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Our study indicates that modification with EGFR-specific CAR strongly enhances the antitumor activity of the CIK cells against EGFR-positive malignancies.

Cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) is a rare and severe complication after cesarean section. The incidence of CSP has been increased significantly in recent years. In this retrospective case study of 131 CSP patients, the therapeutic effects and prognosis were compared between the two treatment groups uterine artery embolization and systemic methotrexate injection conservative therapy. In addition, the necessary of subsequent dilation and curettage as a further treatment was also evaluated.

The 131 CSP patients were assigned into two groups receiving uterine artery embolization (UAE) or MTX conservative therapy. Based on patients' myometrial thickness and reducing degree of β-hCG level, each of the two treatment group was further divided into two subgroups according to whether the patient received subsequent dilation and curettage as further treatment. The therapeutic effect of two treatment groups was compared.

The results indicated that both UAE and MTX conservative treatment achieved the expected therapeutic effect, and the recovery time in dilation and curettage subgroup was significantly shorter than that of the non-curettage subgroup. One hundred and thirty patients resumed normal menstrual cycles within 3-10 months after the treatment.

The individualized therapeutic regimen is an important factor to achieve the desired therapeutic effect based on the specific indications. Dilation and curettage could shorten the recovery time significantly.

The individualized therapeutic regimen is an important factor to achieve the desired therapeutic effect based on the specific indications. Dilation and curettage could shorten the recovery time significantly.

Epidemiological studies evaluating the association between zinc level and the risk of preeclampsia have produced inconsistent results. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to summarize the evidence for them.

Pertinent studies were identified by a search in PubMed and Web of Knowledge up to April 2015. Standardized mean difference (SMD) was performed to combine the results. Random-effect model was used. Publication bias was estimated using Egger's regression asymmetry test.

Thirteen articles (11 case-control studies and 2 cross-sectional studies) involving 445 preeclampsia cases and 568 healthy controls were included in this meta-analysis. Our pooled results suggested that preeclampsia patients had a lower zinc level as compared with healthy, pregnant controls (summary SMD=-0.61, 95% CI = -0.74, -0.48, I (2)=88.5%). The association was also significant in Asia (SMD = -0.73, 95% CI = -0.88, -0.58), but not in Europe. No publication biases were found.

Our analysis indicated that zinc level in preeclampsia patients was significantly lower than that of healthy, pregnant women, especially among the Asian population.

Our analysis indicated that zinc level in preeclampsia patients was significantly lower than that of healthy, pregnant women, especially among the Asian population.

Chylocolporrhea or chylous vaginal discharge is an extremely rare manifestation of chylous reflux syndrome. Continuous loss of chyle adversely affects quality of life and results in increased morbidity due to the chronic loss of nutrients. Diagnosis and management of this condition is very challenging.

A 35-year-old multiparous lady presented with the chief complaints of excessive milky vaginal discharge for 10 years. Microscopic and biochemical analysis of vaginal discharge along with hysteroscopy confirmed diagnosis of chylocolporrhea. Lymphoscintigraphy along with magnetic resonance imaging revealed site of leakage from the right external iliac lymphatics. She was started on medium-chain triglycerides-rich diet and meticulous ligation of all visible megalymphatics with tension-free lymphovenous anastomosis was done to right external iliac vein.

Chylocolporrhea can be managed successfully using operative and nonoperative modalities.

Chylocolporrhea can be managed successfully using operative and nonoperative modalities.Trypanosomatids are parasites responsible for several tropical and subtropical diseases, such as Chaga's disease, sleeping sickness and Leishmaniasis. In contrast to the mammalian host, the thiol-redox metabolism of these pathogens depends on trypanothione [bis-glutathionylspermidine, T(SH)2] instead of glutathione (GSH) providing a set of lineage-specific proteins as drug target candidates. Glutaredoxins (Grx) are ubiquitous small thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases that belong to the thioredoxin-fold family. They play a central role in redox homeostasis and iron sulfur-cluster biogenesis. Each species, including trypanosomes, possesses its own set of isoforms distributed in different subcellular compartments. The genome of trypanosomatids encodes for two class I (dithiolic) Grxs named 2-C-Grx1 and 2-C-Grx2. Both proteins were shown to efficiently reduce different disulfides at the expenses of T(SH)2 using a mechanism that involves the two cysteines in the active site. Moreover, the cytosolic Trypanosoma brucei 2-C-Grx1 but not the mitochondrial 2-C-Grx2 was able to coordinate an iron-sulfur cluster with T(SH)2 or GSH as ligand. As a first step to unravel the structural basis for the specificity observed in the trypanosomal glutaredoxins, we present here the NMR resonance assignment of 2-C-Grx1 from the parasite T. brucei brucei.The widespread use of β-lactam antibiotics has given rise to a dramatic increase in clinically-relevant β-lactamases. Understanding the structure/function relation in these variants is essential to better address the ever-growing incidence of antibiotic resistance. We previously reported the backbone resonance assignments of a chimeric protein constituted of segments of the class A β-lactamases TEM-1 and PSE-4 (Morin et al. in Biomol NMR Assign 4127-130, 2010. doi 10.1007/s12104-010-9227-8 ). That chimera, cTEM17m, held 17 amino acid substitutions relative to TEM-1 β-lactamase, resulting in a well-folded and fully functional protein with increased dynamics. Here we report the (1)H, (13)C and (15)N backbone resonance assignments of chimera cTEM-19m, which includes 19 substitutions and exhibits increased active-site perturbation, as well as one of its deconvoluted variants, as the first step in the analysis of their dynamic behaviours.

In recent years, minimally invasive mitral valve surgery (MIMVS) has established itself as an alternative and increasingly used option for patients with mitral valve (MV) pathology. MIMVS is associated with a very low perioperative morbidity and mortality rate in appropriately selected patients, comparable to a full sternotomy approach. Besides superior cosmetic results, patients after MIMVS enjoy shorter recovery times and earlier returns to full activity. A number of approaches are branded as minimally invasive, but the most widely used one entails peripheral cardiopulmonary bypass and a small right anterolateral mini-thoracotomy. The operative technique and outcomes of this approach are summarized in the current update.

In recent years, minimally invasive mitral valve surgery (MIMVS) has established itself as an alternative and increasingly used option for patients with mitral valve (MV) pathology. MIMVS is associated with a very low perioperative morbidity and mortality rate in appropriately selected patients, comparable to a full sternotomy approach. CK-666 cell line Besides superior cosmetic results, patients after MIMVS enjoy shorter recovery times and earlier returns to full activity. A number of approaches are branded as minimally invasive, but the most widely used one entails peripheral cardiopulmonary bypass and a small right anterolateral mini-thoracotomy. The operative technique and outcomes of this approach are summarized in the current update.Parameterization of molecular complexes containing a metallic compound, such as cisplatin, is challenging due to the unconventional coordination nature of the bonds which involve platinum atoms. In this work, we develop a new methodology of parameterization for such compounds based on quantum dynamics (QD) calculations. We show that the coordination bonds and angles are more flexible than in normal covalent compounds. The influence of explicit solvent is also shown to be crucial to determine the flexibility of cisplatin in quantum dynamics simulations. Two empirical topologies of cisplatin were produced by fitting its atomic fluctuations against QD in vacuum and QD with explicit first solvation shell of water molecules respectively. A third topology built in a standard way from the static optimized structure was used for comparison. The later one leads to an excessively rigid molecule and exhibits much smaller fluctuations of the bonds and angles than QD reveals. It is shown that accounting for the high flexibility of cisplatin molecule is needed for adequate description of its first hydration shell. MD simulations with flexible QD-based topology also reveal a significant decrease of the barrier of passive diffusion of cisplatin accross the model lipid bilayer. These results confirm that flexibility of organometallic compounds is an important feature to be considered in classical molecular dynamics topologies. Proposed methodology based on QD simulations provides a systematic way of building such topologies.This paper presents a theoretical study using density functional theory to calculate thermodynamics properties of major molecules compounds at gas phase of fuels like gasoline, ethanol, and gasoline-ethanol mixture in thermal equilibrium on temperature range up to 1500 K. We simulated a composition of gasoline mixture with ethanol for a thorough study of thermal energy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, entropy, heat capacity at constant pressure with respect to temperature in order to study the influence caused by ethanol as an additive to gasoline. We used semi-empirical computational methods as well in order to know the efficiency of other methods to simulate fuels through this methodology. In addition, the ethanol influence through the changes in percentage fractions of chemical energy released in combustion reaction and the variations on thermal properties for autoignition temperatures of fuels was analyzed. We verified how ethanol reduces the chemical energy released by gasoline combustion and how at low temperatures the gas phase fuels in thermal equilibrium have similar thermodynamic behavior. Theoretical results were compared with experimental data, when available, and showed agreement. Graphical Abstract Thermodynamic analysis of fuels in gas phase.The present work provides sets of correction factors to adjust the calculated vibrational frequencies of a series of α,ω-diamines hydrochloride salts to account for the intermolecular interactions with the counterion. The study was performed using different theory levels for predicting the vibrational data of isolated dicationic α,ω-diamines and their hydrochloride forms, with and without the explicit account of the interactions with the chloride counterions. Different sets of correction factors were determined for each theory level considering the four smallest elements for the α,ω-diamines series, while their transferability and reliability was evaluated considering the larger elements of the series. The theory level simplification was also evaluated and was found to neither compromise the vibrational frequencies estimates nor the magnitude and accuracy of the pre-defined scaling factors. This suggests that transferability of the correction factors is possible not only for different diamines but also between different levels of theory with the averaged group correction factor, ζ g (a) , being the best choice to account for the effects of the N-H · · · Cl interactions.

Autoři článku: Macmillanwoodard9285 (Prater Klint)