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Limited operating bandwidth originated from strong absorption of glass materials in the infrared (IR) spectral region has hindered the potential applications of microstructured optical waveguide (MOW)-based sensors. Here, we demonstrate multimode waveguide regime up to 6.5 µm for the hollow-core (HC) MOWs drawn from borosilicate soft glass. Effective light guidance in central HC (diameter ∼240 µm) was observed from 0.4 to 6.5 µm despite high waveguide losses (0.4 and 1 dB/cm in near- and mid-IR, respectively). Additional optimization of the waveguide structure can potentially extend its operating range and decrease transmission losses, offering an attractive alternative to tellurite and chalcogenide-based fibers. Featuring the transparency in mid-IR, HC MOWs are promising candidates for the creation of MOW-based sensors for chemical and biomedical applications.The characteristics of high-power partially coherent laser beams propagating upwards in the turbulent atmosphere are studied, where the principal features of diffraction, nonlinear self-focusing and turbulence are considered. Based on the "thin window" model, the analytical propagation formulae are derived by using the quadratic approximation of the nonlinear phase shift. It is found that the turbulence effect plays an important role in beam propagation characteristics. But the turbulence and self-focusing effects can be suppressed by increasing the laser elevation. Furthermore, the influence of laser elevation on the turbulence effect is stronger than that on the self-focusing effect, and influence of laser elevation on the self-focusing effect is stronger than that on the diffraction effect. In particular, the optimal focal length and wavelength are proposed to decrease the beam spot size on the target.Recently, erbium-doped integrated waveguide devices have been extensively studied as a CMOS-compatible and stable solution for optical amplification and lasing on the silicon photonic platform. However, erbium-doped waveguide technology still remains relatively immature when it comes to the production of competitive building blocks for the silicon photonics industry. Therefore, further progress is critical in this field to answer the industry's demand for infrared active materials that are not only CMOS-compatible and efficient, but also inexpensive and scalable in terms of large volume production. In this work, we present a novel and simple fabrication method to form cost-effective erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers on silicon. With a single and straightforward active layer deposition, we convert passive silicon nitride strip waveguide channels on a fully industrial 300 mm photonic platform into active waveguide amplifiers. We show net optical gain over sub-cm long waveguide channels that also include grating couplers and mode transition tapers, ultimately demonstrating tremendous progress in developing cost-effective active building blocks on the silicon photonic platform.We demonstrate an air-core single-mode hollow hybrid waveguide that uses Bragg reflector structures in place of the vertical metal walls of the standard rectangular waveguide or via holes of the so-called substrate integrated waveguide. The high-order modes in the waveguide are substantially suppressed by a modal-filtering effect, making the waveguide operate in the fundamental mode over more than one octave. Numerical simulations show that the propagation loss of the proposed waveguide can be lower than that of classic hollow metallic rectangular waveguides at terahertz frequencies, benefiting from a significant reduction in Ohmic loss. To facilitate fabrication and characterization, a proof-of-concept 20 to 45 GHz waveguide is demonstrated, which verifies the properties and advantages of the proposed waveguide. A zero group-velocity dispersion point is observed at near the middle of the operating band, which is ideal for reducing signal distortion. This work offers a step towards a hybrid transmission-line medium that can be used in a variety of functional components for multilayer integration and broadband applications.Topological states in photonics offer novel prospects for guiding and manipulating photons and facilitate the development of modern optical components for a variety of applications. Over the past few years, photonic topology physics has evolved and unveiled various unconventional optical properties in these topological materials, such as silicon photonic crystals. However, the design of such topological states still poses a significant challenge. Conventional optimization schemes often fail to capture their complex high dimensional design space. In this manuscript, we develop a deep learning framework to map the design space of topological states in the photonic crystals. This framework overcomes the limitations of existing deep learning implementations. Specifically, it reconciles the dimension mismatch between the input (topological properties) and output (design parameters) vector spaces and the non-uniqueness that arises from one-to-many function mappings. We use a fully connected deep neural network (DNN) architecture for the forward model and a cyclic convolutional neural network (cCNN) for the inverse model. The inverse architecture contains the pre-trained forward model in tandem, thereby reducing the prediction error significantly.Image plane off-axis holograms (IP-OAH) are the most common data captured in digital holographic microscopy and tomography. Due to increasing storage and data transmission requirements, lossy compression of such holograms has been subject of earlier investigations. However, hologram compression can not be allowed to hinder the metrological capabilities of the measurement technique itself. In this work, we present lossy and lossless IP-OAH compression approaches that are based on conventional compression codecs, but optimized with regard to bandwidth of the signal. Both approaches outperform respective conventional codecs, while the lossy approach is shown to uphold the accuracy of holographic phase measurements.This study examines the constraints in measuring the contrast modulation or line-pair luminance modulation for pixelated displays. Simulation results show that measurement precision is affected by the offset between the display pixels and the detector array of the light measuring device (LMD). The contrast modulation is underestimated if the spatial imaging performance of the LMD is inadequate. A high pixel ratio, i.e., the number of pixels of the measurement device per display pixel interval, is required to increase the measurement accuracy. However, determining the minimum required pixel ratio is not straightforward, as the accuracy depends on the display device architecture as well.Optical aberrations are a type of optical defect of imaging systems that hinder femtosecond direct laser write machining by changing voxel size and aspect ratio in different sample depths. We present an approach of compensating such aberrations using a liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM). Two methods for correcting are explored. They are based on backward ray tracing and Zernike polynomials. Experiments with a long focal distance lens (F = 25 and 50 mm) and microscope objective (100x, 0.9 NA) have been conducted. Specifically, aberration-free structuring with voxels of a constant aspect ratio of 1-1.5 is carried out throughout a 1 mm thick sample. Results show potential in simplifying direct laser writing and enabling new architectures made possible by near-spherical voxels.Grating couplers on thin-film lithium niobate ridge waveguides were designed and fabricated using UV-laser ablation. The calculated coupling efficiency with a sinusoidal grating can be as large as 53% in a 0.5 µm thin film. The maximum grating depth we fabricated was 130nm, limiting the coupling efficiency to a theoretical value of 18%. see more We fabricated grating couplers on adhered ridge waveguides of 20 µm thickness. Coupling light to waveguides on thin-film lithium niobate is still challenging, and here we present a fast, cheap and reliable fabrication alternative. It will benefit the on-chip testing of integrated components developed on this novel and promising material platform.We present theoretical and laboratory experimental results on a robust interferometric device based on pupil inversion, or 180° rotational shearing interferometry. The image of an astronomical object degraded by the atmosphere turbulence can be restored (ideally up to the diffraction limit) by a numerical post-processing of the interferogram. Unlike previous Michelson configurations that return half of the light to the sky, the Mach-Zehnder interferometer has no fundamental losses when both outputs are used. The interferogram is formed by two overlapped images of the telescope pupil, but one of them is spatially inverted, and out of phase by π/2 only in its half. This optical operation is achieved in a robust way by inserting a refractive optical image inverter and a binary phase plate in one of the arms of the interferometer. In this way, the system has no polarization dependence or moving parts since the plate allows the object to be retrieved numerically from just one interferogram (single exposition) or a few independent interferograms. For that, several algorithms are proposed. Likewise, we include a laboratory proof-of-concept in which a diffraction-limited image is obtained in spite of presence of aberrations and photon noise.Since the fundamental building blocks of life are built of chiral amino acids and chiral sugar, enantiomer separation is of great interest in plenty of chemical syntheses. Light-chiral material interaction leads to a unique chiral optical force, which possesses opposite directions for specimens with different handedness. However, usually the enantioselective sorting is challenging in optical tweezers due to the dominating achiral force. In this work, we propose an optical technique to sort chiral specimens by use of a transverse optical needle field with a transverse spin (TONFTS), which is constructed through reversing the radiation patterns from an array of paired orthogonal electric dipoles located in the focal plane of a 4Pi microscopy and experimentally generated with a home-built vectorial optical field generator. It is demonstrated that the transverse component of the photonic spin gives rise to the chiral optical force perpendicular to the direction of the light's propagation, while the transverse achiral gradient force would be dramatically diminished by the uniform intensity profile of the optical needle field. Consequently, chiral nanoparticles with different handedness would be laterally sorted by the TONFTS and trapped at different locations along the optical needle field, providing a feasible route toward all-optical enantiopure chemical syntheses and enantiomer separations in pharmaceuticals.The design of a complex phase mask (CPM) for inscribing multi-notch fiber Bragg grating filters in optical fibers for OH suppression in astronomy is presented. We demonstrate the steps involved in the design of a complex mask with discrete phase steps, following a detailed analysis of fabrication constraints. The phase and amplitude of the complex grating is derived through inverse modelling from the desired aperiodic filter spectrum, following which the phase alone is encoded into the surface relief of a CPM. Compared to a complicated "running-light" Talbot interferometer based inscription setup where the phase of the inscribing beam is controlled by electro- or acousto-optic modulators and synchronized to a moving fiber translation stage, CPM offers the well-known convenience and reproducibility of the standard phase mask inscription technique. We have fabricated a CPM that can suppress 37 sky emission lines between 1508 nm to 1593 nm, with a potential of increasing to 99 channels for suppressing near-infrared (NIR) OH-emission lines generated in the upper atmosphere and improving the performance of ground-based astronomical telescopes.

Autoři článku: Mccormackbriggs4760 (Thestrup Cobb)