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Subjects (n=269) were predominantly male (98.5%), white (92.9%), and elderly (70.6±8.5 years) with average FEV

 % of 57.7±21.1, 6MWD of 374.3±93.5m, and daily steps of 3043.4±2374at baseline. In adjusted models, multiple measures of baseline epigenetic age and age acceleration were inversely associated with 6MWD; only GrimAge was inversely associated with PA. Longitudinal change in Hannum-Age was inversely associated with change in EC at 12 weeks (n=94). No measures of biological age were significantly associated with prospective AEs over 1.3±0.3 years.

Epigenetic measures of biological age are independent predictors of EC and PA, but not AEs, among individuals with COPD.

Epigenetic measures of biological age are independent predictors of EC and PA, but not AEs, among individuals with COPD.

Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) is a term used to describe adult patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) who display some clinical or serological features of autoimmune diseases and who do not meet the full criteria for a specific connective tissue disease (CTD). The aim of this study was to define the demographic, clinical, radiologic, serologic and histopathologic features and assess treatment in children with IPAF.

This retrospective cohort study was conducted at a tertiary referral pediatric pulmonology center between January 2010 and August 2020. Children with proven interstitial pneumonia with no known etiologies were evaluated for IPAF according to European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society research statement of IPAF.

Among 132 children with ILD, 17 patients were evaluated in detail for IPAF criteria and six patients were further diagnosed as having IPAF. The incidence of IPAF in our patients with ILD was 4.5%. Four of these patients were female. The median age at the time of ILD diagnosis was 10.5 years. The most common initial symptom was shortness of breath, and the most common physical examination sign was crackles in both lungs. Steroid therapy was given to all patients and four patients received other immunosuppressive agents for steroid sparing. Two of those patients died because of respiratory insufficiency during the follow-up.

Children with interstitial pneumonia and certain clinical, serologic, and/or morphologic features should raise suspicion for the presence of an underlying systemic autoimmune disease. IPAF is also seen in children and should be categorized in chILD classifications.

Children with interstitial pneumonia and certain clinical, serologic, and/or morphologic features should raise suspicion for the presence of an underlying systemic autoimmune disease. IPAF is also seen in children and should be categorized in chILD classifications.As with many body organs, the human central nervous system contains many structures and cavities that may have had functions in embryonic and fetal life but are vestigial or atrophic at maturity. Examples are the septum pellucidum, remnants of the lamina terminalis, Cajal-Retzius neurons, induseum griseum, habenula, and accessory olfactory bulb. Other structures are transitory in fetal or early postnatal life, disappearing from the mature brain. Examples are the neural crest, subpial granular glial layer of Brun over cerebral cortex, radial glial cells, and subplate zone of cerebral cortex. At times persistent fetal structures that do not regress may cause neurological problems or indicate a pathologic condition, such as Blake pouch cyst. Transitory structures thus can become vestigial. Examples are an excessively wide cavum septi pellucidi, suprapineal recess of the third ventricle, trigeminal artery of the posterior fossa circulation, and hyaloid ocular artery. Arrested maturation might be considered another aspect of vestigial structure. An example is the persistent microcolumnar cortical architecture in focal cortical dysplasia type Ia, in cortical zones of chronic fetal ischemia, and in some metabolic/genetic congenital encephalopathies. Some transitory structures in human brain are normal adult structures in lower vertebrates. Recognition of transitory and vestigial structures by fetal or postnatal neuroimaging and neuropathologically enables better understanding of cerebral ontogenesis and avoids misinterpretations.

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex International (TSCi) is a consortium of organizations that supports individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) around the world. To improve care for TSC on a global level, TSCi identified the need to expand understanding about existing resources available in other countries, what individuals and caregivers value in TSC care, key gaps between needs and reality in each country, and ways these gaps can be addressed by advocacy organizations around the world.

An iterative, mixed methods approach (the Improving Care project) was adopted to incorporate views from diverse members of TSCi. Through idea generation, a collection of qualitative open-ended responses and concept elicitation, we were able to build consensus where shared experiences and opinions were identified.

The research performed as a part of the Improving Care project revealed a significant gap between the guidelines and what is actually available to people with TSC worldwide. Three key priority areas of action to improve this gap were identified (1) implementation of the guidelines; (2) access to TSC expertise, and (3) coordinated and integrated health care.

There are significant opportunities for key stakeholders, including organizations, clinicians, and researchers to improve care for individuals with TSC on both local and global levels. Working across stakeholder groups and utilizing TSC organizations are essential to ensure that the advances in TSC research benefit people living with TSC around the world.

There are significant opportunities for key stakeholders, including organizations, clinicians, and researchers to improve care for individuals with TSC on both local and global levels. Working across stakeholder groups and utilizing TSC organizations are essential to ensure that the advances in TSC research benefit people living with TSC around the world.Efforts to remove highly toxic haloacetonitriles (HANs) is an important step to reduce health risks associated with disinfection by product exposure. Zero valent iron (ZVI) is a versatile material, whose reductant, sorbent and coagulant role has been well understood. However, their catalytic role is less known. In this study, the degradation and transformation of HANs in ZVI system were investigated. Significant decreases of the four HANs in ZVI system were observed, and haloacetamides and haloacetic acids (hydrolysis products of HANs) were the dominant transformation products of HANs. However dehalogenated HANs, Fe (II) and Fe (III) were rarely detected after reaction, indicating that the ZVI acted as a catalyst to promote the hydrolysis of HANs, rather than other previously reported causes (dehalogenation or redox reaction). The HAN degradation rates were dramatically affected by the initial pH, ZVI doses and initial HAN concentration. Kinetic analysis indicated that HAN removal was enhanced with the increase of initial pH (5-9), ZVI doses (1-10 g/L), and initial HAN concentration (25-200 μg/L). ZVI induced the transformation of HANs to haloacetamides, haloacetic acids and other de-halogenated compounds, which reduced the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity by 88% and 85%, respectively. This study helped to understand the fate of HAN during the transmission in cast iron pipes, and provided a theoretical foundation for future HAN control and monitoring efforts.In natural anoxic subsurface environments, the geochemical cycles of iron are largely associated with the migration and transformation of organic matter. Intensive attention has been paid to the redox interaction of organic matter with aqueous Fe and iron (hydr)oxides. Whereas, the abiotic redox cycling of structural Fe in clay minerals induced by quinones has not been well understood. In this study, we selected nontronite (NAu-2) as a model Fe-bearing phyllosilicate clay mineral and 1,4-hydroquinone (H2Q)/1,4-benquinone (BQ) as a model quinone couple. Our results show that the structural Fe(III) in NAu-2, with tetrahedral Fe(III) priority, can oxidize H2Q into BQ, and octahedral Fe(II) in NAu-2 can reduce BQ to H2Q, with semiquinone radicals (SQ-) as intermediate. The extent of the redox reactions depends on the reduction potential difference between NAu-2 and H2Q/BQ. However, a fraction of Fe(II)-Fe(III)-OH and Fe(II)-Fe(II)-OH groups in the octahedral sheet are difficult to be oxidized by BQ, because the reduction potential gradient decreases to a low level as the reaction proceeds. And the structure of NAu-2 can only partially restored upon re-oxidation with tetrahedral Fe(III) irreversibility. see more Output of this study replenishes the understanding regarding redox cycling of structural Fe in clay minerals induced by quinones.A simultaneous nitrification-denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) system operated in an alternating anaerobic/aerobic/anoxic (A/O/A) mode was revisited from new perspectives of sludge reduction and potential phosphorus recovery. Reliable and robust removal performance was obtained even under winter temperatures, with average removal efficiency of COD, TP, NH4+-N and TIN being 89.68%, 93.60%, 92.15% and 79.01% at steady state, respectively. Inoculated sludge got enhanced in biomass density, settleability, and bioactivity. And relatively stable amounts of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) with a stable protein/ polysaccharide (PN/PS) ratio were observed over operation. Meanwhile, a low observed sludge yield (Yobs) of 0.083 g MLSS/g COD (0.082 g MLVSS/g COD) was obtained. A maximum anaerobic phosphorus release up to 43.54 mg/L was found, thus providing phosphorus-rich and low-turbidity stream for further phosphorus recovery. Overall, the SNDPR system deserved attention for in situ sludge reduction and potential phosphorus recovery, beyond reliable and stable wastewater treatment.Tributyltin (TBT), an organotin compound frequently detected in the coastal environments, poses a threat to aquatic organisms. The lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) is a vulnerable species found in nearshore water habitats. The mechanisms by which this fish responds to TBT exposure are not yet fully understood. Histological, biochemical, and transcriptional analyses were conducted, and the results showed that 60 days of exposure to 50 and 500 ng/L TBT caused significant tin accumulation and liver damage to seahorses. Antioxidant defenses and immune responses to TBT exposure in the livers of seahorses were further investigated. The enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde content increased, while catalase activity decreased. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that a series of genes involved in the antioxidant defense system were highly induced to protect the hepatic cells from oxidative damage. TBT exposure also resulted in the induction of genes associated with immune and inflammatory processes, representing a stress response to combat the adverse environmental conditions in the exposed seahorses. Furthermore, seahorses showed an increased health risk, according to the elevation of the expression of genes with tumor-promoting effects, when exposed to TBT. These findings contribute to our understanding of the adverse effects of TBT exposure on seahorses, and their potential defense mechanisms.

Autoři článku: Maherburris6794 (McKenna Alvarez)