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A close spatial relationship between the second and third afferent arteries within the common branch from the ventral aorta is proposed as a synapomorphy for Rajiformes with a secondary modification in Sympterygia. Data about patterns in afferent branchial arteries in additional taxa such as Squaliformes and Chimaeriformes are needed to better understand the evolution of this character complex among chondrichthyans.Trophic sources and pathways supporting early life stages are crucial for survival of forage fishes recruiting around the oligotrophic and unproductive Kuroshio. However, information is limited for the Kuroshio planktonic food web and its trophodynamics because of its high biodiversity. Here, we explore trophic sources and linkages in the Kuroshio plankton community using metabarcoding analysis of gut-content DNA for 22 mesozooplankton groups. The major prey was dinoflagellates and calanoids for omnivorous groups, and calanoids and gelatinous organisms for carnivorous groups. Larvaceans and hydrozoans were the most frequently appeared prey for both omnivores and carnivores, whereas they were minor constituents of the available prey in water samples. Although calanoids overlapped as major prey items for both omnivores and carnivores because they were the most available, contributions from phytoplankton and gelatinous prey differed among taxonomic groups. Further analysis of the metabarcoding data showed that in addition to omnivorous copepods like calanoids, gelatinous groups like larvaceans and hydrozoans were important hubs in the planktonic food web with their multiple trophic linkages to many components. These findings suggest that gelatinous organisms are important as supplementary prey and provide evidence of niche segregation on trophic sources among mesozooplankton groups in the Kuroshio.Vertebrate CMP-sialic acid synthetase (CSS), which catalyzes the synthesis of CMP-sialic acid (CMP-Sia), consists of a 28 kDa-N-domain and a 20 kDa-C-domain. The N-domain is known to be a catalytic domain; however, the significance of the C-domain still remains unknown. To elucidate the function of the C-domain at the organism level, we screened the medaka TILLING library and obtained medaka with non-synonymous mutations (t911a), or single amino acid substitutions of CSS, L304Q, in the C-domain. Prominently, most L304Q medaka was lethal within 19 days post-fertilization (dpf). L304Q young fry displayed free Sia accumulation, and impairment of sialylation, up to 8 dpf. At 8 dpf, a marked abnormality in ventricular contraction and skeletal myogenesis was observed. To gain insight into the mechanism of L304Q-induced abnormalities, L304Q was biochemically characterized. Although bacterially expressed soluble L304Q and WT showed the similar Vmax/Km values, very few soluble L304Q was detected when expressed in CHO cells in sharp contrast to the WT. Additionally, the thermostability of various mutations of L304 greatly decreased, except for WT and L304I. These results suggest that L304 is important for the stability of CSS, and that an appropriate level of expression of soluble CSS is significant for animal survival.The genome-wide promoter interactome is primarily maintained and regulated by architectural proteins such as CTCF and cohesin. However, some studies suggest a role for non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in this process. We aimed to characterise the regulatory role of RNA-mediated promoter interactions in the control of gene expression. We integrated genome-wide datasets of RNA-chromatin and promoter-genome interactions in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to identify putative RNA-mediated promoter interactions. We discovered that CTCF sites were enriched in RNA-PIRs (promoter interacting regions co-localising with RNA-chromatin interaction sites) and genes interacting with RNA-PIRs containing CTCF sites showed higher expression levels. One of the long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) expressed in hESCs, Syntaxin 18-Antisense 1 (STX18-AS1), appeared to be involved in an insulating promoter interaction with the neighbouring gene, MSX1. By knocking down STX18-AS1, the MSX1 promoter-PIR interaction was intensified and the target gene (MSX1) expression was down-regulated. Conversely, reduced MSX1 promoter-PIR interactions, resulting from CRISPR-Cas9 deletion of the PIR, increased the expression of MSX1. We conclude that STX18-AS1 RNA antagonised local CTCF-mediated insulating promoter interactions to augment gene expression. Such down-regulation of the insulating promoter interactions by this novel mechanism may explain the higher expression of genes interacting with RNA-PIRs linked to CTCF sites.Many ecological studies rely on count data and involve manual counting of objects of interest, which is time-consuming and especially disadvantageous when time in the field or lab is limited. However, an increasing number of works uses digital imagery, which opens opportunities to automatise counting tasks. In this study, we use machine learning to automate counting objects of interest without the need to label individual objects. By leveraging already existing image-level annotations, this approach can also give value to historical data that were collected and annotated over longer time series (typical for many ecological studies), without the aim of deep learning applications. We demonstrate deep learning regression on two fundamentally different counting tasks (i) daily growth rings from microscopic images of fish otolith (i.e., hearing stone) and (ii) hauled out seals from highly variable aerial imagery. In the otolith images, our deep learning-based regressor yields an RMSE of 3.40 day-rings and an [Formula see text] of 0.92. Initial performance in the seal images is lower (RMSE of 23.46 seals and [Formula see text] of 0.72), which can be attributed to a lack of images with a high number of seals in the initial training set, compared to the test set. We then show how to improve performance substantially (RMSE of 19.03 seals and [Formula see text] of 0.77) by carefully selecting and relabelling just 100 additional training images based on initial model prediction discrepancy. The regression-based approach used here returns accurate counts ([Formula see text] of 0.92 and 0.77 for the rings and seals, respectively), directly usable in ecological research.Abdominal injury is a frequent cause of death for trauma patients, and early recognition is essential to limit fatalities. There is a need for a wearable sensor system for prehospital settings that can detect and monitor bleeding in the abdomen (hemoperitoneum). NPS-2143 This study evaluates the potential for microwave technology to fill that gap. A simple prototype of a wearable microwave sensor was constructed using eight antennas. A realistic porcine model of hemoperitoneum was developed using anesthetized pigs. Ten animals were measured at healthy state and at two sizes of bleeding. Statistical tests and a machine learning method were used to evaluate blood detection sensitivity. All subjects presented similar changes due to accumulation of blood, which dampened the microwave signal ([Formula see text]). The machine learning analysis yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) of 0.93, showing 100% sensitivity at 90% specificity. Large inter-individual variability of the healthy state signal complicated differentiation of bleedings from healthy state. A wearable microwave instrument has potential for accurate detection and monitoring of hemoperitoneum, with automated analysis making the instrument easy-to-use. Future hardware development is necessary to suppress measurement system variability and enable detection of smaller bleedings.A nucleotide repeat expansion (NRE), (G4C2)n, located in a classically noncoding region of C9orf72 (C9), is the most common genetic mutation associated with ALS/FTD. There is increasing evidence that nucleic acid structures formed by the C9-NRE may both contribute to ALS/FTD, and serve as therapeutic targets, but there is limited characterization of these nucleic acid structures under physiologically and disease relevant conditions. Here we show in vitro that the C9-NRE DNA can form both parallel and antiparallel DNA G-quadruplex (GQ) topological structures and that the structural preference of these DNA GQs can be dependent on the molecular crowding conditions. Additionally, 5-methylcytosine DNA hypermethylation, which is observed in the C9-NRE locus in some patients, has minimal effects on GQ topological preferences. Finally, molecular dynamic simulations of methylated and nonmethylated GQ structures support in vitro data showing that DNA GQ structures formed by the C9-NRE DNA are stable, with structural fluctuations limited to the cytosine-containing loop regions. These findings provide new insight into the structural polymorphic preferences and stability of DNA GQs formed by the C9-NRE in both the methylated and nonmethylated states, as well as reveal important features to guide the development of upstream therapeutic approaches to potentially attenuate C9-NRE-linked diseases.Social cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia and plays a critical role in poor community functioning in the disorder. However, our understanding of the relationship between key biological variables and social cognitive impairment in schizophrenia is limited. This study examined the effect of sex on the levels of social cognitive impairment and the relationship between social cognitive impairment and social functioning in schizophrenia. Two hundred forty-eight patients with schizophrenia (61 female) and 87 healthy controls (31 female) completed five objective measures and one subjective measure of social cognition. The objective measures included the Facial Affect Identification, Emotion in Biological Motion, Self-Referential Memory, MSCEIT Branch 4, and Empathic Accuracy tasks. The subjective measure was the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), which includes four subscales. Patients completed measures of social and non-social functional capacity and community functioning. For objective social cognitive tasks, we found a significant sex difference only on one measure, the MSCEIT Branch 4, which in both patient and control groups, females performed better than males. Regarding the IRI, females endorsed higher empathy-related items on one subscale. The moderating role of sex was found only for the association between objective social cognition and non-social functional capacity. The relationship was stronger in male patients than female patients. In this study, we found minimal evidence of a sex effect on social cognition in schizophrenia across subjective and objective measures. Sex does not appear to moderate the association between social cognition and functioning in schizophrenia.The evolution of dense plasmas prior to the arrival of the peak of the laser irradiation is critical to understanding relativistic laser plasma interactions. The spectral properties of a reflected laser pulse after the interaction with a plasma can be used to gain insights about the interaction itself, whereas the effect of holeboring has a predominant role. Here we developed an analytical model, describing the non-relativistic temporal evolution of the holeboring velocity in the presence of an arbitrary overdense plasma density and laser intensity profile. We verify this using two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, showing a major influence on the holeboring dynamic depending on the density profile. The influence on the reflected laser pulse has been verified during an experiment at the PHELIX laser. We show that this enables the possibility to determine the sub-micrometer scale length of the preplasma by measuring the maximum holeboring velocity and acceleration during the laser-plasma interaction.

Autoři článku: Mangumandreassen4044 (Carpenter Fisker)