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taiwanensis symbiosis. Nitrogen fixation was not acquired in our short experiment. However, we showed that post-infection sanctions allowed the increase in frequency of nitrogen-fixing variants among a non-fixing population in the M. pudica-C. taiwanensis system and likely allowed the spread of this trait in natura. Experimental evolution thus provided new insights into rhizobium biology and evolution.Air pollution consists of highly variable and complex mixtures recognized as major contributors to morbidity and mortality worldwide. The vast number of chemicals, coupled with limitations surrounding epidemiological and animal studies, has necessitated the development of new approach methods (NAMs) to evaluate air pollution toxicity. These alternative approaches include in vitro (cell-based) models, wherein toxicity of test atmospheres can be evaluated with increased efficiency compared to in vivo studies. In vitro exposure systems have recently been developed with the goal of evaluating air pollutant-induced toxicity; though the specific design parameters implemented in these NAMs-based studies remain in flux. This review aims to outline important design parameters to consider when using in vitro methods to evaluate air pollutant toxicity, with the goal of providing increased accuracy, reproducibility, and effectiveness when incorporating in vitro data into human health evaluations. This review is unique in that experimental considerations and lessons learned are provided, as gathered from first-hand experience developing and testing in vitro models coupled to exposure systems. Reviewed design aspects include cell models, cell exposure conditions, exposure chambers, and toxicity endpoints. Strategies are also discussed to incorporate in vitro findings into the context of in vivo toxicity and overall risk assessment.Cognitive impairment can be associated with reduced adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and it may contribute to age-associated neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's (AD). Compound K (CK) is produced from the protopanaxadiol (PPD)-type ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, and Rc by intestinal microbial conversion. Although CK has been reported as an inducing effector for neuroprotection and improved cognition in hippocampus, its effect on adult neurogenesis has not been explored yet. Here, we investigated the effect of CK on hippocampal neurogenesis in both young (2 months) and elderly (24 months) mice. CK treatment increased the number of cells co-labeled with 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA); also, Ki67, specific markers for progenitor cells, was more expressed, thus enhancing the generation of new cells and progenitor cells in the dentate gyrus of both young and elderly mice. Moreover, CK treatment increased the number of cells co-labeled with EdU and NeuN, a specific marker for mature neuron in the dentate gyrus, suggesting that newly generated cells survived and differentiated into mature neurons at both ages. These findings demonstrate that CK increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis, which may be beneficial against neurodegenerative disorders such as AD.BACKGROUND Cerebellar and motor tracts are frequently impaired in multiple sclerosis (MS). Altered hand dexterity constitutes a challenge in clinical practice, since medical treatment shows very limited benefits in this domain. Cerebellar control is made via several cerebellocortical pathways, of which the most studied one links the cerebellum to the contralateral motor cortex via the contralateral ventro-intermediate nucleus of the thalamus influencing the corticospinal outputs. Modulating the activity of the cerebellum or of the motor cortex could be of help. METHOD The main interest here is to evaluate the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a noninvasive brain stimulation technique, in treating altered dexterity in MS. Forty-eight patients will be recruited in a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, and crossover study. They will randomly undergo one of the three interventions anodal tDCS over the primary motor area, cathodal tDCS over the cerebellum, or sham. Each block consists of five consecutive daily sessions with direct current (2 mA), lasting 20 min each. The primary outcome will be the improvement in manual dexterity according to the change in the time required to complete the nine-hole pegboard task. Secondary outcomes will include fatigue, pain, spasticity, and mood. Patients' safety and satisfaction will be rated. DISCUSSION Due to its cost-effective, safe, and easy-to-use profile, motor or cerebellar tDCS may constitute a potential tool that might improve dexterity in MS patients and therefore ameliorate their quality of life.Background The evolution of names, from "medical informatics" to "connected health", implies that the evolvement of technology in health care has been shifted from technology-oriented to healthcare-oriented implementation. Connected healthcare, a healthcare platform of remote monitoring and self-management through technological measures, is suggested to contribute to the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and satisfaction of healthcare recipient enhancement. However, limited understanding of related connected health (CH) terminology may constrain its implementation. Whether CH is a buzzword only or a practice that can contribute to an aging society is controversial. Objective This study aims to distinguish CH-related terminology and to identify the trend of CH through reviewing its definition, initiation, development, and evolvement, in order to offer management insights and implications. The objective is to understand what is connected and who is cared about in the connected health model so that better applicatg with start-up companies that offer a competitive advantage in innovation.The ability of glycosyltransferases (GTs) to reduce volatility, increase solubility, and thus alter the bioavailability of small molecules through glycosylation has attracted immense attention in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical industries. The lack of GTs known and the scarcity of high-throughput (HTP) available methods, hinders the extrapolation of further novel applications. In this study, the applicability of new GT-assays suitable for HTP screening was tested and compared with regard to harmlessness, robustness, cost-effectiveness and reproducibility. The UDP-Glo GT-assay, Phosphate GT Activity assay, pH-sensitive GT-assay, and UDP2-TR-FRET assay were applied and tailored to plant UDP GTs (UGTs). Vitis vinifera (UGT72B27) GT was subjected to glycosylation reaction with various phenolics. Substrate screening and kinetic parameters were evaluated. The pH-sensitive assay and the UDP2-TR-FRET assay were incomparable and unsuitable for HTP plant GT-1 family UGT screening. Furthermore, the UDP-Glo GT-assay and the Phosphate GT Activity assay yielded closely similar and reproducible KM, vmax, and kcat values. Therefore, with the easy experimental set-up and rapid readout, the two assays are suitable for HTP screening and quantitative kinetic analysis of plant UGTs. This research sheds light on new and emerging HTP assays, which will allow for analysis of novel family-1 plant GTs and will uncover further applications.Standardized screening programs ensure that children are monitored for early signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in order to promote earlier diagnosis and intervention. The aim of this study is to identify early signs of atypical development consistent with ASD or other developmental disorders in a population of 224 low-risk toddlers through a two-stage screening approach applied at 12 and 18 months of age. We adopted two screening tools combined 1. the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS DP) Infant-Toddler Checklist (I-TC) and 2. The Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT). We assessed their sensitivity and specificity related to the diagnostic outcome at 36 months. The results showed that autistic signs can be detected as early as the first year even through a few questions extrapolated from both screeners and that our model could be used as a screening procedure in the Italian public health system.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infects the liver resulting in end stage liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite an effective vaccine, HBV poses a serious health problem globally, accounting for 257 million chronic carriers. Unique features of HBV, including its narrow virus-host range and its hepatocyte tropism, have led to major challenges in the development of suitable in vivo and in vitro model systems to recapitulate the HBV replication cycle and to test various antiviral strategies. Moreover, HBV is classified into at least nine genotypes and 35 sub-genotypes with distinct geographical distributions and prevalence, which have different natural histories of infection, clinical manifestation, and response to current antiviral agents. check details Here, we review various in vitro systems used to study the molecular biology of the different (sub)genotypes of HBV and their response to antiviral agents, and we discuss their strengths and limitations. Despite the advances made, no system is ideal for pan-genotypic HBV research or drug development and therefore further improvement is required. It is necessary to establish a centralized repository of HBV-related generated materials, which are readily accessible to HBV researchers, with international collaboration toward advancement and development of in vitro model systems for testing new HBV antivirals to ensure their pan-genotypic and/or customized activity.Exposure to aflatoxin is considered to be one of the causes of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). With the development of bioinformation, we sought to reveal the occurrence and development of aflatoxin-induced HCC through data research. We identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) of datasets GSE127791 (Aflatoxin-treated pluripotent stem cell derived human hepatocytes vs. controls) and GSE64041 (liver carcinoma with unknown cause vs. non-cancerous tissue) by GEO2R to find the common DEGs. Gene ontology (GO) and KEGG path enrichment analysis were used to annotate the function of DEGs. Hub genes were screened from identified DEGs by protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis. The prognostic value of hub genes in cancer databases were evaluated. We obtained 132 common DEGs and 11 hub genes. According to cluster analysis and protein co-expression networks, we screened out the key genes, histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 (PCK2). Oncomine database and survival curve analysis showed that the decline in HRG and PCK2 expression in the development of HCC indicated poor prognosis. We speculated that the decreased expression of HRG and PCK2 after aflatoxin exposure to hepatocyte may be related to aflatoxin induced hepatocyte injury and carcinogenesis. In addition, the decreased expression of HRG and PCK2 in the occurrence and development of HCC suggests a poor prognosis of HCC.Canine rabies elimination can be achieved through mass vaccination of the dog population, as advocated by the WHO, OIE and FAO under the 'United Against Rabies' initiative. Many countries in which canine rabies is endemic are exploring methods to access dogs for vaccination, campaign structures and approaches to resource mobilization. Reviewing aspects that fostered success in rabies elimination campaigns elsewhere, as well as examples of largescale resource mobilization, such as that seen in the global initiative to eliminate poliomyelitis, may help to guide the planning of sustainable, scalable methods for mass dog vaccination. Elimination of rabies from the majority of Latin America took over 30 years, with years of operational trial and error before a particular approach gained the broad support of decision makers, governments and funders to enable widespread implementation. The endeavour to eliminate polio now enters its final stages; however, there are many transferrable lessons to adopt from the past 32 years of global scale-up.

Autoři článku: Mackbarker5202 (Christie Rojas)