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d-Pantoic acid (D-PA) is an essential intermediate for the production of d-pantolactone. Etomoxir Here, three d-lactonohydrolases (D-Lacs), namely, Fm-Lac from Fusarium moniliforme SW-902, Fp-Lac from Fusarium proliferatum Nirenberg ECU2002, and Fo-Lac from Fusarium oxysporum AKU3702 were heterogeneously expressed in Pichia pastoris. The constructed recombinant strains produced D-Lacs of 1263 U/mL, 1025 U/mL, and 948 U/mL in a 3-L fermenter, respectively. Simultaneously, these three D-Lacs were used to resolve racemic pantolactone (DL-PL), the hydrolysis rate by Fo-Lac over 40% and the enantiomeric excesses was 99% after 4 h reaction, which outperformed Fm-Lac and Fp-Lac. Under the 800 mL scale reaction, the hydrolysis rate of DL-PL reached 39.2% with a D-PA concentration of 144.6 g/L and space-time yield of 36.2 g/L/h correspondingly. This is the highest catalytic efficiency reported so far, which shows that D-Lac heterologously expressed by P. pastoris has excellent industrial application prospects.External sources of radiation originate from cosmic rays and natural radioactive elements, principally 40K and decay products in the uranium and thorium decay series occurring in the ground. People are exposed to terrestrial radiation and cosmic rays everywhere and at all times. To assess Canadians' external exposure to natural radiation, five years (2016-2020) of real-time environment monitoring data recorded by Health Canada's Fixed Point Surveillance (FPS) network were analysed for 36 monitoring stations across Canada. Absorbed dose rates in air from terrestrial radiation vary geographically and seasonally. Absorbed dose rates due to cosmic rays depend strongly on the elevation and vary with solar activities. The population-weighted annual outdoor ambient dose equivalent rates are 20 nSv/h for terrestrial radiation and 52 nSv/h for cosmic rays. Considering that, on average, Canadians spend 89% of their time indoors and 11% of the time outdoors, the population-weighted annual effective doses were calculated as 443 μSv (54 μSv outdoors and 389 μSv indoors), with 20.6% (91 μSv) from terrestrial radiation and 79.4% (352 μSv) from cosmic rays.

The VAPB gene is associated with fALS (fALS 8). This disease presents a variable phenotype and no study sought to characterize its neuroanatomical abnormalities until now. This study aims to evaluate structural brain and spinal cord abnormalities in symptomatic and pre-symptomatic VAPB-related ALS.

This cohort included 10 presymptomatic and 20 symptomatic carriers of the Pro56Ser VAPB variant as well as 30 matched controls and 20 individuals with sporadic ALS. They underwent detailed clinical evaluation and MRI in a 3T scanner. Using volumetric T1 sequence, we computed cerebral cortical thickness (FreeSurfer), basal ganglia volumetry (T1 Multi-atlas) and SC morphometry (SpineSeg). DTI was used to assess white matter integrity (DTI Multi-atlas). Groups were compared using a generalized linear model with Bonferroni-corrected p values<0.05. We also plotted VAPB brain expression map using Allen Human Brain Atlas to compare with imaging findings.

Mean age of presymptomatic and symptomatic subjects were 43.2 and 51.9years, respectively. Most patients had a predominant lower motor neuron phenotype (16/20). Sleep complaints and tremor were the most frequent additional manifestations. Compared to controls, symptomatic subjects had pallidal, brainstem and SC atrophy, whereas presymptomatic only had SC atrophy. This pattern also contrasted with the sALS group that presented motor cortex and corticospinal abnormalities. Brain structural damage and VAPB expression maps were highly overlapping.

VAPB-related ALS has a distinctive structural signature that targets the basal ganglia, brainstem and SC, which are regions with high VAPB expression. Neuroanatomical SC changes are evident before clinical onset of the disease.

VAPB-related ALS has a distinctive structural signature that targets the basal ganglia, brainstem and SC, which are regions with high VAPB expression. Neuroanatomical SC changes are evident before clinical onset of the disease.

Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience various motor and non-motor symptoms. We conducted a post hoc analysis of a Japanese phase 2/3 study of safinamide (50 or 100mg/day) in patients with Parkinson's disease and wearing-off to evaluate response according to background factors. Safinamide efficacy against major motor symptoms was also assessed.

Multiple regression analyses in safinamide-treated patients (50or 100mg/day) assessed changes in daily ON-time without troublesome dyskinesia (hereafter referred to as ON-time) according to baseline clinical variables. Subgroup analyses by baseline Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part III score were also conducted. We evaluated cardinal motor symptoms using the UPDRS.

In the multiple regression analysis, changes in ON-time were related to baseline non-motor symptoms (UPDRS part I score) and ON-time in the 50-mg group, but no relationships with non-motor symptoms were observed in the 100-mg group. Additionally, in the subgroup analysis of patients with more severe motor symptoms (UPDRS part III score>20), a significant improvement in ON-time was observed only with 100mg/day (p=0.01). At both doses, safinamide significantly improved cardinal motor symptom scores (bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, axial symptoms, and gait disturbances).

The observed response profile to the 50-mg/day dose may be related to baseline non-motor symptoms, but this was not true for the 100-mg/day dose. Both safinamide doses improved major motor symptoms in levodopa-treated patients with PD.

The observed response profile to the 50-mg/day dose may be related to baseline non-motor symptoms, but this was not true for the 100-mg/day dose. Both safinamide doses improved major motor symptoms in levodopa-treated patients with PD.Mutation in the glucocerebrosidase encoding gene (GBA) is one of the most frequent genetic cause of Parkinson's disease. ICGi034-A induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line obtained by reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of a patient with heterozygous c.1226A > G (p.N370S) mutation in the GBA gene can be used for studying the fundamental mechanisms of the pathogenesis of GBA-associated Parkinson's disease, and for potential drug screening. The iPSCs express pluripotency markers (NANOG, SSEA4, TRA-1-60, OCT4, SOX2), have a normal karyotype, and are capable of producing derivatives of three germ layers.During pregnancy, the maternal immune system is challenged to tolerate a semi-allogenic fetus. A shift toward a tolerogenic profile is essential to ensure a healthy fetal and placental development. One of the most important mechanisms involved in the maternal immune tolerance towards the fetal antigens is expressed in the activity of the regulatory T (Treg) and Th17 cells. The behavior and equilibrium of these two T lymphocyte populations were rarely studied in normal healthy pregnancies through the beginning of gestation to the postpartum period. We conducted a prospective longitudinal observational study where peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were analyzed in each trimester of pregnancy and postpartum period in a group of healthy pregnant women. Our study observed a consistent reduction in peripheric Treg cell count through all pregnancy while the Th17 cell count remained stable. The Th17/Treg ratio increases significantly throughout pregnancy to the postpartum period. These changes could be justified by the migration of the immunotolerant Treg cells to the maternal decidua and lead to the establishment of a systemic pro-inflammatory profile by the end of pregnancy. This data could explain why systemic syndromes like preeclampsia develop in susceptible women during the second half of pregnancy or why many autoimmune disorders flourish in the first weeks postpartum.

Anti-cancer activity of boron has been reported. Although many boron derivatives such as boric acid (BA) have been discovered to have anticancer effects, there are many boron derivatives whose anticancer effects have not yet been discovered. Some of these include sodium pentaborate pentahydrate (NaB), which has had limited research on its anticancer effects, and sodium perborate tetrahydrate (SPT), whose anticancer effect has yet to be discovered. The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-cancer effects of boric acid (BA), sodium pentaborate pentahydrate (NaB), and sodium perborate tetrahydrate (SPT) against small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell line DMS-114 cells in vitro.

EC50 concentrations and effects of BA, NaB, and SPT on cell survival were detected with an MTS assay. The colony-forming unit (CFU) assay was used to assess their effects on cell colony formation capability. Their effects on apoptosis were determined by an Annexin-V assay. A cell cycle analysis was performed to understand at what group. The protein levels of P53 and Caspase 3 increased with BA, NaB and SPT treatment for 72 h.

BA, NaB and SPT show anti-cancer activity in the DMS-114 cell line without damaging MRC-5 cells, and some of the molecular mechanisms are involved in apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.

BA, NaB and SPT show anti-cancer activity in the DMS-114 cell line without damaging MRC-5 cells, and some of the molecular mechanisms are involved in apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.

Cadmium is a potential environmental pollutant with worldwide health problems. Many Ficus species are reported to have an extensive diversity of traditional uses, among them the treatment of reproductive toxicity.

This study set out to evaluate the effect of Ficus natalensis extract on the testicular impairments induced by cadmium chloride (CdCl

) and investigated the potential mechanisms associated with its treatment.

Thus, 40 male albino rats were categorized into 4 groups (n = 10); group I (control), group II (cadmium-treated group) orally received 5 mg/kg/day CdCl

for one month, group III (cadmium + Ficus natalensis extract) orally received 5 mg/kg/day CdCl

for one month plus 200 mg/kg/day Ficus natalensis extract for another month, and group IV (cadmium + reference drug (mesterolone) orally received 5 mg/kg/day CdCl

for one month plus 4.16 mg/kg/day mesterolone for another month.

At the end of experiment, CdCl

administration markedly induced histological and histo-morphometric changes with a substantial (p < 0.05) decrease in the sperm count, sperm motility, serum TAC, serum testosterone, downregulation in the mRNA expression levels of testicular 17β-HSD and StAR, in addition to a significant increase in serum TNF-α and testicular MDA level compared to the control group. Conversely, the treatment with Ficus natalensis methanolic extract as well as the reference drug significantly ameliorated the above-mentioned adverse effects induced by CdCl


Our results suggested that Ficus natalensis extract can attenuate the CdCl

-induced testicular impairments via inhibiting the oxidative cell damage and inflammation that contributed to CdCl


Our results suggested that Ficus natalensis extract can attenuate the CdCl2-induced testicular impairments via inhibiting the oxidative cell damage and inflammation that contributed to CdCl2 toxicity.

Autoři článku: Mcdonoughvinding6267 (Hejlesen Alford)