaminated site located on the campus of University of Sao Paulo (USP) in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The analysis involved a discussion about how future potential improvements to sustainable practices at the site could generate benefits and sustainable gains, such as improvement of quality of life of university students and surrounding communities; reduction of natural resource use, reduction of costs represented by the consumption of water and reduction of demand of potable water for society.

Autoři článku: Mcguirecastillo9567 (Nichols Crawford)