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In this paper, a new multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) method under q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy environment from the perspective of aggregation operators is proposed. First, some aggregation operators are proposed for fusing q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy sets (q-RDHFSs). Afterwards, we present properties and some desirable special cases of the new operators. Second, a new entropy measure for q-RDHFSs is developed, which defines a method to calculate the weight information of aggregated q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy elements. Third, a novel MADM method is introduced to deal with decision-making problems under q-RDHFSs environment, wherein weight information is completely unknown. Finally, we present numerical example to show the effectiveness and performance of the new method. Additionally, comparative analysis is conducted to prove the superiorities of our new MADM method. This study mainly contributes to a novel method, which can help decision makes select optimal alternatives when dealing with practical MADM problems.Mental health issues are among the most common health issues nowadays, with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) being the most common neurobehavioral disorder affecting children and adolescents. ADHD is a heterogeneous disease affecting patients in various cognitive domains that play a key role in daily life, academic development, and social abilities. Selleck Pimicotinib Furthermore, ADHD affects not only patients but also their families and their whole environment. Although the main treatment is based on pharmacotherapy, combined therapies including cognitive training and psychological therapy are often recommended. In this paper, we propose a user-centered application called Alien Attack for cognitive training of children with ADHD, based on working memory, inhibitory control, and reaction-time tasks, to be used as a non-pharmacological complement for ADHD treatment in order to potentiate the patients' executive functions (EFs) and promote some beneficial effects of therapy.We study the viable Starobinsky f(R) dark energy model in spatially non-flat FLRW backgrounds, where f(R)=R-λRch[1-(1+R2/Rch2)-1] with Rch and λ representing the characteristic curvature scale and model parameter, respectively. We modify CAMB and CosmoMC packages with the recent observational data to constrain Starobinsky f(R) gravity and the density parameter of curvature ΩK. In particular, we find the model and density parameters to be λ-1 less then 0.283 at 68% C.L. and ΩK=-0.00099-0.0042+0.0044 at 95% C.L., respectively. The best χ2 fitting result shows that χf(R)2≲χΛCDM2, indicating that the viable f(R) gravity model is consistent with ΛCDM when ΩK is set as a free parameter. We also evaluate the values of AIC, BIC and DIC for the best fitting results of f(R) and ΛCDM models in the non-flat universe.Effective diagnosis of vibration fault is of practical significance to ensure the safe and stable operation of power transformers. Aiming at the traditional problems of transformer vibration fault diagnosis, a novel feature extraction method based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) and multi-scale dispersion entropy (MDE) was proposed. In this paper, CEEMDAN method is used to decompose the original transformer vibration signal. Additionally, then MDE is used to capture multi-scale fault features in the decomposed intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Next, the principal component analysis (PCA) method is employed to reduce the feature dimension and extract the effective information in vibration signals. Finally, the simplified features are sent into density peak clustering (DPC) to get the fault diagnosis results. The experimental data analysis shows that CEEMDAN-MDE can effectively extract the information of the original vibration signals and DPC can accurately diagnose the types of transformer faults. By comparing different algorithms, the practicability and superiority of this proposed method are verified.Contrast enhancement forensics techniques have always been of great interest for the image forensics community, as they can be an effective tool for recovering image history and identifying tampered images. Although several contrast enhancement forensic algorithms have been proposed, their accuracy and robustness against some kinds of processing are still unsatisfactory. In order to attenuate such deficiency, in this paper, we propose a new framework based on dual-domain fusion convolutional neural network to fuse the features of pixel and histogram domains for contrast enhancement forensics. Specifically, we first present a pixel-domain convolutional neural network to automatically capture the patterns of contrast-enhanced images in the pixel domain. Then, we present a histogram-domain convolutional neural network to extract the features in the histogram domain. The feature representations of pixel and histogram domains are fused and fed into two fully connected layers for the classification of contrast-enhanced images. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better performance and is robust against pre-JPEG compression and antiforensics attacks, obtaining over 99% detection accuracy for JPEG-compressed images with different QFs and antiforensics attack. In addition, a strategy for performance improvements of CNN-based forensics is explored, which could provide guidance for the design of CNN-based forensics tools.Reconciliation is an essential procedure for continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD). As the most commonly used reconciliation protocol in short-distance CV-QKD, the slice error correction (SEC) allows a system to distill more than 1 bit from each pulse. However, the quantization efficiency is greatly affected by the noisy channel with a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which usually limits the secure distance to about 30 km. In this paper, an improved SEC protocol, named Rotated-SEC (RSEC), is proposed through performing a random orthogonal rotation on the raw data before quantization, and deducing a new estimator for the quantized sequences. Moreover, the RSEC protocol is implemented with polar codes. The experimental results show that the proposed protocol can reach up to a quantization efficiency of about 99%, and maintain at around 96% even at the relatively low SNRs (0.5,1), which theoretically extends the secure distance to about 45 km. When implemented with the polar codes with a block length of 16 Mb, the RSEC achieved a reconciliation efficiency of above 95%, which outperforms all previous SEC schemes. In terms of finite-size effects, we achieved a secret key rate of 7.83×10-3 bits/pulse at a distance of 33.93 km (the corresponding SNR value is 1). These results indicate that the proposed protocol significantly improves the performance of SEC and is a competitive reconciliation scheme for the CV-QKD system.Vigilance estimation of drivers is a hot research field of current traffic safety. Wearable devices can monitor information regarding the driver's state in real time, which is then analyzed by a data analysis model to provide an estimation of vigilance. The accuracy of the data analysis model directly affects the effect of vigilance estimation. In this paper, we propose a deep coupling recurrent auto-encoder (DCRA) that combines electroencephalography (EEG) and electrooculography (EOG). This model uses a coupling layer to connect two single-modal auto-encoders to construct a joint objective loss function optimization model, which consists of single-modal loss and multi-modal loss. The single-modal loss is measured by Euclidean distance, and the multi-modal loss is measured by a Mahalanobis distance of metric learning, which can effectively reflect the distance between different modal data so that the distance between different modes can be described more accurately in the new feature space based on the metric matrix. In order to ensure gradient stability in the long sequence learning process, a multi-layer gated recurrent unit (GRU) auto-encoder model was adopted. The DCRA integrates data feature extraction and feature fusion. Relevant comparative experiments show that the DCRA is better than the single-modal method and the latest multi-modal fusion. The DCRA has a lower root mean square error (RMSE) and a higher Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC).Langevin simulations are conducted to investigate the Josephson escape statistics over a large set of parameter values for damping and temperature. The results are compared to both Kramers and Büttiker-Harris-Landauer (BHL) models, and good agreement is found with the Kramers model for high to moderate damping, while the BHL model provides further good agreement down to lower damping values. However, for extremely low damping, even the BHL model fails to reproduce the progression of the escape statistics. In order to explain this discrepancy, we develop a new model which shows that the bias sweep effectively cools the system below the thermodynamic value as the potential well broadens due to the increasing bias. A simple expression for the temperature is derived, and the model is validated against direct Langevin simulations for extremely low damping values.The variation of polar vortex intensity is a significant factor affecting the atmospheric conditions and weather in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and even the world. However, previous studies on the prediction of polar vortex intensity are insufficient. This paper establishes a deep learning (DL) model for multi-day and long-time intensity prediction of the polar vortex. Focusing on the winter period with the strongest polar vortex intensity, geopotential height (GPH) data of NCEP from 1948 to 2020 at 50 hPa are used to construct the dataset of polar vortex anomaly distribution images and polar vortex intensity time series. Then, we propose a new convolution neural network with long short-term memory based on Gaussian smoothing (GSCNN-LSTM) model which can not only accurately predict the variation characteristics of polar vortex intensity from day to day, but also can produce a skillful forecast for lead times of up to 20 days. Moreover, the innovative GSCNN-LSTM model has better stability and skillful correlation prediction than the traditional and some advanced spatiotemporal sequence prediction models. The accuracy of the model suggests important implications that DL methods have good applicability in forecasting the nonlinear system and vortex spatial-temporal characteristics variation in the atmosphere.In this paper, we obtain the law of iterated logarithm for linear processes in sub-linear expectation space. It is established for strictly stationary independent random variable sequences with finite second-order moments in the sense of non-additive capacity.As an essential part of an encryption system, the performance of a chaotic map is critical for system security. However, there are many defects for the existing chaotic maps. The low-dimension (LD) ones are easily predicted and are vulnerable to be attacked, while high-dimension (HD) ones have a low iteration speed. In this paper, a 2D multiple collapse chaotic map (2D-MCCM) was designed, which had a wide chaos interval, a high complexity, and a high iteration speed. Then, a new chaotic S-box was constructed based on 2D-MCCM, and a diffusion method was designed based on the S-box, which improved security and efficiency. Based on these, a new image encryption algorithm was proposed. Performance analysis showed that the encryption algorithm had high security to resist all kinds of attacks easily.

Autoři článku: Mcginnisadair3877 (Mahmood Cunningham)