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New York City Car Accident Lawyers

New Yorkers depend on their cars for getting to work, make errands and other tasks that are required of them. When accidents happen in cars they can result in serious injuries and put you out of work.

Under New York's no-fault insurance system your insurance company will pay your medical bills and expenses out of pocket up to the limit of your policy.

Sobo & Sobo

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of serious injuries and death in the United States. Despite substantial improvements in road safety and road design, car accidents continue to happen at a rapid rate. If you've been injured in a crash, you must contact a New York City auto accident attorney to help you obtain the compensation you're entitled to.

A successful claim can compensate you for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and much more. Your lawyer will work with insurance companies to ensure you get the full and fair amount of compensation. You may also be able to recover punitive damages to punish the party accountable for your injuries.

Rear-end collisions occur in 19-32 percent of all car accidents, and usually cause serious injuries. The effects of whiplash, fractured bone and spinal cord injuries and soft tissue (tendons ligaments, nerves, and tendons) injuries that cannot be visible on x-rays could all result in severe injuries. Our New York rear end collision lawyers will ensure that you receive the highest amount of compensation for your injuries.

In addition to compensation for your injuries, you may be able to obtain economic damages to offset the costs incurred by your accident. These include past and future expenses, including medical expenses, lost income and property damage. Documentation like invoices receipts, and pay stubs could be used to prove the damages.

Wrongful death lawsuits are filed when someone is killed due to negligence of another's. These cases are complicated and require the assistance of a competent lawyer. A New York wrongful death lawyer from Sobo & Sobo will evaluate your case and help you determine the value of your claim.

Sobo & Sobo is a well-known law firm that specializes in personal injury, wrongful death and medical malpractice cases in New York. The firm has successfully handled a number of high-profile cases and secured significant verdicts and settlements on behalf of its clients. The firm is also renowned for its outstanding service and for defending the rights of clients. The firm's lawyers have over 35 years of combined experience and are members in numerous prominent legal associations.

Block O'Toole & Murphy

Block O'Toole & Murphy, one of New York City's most renowned personal injury law firms, is well-known for its record-breaking settlements and verdicts. The attorneys of the firm have years of experience in handling personal injury cases, which include construction accidents, car accidents and medical malpractice. They are committed to helping victims of injuries because of the negligence of others.

Their number one priority is to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for their clients. They understand that a devastating accident could alter the life of their clients for the rest of their lives. They work hard to ensure that they receive compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other damages. Their attorneys have experience negotiating with insurers and a experience of achieving success.

Stephen Murphy, a partner at the firm is a trial lawyer who has been honored by Super Lawyers Magazine and the 'New York Super Lawyers.' He has also received awards from The Brehon Law Society, St. Jude Children's Hospital and Brooklyn to Alaska, and is a member of the American Bar Association and New York State Trial Lawyers Association.

In addition to his work at the firm, Mr. Occhiogrosso also serves as an adjunct professor at St. John's University School of Law, where he instructs law students on trial strategies. He has a proven track of obtaining large settlements and verdicts on behalf of his clients, including the $110 million verdict of a jury in a case that involved a Brooklyn subway crash.

Expert testimony from experts in the fields of liability, accident reconstruction and life-care planning are often required to prove catastrophic injuries. A New York City car accident attorney will analyze all the elements in your case and assist you to recover damages for your losses.

A car accident can be among the most devastating events in your life, especially when you've been severely injured or lost a loved one. Fortunately, you might be able to get compensation for your injuries and other damages by filing an action against the negligent party that caused the accident. A qualified New York car accident lawyer can help you navigate the process and help you protect your rights.

Accident Injury Lawyers

There are many things that can trigger a car accident however one of the most prevalent is driver error. This could be due to speeding, drinking and driving or simply not paying attention to the road. Car accidents can be traumatic and the repercussions can last for a lifetime. If you've been injured in a car crash and you are injured, you must contact an experienced New York City car accident attorney right away.

The presence of an NYC car accident lawyer by your side can help navigate the complicated insurance process and recover compensation for your losses and injuries. They can also assist with any lawsuits against the responsible parties. New York law provides a limited time frame to file personal injury claims, referred to as the statute of limitations. If you fail to file by the deadline, your right to receive damages could be lost.

Rothenberg Law Firm LLP has vast experience in representing clients with complicated personal injury and wrongful deaths cases. They have obtained numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements as well as several seven-figure recoveries. They are committed to seeking justice for their clients and have secured billions of dollars in settlements, verdicts and awards for thousands of victims over the last fifty years.

New York's insurance laws are unique and can impact your ability to recover compensation following a car accident. Our lawyers will examine your case to determine how these rules affect your claim. They will also assist in negotiations with the insurance company and, if necessary, take your case to court in order to obtain the maximum compensation possible.

Medical malpractice is a kind of professional negligence in which the health professional does not adhere to the accepted standard. This could result in serious injury or death. It is crucial to seek the advice of an New York lawyer as soon as possible if you've been victimized by medical malpractice.

A 1993 magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, Harry Rothenberg joined the firm in 1996. The firm is a specialist in catastrophic injury and wrongful death as well as traumatic brain injury litigation. He and his team represent injured victims in New York City, New Jersey and Pennsylvania (and with the help of colleagues nationwide).

The Cochran firm

If you've been injured in a car accident, you'll need an attorney who will fight for the compensation you deserve. Our NYC car accident lawyers will help you to understand the importance of your claim and fight for fair compensation. But, each case is different and the amount you receive will be contingent on your damages.

The Cochran Firm is a great workplace for employees. They also provide excellent benefits and a competitive compensation. They also provide their employees and attorneys with the latest technology and resources to enhance their performance. This includes access to experienced mentors and a variety legal research tools.

The founder of the firm, Johnnie Cochran, was an internationally-respected trial attorney and civil libertarian. The firm's committed team of lawyers and experienced staff continue to continue his legacy. They are dedicated to providing the best legal representation to clients and ensure that all victims of negligence and wrongdoing get justice.

Our lawyers have successfully represented numerous victims of car accidents in New York City. We've also recovered millions dollars in other cases. We're extremely proud of our achievements, but our most important accomplishment is helping people suffering due to the negligence of others.

Injured in a car crash can be stressful and expensive. You may face medical expenses, lost income and other costs, as well as emotional and physical discomfort. Our New York car accident lawyers will help you determine how much the value of your injuries is and assist you in making a full recovery.

The amount of damages you are able to recover in a New York car accident case depends on the severity of your injuries and the insurance coverage available. In the majority of instances, victims of crashes are able to recover both economic and non-economic damage. Economic damages are used to offset current and future expenses, losses and costs caused by the crash. Non-economic damages are awarded to cover psychological or emotional trauma like PTSD or mood swings.

A successful New York car accident case will depend on your ability to prove the other driver was responsible for the accident. The best way to do this is by gathering and analyzing evidence. In a lot of instances, the evidence will consist of video footage and witness testimony.

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