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There is considerable clinical and fundamental value in measuring the clonal heterogeneity of T and B cell expansions in tumors and tumor-associated lymphoid structures-along with the associated heterogeneity of the tumor neoantigen landscape-but such analyses remain challenging to perform. Here, we propose a straightforward approach to analyze the heterogeneity of immune repertoires between different tissue sections in a quantitative and controlled way, based on a beta-binomial noise model trained on control replicates obtained at the level of single-cell suspensions. This approach allows to identify local clonal expansions with high accuracy. We reveal in situ proliferation of clonal T cells in a mouse model of melanoma, and analyze heterogeneity of immunoglobulin repertoires between sections of a metastatically-infiltrated lymph node in human melanoma and primary human colon tumor. On the latter example, we demonstrate the importance of training the noise model on datasets with depth and content that is comparable to the samples being studied. Altogether, we describe here the crucial basic instrumentarium needed to facilitate proper experimental setup planning in the rapidly evolving field of intratumoral immune repertoires, from the wet lab to bioinformatics analysis.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is correlated with several lymphoproliferative disorders, including Hodgkin disease, Burkitt lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). The oncogenic EBV is present in 80% of PTLD. EBV infection influences immune response and has a causative role in the oncogenic transformation of lymphocytes. The development of PTLD is the consequence of an imbalance between immunosurveillance and immunosuppression. Different approaches have been proposed to treat this disorder, including suppression of the EBV viral load, reduction of immune suppression, and malignant clone destruction. In some cases, upfront chemotherapy offers better and durable clinical responses. In this work, we elucidate the clinicopathological and molecular-genetic characteristics of PTLD to clarify the biological differences of EBV(+) and EBV(-) PTLD. Gene expression profiling, next-generation sequencing, and microRNA profiles have recently provided many data that explore PTLD pathogenic mechanisms and identify potential therapeutic targets. This article aims to explore new insights into clinical behavior and pathogenesis of EBV(-)/(+) PTLD with the hope to support future therapeutic studies.Purpose Globally, individuals living with mental disorders are more likely to have access to a mobile phone than mental health care. In this commentary, we highlight opportunities for expanding access to and use of digital technologies to advance research and intervention in mental health, with emphasis on the potential impact in lower resource settings. Recent findings Drawing from empirical evidence, largely from higher income settings, we considered three emerging areas where digital technology will potentially play a prominent role supporting methods in data science to further our understanding of mental health and inform interventions, task sharing for building workforce capacity by training and supervising non-specialist health workers, and facilitating new opportunities for early intervention for young people in lower resource settings. Challenges were identified related to inequities in access, threats of bias in big data analyses, risks to users, and need for user involvement to support engagement and sustained use of digital interventions. Summary For digital technology to achieve its potential to transform the ways we detect, treat, and prevent mental disorders, there is a clear need for continued research involving multiple stakeholders, and rigorous studies showing that these technologies can successfully drive measurable improvements in mental health outcomes.Coupling reactions of feedstock alkenes are promising, but few of these reactions are practiced industrially. Even though recent advances in the synthetic methodology have led to excellent regio- and enantioselectivies in the dimerization reactions between 1,3-dienes and acrylates, the efficiency as measured by the turnover numbers (TON) in the catalyst has remained modest. Through a combination of reaction progress kinetic analysis (RPKA) of a prototypical dimerization reaction, characterization of isolated low-valent cobalt catalyst precursors involved, several important details of the mechanism of this reaction have emerged. (i) The prototypical reaction has an induction period that requires at least two hours of stir time to generate the competent catalyst. (ii) Reduction of a Co(II) complex to a Co(I) complex, and subsequent generation of a cationic [Co(I)]+ species are responsible for this delay. (iii) Through RPKA using in situ IR spectroscopy, same excess experiments reveal inhibition by the product towards the end of the reaction and no catalyst deactivation is observed as long as diene is present in the medium. The low TON observed is most likely the result of the inherent instability of the putative cationic Co(I)-species that catalyzes the reaction. (iv) Different excess experiments suggest that the reaction is first order in the diene and zero order in the acrylate. (v) Catalyst loading experiments show that the catalyst is first order. The orders in the various regents were further confirmed by Variable Time Normalization Analysis (VTNA). NSC-187208 nmr (vi) A mechanism based on oxidative dimerization [via Co(I)/Co(III)-cycle] is proposed. Based on the results of this study, it is possible to increase the TON by a factor of 10 by conducting the reaction at an increased concentration of the starting materials, especially, the diene, which seems to stabilize the catalytic species.The catalase family of enzymes, which include a variety with a binuclear manganese active site, mitigate the risk from reactive oxygen species by facilitating the disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide into molecular oxygen and water. In this work, hydrogen peroxide disproportionation using complexes formed between manganese and cyclen or pyclen were investigated due to the spectroscopic similarities with the native MnCAT enzyme. Potentiometric titrations were used to construct speciation diagrams that identify the manganese complex compositions at different pH values. Each complex behaves as a functional mimic of catalase enzymes. UV-visible spectroscopic investigations of the H2O2 decomposition reaction yielded information about the structure of the initial catalyst and intermediates that include monomeric and dimeric species. The results indicate that rigidity imparted by the pyridine ring of pyclen is a key factor in increased TON and TOF values measured compared to cyclen.The original Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) is an international 240 item validated self-report questionnaire measuring character strengths. A validated and reliable English 120-item short form (VIA-120) is available. link2 However, there is limited information about the psychometric properties of the German VIA-120. This article addresses this gap and reports the reliability, validity and comparability of the German VIA-120 with the German VIA-240 version. Two independent samples were recruited a general population sample (N = 1073, Sample 1) and a sample consisting of medical students and physicians (N = 685, Sample 2). Internal consistency of the VIA-120-scales ranged from α = .58 (modesty) to α = .87 (spirituality) in Sample 1 and α = .63 (honesty) to α = .90 (spirituality) in Sample 2. Intercorrelations between the scales of the 120-item version and the original 240-Items version (Sample 1) ranged from r = .52 (hope) to r = .89 (prudence). Criterion validity with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT) was demonstrated. The comparison of the factor structure between the original and the short form showed a good convergence (Tucker's Phi .93-.99 Sample 1, .95-.98 Sample 2). Overall, the German VIA-120 was reliable, showed good convergence with the German VIA-240 and thus presents a similar level of validity for the assessment of character strengths. This study provides the first indication that the VIA 120 short form is comparable regarding the validity and reliability of the original VIA 240-item version indicating its potential to be used in large scale research studies.In most of their work settings, the health and well-being of hospital physicians are at risk. Trends of work intensification and changing laws in the European Union and beyond have heightened the call for taking a closer look at the workplace and training conditions of hospital physicians. This study aims to identify specific work characteristics (such as autonomy, social support, cognitive demands, and skill adequacy), in order to determine conditions for the applicability of individual character strengths at work and in turn for increased work engagement and well-being. We examined our hypotheses based on cross-sectional (N = 173) and longitudinal self-report data (N = 72) of hospital physicians in Austria. The results identified significant indirect effects of skill adequacy, cognitive demands, autonomy, and social support at work - via the applicability of individual character strengths at work - on work engagement and general well-being. Longitudinal analyses additionally confirmed autonomy as a thriving work characteristic for promoting the applicability of individual character strengths over time (time lag 6 months). This study revealed the value of enabling and preserving the applicability of character strengths in a hospital work setting and focused - for the first time - on its predicting work characteristics. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of securing skill adequacy early in the training of young physicians and encouraging, as well as, sustaining autonomy in their daily work life.Signature character strengths can foster health-related outcomes in work and private life, thus being particularly important for endangered occupational groups like physicians. However, situational circumstances need to allow character strengths demonstration (applicability) first to enable their application. link3 Therefore, this study addresses the role of (1) applicability of signature character strengths in work and private life beyond their possession and (2) relationships with well-being, work engagement, and burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment). Hospital physicians (N = 274) completed an online survey examining their signature character strengths and applicability, well-being, work engagement, and burnout dimensions. The top-five individual signature character strengths were fairness, honesty, judgment, kindness, and love. Hierarchical multiple linear regressions revealed that the possession as well as the applicability of signature character strengths was important in work and private life, but to different degrees. Possessing fairness, honesty, or kindness indicated significant positive relations with subjective well-being, whereas judgment and kindness seemed to negatively interact with reduced personal accomplishment. Hospital physicians' applicability of fairness, honesty, judgment, and love was particularly essential for their psychological well-being and work engagement, whereas the applicability of fairness (reduced personal accomplishment) and judgment (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization) at work interacted negatively with the respective outcomes. Therefore, creating awareness for individual signature character strengths as well as providing applicability in hospitals and private life could be a promising approach to improve physicians' well-being and consequently patient care as well as the performance of the health-care system in general.

Autoři článku: Mahmoudlanier7544 (Herskind Sampson)