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In roasted olive leaves, we found marked increases (230% to 300% and 180% to 220%) in the antioxidant activities of Maillard reaction products against RO· and t-BuOO·, respectively. This study presented a useful comparative analysis of the antioxidant capacities of food against various types of ROS. PRACTICAL APPLICATION In this study, we evaluated the natural antioxidant activity of olive fruits and leaves against five reactive oxygen species (ROS). We found characteristic differences in the antioxidant profiles of different olive tissues, which varied after different treatments (debittering [fruit], drying [leaf], and roasting [leaf]). Comparative studies of the antioxidant capacities of foods against various ROS are useful to improve the functionality of food products.

Individuals with eating disorders (EDs) have increased rates of major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders. Yet, few studies have investigated rates of EDs and their symptoms in individuals presenting with MDD/anxiety disorders. Identifying potential disordered eating in people with MDD/anxiety disorders is important because even subclinical disordered eating is associated with reduced quality of life, and undiagnosed eating pathology may hinder treatment progress for both MDD/anxiety disorders and comorbid EDs.

We compared rates of EDs (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other specified feeding and eating disorders) and their symptoms in 130 women with, and 405 women without, lifetime MDD or an anxiety disorder (generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia, or post-traumatic stress disorder) recruited from the population-based Michigan State University Twin Registry. Lifetime ED and MDD/anxiety diagnoses, and lifetime clinically significant disordered eating behaviors (e.g., binge eating, excessive exercise) were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID).

Among participants with lifetime MDD or any anxiety disorder, 13% met criteria for a lifetime ED and 39% reported engaging in at least one lifetime clinically significant disordered eating behavior (e.g., binge eating) on the SCID. In contrast, only 3% of participants without a history of MDD/an anxiety disorder met criteria for a lifetime ED, and only 11% reported lifetime clinically significant disordered eating behavior.

Our findings suggest that women with MDD and anxiety disorders have elevated rates of EDs, and it is therefore imperative to screen for disordered eating in these populations.

Our findings suggest that women with MDD and anxiety disorders have elevated rates of EDs, and it is therefore imperative to screen for disordered eating in these populations.As a result of aging populations, in the future, dental practitioners will be caring for more older adults than ever before. These older adults, especially in developed countries, will demand a greater number of dental services, driven by increased tooth retention and an expectation of excellent oral healthcare throughout the life course. Further, the global rise in the prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases will increase the risk and/or severity of oral diseases and add a layer of complexity to the management of oral diseases in older adults. More older adults will be at a higher risk of periodontal disease and root caries as a result of reduced tooth loss and edentulism. This article reviews information on periodontitis and root caries, oral diseases which reflect the cumulative risk of the individual, and which are best addressed through prevention. Oral healthcare providers must embrace the concept of lifelong emphasis on prevention, as well as participation as active members of a healthcare team which provides healthcare for older adults in various settings (eg, hospital/clinic-based care, community-based settings, and long-term care facilities). Anisomycin in vivo National guidelines that address oral health are being considered by some countries, and if these are implemented they will increase the accessibility to oral health for older adults. In parallel to this, revisions of existing older adult insurance schemes (eg, the inclusion of routine oral healthcare in the US Medicare program) would promote the maintenance of a functional dentition that is pain-free and conducive to general health. The opportunity exists to implement a holistic approach to oral health that will align oral health with general health and emphasize that true health can only be achieved with the inclusion of oral health.It is well established that periodontal infection control, by means of adequate oral hygiene such as daily toothbrushing and interdental cleaning, is essential for prevention of periodontal disease. Evidence suggests that oral health behavioral intervention is more effective if based on a theoretic framework that includes behavioral change techniques based on goals and planning and on feedback and monitoring. This review focuses on factors that influence behavioral changes in oral hygiene measures (both obstacles and facilitators) and a person-centered approach to treatment planning and communication with patients. A person-centered model of oral hygiene is presented that can be integrated into periodontal treatment using different behavioral techniques.Periodontal diseases are prevalent in humans. Conventional means of combating these diseases involve basic oral hygiene, mostly toothbrushing, use of mouthwashes, and flossing. Supplementary means of treatment, either clinical or pharmaceutical, are often necessary. The use of sustained-release delivery systems, applied locally to the periodontal pocket, seems to be one feasible approach local sustained-release delivery of antibacterial agents to treat periodontal diseases is conceivable. The use of local (intrapocket) sustained-release delivery systems has numerous clinical, pharmacologic, and toxicologic advantages over conventional treatments for periodontal diseases. Sustained-release technology has been proven to be effective over the last few decades. Films, gels, and fibers are the three main classical intrapocket pharmaceutical delivery systems. Research today is more focused on improving drug delivery, and less on introducing new drugs. New approaches, eg, those making use of nanotechnology, are emerging for local drug-delivery systems. The local sustained-release delivery system concept is innovative and a few products are already commercially available.It is widely accepted that common diseases of the oral cavity, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, are preventable. Based on a large body of scientific evidence, a number of preventive strategies are known to prevent these diseases, but only if routinely implemented. Unfortunately, while most preventive strategies are theoretically simple to understand, they are often difficult to employ in practice at individual and public health levels. This volume of Periodontology 2000 provides the most current information on the state of the science and the evidence base supporting a preventive perspective for the management of periodontal disease, including evidence for proven interventions as well as cutting-edge ideas for potential future interventions. link2 In addition to well-established and scientifically proven approaches (tooth and implant cleansing, topical chemotherapeutics, reduction in risk factors such as tobacco smoking), a number of new ideas are now under investigation, including antioxidant agents, probiotics, vaccines, and slow-release alternative chemotherapeutics. Furthermore, there are new ideas to alter patient behaviors with the aim to improve adherence to preventive strategies. Finally, examples from implementation science and public health are provided that suggest novel approaches to bring new ideas into clinical practice.There is increasing public interest in natural or herbal-based healthcare products. This trend is not only visible in supermarkets and dental practices, but also in the scientific world. An improving number of clinical trials are being conducted to validate the claims made about these products in regards to periodontal health. Among single component preparations, Aloe vera and green tea are the most studied natural ingredients. Concerning polyherbal mixtures, triphala has garnered great interest. The effects of these natural products on periodontal health is encouraging, with almost all studies showing an inhibitory effect on plaque accumulation and an improvement in gingival health. However, more studies are needed to be able to design clinical guidelines to guide the use of these natural products in periodontal practice. For most of these products, few studies are available and, moreover, the available studies are limited in duration, the number of participants, and the specific composition of the natural product is often not described in detail.Severe/progressive periodontitis is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and dozens of other serious diseases. Herpesviruses are implicated in severe periodontitis and in specific subsets of each of the above systemic diseases. That both periodontitis and herpesviruses are linked to the same nonoral diseases is consistent with a systemic pathogenic role of periodontal herpesviruses. Effective control of periodontitis-related systemic diseases requires collaboration between dentistry and medicine. Periodontology has emerged as an important preventive medical discipline, and periodontal teaching and practice need to adjust accordingly.Peri-implant diseases are prevalent with a weighted mean prevalence rate of 43% across Europe and 22% across South and North America. Although the main etiologic agent is bacterial biofilm, a myriad of factors influence the initiation and progression of the disease. Unfortunately, the treatment of peri-implant diseases is at best favorable in the short term with a high rate of persistent inflammation and recurrence. Therefore, it is sensible to consider and control all potential factors that may predispose an implant to peri-implant tissue inflammation in an attempt to avoid the disease. This paper reviews recent evidence on factors that may predispose implants to peri-implantitis and measures that can be taken to prevent it.Periodontitis is a highly prevalent disease. As it progresses, it causes serious morbidity in the form of periodontal abscesses and tooth loss and, in the latter stages, pain. It is also now known that periodontitis is strongly associated with several nonoral diseases. Thus, patients with periodontitis are at greater risk for the development and/or exacerbation of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular diseases, among other conditions. Although it is without question that specific groups of oral bacteria which populate dental plaque play a causative role in the development of periodontitis, it is now thought that once this disease has been triggered, other factors play an equal, and possibly more important, role in its progression, particularly in severe cases or in cases that prove difficult to treat. link3 In this regard, we allude to the host response, specifically the notion that the host, once infected with oral periodontal pathogenic bacteria, will mount a defense response mediated largely through the innate immune system.

Autoři článku: Malloymclaughlin5158 (Jokumsen Meredith)