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Hydrogen deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a valuable technique to investigate the dynamics of protein systems. The approach compares the deuterium uptake of protein backbone amides under multiple conditions to characterize protein conformation and interaction. HDX-MS is versatile and can be applied to diverse ligands, however, challenges remain when it comes to exploring complexes containing nucleic acids. In this chapter, we present procedures for the optimization and application of HDX-MS to studying RNA-binding proteins and use the RNA helicase Mtr4 as a demonstrative example. We highlight considerations in designing on-exchange, bottom-up, comparative studies on proteins with RNA. Our protocol details preliminary testing and optimization of experimental parameters. Difficulties arising from the inclusion of RNA, such as signal repression and sample carryover, are addressed. We discuss how chromatography parameters can be adjusted depending on the issues presented by the RNA, emphasizing reproducible peptide recovery in the absence and presence of RNA. Methods for visualization of HDX data integrated with statistical analysis are also reviewed with examples. These protocols can be applied to future studies of various RNA-protein complexes.The nuclear RNA exosome collaborates with the MTR4 helicase and RNA adaptor complexes to process, surveil, and degrade RNA. Here we outline methods to characterize RNA translocation and strand displacement by exosome-associated helicases and adaptor complexes using fluorescence-based strand displacement assays. TI17 The design and preparation of substrates suitable for analysis of helicase and decay activities of reconstituted MTR4-exosome complexes are described. To aid structural and biophysical studies, we present strategies for engineering substrates that can stall helicases during translocation, providing a means to capture snapshots of interactions and molecular steps involved in substrate translocation and delivery to the exosome.The Ski2-like RNA helicase, Mtr4, plays a central role in nuclear RNA surveillance pathways by delivering targeted substrates to the RNA exosome for processing or degradation. RNA target selection is accomplished by a variety of Mtr4-mediated protein complexes. In S. cerevisiae, the Trf4/5-Air1/2-Mtr4 polyadenylation (TRAMP) complex prepares substrates for exosomal decay through the combined action of polyadenylation and helicase activities. Biophysical and structural studies of Mtr4 and TRAMP require highly purified protein components. Here, we describe robust protocols for obtaining large quantities of pure, active Mtr4 and Trf4-Air2 from S. cerevisiae. The proteins are recombinantly expressed in E. coli and purified using affinity, ion exchange, hydrophobic exchange and size exclusion chromatography. Care is taken to remove nuclease contamination during the prep. Assembly of TRAMP is achieved by combining individually purified Mtr4 and Trf4-Air2. We further describe a strand displacement assay to characterize Mtr4 helicase unwinding activity.Type I is the most prevalent CRISPR system found in nature. It can be further defined into six subtypes, from I-A to I-G. Among them, the Type I-A CRISPR-Cas systems are almost exclusively found in hyperthermophilic archaeal organisms. The system achieves RNA-guided DNA degradation through the concerted action of a CRISPR RNA containing complex Cascade and a helicase-nuclease fusion enzyme Cas3. Here, we summarize assays to characterize the biochemical behavior of Cas3. A steep temperature-dependency was found for the helicase component of Cas3HEL, but not the nuclease component HD. This finding enabled us to establish the correct experimental condition to carry out I-A CRISPR-Cas based genome editing in human cells with extremely high efficiency.The highly conserved Superfamily 1 (SF1) and Superfamily 2 (SF2) nucleic acid-dependent ATPases, are ubiquitous motor proteins with central roles in DNA and RNA metabolism (Jankowsky & Fairman, 2007). These enzymes require RNA or DNA binding to stimulate ATPase activity, and the conformational changes that result from this coupled behavior are linked to a multitude of processes that range from nucleic acid unwinding to the flipping of macromolecular switches (Pyle, 2008, 2011). Knowledge about the relative affinity of nucleic acid ligands is crucial for deducing mechanism and understanding biological function of these enzymes. Because enzymatic ATPase activity is directly coupled to RNA binding in these proteins, one can utilize their ATPase activity as a simple reporter system for monitoring functional binding of RNA or DNA to an SF1 or SF2 enzyme. In this way, one can rapidly assess the relative impact of mutations in the protein or the nucleic acid and obtain parameters that are useful for setting up more quantitative direct binding assays. Here, we describe a routine method for employing NADH-coupled enzymatic ATPase activity to obtain kinetic parameters reflecting apparent ATP and RNA binding to an SF2 helicase. First, we provide a protocol for calibrating an NADH-couple ATPase assay using the well-characterized ATPase enzyme hexokinase, which a simple ATPase enzyme that is not coupled with nucleic acid binding. We then provide a protocol for obtaining kinetic parameters (KmATP, Vmax and KmRNA) for an RNA-coupled ATPase enzyme, using the double-stranded RNA binding protein RIG-I as a case-study. These approaches are designed to provide investigators with a simple, rapid method for monitoring apparent RNA association with SF2 or SF1 helicases.Helicases form a universal family of molecular motors that bind and translocate onto nucleic acids. They are involved in essentially every aspect of nucleic acid metabolism from DNA replication to RNA decay, and thus ensure a large spectrum of functions in the cell, making their study essential. The development of micromanipulation techniques such as magnetic tweezers for the mechanistic study of these enzymes has provided new insights into their behavior and their regulation that were previously unrevealed by bulk assays. These experiments allowed very precise measures of their translocation speed, processivity and polarity. Here, we detail our newest technological advances in magnetic tweezers protocols for high-quality measurements and we describe the new procedures we developed to get a more profound understanding of helicase dynamics, such as their translocation in a force independent manner, their nucleic acid binding kinetics and their interaction with roadblocks.Single molecule biophysics experiments for the study of DNA-protein interactions usually require production of a homogeneous population of long DNA molecules with controlled sequence content and/or internal tertiary structures. Traditionally, Lambda phage DNA has been used for this purpose, but it is difficult to customize. In this article, we provide a detailed and simple protocol for cloning large (~25kbp) plasmids with bespoke sequence content, which can be used to generate custom DNA constructs for a range of single-molecule experiments. In particular, we focus on a procedure for making long single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules, ssDNA-dsDNA hybrids and long DNA constructs with flaps, which are especially relevant for studying the activity of DNA helicases and translocases. Additionally, we describe how the modification of the free ends of such substrates can facilitate their binding to functionalized surfaces allowing immobilization and imaging using dual optical tweezers and confocal microscopy. Finally, we provide examples of how these DNA constructs have been applied to study the activity of human DNA helicase B (HELB). The techniques described herein are simple, versatile, adaptable, and accessible to any laboratory with access to standard molecular biology methods.RNA helicases are a diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the unwinding of RNA duplex regions in an ATP-dependent reaction. Both the helicase itself and its RNA substrate undergo conformational changes during the reaction, which are amenable to Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies. Single-molecule FRET studies in solution by confocal microscopy and on surfaces by total internal reflection microscopy provide information on different conformers present, their fractional populations in equilibrium, and the rate constants of their inter-conversion. Collectively, the information gained can be integrated into a kinetic and thermodynamic framework that quantitatively describes the conformational dynamics of the helicase studied. FRET experiments also provide distance information to map and model the structures of individual conformational states. The integrated model provides a comprehensive description of the structure and dynamics of the helicase, which can be linked to its biological function. Single-molecule FRET studies have tremendous potential to define the relationship between structure, function and dynamics of RNA helicases and to understand the mechanistic basis for their broad range of biological functions. The focus of this chapter is on providing guidance in the design of single-molecule FRET experiments and on the interpretation of the data obtained. Selected examples illustrate important considerations when analyzing single-molecule experiments, as well as their limitations and possible pitfalls.RecQ helicases participate in a variety of DNA metabolic processes through their multiple biochemical activities. In vitro characterization and cellular studies have suggested that RECQ1 (also known as RECQL or RECQL1) performs its diverse functions through specific interactions with DNA and protein partners. We have taken an unbiased approach to determine the contribution of RECQ1 in genome maintenance and as a putative susceptibility factor in breast cancer. Here, we provide methodology to map the genome-wide binding sites of RECQ1 together with the profiling of RECQ1-dependent transcriptome to investigate its role in gene regulation. The described approach will be helpful to develop a mechanistic framework for elucidating critical functions of RECQ1 and other RecQ homologs in distinct chromatin and biological contexts.R-loop proteins present a stable and robust blockade to the progression of a DNA replication fork during S-phase. The consequences of this block can include mutagenesis and other irreversible chromosomal catastrophes, causing genomic instability and disease. As such, further investigation into the molecular mechanisms underlying R-loop protein resolution is warranted. The critical role of non-replicative accessory helicases in R-loop protein resolution has increasingly come into light in recent years. Such helicases include the Pif1-family, monomeric helicases that have been studied in many different contexts and that have been ascribed to a multitude of separable protective functions in the cell. In this chapter, we present protocols to study R-loop protein resolution by Pif1 helicase at stalled replication forks using purified proteins, both at the biochemical and single-molecule level. Our system uses recombinant proteins expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but could apply to practically any organism of interest due to the high interspecies homology of the proteins involved in DNA replication.

Autoři článku: Mcconnellduran9233 (Vang Thrane)