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Little attention has been paid to how medication management technologies, designed for older adults, modify the participation of family caregivers. We developed a tablet-based ambient display that provides external cues to remind and motivate older adults to take their medications. This study aimed to understand the effect of ambient displays on the involvement of family members in the elderly's medication management. We conducted a 10-week study consisting of interviews administered weekly to nine elderly-caregivers. We identify that new involvement patterns of the family caregivers were provoked through external cues, which made them aware of older adults' medication adherence and encouraged younger relatives to help older adults.After tissue or limb loss, the development of sensation and perception of the lost or deafferent tissue is defined as a phantom phenomenon. We investigated the presence of phantom phenomena in individuals who underwent a full face transplant as well as those who had a hand transplant. BAY-985 nmr Specifically, we investigated sensory perception of the face on the fingers and sensory perception of the fingers on the face in three full face and four hand transplant patients. In all seven individuals, we used a brush to separately stimulate the right and left sides of the face or the palmar and dorsal faces of the hand. We then asked the individuals if they felt a sensation of touch on any other part of their body and, if so, to describe their perceptions. Changes in the regions of the primary sensory cortex representing the hand and face were defined using fMRI obtained via tactile sensory stimulation of the clinical examination areas. Two of the full face transplant patients reported sensory perceptions such as a prominent sensation of touch on their faces during sensory stimulation of their fingers. Three of the hand transplant patients reported sensory perceptions, which we referred to as finger patches, during sensory stimulation of the face area. In fMRI, overlaps were observed in the cortical hand and face representation areas. We consider the phantom hand and phantom face phenomena we observed to be complementary due to the neighborhood of the representations of the hand and face in the somatosensory cortex.We studied four patients with acquired brain injury who were compelled to gaze at a moving object or the face of an individual who came into their sight, especially the person's eyes. The patients continued to gaze at the object or person until it disappeared from their sight. This behavior, referred to as forced gazing, is related to visual groping (part of the instinctive grasp reaction), and, together with a similar sign of visual grasping, constitutes a spectrum of visual stimulus-bound behaviors. In addition to forced gazing, the patients exhibited a primitive reflex such as a grasp or sucking reflex. Each of the patients had lesions in the bilateral frontal lobes of the brain. We considered forced gazing to be a stimulus-bound behavior, in which patients become extremely dependent on a specific external stimulus. As gaze-related communication is considered one of the bases of an infant's social development, forced gazing may have its basis in innate human behavior that might manifest itself under specific pathological circumstances such as bilateral frontal-lobe damage.Aphasia induced by an infratentorial stroke has rarely been reported, and its mechanism has not been fully identified. We evaluated two individuals who had been admitted to Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital in Kumamoto, Japan, due to acute ischemic stroke in order to determine whether their aphasia was induced by an infratentorial stroke. The first patient, a 59-year-old man with a history of left parietal embolic stroke with very mild sequelae of anomia, developed Wernicke's aphasia, nonfluent speech, and right limb ataxia as a result of the stroke. The second patient, a 76-year-old woman with a history of chronic renal failure, experienced transcortical sensory aphasia and right one-and-a-half syndrome as a result of the stroke. Both patients' recent ischemic lesions were limited to the right cerebellar hemisphere and the right medial portion of the midbrain. However, SPECT showed low-uptake lesions in both patients' left cerebral hemisphere that did not include the recent ischemic lesions but that had spread to an extent that was difficult to be explained by the old or recent ischemic lesions and that might be responsible for their recent aphasia. We believe that the aphasia experienced by these two patients may have been caused by crossed cerebello-cerebral diaschisis.

To examine the personality profiles of adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using a standard personality assessment and to investigate the association between personality, ASD-related face memory deficit (FMD), and theory of mind (ToM). In a broader context, to examine whether there are distinct clinical phenotypes in the ASD population that have implications for personality development and treatment.

Fifty-five adults with ASD and 22 neurotypical (NT) adults underwent a battery of neuropsychological tests, including measures of personality, face memory, and ToM. We compared ASD and NT groups in terms of their Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) profiles. Additional analyses focused on the association between specific PAI scales and FMD. Performance on the Eyes Test was compared across groups and was examined in relation to FMD.

Adults with ASD demonstrated significant elevations on several PAI scales compared with NT adults. The presence of FMD was associated with differing PAI profiles among the ASD adults. The ASD adults with FMD scored significantly higher on scales that are sensitive to positive impression management and treatment rejection and significantly lower on scales that are sensitive to borderline personality, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and stress. There was a significant association between performance on the Eyes Test and FMD in the ASD group.

Adults with ASD have a unique personality profile. Further, ASD adults with FMD have reduced insight into their difficulties with emotional processing and may not be as sensitive as ASD adults without FMD to the emotions of others.

Adults with ASD have a unique personality profile. Further, ASD adults with FMD have reduced insight into their difficulties with emotional processing and may not be as sensitive as ASD adults without FMD to the emotions of others.

No normative data currently exist that would allow clinicians to decide whether the degree of cognitive fatigability (CF) experienced in individuals with neurologic disease is greater than expected when compared with a healthy population.

To establish discrete and regression-based normative data for CF as defined by an objective decrement in performance over the course of a cognitive task; namely, the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT). In addition, to develop discrete and regression-based normative data for PASAT performance scores-dyad and percent dyad-for which data do not currently exist.

One hundred and seventy-eight healthy individuals completed the PASAT as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. PASAT performance scores including total correct responses, total dyads, and percent dyad were calculated. CF scores were calculated by comparing the individuals' performance on the first half (or third) of the test to their performance on the last half (or third) in order to capture any within-task performance decrements over time.

Both age- and education-based discrete normative data and demographically adjusted (sex, age, and education) regression-based formulas were established for the PASAT performance scores and the CF scores.

The development of these normative data will allow for greater interpretation of an individual's performance on the PASAT, beyond just the total correct score, through the use of dyad and percent dyad scores. With respect to CF, these data will allow clinicians to objectively quantify decrements in cognitive performance over time better in individuals with neurologic diseases.

The development of these normative data will allow for greater interpretation of an individual's performance on the PASAT, beyond just the total correct score, through the use of dyad and percent dyad scores. With respect to CF, these data will allow clinicians to objectively quantify decrements in cognitive performance over time better in individuals with neurologic diseases.

Aphasia is a common, debilitating consequence of stroke, and speech therapy is often inadequate to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Neuromodulation techniques have emerged as a potential augmentative treatment for improving aphasia outcomes. Most studies have targeted the cerebrum, but there are theoretical and practical reasons that stimulation over the cerebral hemispheres might not be ideal. On the other hand, the right cerebellum is functionally and anatomically linked to major language areas in the left hemisphere, making it a promising alternative target site for stimulation.

To provide preliminary effect sizes for the ability of a short course of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) targeted over the right cerebellum to enhance language processing in individuals with chronic poststroke aphasia.

Ten individuals received five sessions of open-label anodal tDCS targeting the right cerebellum. The effects of the tDCS were compared with the effects of sham tDCS on 14 controls from a previous clinical trial. In total, 24 individuals with chronic poststroke aphasia participated in the study. Behavioral testing was conducted before treatment, immediately following treatment, and at the 3-month follow-up.

Cerebellar tDCS did not significantly enhance language processing measured either immediately following treatment or at the 3-month follow-up. The effect sizes of tDCS over sham treatment were generally nil or small, except for the mean length of utterance on the picture description task, for which medium to large effects were observed.

These results may provide guidance for investigators who are planning larger trials of tDCS for individuals with chronic poststroke aphasia.

These results may provide guidance for investigators who are planning larger trials of tDCS for individuals with chronic poststroke aphasia.

Performing a cognitive task and a motor task simultaneously is an everyday act that can lead to decreased performance on both tasks.

To provide insight into the neural correlates associated with cognitive-motor dual tasking in individuals with a neurologic disorder.

We searched the PubMed and Web of Science databases for studies that had been published up to January 16th, 2019. Studies investigating the neural correlates of cognitive-motor dual task performance in individuals with a variety of neurologic disorders were included, independently from whether the study included healthy controls. Clinical and imaging data were abstracted for the comparison between single tasks and a dual task in the individuals with a neurologic disorder and for the comparison between the healthy controls and the individuals with a neurologic disorder.

Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Study populations included individuals with Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer disease, traumatic brain injury, and stroke.

Autoři článku: Martinussenjosefsen7249 (Dempsey Trevino)