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Revisions due to the fracture of ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) bearing are rare, however when they occur, they represent a major challenge to an orthopedic surgeon for ensuring safe and long-term survival of the replaced bearing.

We present a case of fractured ceramic liner of total hip prosthesis that underwent revision to a metal-on-polyethylene (MoP) bearing couple, with consequent huge periprosthetic metallosis. Shortly after, the second revision operation followed using the third bearing couple of ceramic-on-polyethylene (CoP). At 10 years follow-up after the operation due to ceramic fracture, the patient is now pain free with full range of motion of the revised hip.

Establishment of diagnostic routes and recommended protocols for CoC bearing fracture would allow easier recognition of potential fracture and diminish its consequences for the patients.

Establishment of diagnostic routes and recommended protocols for CoC bearing fracture would allow easier recognition of potential fracture and diminish its consequences for the patients.

Internal Jugular Venous (IJV) cannulation or central-line insertion is frequently performed during kyphoscoliosis deformity correction surgery or spine surgery with high risk. This helps monitor central venous pressure and administer medicines when required. Although many complications of IJV cannulation have been reported in the literature, its effect on brachial plexus is not known. The objective of this paper was to report a rare complication of IJV during scoliosis surgery.

We reported a case of 27-year-old male who was operated for severe kyphoscoliosis correction where preoperatively IJV cannulation was done. Repeated attempts were done during IJV cannula insertion due to altered anatomy. Eventually, cannula insertion was done using ultrasound modality and surgery for correction was done. Postoperatively patient developed right upper extremity weakness and sensory loss although the clinical result of kyphoscoliosis correction was acceptable. EMG-NCV study proved it brachial plexus injury. The patient was treated with intravenous steroid and physiotherapy. The patient recovered completely within 6 months of surgery.

We reported a case of kyphoscoliosis deformity corrective surgery where IJV cannulation led to brachial plexus injury and was eventually recovered with medications and physiotherapy.

We reported a case of kyphoscoliosis deformity corrective surgery where IJV cannulation led to brachial plexus injury and was eventually recovered with medications and physiotherapy.

Unilateral isolated ulna fracture secondary to trauma are common but the bilateral nightstick fractures are quite rare in the clinical scenario. These are managed conservatively or surgically depending upon the degree of displacement, location of the fracture, fracture pattern and associated injury to other bones. Proper management of these fractures helps in getting a better outcome. The purpose of the study was to present a case of bilateral traumatic isolated ulna fracture and its management.

A 33-year-old male presented to the emergency department with complaints of pain and swelling over the dorsum of both forearms with a history of assault with a bamboo stick. The mechanism of the injury was, the patient placed his both the forearms in front of the face as a defense during the assault and sustained injury to both forearms. On examination, the patient had bilateral forearm swelling with tenderness. Bony crepitus was present over both the ulna on palpation. X-ray of both forearms (radius and ulna) revd this is the first reported case of traumatic bilateral isolated ulna fracture according to author's best knowledge and literature review. Open reduction and stable internal fixation using the principles of fracture fixation along with early mobilization helps in getting better functional outcome and prevents further complications and secondary procedures. This case is unique as it helps in identifying the mode of trauma in medico legal cases like assault in cases of bilateral ulna fracture. The mode and the mechanism of injury are different in this case.

External fixation, various subcutaneous screw fixations, and plate fixation can be considered as fixation methods for unstable pelvic ring fractures. We describe a first case of treated unstable pelvic ring injury using a dual internal anterior subcutaneous fixator we called "dual INFIX," comprising four screws, two subcutaneous rods, and two cross-link connectors, without posterior fixation.

An 81-year-old man sustained an unstable pelvic injury (AO type B2) with fracture of the left ilium and pubis. Dual INFIX was used to stabilize the pelvic ring injury. Polyaxial screws were introduced along a path between the anterior inferior iliac spine and ipsilateral posterior superior iliac spine until the head of the screw lay immediately above the fascia. Bilateral cranial screws were connected by a rod passed subcutaneously, and caudal screws were connected by the other rod. Finally, cross-link connectors connected cranial and caudal rods on the right and left. One year after the first operation, the patient ion methods for type B-1 or 2 pelvic ring injuries.

Interlocking tibia nail fixation for tibia shaft fracture treatment is one of the most commonest procedures performed in orthopedic trauma practices. We report one such case of a rare complication of anterior tibial artery (ATA) pseudo-aneurysm caused by the proximal coronal locking bolt performed by an unusual entry from lateral to medial side during shaft of tibia fracture fixation.

A 86- years old female sustained a road traffic accident and was diagnosed with a closed tibia shaft fracture of the right leg for which she underwent intramedullary interlocking nail IMIL nailing elsewhere. She presented to us three 3 weeks after primary surgery with persistent pain and swelling in the right leg proximally. We investigated and diagnosed her as having a pseudoaneurysm of the Anterior Tibial Artery on color Doppler and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) angiography. The pseudoaneurysm of ATA was clipped without any complications. To avoid the rupture of the pseudoaneurysm during manipulation of nail and bolts, their positions were not changed as they were supporting the fracture well and the fracture was also not united at that time.

Though Although interlocking nailing of tibia shaft fracture is a commonly performed procedure, it can lead to disastrous vascular complications if the procedure is not performed with utmost care. ATA injury by proximal locking bolts of the tibia nail mandates the need for reconsideration of the nail design with better screw hole positions. We recommend preferring standard AO manual instructions for proximal tibia locking bolt direction.

Though Although interlocking nailing of tibia shaft fracture is a commonly performed procedure, it can lead to disastrous vascular complications if the procedure is not performed with utmost care. ATA injury by proximal locking bolts of the tibia nail mandates the need for reconsideration of the nail design with better screw hole positions. We recommend preferring standard AO manual instructions for proximal tibia locking bolt direction.

Triplane fracture of ankle is a rare adolescent injury. Its association with ipsilateral tibial shaft fracture is very uncommon in pediatric orthopedic traumatology and rarely reported in the literature till date. Timely diagnosis and management is required to optimize the outcome and avoid complications.

This is a case of a 14-year-old male who sustained a twisting injury to his right leg during early phase of COVID-19 pandemic. He sustained a three-part lateral triplane fracture of the ankle with a concomitant displaced spiral fracture of the shaft of the right tibia. He underwent close reduction under fluoroscopy and above-knee casting for 10 weeks followed patellar tendon weight-bearing cast for 4 weeks. Both fractures healed uneventfully in 14 weeks with patient returning to full activities in 22 weeks.

The ankle injury in adolescent age group (12-15 years) can easily be missed in the presence of the more obvious tibial fracture and therefore, we recommend ankle assessment of all patients with tibial shaft fractures in this age group both clinically and radiologically.

The ankle injury in adolescent age group (12-15 years) can easily be missed in the presence of the more obvious tibial fracture and therefore, we recommend ankle assessment of all patients with tibial shaft fractures in this age group both clinically and radiologically.

Segmental bone loss in the distal femur presents a challenge for reconstruction regardless of etiology. Use of tantalum trabecular metal cones with intramedullary fixation and autologous bone graft may be used as a salvage technique in difficult situations where other options have either been exhausted or are unavailable.

Surgical planning and technique for this approach to reconstruction are described. A retrospective review of five cases with >1 year of follow-up was performed to provide radiographic and clinical outcomes. All five patients had satisfactory outcomes with clinical union and retention of implants at final follow-up (average >4 years).

Use of tantalum metal cones for reconstruction of distal femur nonunion with segmental bone defects can be a successful technique in a complex group of patients.

Use of tantalum metal cones for reconstruction of distal femur nonunion with segmental bone defects can be a successful technique in a complex group of patients.

Formation of meningocele in brachial plexus injury is known and can be diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is mainly reported in brachial plexus root avulsion injuries and does not require specific treatment. We report accurate diagnosis and management of dreadful complication due to rupture of meningocele post-brachial plexus exploration.

A 23-year-old engineer presented at 4 months post-bike accident right side extended brachial plexus injury involving C5, C6, and C7. On MRI, he had meningocele in C6-7 root region. We performed supraclavicular exploration of brachial plexus and distal nerve transfers for shoulder abduction and elbow flexion. During surgery, the meningocele was ruptured. As the cyst was deep and extending toward apex of lung, the diagnosis of fluid drained had to be distinguished from pleural fluid with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We found hemo-glucose test and beta-2-transferrin levels are mandatory to confirm the diagnosis. selleck inhibitor Post-surgery, the patient had drainage of almost 500 cc of CSF from wound every day for 3 days. This was managed by repeat MRI and finally lumbar puncture drainage helped to seal the meningocele in neck.

Meningocele in brachial plexus injury is common but rupture of cyst can be fatal. To confirm the origin of fluid, beta-2-transferin level is more specific test than the hemo-glucose test. Lumbar puncture and drainage away from neck can be more reliable modality of treatment in case of intraoperative rupture of such cysts if drainage is excessive postoperatively.

Meningocele in brachial plexus injury is common but rupture of cyst can be fatal. To confirm the origin of fluid, beta-2-transferin level is more specific test than the hemo-glucose test. Lumbar puncture and drainage away from neck can be more reliable modality of treatment in case of intraoperative rupture of such cysts if drainage is excessive postoperatively.

Autoři článku: Macleanwinkel5118 (Crabtree Wood)