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Allergic asthma is characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness, remodeling, and reversible airway obstruction. This is associated with an eosinophilic inflammation of the airways, caused by inhaled allergens such as house dust mite or grass pollen. The inhaled allergens trigger a type-2 inflammatory response with the involvement of innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) and Th2 cells, resulting in high immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody production by B cells and mucus production by airway epithelial cells. As a consequence of the IgE production, subsequent allergen reexposure results in a classic allergic response with distinct early and late phases, both resulting in bronchoconstriction and shortness of breath. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is the only treatment that is capable of modifying the immunological process underlying allergic responses including allergic asthma. Both subcutaneous AIT (SCIT) as well as sublingual AIT (SLIT) have shown clinical efficacy in long-term suppression of the allergic response. A lung function, serum immunoglobulin levels, isolation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and preparation of cytospin slides. click here Moreover, we describe how to perform ex vivo restimulation of lung single-cell suspensions with allergens, flow cytometry for identification of relevant immune cell populations, and ELISAs and Luminex assays for assessment of the cytokine concentrations in BALF and lung tissue.Allergic disease is on the rise and yet the underlying cause and risk factors are not fully understood. While lifesaving in many circumstances, the use of antibiotics and the subsequent disruption of the microbiome are positively correlated with the development of allergies. Here, we describe the use of the antibiotic vancomycin in combination with the papain-induced mouse model of allergic disease that allows for the assessment of microbiome perturbations and the impact on allergy development.The intestine is often examined histologically in connection with allergies and in search for pathological changes. To be able to examine the intestine histologically with a microscope, it must be sampled and processed correctly. For microscopic analysis, the samples have to be cut into thin sections, stained, and mounted on slides. Since it is not possible to cut fresh samples without damaging them, they must first be fixed. The most common method, which is described herein, is the fixation in formalin with subsequent embedding in paraffin and staining of the slides with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Hematoxylin solutions (in this case Mayer's hemalum solution) stain the acidic components of the cell, i.e., cell nuclei, blue. The staining with eosin gives a pink staining of cytoplasm. This chapter describes the method of processing intestinal tissue for paraffin-embedding, sectioning, and staining with H&E. Tissue processing can be done in tissue processing machines or manually. We describe the manual processing that is often used for smaller batches of samples.Eosinophils are rare white blood cells that are recruited from circulation to accumulate in the lung in mouse models of allergic respiratory inflammation. In hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained lungs, eosinophils may be difficult to detect despite their bright eosin staining in the secondary granules. For this reason, antibody-mediated detection of eosinophils is preferable for specific and clearer identification of these cells. Moreover, eosinophils may degranulate, releasing their granule proteins into surrounding tissue, and remnants of cytolysed cells cannot be detected by HE staining. The methods here demonstrate the use of eosinophil-specific anti-mouse antibodies to detect eosinophil granule proteins in formalin-fixed cells both in situ in paraffin-embedded lungs, as well as in cytospin preparations from the lung. These antibody staining techniques enable either colorimetric or fluorescence imaging of eosinophils or their granule proteins with the potential for additional antibodies to be added for detection of multiple molecules.Cellular inflammation, with elevated levels of Th1/Th2 cytokines, airway mucus hypersecretion, and thickening of the airway smooth muscle, are characteristic features of the allergic lung. Assessment of pathophysiological changes in allergic lungs serves as an important tool to determine disease progression and understand the underlying mechanisms of pathogenesis. This can be achieved by evaluating the lung tissue for inflammation and airway structural changes along with the measurement of important pro-inflammatory mediators such as Th1/Th2 cytokines and eotaxins. This chapter describes procedures to histologically evaluate inflammatory and pathological changes observed during allergic airway inflammation using lung tissue from mice.Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a technique used to collect the contents of the airways. The fluid recovered, called BAL fluid (BALF), serves as a dynamic tool to identify various disease pathologies ranging from asthma to infectious diseases to cancer in the lungs. A wide array of tests can be performed with BALF, including total and differential leukocyte counts (DLC), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) or flow-cytometric quantitation of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules, and assessment of nitrate and nitrite content for estimation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity. Here, we describe a detailed procedure for the collection of BALF for a variety of downstream usages, including DLC by cytological and flow-cytometry-based methods, multiplex cytokine analysis by flow cytometry, and NOS activity analysis by determining nitrate and nitrite levels.The use of flow cytometry allows simultaneous measurement and multiparametric analysis of single cells in a heterogenous solution. The purpose of flow cytometry can vary depending on the use of antibodies and dyes targeted for specific cell molecules. link2 The method of immune-phenotyping with fluorescently conjugated antibodies to label cell proteins or DNA works in tandem with fluidic, optic, and electrical systems present in the flow cytometer. Some flow cytometers can detect numerous fluorescent molecules on a single cell, allowing the measurement of more than 30 parameters. This ability to detect, measure, and quantitate multiple fluorescent markers on a single cell makes the flow cytometer a useful tool for analyzing various aspects of cell phenotype and function. Here we describe a standardized protocol for surface and intracellular immune-phenotyping of murine lungs, beginning with the building of an optimal antibody panel and ending with data analysis and representation, including sample gating strategies for innate and adaptive immune responses.Flow cytometry is a popular technique used for both clinical and research purposes. It involves laser-based technology to characterize cells based on size, shape, and complexity. Additionally, flow cytometers are equipped with the ability to take fluorescence measurements at multiple wavelengths. This capability makes the flow cytometer a practical resource in the utilization of fluorescently conjugated antibodies, fluorescent proteins, DNA binding dyes, viability dyes, and ion indicator dyes. As the technology advances, the number of parameters a flow cytometer can measure has increased tremendously, and now some has the capacity to analyze 30-50 or more parameters on a single cell. Here, we describe the basic principles involved in the mechanics and procedures of flow cytometry along with an insight into applications of flow cytometry techniques for biomedical and allergic disease research.Type-I hypersensitivity is commonly characterized by increased levels of antigen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) E. Therefore, it is important for clinical and research investigators to reliably measure serum levels of IgE in allergic patients and animal models. While current ELISA-based methods are simple and commonly performed for the detection of allergen-specific IgE using serum or plasma, they may produce misleading results. This is in part due to decreased sensitivity for IgE in the presence of other Ig isotypes in the same sample, such as IgG, that are typically more abundant than IgE. link3 When assessment of multiple Ig isotypes is necessary, performing optimized assays for individual isotypes requires high sample volumes. Here, we describe an approach to increase the sensitivity for IgE detection while conserving the sample volume needed. This method not only improves the accuracy of serum IgE measurements but also allows simultaneous analysis of other allergen-specific immunoglobulins.The regulation of vascular permeability is critical in inflammation. It controls the distribution of water and plasma contents such as immunoglobulins in peripheral tissues. To regulate allergic diseases, it is important to study vascular biology especially in inflammation. Since the vascular permeability changes in minutes upon the exposure to proinflammatory mediators, intravital imaging system is a powerful technique to capture such dynamic responses. We here describe how to evaluate vascular permeability in vivo using multiphoton microscopy. We use various sizes of fluorescence-labeled dextran to visualize how leaky the blood vessels are in the steady state and in inflammation. Using this assay system, we can illustrate the dynamic kinetics of vascular permeability in vivo in real-time. This assay system provides a novel convenient way to study vascular biology that is beneficial in the assessment of various animal models of allergic disease.Mouse models of allergic conjunctivitis mimic various aspects of human allergic conjunctivitis. They are useful as acute models of allergic conjunctivitis to study immunological aspects of this condition. In this chapter, we will describe ragweed-pollen-induced experimental allergic conjunctivitis (mostly driven by adaptive immunity), and papain-soaked contact lens-induced experimental allergic conjunctivitis (mostly driven by innate immunity). Giemsa staining of histological sections is used for quantification of the number of infiltrating eosinophils, which is useful to evaluate the severity of the allergic inflammation. Immunohistochemical staining and quantitative PCR are used to clarify spatiotemporal expression of proinflammatory molecules in the conjunctival tissue. Flow cytometric analysis of conjunctival tissue is used for the detection of innate lymphoid cell type 2 (ILC2) in the ocular surface tissues.IL-22 is an IL-10 family cytokine that is increased in asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD). However, the specific role of IL-22 in the pathogenesis of allergic lung inflammation and AD in vivo has yet to be elucidated. We aimed to develop mouse models of allergic diseases in the lung and skin with inducible and tissue-specific expression of IL-22, using a tetracycline (Tet)-controlled system. In this chapter, we describe a series of protocols we have developed to generate a construct that contains the TRE-Tight promoter and mouse IL-22 cDNA based on this system. Furthermore, we describe how to generate TRE-Tight-IL-22 mice through pronuclear microinjection. In our approach, two Tet-on (CC10-rtTA or SPC-rtTA) and a Tet-off (K5-tTA) transgenic mouse lines are selected to crossbreed with TRE-Tight-IL-22 mice to generate inducible tissue-specific transgenic lines. The transgenic strains, CC10-rtTA/TRE-Tight-IL-22 (CC10-rtTA-IL-22) or SPC-rtTA/TRE-Tight-IL-22 (SPC-rtTA-IL-22) mice, do not produce detectable levels of IL-22 in their bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples in the absence of doxycycline (Dox).

Autoři článku: Mallingbridges0080 (Rytter Ogle)