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These findings could be useful for the design of new epitope-vaccines that include Colombia among their population target.

Despite the widespread availability of vaccines, the incidence of vaccine-preventable childhood diseases (VPCD) started to grow in recent years. The aim of the study was to compare the annual incidence of selected VPCDs in the EU (European Union) and EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries in the period of the last 5 years (2014-2019 or other intervals, depending on data availability), and the country-specific vaccine schedules.

VPCD incidence rates in Europe were based on "The Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases" by the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control); vaccination schedules were based on ECDC reports.

The obligation to vaccinate was not universal, and it generally only applied to two preparations the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and the one against polio. During the study, the situation associated with mumps did not change or improve in individual countries; the median incidence amounted to 30 cases. The median incidence associated with rubella amountede countries, so does the epidemiological situation of selected diseases. Morbidity on measles was the most disturbing phenomenon the incidence rate increased in almost 40% of all countries, regardless of the obligation to vaccinate. The increasing incidence of VPCD may be due to anti-vaccine movements, the activity of which is often caused by mistrust and spreading misinformation. In order to better prevent the increase in morbidity, standardization of vaccine schedules and documentation should be considered in the EU countries.One important strategy to increase vaccination coverage is to minimize missed opportunities for vaccination. Missed opportunities for simultaneous vaccination (MOSV) occur when a child receives one or more vaccines but not all those for which they are eligible at a given visit. Household surveys that record children's vaccination dates can be used to quantify occurrence of MOSVs and their impact on achievable vaccination coverage. We recently automated some MOSV analyses in the World Health Organization's freely available software Vaccination Coverage Quality Indicators (VCQI) making it straightforward to study MOSVs for any Demographic & Health Survey (DHS), Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), or Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) survey. This paper uses VCQI to analyze MOSVs for basic vaccine doses among children aged 12-23 months in four rounds of DHS in Colombia (1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010) and five rounds of DHS in Nigeria (1999, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018). Outcomes include percent of vaccination visits MOSVs occurred, percent of children who experienced MOSVs, percent of MOSVs that remained uncorrected (that is, the missed vaccine had still not been received at the time of the survey), and the distribution of time-to-correction for children who received the MOSV dose at a later visit.The COVID-19 pandemic, a source of fear and anxiety worldwide, has caused many adverse impacts. Collaborative efforts to end COVID-19 have included extensive research on vaccines. Many vaccination campaigns have been launched in many countries, including Vietnam, to create community immunization. However, citizens' willingness to participate is a prerequisite for effective vaccination programs and other related policies. Among all demographic groups, participation rates among young adults are of interest because they are an important workforce and are a source of high infection risk in the community. In March 2021, a pool of approximately 6000 participants in Ho Chi Minh City were randomly polled using an email-based online survey. The exploratory results of 398 valid observations show that students' perceptions of the dangers of COVID-19 and the importance of vaccination were both relatively high (4.62/5 and 4.74/5, respectively). Furthermore, 83.41 percent of students polled (n = 332) chose vaccination, while 16.59 percent chose hesitation (n = 64) and not to be vaccinated (n = 2). More importantly, our estimated results of the Bayesian regression model (BRM) show that the perceived importance of the vaccine, concerns about the vaccine's side effects, and a lack of access to information are the top three reasons for their reluctance and/or refusal to get vaccinated. These findings are a valuable resource for politicians, researchers, and those interested in COVID-19 vaccinations to devise and execute campaigns to effectively combat this terrifying pandemic.Vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza virus infections, but the diversity of antigenically distinct isolates is a persistent challenge for vaccine development. In order to conquer the antigenic variability and improve influenza virus vaccine efficacy, our research group has developed computationally optimized broadly reactive antigens (COBRAs) in the form of recombinant hemagglutinins (rHAs) to elicit broader immune responses. However, previous COBRA H1N1 vaccines do not elicit immune responses that neutralize H1N1 virus strains in circulation during the recent years. In order to update our COBRA vaccine, two new candidate COBRA HA vaccines, Y2 and Y4, were generated using a new seasonal-based COBRA methodology derived from H1N1 isolates that circulated during 2013-2019. In this study, the effectiveness of COBRA Y2 and Y4 vaccines were evaluated in mice, and the elicited immune responses were compared to those generated by historical H1 COBRA HA and wild-type H1N1 HA vaccines. Mice vaccinated with the next generation COBRA HA vaccines effectively protected against morbidity and mortality after infection with H1N1 influenza viruses. The antibodies elicited by the COBRA HA vaccines were highly cross-reactive with influenza A (H1N1) pdm09-like viruses isolated from 2009 to 2021, especially with the most recent circulating viruses from 2019 to 2021. Furthermore, viral loads in lungs of mice vaccinated with Y2 and Y4 were dramatically reduced to low or undetectable levels, resulting in minimal lung injury compared to wild-type HA vaccines following H1N1 influenza virus infection.Emerging efficacy and safety data have led to the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide, but most trials excluded patients with active malignancies. This study evaluates the intended acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination in cancer patients in Hong Kong.

660 adult cancer patients received a survey, in paper or electronic format, between 31 January 2021 and 15 February 2021. The survey included patient's clinical characteristics, perceptions of COVID-19 and vaccination, vaccine knowledge, cancer health literacy, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HADS). The primary outcome was the intended acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine in cancer patients. Multivariable analysis was performed to identify factors associated with intended acceptance.

The intended acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination was 17.9%. A total of 487 (73.8%) believed that vaccination could prevent them from infection. Over 70% worried about vaccine negative effects on cancer and its side effects. Factors associated with intended acceptance included higher level of "belief in vaccine on preventing them from getting COVID-19", less worry about long-term side effects of vaccine, lower level of cancer health literacy, and normal HADS (Depression scale).

To improve vaccine acceptance rate, public education campaigns specific to cancer patients to gain their trust in efficacy and relieve their worries are needed.

To improve vaccine acceptance rate, public education campaigns specific to cancer patients to gain their trust in efficacy and relieve their worries are needed.The potential of Eimeria parasites as live vaccine vectors has been reported with successful genetic manipulation on several species like E. tenella, E. mitis and E. necatrix. Among seven Eimeria species infecting chickens, E. acervulina is a highly prevalent, moderately pathogenic species. Thus, it is valuable for the study of transfection and for use as a potential as vaccine vector. In this study, a plasmid containing expression cassette with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP), red fluorescent protein (RFP) and 12 copies of extracellular domain of H9N2 avian influenza virus M2 (M2e) protein was used for the transfection. Nucleofected sporozoites were inoculated into birds through wing vein. Recombinant E. acervulina oocysts with 0.1% EYFP+ and RFP+ populations were collected from the feces of the inoculated birds. The fluorescent rate of transgenic parasites reached over 95% after nine successive propagations with a pyrimethamine selection in vivo and fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS) of progeny oocysts. The expression of M2e in the transgenic parasites (EaM2e) was confirmed by Western blot and its cytoplasm localization in sporozoites was displayed by an indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA). Meanwhile, we found that the fecundity of EaM2e was equivalent to that of wild type E. acervulina (EaWT). Taken together, the stable transfection of E. acervulina was successfully established. Future studies will focus on whether transgenic E. acervulina can serve as a live vaccine vector.Acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine will play a crucial role in combating the current pandemic. Vaccine rollouts have started in most countries. To reach the desirable vaccine coverage and to enhance its uptake, it is imperative to assess vaccine hesitancy.

To assess the current vaccine acceptability in Austria and its influencing factors, an online survey was created and comprised fifteen questions segmented into a sociodemographic part and the acceptance and influencing factors of the approval of the COVID-19 vaccine.

In total, 70% of the 1350 respondents thought that the COVID-19 vaccine is an effective way to prevent and control the virus, while 13% disagreed and 17% were uncertain. Further, 71% approved the rapid development and rollout of the vaccine, while 55% were willing to accept the vaccine as soon as it became available, 18% did not want to get the vaccine, 17% wanted to delay, and 10% were already vaccinated.

The results show a generally positive attitude towards the new COVID-19 vaccine. The doctor's recommendation greatly influences the decision-making process, and tailored vaccine information can support a higher vaccine coverage.

The results show a generally positive attitude towards the new COVID-19 vaccine. The doctor's recommendation greatly influences the decision-making process, and tailored vaccine information can support a higher vaccine coverage.

A pneumococcal carriage surveillance study took place examining Jordanian children in urban and rural areas in the period 2015-2019.

To determine urban and rural differences in pneumococcal carriage rate, resistance, and serotypes among healthy Jordanian children from Amman (urban) and eastern Madaba (rural).

Nasopharyngeal swabs (NP) were taken from 682 children aged 1 to 163 months. Pneumococcal identification, serotyping, and resistance were performed according to standard method.

The number of cases tested for Amman was 267 and there were 415 cases tested for eastern Madaba. Carriage rate for eastern Madaba was 39.5% and 31.1% for Amman. click here Predominant serotypes for eastern Madaba and Amman were 19F (21.3%; 15.7%), 23F (12.2%; 9.6%), 14 (6.7%; 2.4%), 19A (4.9%; 2.4%), and 6A (5.5%; 3.6%). Resistance rates for eastern Madaba and Amman were as follows penicillin (95.8%; 81.9%), clarithromycin (68.9%; 59.0%), clindamycin (40.8%; 31.3%), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (73.2%; 61.4%). Coverage of PCV7, PCV13, and the future PCV20 for Amman was 42.

Autoři článku: Mccannpolat8989 (Timmons Dillon)