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These levels of factors include individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policies. HBVCT is an essential component of HIV prevention programs and a critical entry point for adequate care and treatment. DISCUSSION This collaborative model demonstrates the application of research to a real-world health care setting. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Our global communities are becoming increasingly more diverse and interwoven; thus, research that enhances our understanding of the multidimensional relationship between depression and migration among distinct ethnic groups is imperative. This study examined the relationship between migration-related stress and depression and the extent to which that relationship is modified by other factors, through the lens of the stress process model. This cross-sectional pilot study used purposive sampling methods to recruit 76 first-generation Haitian immigrants living in South and West Florida from February 2018-May 2018. Descriptive statistics, bivariate and multiple regressions were utilized to assess associations among migration-related stress (Demands of Immigration Scale), depression (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CESD), Zanmi Lasante Depression Symptom Inventory (ZLDSI)), and key demographic variables. Findings showed a strong positive correlation between migration-related stress and depression (CESD (β =.606, 95% CI [.296, .556]) and ZLDSI (β = .624, 95% CI [.242, .440]). Relative to the standardized coefficient, migration-related stress was the strongest predictor of depression after controlling for other predictors. Presence at the 2010 earthquake was the only significant moderator, showing an amplifying effect between migration-related stress and depression (ZLDSI) for those in Haiti during the 2010 earthquake. Consideration of pre-migration factors and the degree of migration-related stress encountered while adapting to life post-migration is critical because they play a significant role in shaping immigrants' depression realities. Community-based services that incorporate or partner with established immigrants to strengthen support for the most vulnerable immigrants early on after migration could serve to mitigate migration-related stressors and facilitate mental health promotion and prevention. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Influenza A virus (IAV) causes not only seasonal respiratory illness, but also outbreaks of more severe disease and pandemics when novel strains emerge as a result of reassortment or interspecies transmission. PB1-F2 is an IAV protein expressed from the second open reading frame of PB1 gene. Small as it is, PB1-F2 is a critical virulence factor. Multiple key amino acid residues and motifs of PB1-F2 have been shown to influence the virulence of IAV in a strain- and host-specific manner, plausibly through the induction of apoptotic cell death, modulation of type I IFN response, activation of inflammasome, and facilitation of secondary bacterial infection. However, the exact role of PB1-F2 in IAV pathogenesis remains unexplained. Through reanalysis of the current literature, we redefine PB1-F2 as an ambivalent innate immune modulator that determines IAV infection outcome through induction of immune cell death, differential modulation of early- and late-type I IFN response, and promotion of pathogenic inflammation. PB1-F2 functions both intracellularly and extracellularly. Further investigations of the mechanistic details of PB1-F2 action will shed new light on immunopathogenesis of IAV infection. ©2020 Society for Leukocyte Biology.Neutrophil and macrophage (Mϕ) migration underpin the inflammatory response. However, the fast velocity, multidirectional instantaneous movement, and plastic, ever-changing shape of phagocytes confound high-resolution intravital imaging. Lattice lightsheet microscopy (LLSM) captures highly dynamic cell morphology at exceptional spatiotemporal resolution. We demonstrate the first extensive application of LLSM to leukocytes in vivo, utilizing optically transparent zebrafish, leukocyte-specific reporter lines that highlighted subcellular structure, and a wounding assay for leukocyte migration. LLSM revealed details of migrating leukocyte morphology, and permitted intricate, volumetric interrogation of highly dynamic activities within their native physiological setting. Very thin, recurrent uropod extensions must now be considered a characteristic feature of migrating neutrophils. LLSM resolved trailing uropod extensions, demonstrating their surprising length, and permitting quantitative assessment of cytoskeletal contributions to their evanescent form. Imaging leukocytes in blood vessel microenvironments at LLSM's spatiotemporal resolution displayed blood-flow-induced neutrophil dynamics and demonstrated unexpected leukocyte-endothelial interactions such as leukocyte-induced endothelial deformation against the intravascular pressure. LLSM of phagocytosis and cell death provided subcellular insights and uncovered novel behaviors. Collectively, we provide high-resolution LLSM examples of leukocyte structures (filopodia lamellipodia, uropod extensions, vesicles), and activities (interstitial and intravascular migration, leukocyte rolling, phagocytosis, cell death, and cytoplasmic ballooning). Application of LLSM to intravital leukocyte imaging sets the stage for transformative studies into the cellular and subcellular complexities of phagocyte biology. ©2020 Society for Leukocyte Biology.BACKGROUND The re-emerging of infectious disease outbreaks is a menace in Ghana. As the acceptance of risk communication rises, health workers are using it to control outbreaks. Yet, research in risk communication and health workers' performance remains unexplored in Ghana. OBJECTIVE This study explores how risk communication works among nurses and its effect on their task (behaviors that are delineated based on role requirements and identified by a thorough analysis of the job) and contextual performance (behaviors that do not fall within the employee's assigned duties, but are a very important part of job performance). Thus, we adopted the CAUSE model, which proposes that effective risk communication creates five goals (Confidence, Awareness, Understanding, Satisfaction, and Enactment) amongst communicators. METHOD This study involves a quantitative approach complemented with qualitative data. It was conducted in three hospitals in Ghana, from which a sample of 398 nurses were selected. RESULT The result depicts that risk communication has a significant and positive effect on task performance (β = .65; P  less then  .001), and contextual performance (β = .55; P  less then  .001). CONCLUSION Our study shows that confidence is the strongest predictor of risk communication in influencing task and contextual performance. Yet, risk communication overall improves nurses' task and contextual performance. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.OBJECTIVE To investigate non-attending patients' reasons for non-attendance and their general and specific attitudes towards a non-attendance fine. DATA SOURCES Non-attenders at two hospital departments participating in a trial of fine for non-attendance from May 2015 to January 2017. DESIGN A quantitative questionnaire study was conducted among non-attenders. DATA COLLECTION Non-attending patients in the intervention group were invited to complete the questionnaire. The response rate was 39% and the total number of respondents was 71 individuals. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS The main reason for non-attendance was technical challenges with the digital appointment and with cancelation. The main part of the respondents was generally positive towards a fine for non-attendance. However, approximately the half had a negative attitude towards the actual fine issued. CONCLUSIONS Technical challenges with appointments and cancelation should get special attention when addressing non-attendance. Danish non-attending patients are primarily positive towards the general principle of issuing a fine for non-attendance. However, a significant proportion of the generally positive, reported a negative specific attitude to the specific fine issued to them. This, however, did not affect their general attitude. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.BACKGROUND Combining photon or proton radiotherapy with targeted therapy shows promise for head and neck cancer (HNSCC). The poly (adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase-1/2 inhibitor niraparib targets DNA damage repair (DDR). We evaluated the effects of niraparib in combination with photons or protons, and its effects on the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of protons, in human HNSCC cell lines. METHODS Radiosensitivity was assessed and RBE was calculated with clonogenic survival assays; unrepaired DNA double-strand breaks were evaluated using immunocytochemical analysis of 53BP1 foci. RESULTS Niraparib reduced colony formation in two of the four cell lines tested (P less then  .05), enhanced radiosensitivity in all four cell lines, delayed DDR (P less then  .05), and increased proton vs photon RBE. CONCLUSION Niraparib enhanced the sensitivity of four HNSCC cell lines to both photons and protons and increased the RBE of protons, possibly by inhibiting DDR. Niraparib may enhance the effectiveness of both photon and proton radiotherapy for patients with HNSCC. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.OBJECTIVES To evaluate fetal anomaly detection in pregnancies with pregestational diabetes, according to the gestational age at the time of specialized sonography, use of follow-up sonography, maternal body mass index, and organ system(s) involved. METHODS Women with pregestational diabetes who received prenatal care and delivered a live-born or stillborn neonate at our hospital from October 2011 through April 2017 were ascertained. We included all pregnancies with at least 1 confirmed structural anomaly (EUROCAT classification) who had detailed sonography at 18 weeks' gestation or later. We analyzed detection of anomalous fetuses at the initial detailed sonogram and, if no abnormality was identified, during any follow-up sonograms. Statistical analyses were performed with the χ2 test and Mantel-Haenszel χ2 test for trend. RESULTS Seventy-two anomalous neonates (72 of 1060 [6.8%]) were born. Overall detection was 55 of 72 (76%); 49 of 72 (68%) were detected at the initial detailed sonogram, compared to 6 of 15 (40%) of follow-up examinations (P = .04). Recognition at the initial or follow-up examination was not dependent on gestational age or body mass index category (all P > .05). Of individual organ system anomalies, 67 of 89 (75%) were identified. Detection exceeded 85% for central nervous system, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal abnormalities and 43% for craniofacial anomalies. Sixty-five percent of cardiac anomalies were detected, and 14 of 17 (82%) requiring specialized care in the immediate neonatal period were recognized. CONCLUSIONS Approximately three-fourths of anomalous fetuses were identified, with greater detection at the initial detailed examination. Fetuses with central nervous system, genitourinary, musculoskeletal abnormalities and those with cardiac anomalies requiring specialized cardiac care were more likely to come to attention. © 2020 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

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