Most merchants seldom, if ever, review their statements on a monthly basis which isn't a good idea. Do not expect your accountant to review and pick up irregularities from statement the largest amount of CPA's are unfamiliar with statements.
Unfortunately, most really impressive card tricks are not self-working. Money . to claim that self-working card tricks are not impressive; John Scarne, Karl Fulves and Edward Glassman are three excellent magicians who all wrote books on topic. But the general public doesn't read their books. Other magicians implement. My first 'real' magic book was John Scarne's "Scarne on Card Tricks", and I still refer back there from hour and hour when I'm working on the new end result.
Make your card legible and easy-to-read. Using fonts and colors that take time and effort to read do not make with a good business card. If goldpay is to read or the font is simply small, apparently will not give it a second look. Use clean fonts that are pretty straight forward and easily readable with contrasting colors for maximum legibility.
A debit card is a lot simpler. You can have a bank account and every purchase debits that service. When the account gets to zero, the no longer works.
The Dodd - Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 included an amendment, the Durbin Amendment, which greatly impacts your paypal or credit card processing a lot more specifically your debit card processing fees. This Durbin Amendment affects both signature and pin based debt interchange rates by drastically lowering them as of October 1, 2011.
Home-produced cards just don't wear anyway. The ink isn't fixed (so it will fade, actually worse trot!) and the card will become tatty promptly. The cost of commercial printing has truly come over the previous years, along with digital printing you can have anywhere from a couple of hundred a number of thousand cards printed at really affordable cost, usually in a couple of.
Please remember in choosing your pricing method, you need to lower your effective risk. The rate range is more important than the actual rate. A minimal rate only applies to one transaction model. The rate range applies to every the cards and, ultimately, determines your effective cost.