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ters and proton-efflux ATPases, whereas TVZ_G1 mainly relies on amino acid decarboxylases.

This study provides insights into the distribution of Acidithiobacillus species across diverse hot spring physichochemistries and determines genomic features and adaptations that potentially enable Acidithiobacillus species to colonize a broad range of temperatures and pHs in geothermal environments. Video Abstract.

This study provides insights into the distribution of Acidithiobacillus species across diverse hot spring physichochemistries and determines genomic features and adaptations that potentially enable Acidithiobacillus species to colonize a broad range of temperatures and pHs in geothermal environments. Video Abstract.

Dietary content and environmental factors can shape the gut microbiota, and consequently, the way the gut microbiota metabolizes fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, affecting overall health of the host. We evaluated the impact of 3 diets (all meat [raw], high-insoluble fiber dry extruded diet and hydrolyzed protein dry extruded diet) on the gut microbiota of healthy dogs in a cross-over sequential study.

We showed that diet can have an effect on the gut microbiome in dogs, which was influenced by the order of feeding. High-protein (all meat) diets were characterized by an increase in bacteria belonging to the Fusobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla, whereas a high-insoluble fiber commercial diet correlated with increases in Firmicutes and Actinobacteria phyla. However, the individual dog's baseline microbiota had the most impact on the magnitude and nature of the changes in response to dietary intervention.

Our results suggest that the dog fecal microbiota is driven by protein and fiber composition to different degrees in individual animals, and targeted modification of these patterns could be useful in the modulation of the gut microbiota in different diseases.

Our results suggest that the dog fecal microbiota is driven by protein and fiber composition to different degrees in individual animals, and targeted modification of these patterns could be useful in the modulation of the gut microbiota in different diseases.

The human skin-derived precursors (SKPs) are a good cell source for regeneration. However, the isolation of SKP from human skin is limited. To overcome this drawback, we hypothesized that the component of plant stem cells could convert human fibroblasts to SKPs.

Human dermal fibroblasts were treated with shikimic acid, a major component of Sequoiadendron giganteum callus extract. The characteristics of these reprogrammed cells were analyzed by qPCR, western blot, colony-forming assay, and immunofluorescence staining. Artificial human skin was used for CO

laser-induced wound experiments. Human tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry.

The reprogrammed cells expressed nestin (a neural precursor-specific protein), fibronectin, and vimentin and could differentiate into the ectodermal and mesodermal lineage. Nestin expression was induced by shikimic acid through the mannose receptor and subsequent MYD88 activation, leading to P38 phosphorylation and then CREB binding to the nestin gene promoter. Finally, we confirmed that shikimic acid facilitated the healing of cut injury and enhanced dermal reconstruction in a human artificial skin model. Moreover, in a clinical study with healthy volunteers, plant callus extracts increased the expression of stem cell markers in the basal layer of the epidermis and collagen deposit in the dermis.

These results indicate that shikimic acid is an effective agent for tissue regeneration.

These results indicate that shikimic acid is an effective agent for tissue regeneration.

Robust measurement of dietary intake in population studies of children is critical to better understand the diet-health nexus. It is unknown whether parent proxy-report of children's dietary intake through online 24-h recalls is feasible in large cohort studies.

The primary objective of this study was to describe the feasibility of the Automated Self-Administered 24-h Dietary Assessment Tool (ASA24) to measure parent proxy-reported child dietary intake. A secondary objective was to compare intake estimates with those from national surveillance.

Parents of children aged 4-15 years participating in the TARGet Kids! research network in Toronto, Canada were invited by email to complete an online ASA24-Canada-2016 recall for their child, with a subsample prompted to complete a second recall about 2 weeks later. Descriptive statistics were reported for ASA24 completion characteristics and intake of several nutrients. Comparisons were made to the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 24-h recall data.

s are needed to increase response rate and support completion to enhance generalizability.

Migratory animals use information from the Earth's magnetic field on their journeys. Geomagnetic navigation has been observed across many taxa, but how animals use geomagnetic information to find their way is still relatively unknown. Most migration studies use a static representation of geomagnetic field and do not consider its temporal variation. However, short-term temporal perturbations may affect how animals respond - to understand this phenomenon, we need to obtain fine resolution accurate geomagnetic measurements at the location and time of the animal. Satellite geomagnetic measurements provide a potential to create such accurate measurements, yet have not been used yet for exploration of animal migration.

We develop a new tool for data fusion of satellite geomagnetic data (from the European Space Agency's Swarm constellation) with animal tracking data using a spatio-temporal interpolation approach. We assess accuracy of the fusion through a comparison with calibrated terrestrial measurements from tracked animal, without having to start new tracking studies with specialised magnetic sensors. Panobinostat HDAC inhibitor This opens a new and exciting possibility for large multi-species studies that will search for general migratory responses to geomagnetic cues. The tool therefore has a potential to uncover new knowledge about geomagnetic navigation and help resolve long-standing debates.

By using our new tool, ecologists will be able to, for the first time, access accurate real-time satellite geomagnetic data at the location and time of each tracked animal, without having to start new tracking studies with specialised magnetic sensors. This opens a new and exciting possibility for large multi-species studies that will search for general migratory responses to geomagnetic cues. The tool therefore has a potential to uncover new knowledge about geomagnetic navigation and help resolve long-standing debates.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global public health emergency, which presents wide-ranging negative impacts on individuals with diabetes. To examine psychosocial well-being and diabetes outcomes in individuals with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic, and investigate how these factors vary in different countries.

Between April and June 2020 we employed a cross national comparative research study in the United States (US), Brazil, and Iran to collect data from 1788 adults with type 1 diabetes using web-based survey. Study participants answered questions relevant to diabetes distress, diabetes burnout, depressive symptoms, COVID-19 related changes, and socio-demographic characteristics. They also reported their last Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and daily Time-in-Range (TiR) blood glucose. We analyzed data using comparative tests (Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis and McNemar test), logistic and linear regression adjusted for fixed effects.

There were significant changes prior and during the pandemic regarding accdiabetes outcomes and sub optimal psychosocial well-being and target vulnerable population using significant socio-demographic variables.

Regardless of differences among US, Brazil, and Iran, our findings revealed that different countries may experience similar challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic which can impact negatively diabetes outcomes and psychosocial well-being in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Countries need to consider modifiable variables associated with poor diabetes outcomes and sub optimal psychosocial well-being and target vulnerable population using significant socio-demographic variables.

Smaller expansions of CGG trinucleotide repeats in the FMR1 X-linked gene termed 'premutation' lead to a neurodegenerative disorder Fragile X Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) in nearly half of aged carrier males, and 8-16% females. Core features include intention tremor, ataxia, and cognitive decline, and white matter lesions especially in cerebellar and periventricular locations. A 'toxic' role of elevated and expanded FMR1 mRNA has been linked to the pathogenesis of this disorder. The emerging issue concerns the trajectory of the neurodegenerative changes is the pathogenetic effect confined to overt clinical manifestations? Here we explore the relationships between motor and cognitive scale scores in a sample of 57 asymptomatic adult female premutation carriers of broad age range.

Three motor scale scores (ICARS-for tremor/ataxia, UPDRS-for parkinsonism, and Clinical Tremor) were related to 11 cognitive tests using Spearman's rank correlations. Robust regression, applied in relationships betweegory of clinical manifestation reflecting cerebellar changes - motor and cognitive - may be simultaneously affected by premutation carriage across a broad age range in asymptomatic carriers.

Subtle motor impairments correlating with cognitive, particularly executive, deficits may occur in female premutation carriers not meeting diagnostic criteria for FXTAS. This pattern of cognitive deficits is consistent with those seen in other cerebellar disorders. Our results provide evidence that more than one category of clinical manifestation reflecting cerebellar changes - motor and cognitive - may be simultaneously affected by premutation carriage across a broad age range in asymptomatic carriers.

Lebanon, a developing Middle Eastern country, was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred amid a severe national economic crisis. Community pharmacists are responsible for dispensing appropriate medications and products in addition to counseling, informing and educating the public, and promoting disease prevention and infection control.

This study aimed to assess community pharmacists' knowledge, attitude, and practice towards the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluate behavior changes and safety measures.

An anonymous and standardized online questionnaire in English was disseminated via social media platforms to Lebanese community pharmacists. The questionnaire consisted of 95 items designed as Likert-scales and multiple-choice questions divided into four different sections socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge-based, attitude-based, and pharmacy practice questions. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to summarize the demographic characteristics, and indices were created for knowledge, attitudecontracting the virus and compromising the safety of those around them are justified. However, their supply of protective equipment is limited.

Autoři článku: Mccoyhatfield8387 (Lundqvist Friis)