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40%; P < 0.0001).

The overall risk of gastric cancer in patients with COPD did not differ from the general population; however, the risk among patients has increased over the years. These findings provide insights as to whether long-term follow-up for gastric cancer risk in COPD is warranted.

The overall risk of gastric cancer in patients with COPD did not differ from the general population; however, the risk among patients has increased over the years. These findings provide insights as to whether long-term follow-up for gastric cancer risk in COPD is warranted.

This review aims to describe clinical and pathological features, prognosis and treatment in patients with anti-HMGCR antibody positive immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (HMGCR-IMNM) based on recent findings.

Using advances in diagnostic modalities that can confirm the presence of anti-HMGCR antibody, the clinical and pathological manifestations of HMGCR-IMNM were found to be broader than previously reported. Although only a small percentage of HMGCR-IMNM patients present with atypical manifestations, some of these patients show slow disease progression and clinical symptoms, which are similar to those of limb-girdle muscular dystrophies. Other atypical HMGCR-IMNM patients have skin conditions similar to dermatomyositis-like skin rush or dermatological presentations of Jessner-Kanoff disease or cutaneous lymphoma, whose pathological changes including CD8-positive and bcl-2-positive lymphocytic accumulations, similar to Jessner-Kanoff lymphocytic infiltration of skin or low-grade cutaneous lymphoma, which are observed in muscle and skin.

Anti-HMGCR autoantibodies define unique populations of IMNM patients. Recent studies have revealed that clinicopathological manifestations of HMGCR-IMNM, especially extramuscular symptoms and pathological manifestations, are more common than previously recognized.

Anti-HMGCR autoantibodies define unique populations of IMNM patients. Recent studies have revealed that clinicopathological manifestations of HMGCR-IMNM, especially extramuscular symptoms and pathological manifestations, are more common than previously recognized.

The aim of this review is to present the main pieces of evidence, recent literature and to present future perspectives on the use of exercise/physical training in the treatment and improvement of the quality of life of patients with systemic autoimmune myopathies.

In the last decades, knowledge about the relevance of physical exercise training in preventing and treating chronic diseases and improving quality of life has grown. Following the global trend exemplified by the expression 'exercise is medicine', the importance of exercise/physical training has also grown in myopathies. However, the science of exercise has a lot to collaborate on and improve patients' quality of life with myopathies by appropriating new technological tools, including accessible and low-cost devices and smartphone apps.

Physical exercise, as already consolidated in the literature, is an effective, well tolerated, and low-cost strategy for patients with myopathies. The use of wearable devices, smartphone apps, and online training prescriptions must accompany the global scenario, bringing new research fields and expanding the options for access to training for the individualized basis, and prescribed by qualified professionals.

Physical exercise, as already consolidated in the literature, is an effective, well tolerated, and low-cost strategy for patients with myopathies. The use of wearable devices, smartphone apps, and online training prescriptions must accompany the global scenario, bringing new research fields and expanding the options for access to training for the individualized basis, and prescribed by qualified professionals.

Less invasive multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting techniques have seen a progressive evolution over the last two decades. In their current state, they are easily reproduced and applicable to most patients requiring multivessel revascularization. The purpose of this review is to highlight their importance among a spectrum of evolving therapies and the accruing evidence in their favour.

The first large dual center experience with minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting (MICS CABG) demonstrated the feasibility of performing multivessel surgical revascularization without the need for sternotomy or cardiopulmonary bypass. read more Subsequent angiographic studies to assess graft patency showed excellent early results. Studies comparing MICS CABG to conventional CABG demonstrate faster recovery while reducing hospitalization and cost.

Multivessel less invasive coronary artery bypass grafting is basically limited to two procedures, MICS CABG and robotically assisted totally endoscopic CABG (TECAB). MICS CABG has evolved as a procedure that preserves the safety and efficacy of conventional CABG while avoiding the associated morbidity. It is reproducible, versatile and holds promise as the procedure of choice for multivessel coronary revascularization in the future. TECAB is likely the pinnacle of minimally invasive coronary surgery, the growth of which is hindered by widespread acceptance and industry involvement.

Multivessel less invasive coronary artery bypass grafting is basically limited to two procedures, MICS CABG and robotically assisted totally endoscopic CABG (TECAB). MICS CABG has evolved as a procedure that preserves the safety and efficacy of conventional CABG while avoiding the associated morbidity. It is reproducible, versatile and holds promise as the procedure of choice for multivessel coronary revascularization in the future. TECAB is likely the pinnacle of minimally invasive coronary surgery, the growth of which is hindered by widespread acceptance and industry involvement.

This review describes the latest advances in cell therapy, biomaterials and 3D bioprinting for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Cell therapies offer the greatest benefit for patients suffering from chronic ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Rather than replacing lost cardiomyocytes, the effects of most cell therapies are mediated by paracrine signalling, mainly through the induction of angiogenesis and immunomodulation. Cell preconditioning, or genetic modifications are being studied to improve the outcomes. Biomaterials offer stand-alone benefits such as bioactive cues for cell survival, proliferation and differentiation, induction of vascularization or prevention of further cardiomyocyte death. They also provide mechanical support or electroconductivity, and can be used to deliver cells, growth factors or drugs to the injured site. Apart from classical biomaterial manufacturing techniques, 3D bioprinting offers greater spatial control over biomaterial deposition and higher resolution of thetention and survival, offer additional mechanical support and provide inherent bioactive cues. Biomaterials can also be used to deliver growth factors, drugs, and other molecules. 3D bioprinting is a high-resolution technique that has great potential in cardiac therapy.

Infective native aortic aneurysms (INAAs) are challenging and complex with both bacteraemia and an aneurysm prone to rupture. They are fatal unless recognized and treated promptly. The rarity of the disease makes it unfamiliar to most physicians, which might delay both diagnosis and treatment.The present review aims to outline the recently published diagnostic algorithm of INAAs, the main characteristics of the disease and present an overview of contemporary treatment strategies.

New terminology, definition, diagnostic algorithm and reporting standards have recently been proposed for INAAs. Current evidence concerning the treatment of INAAs is founded on retrospective register-based multicentre studies and small single-centre studies. Recent findings encourage the use of endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) for surgical treatment of INAAs. Although EVAR, as a surgical approach, does not drain the infection, the postoperative infection-related complication rates (IRCs) are similar to the ones reported after open surgical repair (OSR) with aortic prosthetic reconstruction and extensive debridement. IRCs carry over 50% risk of being fatal. Postoperative mortality after EVAR remains considerably lower supporting the use of method for aged and comorbid group of patients. Biological grafts have the benefit of being more resistant to reinfection. OSR with biological reconstruction is a promising surgical approach for patients fit for open surgery; however, data are scarce and long-term follow-up is lacking.

The treatment of INAAs should be guided by experienced multidisciplinary team and tailored individually based on patients' condition and centres' experience. An international consensus document is warranted to enable further research on this disease.

The treatment of INAAs should be guided by experienced multidisciplinary team and tailored individually based on patients' condition and centres' experience. An international consensus document is warranted to enable further research on this disease.

A comprehensive approach to survivorship care for women with early-stage, hormone-receptor positive breast cancer should systematically include the proactive assessment and adequate management of endocrine therapy-associated symptoms, in order to assure optimal balance between preserving quality of life (QOL) and maximizing treatment adherence. We reviewed the recent literature focused on lifestyle factors, including physical activity, diet and nutrition, weight management, smoke, and alcohol behavior, and their link with symptomatology and QOL among women receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy.

Recent studies confirm the safety, feasibility, and effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in mitigating several common endocrine therapy-related effects, including musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and insomnia, and in improving physical and emotional wellbeing as well as overall health-related QOL among women with early-stage breast cancer.

Healthy lifestyle behaviors have the potential to modulate the downstreamividualized and one-to-one supervised programs, and digital solutions providing real-time feedback, building on personalized, direct patient engagement.

Evolving molecular data have led to a new and advanced grading system of anaplastic glioma. In everyday practice, physicians have to translate evidence from old clinical trials into evidence meeting the reclassified tumor types.

New biomarkers allow the identification of anaplastic glioma with relatively poor prognosis and with prognosis similar to glioblastoma. An update with molecular analysis of the phase 3 CATNON trial demonstrates the benefit of adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) to be dependent on the mutational status of isocitrate dehydrogenase. In the ongoing debate on the optimal chemotherapy regimen, a large retrospective study suggesting a better tumor control with vincristine (PCV) as compared to TMZ is added to the evidence. The best timing for treatment of anaplastic astrocytoma also remains a matter of controversy. A recent study shows that even in selected patients with anaplastic glioma with foci of malignant tumor following (sub)total resection, postponement of medical treatment can be considered.

Autoři článku: Martinsenwren7785 (Haynes Petersen)