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Especially during quarantine and COVID emergence around the world there is a need of programs aimed to prevent acts of domestic violence and to achieve accurate assessment of multiple domains of abuse (psychological, physical, sexual) provided by trained multidisciplinary staffs (including psychiatrists, psychologists, social and legal services).In order to manage the urgent psychological need for support in response to the anticipated reaction of the population to the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed a new psychological crisis intervention model by implementing a centralised psychological support system for all of Tunisia. We set up a helpline which is accessible throughout the country, including those without access to Internet. This model integrates medical students, child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychiatrists, psychologists and social services to provide psychological intervention to the general population and medical staff. It will make a sound basis for developing a more effective psychological crisis intervention response system.The current research initiative focuses on the role of Pakistani media in eliminating panic and depression among health practitioners and the general public due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In Pakistan, electronic media is the most common source of information due to the higher rural population and the lower literacy rate and media's handling of COVID-19 coverage so far creates panic and depression. We suggest that special televised transmissions featuring psychologists and physiatrists should be aired to reduce the panic. Media also mitigates the stress of frontline medical staff by paying special attributes to them.This archival study focuses specifically on suicide fatalities in relation to unintentional and undetermined injury fatalities in an effort to determine whether or not these rates are rising consistently. This question may serve to inform whether or not suicides are being accurately reported and documented. Data from all 50 states from the years 2012-2016 were obtained from the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 213,726 suicide fatalities, 702,176 unintentional injury fatalities, and 24,533 undetermined injury fatalities comprised the dataset. Injury fatality rates depicted annual increases in both suicide and unintentional injury fatalities but variability in undetermined injury fatalities. Bivariate analyses discovered a statistically significant association between annual suicide fatality rates and unintentional (nonsuicidal) injury fatality rates. It would be suspected, ceteris paribus, that calculated rate changes over these years would follow suit. However, this was not observed. Given the trends and increasing stigma surrounding suicide, it is worth considering the degree to which suicides may be underreported or -documented and the epidemiological and translational ramifications of these trends as they pertain to future suicide research.At the beginning of the 2020 New year, novel coronavirus infection continues to affect our lives. The anxiety and stress caused by rising epidemic data, the helplessness and fear caused by city closure and isolation, and the boredom and irritability caused by extended holiday grounding all have a great impact on the psychology of students. Selleckchem Epigenetic inhibitor In this special stress period of "suspension of classes and non-stop learning", teachers actively help and guide students, do a good job of students' psychological support, perform the duties of spiritual mentors, and do a good job of students' psychological care.Insomnia is a major health issue associated with great psychological burden. Research of insomnia during a pandemic crisis is limited. The aim of the present study was to explore sleep difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Greek population. The three-day online survey included questions about sociodemographic characteristics, contact with COVID-19 and COVID-19-related negative attitudes, as well as the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), the Intolerance to Uncertainty scale (IUS), the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness scale (JGLS) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) Depression Scale. Altogether, 2,427 individuals participated in the study (with 2,363 of them providing all basic demographic data). Sleep problems were detected in 37.6% of the participants. Women and people in urban areas were more vulnerable to sleep problems, while younger age showed a non-significant trend. Those uncertain about having themselves, or someone close to them contracted the virus, also demonstrated elevated insomnia scores. Lastly, according to the regression analysis, higher levels of intolerance to uncertainty, COVID-19-related worry, loneliness, as well as more severe depressive symptoms, were all predictive of insomnia. Results may be used for the development of therapeutic strategies and implementation of social policies to support people with sleep difficulties.

In Latin America there are about 45 million indigenous people in 826 communities that represent 8.3% of the population. An estimated 798,365 Aboriginal andTorres Strait Islander were in Australia, 5,2 million indigenous people living in America and 2,13 million in Canada. Racial/ethnic disparities in mental health service use have increased especially in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic. Thus, we aimed to describe the mental health situation of the indigenous population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic METHOD The studies were identified in well-known international journals found in three electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and MEDLINE. The data were cross-checked with information from the main international newspapers.

According to the literature, due to the COVID-19 pandemic there is a lack of specialized mental health services and professionals, a restricted access to quality information and a lack of access to inputs, causing negative feelings and it can exacerbate pre-existing mental problems (eg depression, suicidal ideation, smoking and binge drink). The cultural differences are a risk factor to worsen the mental health of this already vulnerable population.

providing psychological first aid is an essential care component for indigenous populations that have been victims COVID-19 pandemic.

providing psychological first aid is an essential care component for indigenous populations that have been victims COVID-19 pandemic.

Selenium (Se) is an important element in the human body. Deficiency or excess of Se can cause harm to human health. A previous study showed an association of Se with cardiovascular and diabetes diseases. One of the food sources of Se is vegetables. In West Java, Indonesia, people consume fresh vegetables such as Garlic, Jengkol, and Petai. This research aims to study the correlation between the gastronomy culture of people in West Java, Se content in Garlic (Allium sativum), Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) and Petai (Parkia speciosa) from several Regencys/cities in West Java, and the prevalence cardiovascular and diabetic diseases.

A cultural study was conducted based on a literature review. Cluster sampling was chosen for the sampling method. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in these regencies were obtained from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia. The measurement of Se content in a sample was conducted by the fluorometry method, based on the formation of the piazoselenol complex

Different areas have varying concentrations of Se in plants that grow in the region. The gastronomy culture and Se content may play a role to increase or decrease cardiovascular and diabetes prevalence in that area.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common degenerative disease of the central nervous system in the elderly. In recent years, the results of clinical and experimental studies have shown that oxidative stress is one of the important pathogenesis of PD. Selenium is one of the minor elements reported to possess antioxidant properties. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the recovery effect of glycine nano-selenium on neurobehavioral abnormalities and oxidative stress caused by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in rat.

SD male rats weighing 280-310 g were purchased from the Chengdu Dossy Experimental Animals Company, China. All rats were housed in a temperature-controlled room, with a 12 h light-dark cycles and had free access to food and water ad libitum. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups with 8 animals in each group the control group (normal saline), 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine group (MPTP), MPTP + 0.05 mg/kg glycine nano-selenium (MPTP + 0.05 Se), MPTP + vior and increase the number of TH

neurons (P < 0.05) to protect against the loss of dopaminergic neurons. At the same time, glycine nano-selenium could decrease the MDA levels and increase the activities of SOD and GSH-PX significantly (P < 0.05).

In conclusion, PD rat model was successfully developed by intraperitoneal injection of MPTP and the intragastric administration of glycine nano-selenium reduced neurobehavioral abnormalities by decreasing oxidative stress in rat brain.

In conclusion, PD rat model was successfully developed by intraperitoneal injection of MPTP and the intragastric administration of glycine nano-selenium reduced neurobehavioral abnormalities by decreasing oxidative stress in rat brain.Factors expected to change concurrently with forest loss-such as economic activity and air pollution-shape human health in different ways, making it difficult to ex ante predict the net impact of deforestation. This paper investigates the infant mortality effects of prenatal exposure to high biomass forest loss in Indonesia, a country with rich forest reserves increasingly being subjected to high levels of deforestation. Indonesia officially bans clearing in areas with high biomass natural forests (referred to henceforth as 'protected forests'), yet these forests face illegal logging. The analysis uses a fixed effects approach, essentially tracking how mortality responds to protected forest cover changes over time within districts. Results suggest that protected forest loss favors survival among all infants. However, there is variation in the protected forest loss-infant mortality relationship by pregnancy order or gravidity-while children born from women's higher order pregnancies are less likely to die when exposed to deforestation, children born from first pregnancies experience an increase in their risk of death. Potential mechanisms such as overall air pollution, economic activity and perinatal health care do not appear to explain the gravidity-specific effects of deforestation in protected areas. However, the observed pattern of results suggests that effects are being channeled through malaria-the disease, which is likely to increase with forest loss, tends to disproportionately infect women during their first pregnancy, thus causing greater harm to the children born from these pregnancies.Smoking prevalence is disproportionately high among low-income populations. To help smokers who are socioeconomically disadvantaged quit smoking, some states offer coverage of tobacco-dependence treatments, such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), to Medicaid beneficiaries. We used US nationally representative data (2003 and 2010/2011 Current Population Survey-Tobacco Use Supplements) and employed a difference-in-difference-in-difference approach to investigate the effects of Medicaid coverage of NRT on the usage of NRT products among Medicaid smokers. Coverage of any form of NRT products increases usage by 20 %.

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