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Regeneration is a complex process that requires a coordinated genetic response to tissue loss. Signals from dying cells are crucial to this process and are best understood in the context of regeneration following programmed cell death, like apoptosis. Conversely, regeneration following unregulated forms of death, such as necrosis, have yet to be fully explored. Here, we have developed a method to investigate regeneration following necrosis using the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. We show that necrosis stimulates regeneration at an equivalent level to that of apoptosis-mediated cell death and activates a similar response at the wound edge involving localized JNK signaling. Unexpectedly, however, necrosis also results in significant apoptosis far from the site of ablation, which we have termed necrosis-induced apoptosis (NiA). This apoptosis occurs independent of changes at the wound edge and importantly does not rely on JNK signaling. Furthermore, we find that blocking NiA limits proliferation and subsequently inhibits regeneration, suggesting that tissues damaged by necrosis can activate programmed cell death at a distance from the injury to promote regeneration.Specialized cells of the somatic gonad primordium of nematodes play important roles in the final form and function of the mature gonad. Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites are somatic females that have a two-armed, U-shaped gonad that connects to the vulva at the midbody. The outgrowth of each gonad arm from the somatic gonad primordium is led by two female distal tip cells (fDTCs), while the anchor cell (AC) remains stationary and central to coordinate uterine and vulval development. The bHLH protein HLH-2 and its dimerization partners LIN-32 and HLH-12 had previously been shown to be required for fDTC specification. Here, we show that ectopic expression of both HLH-12 and LIN-32 in cells with AC potential transiently transforms them into fDTC-like cells. Furthermore, hlh-12 was known to be required for the fDTCs to sustain gonad arm outgrowth. Here, we show that ectopic expression of HLH-12 in the normally stationary AC causes displacement from its normal position and that displacement likely results from activation of the leader program of fDTCs because it requires genes necessary for gonad arm outgrowth. Thus, HLH-12 is both necessary and sufficient to promote gonadal regulatory cell migration. As differences in female gonadal morphology of different nematode species reflect differences in the fate or migratory properties of the fDTCs or of the AC, we hypothesized that evolutionary changes in the expression of hlh-12 may underlie the evolution of such morphological diversity. However, we were unable to identify an hlh-12 ortholog outside of Caenorhabditis. Instead, by performing a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all Class II bHLH proteins in multiple nematode species, we found that hlh-12 evolved within the Caenorhabditis clade, possibly by duplicative transposition of hlh-10. Our analysis suggests that control of gene regulatory hierarchies for gonadogenesis can be remarkably plastic during evolution without adverse phenotypic consequence.Diverse crops are both outbred and clonally propagated. Breeders typically use truncation selection of parents and invest significant time, land, and money evaluating the progeny of crosses to find exceptional genotypes. We developed and tested genomic mate selection criteria suitable for organisms of arbitrary homozygosity level where the full-sibling progeny are of direct interest as future parents and/or cultivars. We extended cross variance and covariance variance prediction to include dominance effects and predicted the multivariate selection index genetic variance of crosses based on haplotypes of proposed parents, marker effects, and recombination frequencies. We combined the predicted mean and variance into usefulness criteria for parent and variety development. We present an empirical study of cassava (Manihot esculenta), a staple tropical root crop. We assessed the potential to predict the multivariate genetic distribution (means, variances, and trait covariances) of 462 cassava families in terms of additive and total value using cross-validation. Inflammation inhibitor Most variance (89%) and covariance (70%) prediction accuracy estimates were greater than zero. The usefulness of crosses was accurately predicted with good correspondence between the predicted and the actual mean performance of family members breeders selected for advancement as new parents and candidate varieties. We also used a directional dominance model to quantify significant inbreeding depression for most traits. We predicted 47,083 possible crosses of 306 parents and contrasted them to those previously tested to show how mate selection can reveal the new potential within the germplasm. We enable breeders to consider the potential of crosses to produce future parents (progeny with top breeding values) and varieties (progeny with top own performance).The Beavis effect in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping describes a phenomenon that the estimated effect size of a statistically significant QTL (measured by the QTL variance) is greater than the true effect size of the QTL if the sample size is not sufficiently large. This is a typical example of the Winners' curse applied to molecular quantitative genetics. Theoretical evaluation and correction for the Winners' curse have been studied for interval mapping. However, similar technologies have not been available for current models of QTL mapping and genome-wide association studies where a polygene is often included in the linear mixed models to control the genetic background effect. In this study, we developed the theory of the Beavis effect in a linear mixed model using a truncated noncentral Chi-square distribution. We equated the observed Wald test statistic of a significant QTL to the expectation of a truncated noncentral Chi-square distribution to obtain a bias-corrected estimate of the QTL variance. The results are validated from replicated Monte Carlo simulation experiments. We applied the new method to the grain width (GW) trait of a rice population consisting of 524 homozygous varieties with over 300 k single nucleotide polymorphism markers. Two loci were identified and the estimated QTL heritability were corrected for the Beavis effect. Bias correction for the larger QTL on chromosome 5 (GW5) with an estimated heritability of 12% did not change the QTL heritability due to the extremely large test score and estimated QTL effect. The smaller QTL on chromosome 9 (GW9) had an estimated QTL heritability of 9% reduced to 6% after the bias-correction.Fitness effects of deleterious mutations can differ between females and males due to (i) sex differences in the strength of purifying selection; and (ii) sex differences in ploidy. Although sex differences in fitness effects have important broader implications (e.g., for the evolution of sex and lifespan), few studies have quantified their scope. Those that have belong to one of two distinct empirical traditions (i) quantitative genetics, which focusses on multi-locus genetic variances in each sex, but is largely agnostic about their genetic basis; and (ii) molecular population genetics, which focusses on comparing autosomal and X-linked polymorphism, but is poorly suited for inferring contemporary sex differences. Here, we combine both traditions to present a comprehensive analysis of female and male adult reproductive fitness among 202 outbred, laboratory-adapted, hemiclonal genomes of Drosophila melanogaster. While we find no clear evidence for sex differences in the strength of purifying selection, sex differences in ploidy generate multiple signals of enhanced purifying selection for X-linked loci. These signals are present in quantitative genetic metrics-i.e., a disproportionate contribution of the X to male (but not female) fitness variation-and population genetic metrics-i.e., steeper regressions of an allele's average fitness effect on its frequency, and proportionally less nonsynonymous polymorphism on the X than autosomes. Fitting our data to models for both sets of metrics, we infer that deleterious alleles are partially recessive. Given the often-large gap between quantitative and population genetic estimates of evolutionary parameters, our study showcases the benefits of combining genomic and fitness data when estimating such parameters.Neuronal regeneration after injury depends on the intrinsic growth potential of neurons. Our study shows that UNC-16, a Caenorhabditis elegans JIP3 homolog, inhibits axonal regeneration by regulating initiation and rate of regrowth. This occurs through the inhibition of the regeneration-promoting activity of the long isoform of DLK-1 and independently of the inhibitory short isoform of DLK-1. We show that UNC-16 promotes DLK-1 punctate localization in a concentration-dependent manner limiting the availability of the long isoform of DLK-1 at the cut site, minutes after injury. UNC-16 negatively regulates actin dynamics through DLK-1 and microtubule dynamics partially via DLK-1. We show that post-injury cytoskeletal dynamics in unc-16 mutants are also partially dependent on CEBP-1. The faster regeneration seen in unc-16 mutants does not lead to functional recovery. Our data suggest that the inhibitory control by UNC-16 and the short isoform of DLK-1 balances the intrinsic growth-promoting function of the long isoform of DLK-1 in vivo. We propose a model where UNC-16's inhibitory role in regeneration occurs through both a tight temporal and spatial control of DLK-1 and cytoskeletal dynamics.Transcriptional regulatory networks (TRNs) are enriched for certain "motifs." Motif usage is commonly interpreted in adaptationist terms, i.e., that the optimal motif evolves. But certain motifs can also evolve more easily than others. Here, we computationally evolved TRNs to produce a pulse of an effector protein. Two well-known motifs, type 1 incoherent feed-forward loops (I1FFLs) and negative feedback loops (NFBLs), evolved as the primary solutions. The relative rates at which these two motifs evolve depend on selection conditions, but under all conditions, either motif achieves similar performance. I1FFLs generally evolve more often than NFBLs. Selection for a tall pulse favors NFBLs, while selection for a fast response favors I1FFLs. I1FFLs are more evolutionarily accessible early on, before the effector protein evolves high expression; when NFBLs subsequently evolve, they tend to do so from a conjugated I1FFL-NFBL genotype. In the empirical S. cerevisiae TRN, output genes of NFBLs had higher expression levels than those of I1FFLs. These results suggest that evolutionary accessibility, and not relative functionality, shapes which motifs evolve in TRNs, and does so as a function of the expression levels of particular genes.Large-scale structural variations, such as chromosomal translocations, can have profound effects on fitness and phenotype, but are difficult to identify and characterize. Here, we describe a simple and effective method aimed at identifying translocations using only the dosage of sequence reads mapped on the reference genome. We binned reads on genomic segments sized according to sequencing coverage and identified instances when copy number segregated in populations. For each dosage-polymorphic 1 Mb bin, we tested independence, effectively an apparent linkage disequilibrium (LD), with other variable bins. In nine potato (Solanum tuberosum) dihaploid families translocations affecting pericentromeric regions were common and in two cases were due to genomic misassembly. In two populations, we found evidence for translocation affecting euchromatic arms. In cv. PI 310467, a nonreciprocal translocation between chromosomes (chr.) 7 and 8 resulted in a 5-3 copy number change affecting several Mb at the respective chromosome tips.

Autoři článku: Mccartneycullen4924 (Kaspersen Rogers)