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This study sought to assess the adherence to preventive measures among the elderly more prone to severe forms of COVID-19, and the association and interaction with social support. It is a cross-sectional study conducted with a sample of 3,477 participants of the telephone survey of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-COVID-19 initiative), who reported going out of the home in the past week. The adherence was based on the frequency of leaving the house, the need to venture outside the home, use of masks, and sanitization of hands. Statistical analysis was based on the Poisson model with robust variance. Predisposing factors for severe forms of COVID-19 included age ≥65 years, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Social support included living arrangements and social distancing during the pandemic. Approximately 46% of the participants showed higher adherence, which was positively associated with the number of predisposing factors for severe forms of COVID-19. Social support was not associated with adherence, nor was this association modified after adjustments. The conclusion drawn is that higher adherence is concentrated among the elderly with greater predisposition to severe forms of COVID-19, irrespective of social support, albeit preventive measures should be adopted by all.This essay reflects on sexual practices and prevention in the contexts of the AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics. It analyses data collected between July and October 2020 through participant observation, as part of an ethnographic research project on HIV vulnerability and prevention among men who have sex with men in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, state of Pernambuco (PE), Brazil. The results point to the relevance of physical appearance and the affective bond between partners in engendering emotions that mediate coping with the risk of infection during both pandemics. It indicates the need to incorporate those communicational dimensions into informational materials to make them more effective.The text presents and discusses the main aspects related to the current dynamics of the vaccine industry in the world and in Brazil, focusing on the demand created by the pandemic of COVID-19. At the global level, it briefly exposes the place currently occupied by Brazil within the scope of the BRICS and sets out and analyzes the options - identities and differences - of industrial policy in Brazil, China and India in the field of vaccines. Next, it analyzes the displacement of the vaccine industry, from a situation of exclusive production of immunizers to a majority control by the large pharmaceutical industry. Further on, it recovers recent fundamental aspects of the vaccine industry in Brazil, with an emphasis on Biomanguinhos / Fiocruz and the Butantan Institute. Finally, it discusses the successes and limitations of the technology transfer mechanism used by the two institutions, as well as the relevance of their historically assumed commitment to public health policies.It is an integrative literature review to discuss the emergence and construction of the definition of sustainable diets, to bring the current panorama of what has been studied about it and to point to a new research agenda in Brazil. The searches conducted between April and July 2018, were carried out in the databases Science Direct, Pubmed, Periódicos Capes, Google Academic, Banco de Teses, in addition to the use of the method snowball, reaching 365 articles analyzed. The concern with sustainable diets is related to the redirection of the dominant food system in the achievement of environmental and health goals, considering the culture and the economy. The main focus of the articles were theoretical efforts to conceptualize what are sustainable diets; analysis of different types of diets; factors involved in consumers' choices/behaviors; size of food production; of health; of the economy; culture and society; policies and governance; and discussion on the methodologies used to measure and analyze the different aspects of sustainable diets. In Brazil, only 19 papers were found, which points to the gap in this area of research and the need to create this agenda of studies in the country, given its importance for public and environmental health.The objective was to ve rify the association between sexual maturation and physical activity during adolescence. A systematic review of articles published between 2008 and 2018 was conducted using the following databases PubMed/Medline, SciELO, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, and BVS Adolec Brasil. The following descriptors and keywords were used in English and Portuguese adolescent, sexual maturation, survey, questionnaire, and physical activity. The literature search retrieved 806 articles. Twelve articles were included after applying the selection criteria. Level of physical activity was highest in the initial stage of sexual maturation. Levels of physical activity appear to decrease with advancing sexual maturation status. There is no consensus about the association between sexual maturation and physical activity levels among adolescents within the literature reviewed by this study. Further research is needed to investigate whether this relationship exists and professionals involved in healthcare for adolescents should take effective steps to combat physical inactivity.In this interview, public health physician Antônio Carlile Holanda Lavor with 57-year career and long and broad experience in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) management, especially in primary health care, talks about his management at the head of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation unit in Ceará (Fiocruz-CE), from 2008 to the present moment. Known internationally for institutionalizing the Health Worker Program in Ceará in 1987, he discusses the process of implementing Fiocruz-CE and the role of research in guiding the work of the Family Health Strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic.This study aimed to describe the prevalence of leprosy and verify the factors associated with multibacillary clinical types in a Family Health Strategy priority setting to control and monitor the disease in northeastern Brazil. This cross-sectional study used data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System related to leprosy cases notified in Imperatriz, Maranhão, between 2008 and 2017. The prevalence was determined yearly and for the period. Poisson regression models with a significance level of 5% were employed to associate the variables and the multibacillary clinical types. Most of the 2,476 leprosy cases analyzed referred to multibacillary clinical types. The prevalence ranged from 7.8 and 15.6/10,000 inhabitants, with high and very high endemicity levels. The variables male, age groups between 30 and 59 years and ≥60 years, schooling less then 8 years, level 2 physical disability, types 1 and 2 reactive episodes, and urban residence area showed significant associations (p≤0.05) with multibacillary clinical types. Dacinostat Such findings can serve as a basis for elaborating and implementing leprosy control and surveillance measures, gearing actions to the most vulnerable groups, and becoming more effective.This study aimed to identify the structuring elements guiding the establishment of the social representations of diabetic foot among people with diabetes mellitus. This qualitative study is based on the Social Representations Theory and was conducted in a capital of the Brazilian Northeast. The free word association test and a roadmap were used to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profile to collect data. The analysis was performed using openEVOC software. The constituent elements of the diabetic foot's social representation "cure" and "really bad", revealing that living with a diabetic foot is challenging, but there is hope for a cure, which is a driving force in the daily search for care. The "prevention" element emerged in the representational field, denoting a more critical view and a capacity to transform the identified core elements. We found that the representational structure is based on subjective, valuating, and attitudinal contents. This knowledge can contribute to the design of interventions in the provision of care and diabetic foot screening in PHC services.The elderly population is vulnerable to the risks of the use of medications, especially those considered potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs), in which the risks outweigh the benefits. The study sought to evaluate the PIMs prescribed in Primary Health Care (PHC) and associated factors. A cross-sectional, analytical study was carried out from March to December 2019 in PHC in Campina Grande, Paraíba, through interviews with 458 elderly individuals. The independent variables included socioeconomic characteristics, health status and the use of medications, and the outcome was classified as PIM by the Brazilian Consensus on Potentially Inappropriate Medications. There was a prescription of at least one PIM for 44.8% of the elderly and the majority affecting the Central Nervous System (54.4%). In the adjusted model, depression (PR=2.01; 95%CI 1.59-2.55), using other medications in addition to those prescribed (PR=1.36; 95%CI 1.08-1.72) and polypharmacy (PR=1.80; 95%CI 1.40-2.33) remained an associated factor, and self-reporting systemic arterial hypertension became a protective factor (PR=0.65; 95%CI 0.49-0.87). This reveals the need for actions to monitor closely the use of PIMs by the elderly to ensure access in conjunction with safety.The scope of this article is to evaluate the structure and work processes of Family Health Strategy teams related to the nutritional care of children. It involved an assessment survey of 136 health teams in 45 municipalities in the State of Paraíba. The data on structure (availability of anthropometric equipment, supplements and technical documents) and processes (management, intersectoriality and activities of the Brazilian Breastfeeding and Feeding Strategy) were summarized in scores and classified as incipient, intermediate or advanced. Analyses were performed according to contextual characteristics of the municipality (population size and human development) and the health team (whether from the Programa Mais Médicos or conventional teams, and whether accompanied by a nutritionist or not). Nutritional care was classified at the intermediate level, with the availability of technical documents, the use of SISVAN or the e-SUS and the implementation of the Brazilian Breastfeeding and Feeding Strategy being the most deficient items. Large municipalities and expanded health teams with nutritionists had better structure and process conditions, respectively. The fragmented implementation of nutritional care calls for improvements in structure and processes for due fitness for purpose.The scope of this article is to compare the assessment of users of health services who participated in the PMAQ-AB on child health in the states of the Brazilian Northeast. It is a cross-sectional study conducted with secondary data based on interviews with 5,116 users of 4,190 Family Health Teams in the nine states of the Northeast macroregion. Fourteen questions on the medical monitoring of children from 0 to 2 years old were evaluated. Proportions and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each Unit of the Federation of the Brazilian Northeast. The indicators with the highest proportions were the Guthrie PKU test performed within seven days of life (84.4%), children always accompanied by the same professionals (79.1%), monitoring expected growth and development for age (84.9%), dietary guidance (86.3%) and up-to-date vaccination (95.3%). The indicators with the lowest proportions were guidance on the best position for the child to sleep in (45.7%) and whether or not the child's health handbook (46.9%) was received.

Autoři článku: Mccormicksalomonsen3381 (Mangum Edvardsen)