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entive measures about some treatments and diseases in the context of occupational journeys.Several nutritional strategies have been used in beef cattle production in order to increase animal performance and profitability. However, in the past two decades, the increase of consumer preference for functional foods has driven the investigation for improving food via adding functional substances to animal diets. We evaluated the effect of canola oil supplementation associated with vitamin E and selenium on performance, rumen metabolism, carcass traits, meat tenderness, and serum, liver, and meat status of antioxidants in finishing Nellore males. Animals were fed for 106 days in a feedlot and were randomly distributed in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement two levels of oil in the diet (no inclusion and 3% canola oil, defined as diet without oil inclusion (NO) and effect of oil (OIL), respectively) and two levels of antioxidants in the diet (no inclusion and 2.5 mg of Se/kg of DM + 500 UI of vitamin E/kg of DM, defined as diet without antioxidant inclusion (NA) and effect of the antioxidants (ANT), respectively). DM intake (kg/day) was evaluated daily; performance and serum were analysed at the beginning of the feedlot and every 28 days. Animals were slaughtered and hot carcass weight (kg) was recorded; ruminal fluid and liver samples were collected. At 24 h postmortem, carcass pH was recorded and the Longissimus thoracis was sampled. There was no significant effect of the OIL*ANT interaction (P > 0.05) for any trait evaluated. Bulls fed OIL presented greater final BW (P 0.05) ruminal parameters or the protozoa population. Our results showed that the inclusion of 3% canola oil in the diet DM increased performance, feed efficiency, carcass fat deposition, and tenderness, with no effect on rumen fermentation and protozoa population of Nellore cattle in a feedlot system. The inclusion of ANT in the cattle diet did not affect performance or rumen parameters. However, the levels of ANT were increased in the serum, liver, and meat, enriching the final product with these compounds.In the last decade, research has reported that items at the beginning of a memorized sequence are responded to faster with the left hand, whereas items at the end are responded to faster with the right hand. SIS3 This Spatial-Positional Associations of Response Codes effect has been extensively studied using behavioral methods. However, the neural networks underlying it remain unclear. We found using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that the dorsal attention network was involved in spatial-positional associations, in particular a region of the right superior frontal cortex / pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), within which neural activity correlated with behavioral measures of the strength of spatial-positional associations. Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis revealed functional connectivity between this area and other regions of the dorsal attentional network including the SMA, and with the hippocampal-retrosplenial network. In contrast, explicit processing of serial order independent of spatial-positional associations was related to activity in the inferior parietal cortex. link2 Our results provide new insight into positional coding theories of working memory, including the mental whiteboard hypothesis. They suggest that the behavioral effects of positional coding (congruency between hand and ordinal position within the list) are mediated through spatial and motor control maps in the dorsal attentional system.

For many women, the postpartum period is a particularly vulnerable time to experience body image dissatisfaction. We aimed to examine the impact of social media usage frequency in the context of postpartum body image dissatisfaction and eating disorder psychopathology. We therefore empirically tested a hypothetical model assuming that social media usage influences postpartum body image dissatisfaction and eating disorder psychopathology via multiple mediation through appearance-related social comparisons and thin ideal internalization.

Cross-sectional online-survey.

Online forums, social media groups, community groups PARTICIPANTS Two-hundred-fifty-two new mothers who had given birth within the last 26 weeks prior to the assessment.

Social media use was assessed by the average frequency of using Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or other per week. Body image dissatisfaction was assessed with the Body Shape Questionnaire and eating disorder psychopathology with the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire.s in the field should be aware of the association between social media use and body image dissatisfaction and mediating factors among new mothers and sensitive when directing new mothers to those media.

Consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) has been reported to provide health benefits, but it remains unknown whether the fatty acids themselves or their oxygenated metabolites, oxylipins, are responsible for the beneficial effects.

This paper describes the design and rationale of a randomized, double-blinded, cross-over study comparing the effects of α-linolenic acid (ALA)-rich flax oil and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich fish oil supplementation on circulating oxylipin profiles in females with obesity, in relation to obesity-induced inflammation.

Pre-menopausal females (n=24) aged 20-55 with a BMI ≥30, will consume capsules containing flaxseed oil (4 g ALA/day) or fish oil (4 g DHA+0.8 g EPA/day) during 4-week supplementation phases, with a minimum 4-week washout. The primary outcome is alterations in plasma oxylipin profiles. Secondary outcomes include effects of supplementation on circulating markers of inflammation, adipokines, plasma fatty acid composition, blood lipid profilrstanding of the response of circulating inflammatory mediators originating from immune cells, adipose tissue and the liver to n-3 PUFA supplementation in relation to the metabolic features of obesity.

Para-aortic lymphadenectomy plays a fundamental role in the surgical management of pelvic gynecological cancers. Two laparoscopic approaches exist the transperitoneal (TP) and the extraperitoneal (EP). The aim of this study was to compare these 2 approaches in terms of surgical outcomes, specially the number of removed lymph nodes according to the surgical technique, and morbidity.

A single-center retrospective study was carried out at the Lariboisiere University Hospital between January 2011 and March 2020 including all patients who underwent para-aortic lymphadenectomy for the management of a pelvic gynecological cancer (cervix, endometrium, ovary). Univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic regression) were performed to compare the TP and the EP groups.

143 patients were included 74 in the TP group and 69 in the RP group. The total duration of surgery was 220.8 minutes in the TP group and 166.4 minutes in the EP group (p<0.001 in multivariate analysis). No significant difference between groups were found in the average total number of lymph nodes removed but there was a statistically significant difference in the average latero-aortic number of lymph nodes removed 8.5 lymph nodes in the TP group and 11.3 lymph nodes in the group RP (p<0.001 in multivariate analysis). There was no difference between groups in peri and postoperative morbidity.

EP para-aortic lymphadenectomy reduces duration of surgery and increases the average latero-aortic number of lymph nodes removed with same morbidity compared to TP para-aortic lymphadenectomy, this confirming its preferred indication in endometrial and in cervical cancers.

EP para-aortic lymphadenectomy reduces duration of surgery and increases the average latero-aortic number of lymph nodes removed with same morbidity compared to TP para-aortic lymphadenectomy, this confirming its preferred indication in endometrial and in cervical cancers.Synechiae are intrauterine adhesions that affect the fertility of women. They are most often of post-traumatic origin. The management of pregnancy abortions in the first trimester and post-delivery retention are the main contributing factors. Synechiae is responsible for cycle disorders and repeated pregnancy loss. Hysteroscopy is the reference method for its diagnosis and treatment. The surgical objective is the restoration of a normal sized cavity and a functional endometrium to allow fertilization and implantation. The use of small diameter (5mm) hysteroscopes and no energy or bipolar energy instruments are recommended. Echo guidance facilitates the treatment of severe synechiae and limits the risk of intraoperative perforation. The main risk of treatment is recurrence, particularly in severe cases where multiple operating times are sometimes necessary. An office hysteroscopy at 6 weeks is recommended to identify and treat these recurrences. Different physical, molecular or cellular methods are studied as primary and secondary prevention of postoperative synechiae. The objective of this review is to provide an update on the treatment of synechiae in the context of infertility.Visuospatial perspective-taking is the foundation for inferring the mental state of another person during social interaction. link3 Although research has shown that dual processes are involved in self-judgment when an avatar is present on screen, it is unknown whether dual independent processes also underlie perspective-taking. During the three experiments in the present study, the participants made laterality judgments according to the perspective of a seated or standing avatar. The angular disparity between the egocentric and altercentric perspectives was manipulated so that the two perspectives led to congruent or incongruent responses. While performing the task, the participants were seated or standing (Experiment 1), seated and subjected to different response deadlines (Experiment 2), or seated and subjected to different mental workloads (Experiment 3). The analysis based on the process-dissociation-procedure framework showed that automatic processing was reduced when the participants stood on their feet and took the perspective of a seated avatar. Posture remapping did not influence controlled processing or behavioral outcomes. Conversely, time pressure and working memory load reduced controlled processing and impaired perspective-taking, but did not affect automatic processing. Thus, dual independent processes are involved in taking another person's perspective. Reduction of the automatic component may help to lower self-bias in preparation to act when posture remapping is required during social interactions, while cognitive load may impair the controlled processing of spatial alignment and response selection during visuospatial perspective-taking.Many successful magic tricks violate our assumptions about how physical objects behave, but some magic tricks are better than others. We examined whether the interest adults express in a magic trick is predicted by the age at which infants first respond to violation of the corresponding physical principle. In Experiment 1, adults (N = 319) rated their interest in magic tricks mimicking stimuli from violation-of-expectation experiments with infants. We found a clear correlation between how interesting a trick is and the age at which infants demonstrate a sensitivity to its underlying principle. In a second experiment (N = 350), we replicated this finding and also used three additional tricks for which there is no established age of acquisition to predict the age at which those physical principles might be acquired. A third experiment (N = 368) replicated these findings measuring adults' surprise at physical violations rather than their interest in magic tricks. Our results suggest that adults' intuitions reflect the development of physical knowledge and show how magic can reveal our expectations about the physical world.

Autoři článku: Maxwellmcdaniel9515 (Orr Brewer)