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In prokaryotic taxonomy, a set of criteria is commonly used to delineate species. These criteria are generally based on cohesion at the phylogenetic, phenotypic and genomic levels. One such criterion shown to have promise in the genomic era is average nucleotide identity (ANI), which provides an average measure of similarity across homologous regions shared by a pair of genomes. However, despite the popularity and relative ease of using this metric, ANI has undergone numerous refinements, with variations in genome fragmentation, homologue detection parameters and search algorithms. To test the robustness of a 95-96 % species cut-off range across all the commonly used ANI approaches, seven different methods were used to calculate ANI values for intra- and interspecies datasets representing three classes in the Proteobacteria. As a reference point, these methods were all compared to the widely used blast-based ANI (i.e. ANIb as implemented in JSpecies), and regression analyses were performed to investigate the correlation of these methods to ANIb with more than 130000 individual data points. From these analyses, it was clear that ANI methods did not provide consistent results regarding the conspecificity of isolates. Most of the methods investigated did not correlate perfectly with ANIb, particularly between 90 and 100% identity, which includes the proposed species boundary. There was also a difference in the correlation of methods for the different taxon sets. Our study thus suggests that the specific approach employed needs to be considered when ANI is used to delineate prokaryotic species. We furthermore suggest that one would first need to determine an appropriate cut-off value for a specific taxon set, based on the intraspecific diversity of that group, before conclusions on conspecificity of isolates can be made, and that the resulting species hypotheses be confirmed with analyses based on evolutionary history as part of the polyphasic approach to taxonomy.Introduction. During chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, HCV antigens establish cross-tolerance of endotoxins, but additional lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation effects in this condition are poorly understood.Aim. This study aims to investigate the effects of the upregulated LPS on MMP and TIMP expression during chronic hepatitis C infection.Methodology. In the present study, we analysed the effect of HCV antigens and LPS stimulation on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) both in vivo and in vitro. Macrophages from HCV patients were isolated and their association with endotoxin tolerance was examined. MMP/TIMP1 expression and the related signalling pathways in macrophages were analysed. The macrophage and Huh7.5 cell co-culture model was used to analyse the effects of the cross-tolerance on collagen I deposition.Results. LPS levels were found to be significantly higher in HCV patients, particularly in those with HCV-induced liver fibrosis. In addition, although LPS serum level was occasionally upregulated in the patients, it did not induce intense immune response in PBMCs due to endotoxin cross-tolerance, and this was measured according to the changes in IL-6 and TNF-α levels. However, TIMP1 expression increased significantly during stimulation, exhibiting a tolerance/resistance phenotype, which was associated with TGF-β/Erk activation in macrophages. However, MMP levels did not increase due to endotoxin tolerance, which ultimately led to MMP/TIMP imbalance and influenced the deposition of collagen I.Conclusion. Increased LPS stimulation of macrophage during HCV antigen-induced endotoxin cross-tolerance contributes to MMP/TIMP1 imbalance and collagen I deposition.Noroviruses are recognized as the major cause of non-bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. Molecular mechanisms driving norovirus evolution are the accumulation of point mutations and recombination. Recombination can create considerable changes in a viral genome, potentially eliciting a fitness cost, which must be compensated via the adaptive capacity of a recombinant virus. We previously described replicative fitness reduction of the first in vitro generated WU20-CW1 recombinant murine norovirus, RecMNV. In this follow-up study, RecMNV's capability of replicative fitness recuperation and genetic characteristics of RecMNV progenies at early and late stages of an adaptation experiment were evaluated. Replicative fitness regain of the recombinant was demonstrated via growth kinetics and plaque size differences between viral progenies prior to and post serial in vitro passaging. Point mutations at consensus and sub-consensus population levels of early and late viral progenies were characterized via next-generation sequencing and putatively associated to fitness changes. To investigate the effect of genomic changes separately and in combination in the context of a lab-generated inter-MNV infectious virus, mutations were introduced into a recombinant WU20-CW1 cDNA for subsequent DNA-based reverse genetics recovery. We thus associated fitness loss of RecMNV to a C7245T mutation and functional VP2 (ORF3) truncation and demonstrated individual and cumulative compensatory effects of one synonymous OFR2 and two non-synonymous ORF1 consensus-level mutations acquired during successive rounds of in vitro replication. Our data provide evidence of viral adaptation in a controlled environment via genetic drift after genetic shift induced a fitness cost of an infectious recombinant norovirus.PURPOSE Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the serious infections caused by enterococci. VancomycinResistant Enterococci (VRE), is a persevering clinical problem globally. This study aims to detect high-level aminoglycoside and vancomycin resistance in uropathogenic Enterococcus spp. METHODOLOGY A total of 75 clinically relevant Enterococcus spp. grown from urine samples, were collected following convenience non-random sampling method. Identified by standard biochemical tests and susceptibility to antibiotics was studied by Kirby Bauer's disc diffusion method. The MIC of vancomycin was detected by agar dilution test. AS1517499 order Van A, and Van B genes in VREs were detected by PCR. RESULTS Among the 75 Enterococcal isolates, 43 (57.3%) were E.faecalis, 12 (16%) were E.faecium, six (8%) each were E.pseudoavium and E.casseliflavus, five (6.66%) were E.dispar and three (4%) were E.durans. E.faecalis (n=19) and E.faecium (n=3) were resistant to High Level Streptomycin (HLS). E.faecalis (n=21) and E.faecium (n=6) were resistant to High Level Gentamicin (HLG). Four (9.3%) E.faecalis were vancomycin-resistant, of which three were of Van A, and one was both Van A and Van B genotype. CONCLUSION Isolation of high level aminoglycoside resistant (HLAR) Enterococci is a challenge for the treating physician because aminoglycoside cannot be used in combination with glycopeptide or ampicillin for such isolates. The occurrence of HLAR, Van A and Van B VRE genotypes is a cause of concern as they may transfer drug resistance genes to other bacterial isolates, thus leading to limited therapeutic options. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at is among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Among the different types of cancers, lung cancer is the considered to be the leading cause of death related to cancer and the most commonly diagnosed form of such disease. Chemotherapy remains a dominant treatment modality for many types of cancers at different stages. However, in many cases cancer cells develop drug resistance and become non-response to chemotherapy; thus necessitating the exploration of alternative and /or complementary treatment modalities. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) has emerged as an effective treatment modality for various malignant neoplasia and tumors. In PDT, the photochemical interaction of light, Photosensitizer (PS) and molecular oxygen produces Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which induces cell death. Combination therapy by using PDT and chemotherapy can promote synergistic effect against this fatal disease with the elimination of drug resistance, and enhancement the efficacy of cancer eradication. In this review, we give an overview of chemotherapeutic modalities, PDT and the different types of drugs associated with each therapy. Furthermore, we also explored the combined use of chemotherapy and PDT in the course of lung cancer treatment and how this approach could be the last resort for thousands of patients that have been diagnosed by this fatal disease. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at Quinoline derivatives have been attracted much attention in drug discovery and synthetic derivatives of these scaffolds present a range of pharmacological activities. Therefore, organoselenium compounds are valuable scaffolds in organic synthesis because their pharmacological activities and their use as versatile building blocks for regio-, chemio-and stereoselective reactions. Thus, the synthesis of selenium-containing quinolines has great significance, and their applicability range from simple antioxidant agents, to selective DNA-binding and photocleaving agents. OBJECTIVE In the present study we describe the synthesis and antioxidant activity in vitro of new 7-chloroN(arylselanyl)quinolin-4-amines 5 by the reaction of 4,7-dichloroquinoline 4 with (arylselanyl)-amines 3. METHODS For the synthesis of 7-chloro-N(arylselanyl)quinolin-4-amines 5, we performed the reaction of (arylselanyl)- amines 3 with 4,7-dichloroquinoline 4 in the presence of Et3N at 120 °C in a sealed tube. The antioxidant activi presented excellent results, demonstrating a better antioxidant capacity when compared to the others. CONCLUSION According to the obtained results 7-chloro-N(arylselanyl)quinolin-4-amines 5 were synthesized in good yields by the reaction of 4,7-dichloroquinoline with arylselanyl-amines and tolerates different substituents in the arylselanyl moiety. The tested compounds presented significant antioxidant potential in the tests of inhibition of DPPH, ABTS+ and NO radicals, as well as in the FRAP and superoxide dismutase-like activity assays (SOD-Like). Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at This study aims to synthesize and characterize 2,4-thiazolidinediones and evaluate their antitumor activity. METHOD TZDs were synthesized from three components 2,4-thiazolidinedione, arene-aldehydes, and aryl chlorides. The reactions were carried out inside a microwave and monitored using thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Compounds were identified and characterized using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (CG-MS) and hydrogen (1 H-NMR) and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-NMR). The antitumor activity was analyzed using the 3-(4,5-dimethyl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction test, in which cell viability was verified in the primary cultures of astrocytes and in rat and mouse glioblastoma cells exposed to the synthesized compounds. The cytotoxicity of all derivatives was analyzed at the 100 μM concentration, both in astrocytes and in the mouse and rat glioblastoma cell lines. The compounds that showed the best results, 4CI and 4DI, were also tested at concentrations 25, 50, 100, 175, and 250 μM to obtain the IC50.

Autoři článku: Mccluremacmillan2337 (Newell Warren)