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Our results bring key insights into the fundamental entanglement structure of arbitrary quantum states, and they can be used directly to assess and quantify the entanglement produced in quantum-physical experiments.In the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect, a superposed charge acquires a detectable phase by enclosing an infinite solenoid, in a region where the solenoid's electric and magnetic fields are zero. Its generation seems therefore explainable only by the local action of gauge-dependent potentials, not of gauge-independent fields. This was recently challenged by Vaidman, who explained the phase by the solenoid's current interacting with the electron's field (at the solenoid). Still, his model has a residual nonlocality it does not explain how the phase, generated at the solenoid, is detectable on the charge. In this Letter, we solve this nonlocality explicitly by quantizing the field. AG-1478 order We show that the AB phase is mediated locally by the entanglement between the charge and the photons, like all electromagnetic phases. We also predict a gauge-invariant value for the phase difference at each point along the charge's path. We propose a realistic experiment to measure this phase difference locally, by partial quantum state tomography on the charge, without closing the interference loop.High order perturbation theory has seen an unexpected recent revival for controlled calculations of quantum many-body systems, even at strong coupling. We adapt integration methods using low-discrepancy sequences to this problem. They greatly outperform state-of-the-art diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulations. In practical applications, we show speed-ups of several orders of magnitude with scaling as fast as 1/N in sample number N; parametrically faster than 1/sqrt[N] in Monte Carlo simulations. We illustrate our technique with a solution of the Kondo ridge in quantum dots, where it allows large parameter sweeps.Inspired by the jamming in leaky systems that arises in many physiological and industrial settings, we study the propagation of clogs in a leaky microfluidic channel. By driving a colloidal suspension through such a channel with a fluid-permeable wall adjoining a gutter, we follow the formation and propagation of jams and show that they move at a steady speed, in contrast with jams in channels that have impermeable walls. Furthermore, by varying the ratio of the resistance from the leaky wall and that of the gutter, we show that it is possible to control the shape of the propagating jam, which is typically wedge shaped. We complement our experiments with numerical simulations, where we implement an Euler-Lagrangian framework for the simultaneous evolution of both immersed colloidal particles and the carrier fluid. Finally, we show that the particle ordering in the clog can be tuned by adjusting the geometry of the leaky wall. Altogether, the leaky channel serves both as a filter and a shunt with the potential for a range of uses.We revisit quantum state preparation of an oscillator by continuous linear position measurement. Quite general analytical expressions are derived for the conditioned state of the oscillator. Remarkably, we predict that quantum squeezing is possible outside of both the backaction dominated and quantum coherent oscillation regimes, relaxing experimental requirements even compared to ground-state cooling. This provides a new way to generate nonclassical states of macroscopic mechanical oscillators, and opens the door to quantum sensing and tests of quantum macroscopicity at room temperature.A quantum spin hall insulator is manifested by its conducting edge channels that originate from the nontrivial topology of the insulating bulk states. Monolayer 1T^'-WTe_2 exhibits this quantized edge conductance in transport measurements, but because of its semimetallic nature, the coherence length is restricted to around 100 nm. To overcome this restriction, we propose a strain engineering technique to tune the electronic structure, where either a compressive strain along the a axis or a tensile strain along the b axis can drive 1T^'-WTe_2 into an full gap insulating phase. A combined study of molecular beam epitaxy and in situ scanning tunneling microscopy or spectroscopy then confirmed such a phase transition. Meanwhile, the topological edge states were found to be very robust in the presence of strain.The RNA world scenario posits replication by RNA polymerases. On early Earth, a geophysical setting is required to separate hybridized strands after their replication and to localize them against diffusion. We present a pointed heat source that drives exponential, RNA-catalyzed amplification of short RNA with high efficiency in a confined chamber. While shorter strands were periodically melted by laminar convection, the temperature gradient caused aggregated polymerase molecules to accumulate, protecting them from degradation in hot regions of the chamber. These findings demonstrate a size-selective pathway for autonomous RNA-based replication in natural nonequilibrium conditions.We describe the geometry of bend distortions in liquid crystals and their fundamental degeneracies, which we call β lines; these represent a new class of linelike topological defect in twist-bend nematics. We present constructions for smecticlike textures containing screw and edge dislocations and also for vortexlike structures of double twist and Skyrmions. We analyze their local geometry and global structure, showing that their intersection with any surface is twice the Skyrmion number. Finally, we demonstrate how arbitrary knots and links can be created and describe them in terms of merons, giving a geometric perspective on the fractionalization of Skyrmions.Environmental changes greatly influence the evolution of populations. Here, we study the dynamics of a population of two strains, one growing slightly faster than the other, competing for resources in a time-varying binary environment modeled by a carrying capacity switching either randomly or periodically between states of abundance and scarcity. The population dynamics is characterized by demographic noise (birth and death events) coupled to a varying environment. We elucidate the similarities and differences of the evolution subject to a stochastically and periodically varying environment. Importantly, the population size distribution is generally found to be broader under intermediate and fast random switching than under periodic variations, which results in markedly different asymptotic behaviors between the fixation probability of random and periodic switching. We also determine the detailed conditions under which the fixation probability of the slow strain is maximal.The weak interlayer coupling in van der Waals (vdW) magnets has confined their application to two dimensional (2D) spintronic devices. Here, we demonstrate that the interlayer coupling in a vdW magnet Fe_3GeTe_2 (FGT) can be largely modulated by a protonic gate. With the increase of the protons intercalated among vdW layers, interlayer magnetic coupling increases. Because of the existence of antiferromagnetic layers in FGT nanoflakes, the increasing interlayer magnetic coupling induces exchange bias in protonated FGT nanoflakes. Most strikingly, a rarely seen zero-field cooled (ZFC) exchange bias with very large values (maximally up to 1.2 kOe) has been observed when higher positive voltages (V_g≥4.36  V) are applied to the protonic gate, which clearly demonstrates that a strong interlayer coupling is realized by proton intercalation. Such strong interlayer coupling will enable a wider range of applications for vdW magnets.It is a long-standing belief that, in the diffusion regime, the intensity statistics is always stationary and its probability distribution follows a negative exponential decay. Here, we demonstrate that, in fact, in reflection from strong disordered media, the intensity statistics changes through different stages of the diffusion. We present a statistical model that describes this nonstationary property and takes into account the evolving balance between recurrent scattering and near field coupling. The predictions are further verified by systematic experiments in the optical regime. This statistical nonstationary is akin to the nonequilibrium but steady-state diffusion of particulate systems.When dense granular matter is sheared, the strain is often localized in shear bands. After some initial transient these shear bands become stationary. Here, we introduce a setup that periodically creates horizontally aligned shear bands which then migrate upward through the sample. Using x-ray radiography we demonstrate that this effect is caused by dilatancy, the reduction in volume fraction occurring in sheared dense granular media. Further on, we argue that these migrating shear bands are responsible for the previously reported periodic inflating and collapsing of the material.The production of a highly polarized positron beam via nonlinear Breit-Wheeler processes during the interaction of an ultraintense circularly polarized laser pulse with a longitudinally spin-polarized ultrarelativistic electron beam is investigated theoretically. A new Monte Carlo method employing fully spin-resolved quantum probabilities is developed under the local constant field approximation to include three-dimensional polarization effects in strong laser fields. The produced positrons are longitudinally polarized through polarization transferred from the polarized electrons by the medium of high-energy photons. The polarization transfer efficiency can approach 100% for the energetic positrons moving at smaller deflection angles. This method simplifies the postselection procedure to generate high-quality positron beams in further applications. In a feasible scenario, a highly polarized (40%-65%), intense (10^5-10^6/bunch), collimated (5-70 mrad) positron beam can be obtained in a femtosecond timescale. The longitudinally polarized positron sources are desirable for applications in high-energy physics and material science.We use scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the atomically resolved electronic structure in the strongly correlated kagome Weyl antiferromagnet Mn_3Sn. In stark contrast to its broad single-particle electronic structure, we observe a pronounced resonance with a Fano line shape at the Fermi level resembling the many-body Kondo resonance. We find that this resonance does not arise from the step edges or atomic impurities but the intrinsic kagome lattice. Moreover, the resonance is robust against the perturbation of a vector magnetic field, but broadens substantially with increasing temperature, signaling strongly interacting physics. We show that this resonance can be understood as the result of geometrical frustration and strong correlation based on the kagome lattice Hubbard model. Our results point to the emergent many-body resonance behavior in a topological kagome magnet.Long-range interacting spin systems are ubiquitous in physics and exhibit a variety of ground-state disorder-to-order phase transitions. We consider a prototype of infinite-range interacting models known as the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model describing the collective interaction of N spins and investigate the dynamical properties of fluctuations and correlations after a sudden quench of the Hamiltonian. Specifically, we focus on critical quenches, where the initial state and/or the postquench Hamiltonian are critical. Depending on the type of quench, we identify three distinct behaviors where both the short-time dynamics and the stationary state at long times are effectively thermal, quantum, and genuinely nonequilibrium, characterized by distinct universality classes and static and dynamical critical exponents. These behaviors can be identified by an infrared effective temperature that is finite, zero, and infinite (the latter scaling with the system size as N^1/3), respectively. The quench dynamics is studied through a combination of exact numerics and analytical calculations utilizing the nonequilibrium Keldysh field theory.

Autoři článku: Malmbergrussell0983 (Buch Robbins)