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We aim to identify existing empowerment interventions for people living with dementia and to explore which used interventions and projects are considered empowering and why.

This was an online survey.

We conducted an online survey between May 2018 and July 2018 amongst professionals interested in dementia care in Europe. Interventions were clustered within the ecological model for health promotion. Reasons from respondents as to why they considered interventions to be empowering were analysed and structured according to a recently developed conceptual framework of empowerment for people living with dementia.

Seventy-three respondents from 23 countries together mentioned 98 interventions or projects, of which 90 were unique. Interventions focused on the (inter)personal (n=54), organizational (n=15), communal (n=6) and societal (n=15) levels. A broad range of interventions were considered empowering, but no interventions were specifically developed for, nor aimed at, empowerment. Reasons as to why respoople with dementia to live the life they choose, and focus on what is possible, instead of what is no longer possible. Many interventions are considered as empowering for people living with dementia, however no interventions could be identified that were specifically developed for or aimed at empowerment. This study shows that for promoting empowerment, it is necessary to develop and test interventions that specifically aim for empowerment, do this in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, and in this way support people living with dementia to live according to their competencies, talents and wishes.A critical mission of psychological science is to conduct research that ultimately improves the lives of individuals who experience psychopathology. One important aspect of accomplishing this mission is increasing the likelihood that treatments will work for each person. I contend that treatment prognosis can be improved by moving toward a precision-medicine model. I advance a principle-driven framework for working toward these objectives. First, I synthesize the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology and the Research Domain Criteria and demonstrate how integrating these models facilitates precision characterization of psychopathology. Second, I outline and demonstrate a systematic process for approaching treatment selection by leveraging precisely characterized representations of psychopathology. Finally, I advocate the research and clinical applications of this framework. Although clinical and psychological scientists are conducting exciting, multidisciplinary, and methodologically rigorous research in their respective domains, the impact of these pursuits will be maximized in the context of a unifying theoretical framework that supports a clear guiding mission.

To analyse the degree of susceptibility to smoking according to gender in students between 12 and 16 years of age and study the role of factors associated with gender and the extended index of susceptibility to smoking.

Cross-sectional study.

Between November 2019 and March 2020, 12- to 16-year-old students were recruited from three educational centres in western Spain. Sociodemographic, environmental, social and personal variables were analysed. The value of the extended index of susceptibility to smoking was calculated, and the associations between the students' genders and smoking susceptibility were studied. Multinomial logistic regression was used to study associations between the independent variables and Expanded Susceptibility Index (ESSI) results. The roles of factors in this association were explored through mediation analysis.

A total of 364 students participated in the study (53% females). A total of 79.3% of females and 61.4% of males presented a medium-high level of the extended index ofa strong influence among adolescent females; therefore, developing preventive programmes with gender approaches aimed at reducing the influence of these environmental factors would be of interest.In the study of consciousness, qualia, the individual subjective experience, is neglected. It remains impenetrable because the objective perspective used for scientific investigations misses its subjective nature. In 1974, Thomas Nagel suggested that studying qualia requires an "objective phenomenology method" whose goal would be to describe the subjective character of experiences in an independent manner. We introduce a corresponding theoretical and experimental framework based on the "idiosyncrasy principle." Accordingly, subjectivity depends on the idiosyncratic composition of physical properties to qualia. This allows conceptualizing an idiosyncratic transfer function between the world and its representation. The main challenge in delineating such a transfer function is to come up with an objective measure for another person's perspective. Numerosity, as opposed to other perceived contents of the physical world, allows reporting subjective experience in an objective manner. On the basis of this unique attribute of numerosity, we suggest a tentative neurocognitive research plan aimed at delineating such idiosyncratic transfer functions, permitting one person to adopt the perspective of another and linking qualia to its mechanism.Mental representations are the essence of cognition. Yet to understand how the mind works, one must understand not just the content of mental representations (i.e., what information is stored) but also the format of those representations (i.e., how that information is stored). But what does it mean for representations to be formatted? How many formats are there? Is it possible that the mind represents some pieces of information in multiple formats at once? To address these questions, I discuss a "case study" of representational format the representation of spatial location. I review work (a) across species and across development, (b) across spatial scales, and (c) across levels of analysis (e.g., high-level cognitive format vs. low-level neural format). Along the way, I discuss the possibility that the same information may be organized in multiple formats simultaneously (e.g., that locations may be represented in both Cartesian and polar coordinates). Ultimately, I argue that seemingly "redundant" formats may support the flexible spatial behavior observed in humans and that researchers should approach the study of all mental representations with this possibility in mind.Contact sports athletes are regularly facing acute physical pain in part of their sport; however, the literature investigating pain perception in these athletes remains scarce. This scoping review aimed to explore the literature surrounding pain perception in contact sport athletes and to compile and understand how it is studied. The search strategy consisted of using index terms and keywords in the MEDLINE, EMBASE, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global search engines. Results from 11 studies revealed that a mix of team contact sports and combat sports are studied and are included under the umbrella of contact sports. These athletes are being compared with non-athletes as well as athletes from non-contact sports. The cold pressor test and the pain pressure test are the two predominant methods used to investigate physical pain. This review highlights the need to clearly define sports based on contact levels expected in play to better define the types of pain athletes are facing in their practice. Athletes' level of play as well as years of experience should also be more rigorously reported. read more While contact sport athletes seem to have a higher level of pain tolerance than both active controls and non-contact athletes, the methods of pain testing are not always justified and appropriate in relation to the pain induced during contact sports. Future experimental studies should use pain testing methods relevant to the pain experienced during contact sports and to better justify the rationale for the choice of these methods.

Scientific knowledge on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasm (NEN) is still limited and longitudinal assessment of HRQoL over the time in NEN patients are scarce. The current study aimed to assess the role of clinical severity and heterogeneity of NEN, as well as resilience, in the HRQoL of NEN patients over the course of a year.

39 consecutive NEN patients (25 men and 14 women) aged from 29 to 73years participated in a longitudinal Italian multicentric study. The main outcome measure concerned the severity and heterogeneity of NEN, HRQoL, and resilience.

Over the course of a year, higher levels of the global health (GH) were associated to the absence of distant metastases, while the presence of metastases with higher levels of fatigue, diarrhea, and financial difficulties. Higher levels of resilience are still associated with better GH and lower levels of fatigue, diarrhea, and financial difficulties, but no longer with constipation. Furthermore, patients with gastroenteropancreatic NEN still have higher scores on constipation, but not on GH, fatigue, diarrhea, and financial difficulties. Patients with hereditary NEN continue to have greater GH than those with a sporadic NEN and lower fatigue, diarrhea, and financial difficulties.

These findings showed that the effects of severity and clinical heterogeneity of the NEN on HRQoL may change over time. This evidence should lead clinicians to monitor the HRQoL of NEN patients throughout the course of the disease and psychologists to implement evidence-based resilience interventions.

These findings showed that the effects of severity and clinical heterogeneity of the NEN on HRQoL may change over time. This evidence should lead clinicians to monitor the HRQoL of NEN patients throughout the course of the disease and psychologists to implement evidence-based resilience interventions.

Enobosarm (EN), a selective androgen receptor modulator and raloxifene (RAL), a selective estrogen receptor modulator, have been shown to improve bone tissue in osteoporotic males. The present study evaluated the effects of a combination therapy of EN and RAL on bone properties in orchiectomized rats compared to the respective single treatments.

Eight-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were either left intact (Non-Orx) or orchiectomized (Orx). The Orx rats were divided into four groups (n = 15 each) 1) Orx, 2) EN treatment (Orx + EN), 3) RAL treatment (Orx + RAL), 4) combined treatment (Orx + EN + RAL). EN and RAL (0.4mg and 7mg/kg body weight/day) were applied immediately after Orx with a soy-free pelleted diet for up to 18weeks. The lumbar spine and femora were examined by micro-CT, biomechanical, histomorphological, ashing, and gene expression analyses.

EN exhibited an anabolic effect on bone, improving some of its parameters in Orx rats, but did not affect biomechanical properties. RAL exhibited antiresorptive activity, maintaining the biomechanical and trabecular parameters of Orx rats at the levels of Non-Orx rats. EN + RAL exerted a stronger effect than the single treatments, improving most of the bone parameters. Liver weight increased after all treatments; the kidney, prostate, and levator ani muscle weights increased after EN and EN + RAL treatments. BW was reduced due to a decreased food intake in the Orx + RAL group and due a reduced visceral fat weight in the Orx + EN + RAL group.

The EN + RAL treatment appeared to be promising in preventing male osteoporosis, but given the observed side effects on liver, kidney, and prostate weights, it requires further investigation.

The EN + RAL treatment appeared to be promising in preventing male osteoporosis, but given the observed side effects on liver, kidney, and prostate weights, it requires further investigation.

Autoři článku: Marcherjeppesen8058 (Solomon Atkins)