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The aim Of the study is to analyze autopsy cases where chronic diffuse pathology of the liver parenchyma was diagnosed during patient's lifetime using the ultrasound method.

Material and methods In this study archival material (autopsy protocols and microspecimens of these cases) of the pathological anatomy department of the Communal Nonprofit Enterprise «Regional Clinical Hospital» (Kharkiv) was used for the period from 2012 to 2018. #link# The cases diagnosed with a chronic diffuse pathology of the liver parenchyma according to ultrasound data were selected among all cases. Microspecimens stained with hematoxylin and eosin, picrofuxin according to van Gieson were examined using an Olympus BX-41 microscope (Japan). The obtained digital indicators were statistically processed using the programs Statistica 6.0, Microsoft Excel 2003. To compare the parameters, parametric and nonparametric methods were used (Student's t-test, χ2 criterion, Mann-Whitney U-test). Differences were considered significant at p<0.05.

chyma» needs to be improved as well as additional diagnostic criteria should be developed in order to correctly use it in practice and avoid diagnostic errors.

Conclusions The term «chronic diffuse pathology of the liver parenchyma», which is widely used in ultrasound diagnostics, is morphologically a collective term that combines pathological conditions such as fatty hepatosis, fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis, malignant tumors of the liver, metastatic liver damage and liver infiltration by leukemic cells, liver abscesses. The ultrasound term «chronic diffuse pathology of the liver parenchyma» needs to be improved as well as additional diagnostic criteria should be developed in order to correctly use it in practice and avoid diagnostic errors.

The aim To evaluate the effectiveness of the appointment of α- lipoic acid for correcting electroneuromyographyс indicators polyneuropathy of the lower extremities in patients with hemoblastosis.

Materials and methods The study included 77 patients from hematology department of Poltava Regional Hospital, who were divided into 3 groups according to the underlying disease Group 1 - patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) (n = 26 ) groups and 2 - patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (n = 27 ), group 3 - patients with multiple myeloma (MM) ( n = 24 ). For the examined patients were taken electroneuromyographyc researches of distal lower extremities by measuring the following parameters the amplitude of the M-response from short extensors nerves of the fingers ( MEDB) and abductor of the big toe ( MAH) and the rate of excitation the spread of short extensors nerve of the fingers ( VEDB), thumb abductor ( VAH), superficial shallow ( VSF) and calf ( VC) nerves on both sides (sin/dex ) before andthe lower extremities were worse due to the severe initial condition, but reached a medium level. The positive effect of α-lipoic acid can be caused by a decrease in oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in nerve vessels, and, as a consequence, an improvement in the trophism and functional state of nerve fibers.

Conclusions ENMG signs of defeat of PNP of the lower extremities are more expressed at MM. The appointment of α-lipoic acid in the complex treatment of PNP in patients with chronic hemoblastosis improves the functional state of the peripheral nerve fibers of the lower extremities and may be a component of pathogenetic therapy.

Conclusions ENMG signs of defeat of PNP of the lower extremities are more expressed at MM. The appointment of α-lipoic acid in the complex treatment of PNP in patients with chronic hemoblastosis improves the functional state of the peripheral nerve fibers of the lower extremities and may be a component of pathogenetic therapy.

The aim Was to compare the changes in hematological parameters of blood in the conditions of prolonged exposure of lead sulfide nanoparticles (NP) of different sizes and of lead nitrate.

Materials and methods The study was conducted on mature male Wistar rats 160-180 g, intraperitoneally injected with Pb(NO3)2 and NP PbS of 26-34 nm and 50-80 nm in 0,94 mg/kg/day dose adjusted to lead. Toxic effects were evaluated after 1,5 months, 3 months and 1 month after exposure. The studies were performed on hematologic analyzer.

Results Changes in peripheral blood were characterized by decrease in the hemoglobin level in the blood. Withaferin A price in the total number of leucocytes was observed, which is statistically significant by the increase of number of lymphocytes and the absolute number of monocytes. link2 Changes in the platelet number were characterized by an increase in the average volume of platelets and a decrease in the platelet heterogeneity index.

Conclusions The most pronounced changes hemoglobin level in the blood and concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte were observed in the effects of PbS NP (50-80 nm), but leucocytes indicators - of PbS NP (26-34 nm) and Pb(NO3)2.

Conclusions The most pronounced changes hemoglobin level in the blood and concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte were observed in the effects of PbS NP (50-80 nm), but leucocytes indicators - of PbS NP (26-34 nm) and Pb(NO3)2.

The aim To optimize the indications for partial laparoscopic adrenalectomy (PLA), to give a detailed outline of a PLA technique and to provide technical tips to ensure safe and highly-effectiveness, based on the knowledge of adrenal anatomy and blood supply.

Materials and methods Between January 2010 and September 2018, our department performed 47 adrenal glands surgeries. The operations included 29 total laparoscopic adrenalectomies (TLA), 4 open adrenalectomies (OA) and 14 partial laparoscopic adrenalectomies (PLA).

Results The histopathological examination of all operated patients detected 9 (19.1%) malignant tumors, including 5 metastatic tumors. Benign tumors includes 24 (63%) adenomas, 8 (21%) pheochromocytomas, 4 (10,5%) cysts and 2 (5,5%) ganglioneuromas. Post-PLA histopathological findings revealed 6 adenomas, 2 pheochromocytomas, 4 cysts and 2 ganglioneuromas.

Conclusions Keeping in mind anatomical features of adrenal gland blood supply in highly-selected patients, PLA can be performed in a number of patients. 2 mm of a minimal resection margin is enough to preserve a false tumor recurrence. Anatomically grounded PLA is becoming a new standard of benign adrenal gland tumors treatment, providing an opportunity to save more adrenal gland functional tissue and to prevent hipocorticism development in postoperative period.

Conclusions Keeping in mind anatomical features of adrenal gland blood supply in highly-selected patients, PLA can be performed in a number of patients. link3 2 mm of a minimal resection margin is enough to preserve a false tumor recurrence. Anatomically grounded PLA is becoming a new standard of benign adrenal gland tumors treatment, providing an opportunity to save more adrenal gland functional tissue and to prevent hipocorticism development in postoperative period.

The aim To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method of surgical treatment of patients with acute purulent cholangitis.

Materials and methods The research is based on the analysis of the treatment results in 104 patients with acute purulent cholangitis. The volume of surgical interventions on the biliary tract in patients was as follows endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) + naso-biliary drainage; EPST + laparoscopic cholecystectomy; cholecystectomy + choledocholithotomy + drainage of the common bile duct.

Results The APACHE-2 scale assessment for patients in the control group was 12,80 ± 1,73, with the SOFA scale - 4,32 ± 0,31 points. Accordingly, the assessment for patients in the main group with the APACHE-2 scale is 11.76 ± 0.81, with the SOFA scale - 4.33 ± 0.79 points. The results obtained in both the control and the main group indicate that the physiological reactions of the organism to the disease, treatment, development of organ dysfunction are reflected in the integrated severity assessment scales.

Conclusion The performed analysis of clinical and laboratory results of treatment in both groups established the high efficiency of the proposed treatment method in patients with acute purulent cholangitis, which promotes the more rapid medical and social rehabilitation in this category of patients.

Conclusion The performed analysis of clinical and laboratory results of treatment in both groups established the high efficiency of the proposed treatment method in patients with acute purulent cholangitis, which promotes the more rapid medical and social rehabilitation in this category of patients.

The aim Is to increase effectiveness and assess safety of the antiviral therapy in complex treatment of patients with psoriasis with activated chronic herpes virus infection of types 1 and 2.

Matherials and methods 120 patients and 25 practically healthy persons were examined.

Results It has been studied an effect of antiviral therapy on the background of basic therapy in patients with P+HSV 1,2 the percentage of HSV 1,2 DNA detection after the use of acyclovir and/or inosine pranobex was decreased in saliva from 22.0±3.43 % to 6.7±1.32 % (р<0.01) and in epithelium - from 33.3±4.23 % to 6.7±1.8 % (р<0.01); The use of antiviral therapy has showed a decrease in the expression of miR 155 molecules from 126.3 ±10.5 U/6 to 62.4±5.48 U/6 (р<0.05), an increase in the number of T-regulatory lymphocytes from 6.8±1.25% to 9.1±1.41% (p=0.0503); a decrease of IFN-α level in saliva from10.1±1.84 ng/ml to 8.2±1.27 ng/ml (р1=0.0398); in the serum IL-23 level was significantly decreased from14.9±2.11 pg/ml to 8.8±2.03 pg/ml (р<0.05) and TGF-β synthesis was increased from 3.9±1.23 pg/ml to 9.3±2.21 pg/ml (р<0.01).

Conclusions An improved method of treatment and evaluation of its clinical and immunological effectiveness based on an integral criterion was suggested as a result of conducted antiviral therapy amid basic therapy in patients with psoriasis with activated HSV-1 and HSV-2.

Conclusions An improved method of treatment and evaluation of its clinical and immunological effectiveness based on an integral criterion was suggested as a result of conducted antiviral therapy amid basic therapy in patients with psoriasis with activated HSV-1 and HSV-2.

The aim Scientific substantiation necessary of PMWW application for the ecologically safe formation of the secondary ecosystems in the mining and iron ore processing areas.

Materials and methods Sanitary-chemical investigation of water samples (n=132); biological objects - plants and aquatic biota was conducted on the content of Pb, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Fe (n=112); wild plants samples (n=135); sanitary-microbiological and parasitological indicators 1 - 3 years old waste water sludge (WWS) (n = 68).

Results Overnormal concentrations of salt had been found in water samples, taken from the river Inhulets (2.1 MPL), sulfates and carbonates (2.7 MPL), iron (2.1 MPL), chloride (1.7 MPL), magnesium (3.1 MPL). In wells from nearest villages water is not suitable for drinking purposes and contains total sum of salts - 4.97 MPL, sulfates and carbonates - 5.16 MPL, cadmium - 3.7 MPL, lead - 1.53 MPL. Thus, the toxic heavy metals concentrations (Pb, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Fe) in the fish and amphibians did not exceed the permissible levels.

Autoři článku: Mcdougallkrebs0544 (Warren Munro)