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Various congenital anomalies of the female tract such as agenesis, vertical or lateral fusion failure, and canalization failure occur when the normal development of the Müllerian duct disrupts in any stage of developmental milestones. A cavitated non-communicating rudimentary horn is reported in about 20%-25% of women with unicornuate uterus. A 36-year-old patient, gravida 2 para 2, was admitted to the hospital with a complaint of worsening lower abdominal pain occurring on each menses for 8 months. A 6-cm accessory cavitated left uterine mass suggestive of hematometra was shown on ultrasound examination. It was decided to perform hemi-hysterectomy to remove the left uterine horn by the laparoscopic route. Here we aimed to demonstrate the laparoscopic management of a rudimentary horn case and emphasize the crucial steps that surgeons should safely perform during the operation.

Leiomyomas are most commonly observed benign tumors in the female genital tract. Depending on the size, number, and location, the complete resection of Type 0, 1, and 2 leiomyomas by hysteroscopy can be completed in a single-step or multi-step procedure. The purpose of this study is to document the cases of hysteroscopic myomectomy performed via the resectoscopic technique in the gynecology department of a university hospital. Moreover, we assessed the applicability of single- or multi-step hysteroscopic myomectomy with respect to the diameter of the leiomyoma.

We retrospectively reviewed the records of hysteroscopic myomectomy performed between 2012 and 2018. selleckchem According to the diameter of the submucous leiomyomas, we divided 46 patients into 2 groups. Group 1 (n=25) consisted of patients with submucous leiomyomas <3 cm, whereas patients in group 2 (n=21) had submucous leiomyomas ≥3 cm in diameter. We recorded the number of removed leiomyomas and completed hysteroscopy sessions.

Myomectomy was completed by single-step hysteroscopy in all the patients of group 1, whereas eight patients in group 2 needed multiple sessions of hysteroscopy. None of the patients in group 1 had fluid overload; however, two patients in group 2 had mild asymptomatic hyponatremia.

The success of hysteroscopic myomectomy depends on the diameter, localization, and number of the leiomyomas. This study revealed that Type 0, 1, and 2 leiomyomas of less than 3 cm can be resected by single-step hysteroscopy. For larger leiomyomas, the possibility of need for further sessions should be shared with the patients.

The success of hysteroscopic myomectomy depends on the diameter, localization, and number of the leiomyomas. This study revealed that Type 0, 1, and 2 leiomyomas of less than 3 cm can be resected by single-step hysteroscopy. For larger leiomyomas, the possibility of need for further sessions should be shared with the patients.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) and cold-knife conization (CKC) active training model on the surgical education and confidence levels of gynecologists.

The LEEP and CKC hands-on training model consists of sausage, which is 2.5 cm in diameter, as cervix; plastic cup as vagina; foam rubber as posterior and anterior fornices; and cotton plate as the leukoplakia area. In total, 34 participants performed LEEP and CKC procedures on the training model under the guidance of mentors after theoretical lessons about the transformation zone, indications, and surgical techniques of LEEP and CKC. Afterward, a web-based survey was conducted to measure the effectiveness of this surgical model, and participants graded their learning and confidence levels on the same.

We evaluated the educational levels of the course, which were based on the basic surgical steps of LEEP and CKC procedures, and the confidence levels of the participants with regard to the previous practice or expertise of LEEP and CKC. Importantly, participants in each group had similar learning gains irrespective of previous practice or expertise. Despite a significantly higher pre-course confidence level of participants who had previously performed LEEP (p<0.001) and CKC (p<0.001) against their non-practitioner counterparts, the post-course confidence levels were similar in each group (p=0.127 and p=0.845, respectively). In both groups, the participants had increased mean confidence scores, which were statistically significant for participants who had not previously performed the procedures (p=0.003, LEEP and p=0.002, CKC, respectively).

This surgical training model on LEEP and CKC can impart a better level of education in participants, irrespective of their previous expertise/practice.

This surgical training model on LEEP and CKC can impart a better level of education in participants, irrespective of their previous expertise/practice.

This study aimed to evaluate any potential associations between uterine leiomyomas and endometrial cancer.

This is a retrospective study of 153 female patients who have been operated because of endometrial carcinoma in our hospital between 2012 and 2017. Data were collected from hospital records. Study participants were divided into two groups according to the presence and absence of leiomyomas. These two groups were compared in terms of histopathological adenocarcinoma type, nuclear and histological grades, disease stage, para-aortic lymph node involvement, and myometrial invasion. For data analysis, Statistical Package for Social Sciences 15.0 software package was used. Comparison between the two groups was made using the chi-square test, and each variable was tested with the Student's t-test for statistical significance.

No statistically significant differences were found between the groups with respect to age, tumor type, myometrial invasion, nuclear grade, or histological grade (p>0.05 for all). A significant difference was found between leiomyomas presence and lymph node metastases. The lymph node metastases were more common in patients without uterine leiomyomas (20.55%) than in those with them (5%; p=0.004). Analysis using the Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology stages for the presence of leiomyomas indicated that the mean stages were 1A and 1B in patients with and without uterine leiomyomas, respectively (p=0.002).

Uterine leiomyomas did not adversely affect the prognosis of patients with endometrial carcinoma. Moreover, lymph node involvement was less common, and stages were lower in patients with leiomyomas.

Uterine leiomyomas did not adversely affect the prognosis of patients with endometrial carcinoma. Moreover, lymph node involvement was less common, and stages were lower in patients with leiomyomas.

Autoři článku: Mcdonaldcohen5652 (Tilley Larsen)