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Left-sided portal hypertension (LSPH) is an extremely rare clinical syndrome, and it is the only form of curable portal hypertension. It is primarily caused by pancreatic disease, and is associated with complications that cause spleen vein compression. Specific symptoms are often lacking, rendering it difficult to diagnose. Splenectomy is the main treatment for cases complicated by variceal bleeding, and the effects of treatment primarily depend on the condition of the primary disease.

The patient was a 29-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital for repeated hematemesis and black stool. She had been misdiagnosed with pancreatic cancer 7 years prior. Combined imaging and endoscopic examination indicated varicose gastric fundus veins, a pancreatic mass, and enlarged peripancreatic lymph nodes. Laboratory investigations revealed reduced erythrocyte, platelet, and leukocyte counts, the interferon gamma release assay was positive, and liver function was normal. Abdominal exploration, splenectomy, varics and more advantageous therapy for LSPH, especially in cases caused by mechanical compression.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.

The extraesophageal manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are more difficult to manage than the typical symptoms. The efficacy of high-dose and standard-dose proton pump inhibitors against these atypical symptoms is not yet established.

In this single center, randomized, open-label study, patients with GERD received rabeprazole for 8 weeks, either 20 mg once daily (standard-dose group) or 20 mg twice daily (high-dose group). Patients were assessed before treatment and at weeks 4 and 8 with a 5-graded scale questionnaire consisting of 2 typical symptoms (heartburn and acid regurgitation) and 8 atypical symptoms (chest pain, cough, globus, wheezing, laryngopharyngitis, hoarseness, belching, and dysphagia). Sufficient improvement of reflux symptoms was defined as ≥50% reduction from the initial questionnaire score.

Final analyses included 35 patients in the standard-dose group and 38 patients in the high-dose group. The rate of sufficient improvement for typical symptoms was Protocol Registration and Results system ID NCT04001400 ). This study was registered on June 26, 2019 - Retrospectively registered.

Maximum oxygen uptake is an established measurement of diagnosing chronic heart failure and underlies various central and peripheral factors. However, central and peripheral factors are little investigated, because they are usually measured invasively. The aim of this study was to compare non-invasively measured central and peripheral factors of oxygen uptake between patients with chronic heart failure and healthy controls.

Ten male patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (62 ± 4 years; body mass index 27.7 ± 1.8 kg/m

 ; ejection fraction 30 ± 4%) and ten male healthy controls (59 ± 3 years; body mass index 27.7 ± 1.3 kg/m

) were tested for blood pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and cardiac power output (central factors) as well as muscle oxygen saturation of the vastus lateralis and biceps brachii muscle (peripheral factors) during an incremental cycling test. Stroke volume and muscle oxygen saturation were non-invasively measured by a bioreactance analysis and neath chronic heart failure and healthy controls. Therefore, it is promising to measure both types of factors in patients with chronic heart failure to optimize the diagnosis and therapy.

Although the etiology of pouchitis remains unknown, inflammatory cytokines are significantly associated with the pathogenesis of pouchitis. The cytokine responses that characterize inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are key pathogenic components of the disease. Although cytokine profiles in the colonic mucosa have been investigated in experimental colitis models or IBD patients, cytokine profiles in the ileal mucosa at colectomy have been rarely assessed.

To assess the relationship between pouchitis and T helper (Th) cytokines in the ileal mucosa collected at the time of colectomy and pouch construction.

This retrospective study involved 68 consecutive patients from January 2004 to May 2011 who underwent ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis. Samples were obtained from the terminal ileum of resected specimens at time of total colectomy or subtotal colectomy. mRNA expression levels of Th cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-23A, IL-5, IL-13 and IL-17A) were determined.

Forty of 68 patients (58.8%) developed pouchitis. see more There was no association between IL-23A expression levels and incidence of pouchitis (p =0.301). Patients with elevated IFN-γ had a significantly higher incidence of pouchitis compared with low IFN-γ patients (p = 0.043). Univariate analysis demonstrated a total dose of prednisolone > 7000 mg administered before colectomy (p = 0.04) and high IFN-γ expression (p = 0.02) were significant risk factors for pouchitis onset. In multivariate analysis, elevated IFN-γ messenger(m)RNA levels were significantly associated with pouchitis onset (p = 0.03).

IFN-γ expression in the normal ileal mucosa at the time of colectomy may be an important factor in the pathophysiology of pouchitis.

IFN-γ expression in the normal ileal mucosa at the time of colectomy may be an important factor in the pathophysiology of pouchitis.

Gene co-expression networks (GCNs) are powerful tools that enable biologists to examine associations between genes during different biological processes. With the advancement of new technologies, such as single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), there is a need for developing novel network methods appropriate for new types of data.

We present a novel sparse Bayesian factor model to explore the network structure associated with genes in scRNA-seq data. Latent factors impact the gene expression values for each cell and provide flexibility to account for common features of scRNA-seq high proportions of zero values, increased cell-to-cell variability, and overdispersion due to abnormally large expression counts. From our model, we construct a GCN by analyzing the positive and negative associations of the factors that are shared between each pair of genes.

Simulation studies demonstrate that our methodology has high power in identifying gene-gene associations while maintaining a nominal false discovery rate. In real data analyses, our model identifies more known and predicted protein-protein interactions than other competing network models.

Simulation studies demonstrate that our methodology has high power in identifying gene-gene associations while maintaining a nominal false discovery rate. In real data analyses, our model identifies more known and predicted protein-protein interactions than other competing network models.

Microbiomes can have profound impacts on host biology and evolution, but to date, remain vastly understudied in spiders despite their unique and diverse predatory adaptations. This study evaluates closely related species of spiders and their host-microbe relationships in the context of phylosymbiosis, an eco-evolutionary pattern where the microbial community profile parallels the phylogeny of closely related host species. Using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we characterized the microbiomes of five species with known phylogenetic relationships from the family Theridiidae, including multiple closely related widow spiders (L. hesperus, L. mactans, L. geometricus, S. grossa, and P. tepidariorum).

We compared whole animal and tissue-specific microbiomes (cephalothorax, fat bodies, venom glands, silk glands, and ovary) in the five species to better understand the relationship between spiders and their microbial symbionts. This showed a strong congruence of the microbiome beta-diversity of the whole spiders, cephalothorax, venom glands, and silk glands when compared to their host phylogeny. Our results support phylosymbiosis in these species and across their specialized tissues. The ovary tissue microbial dendrograms also parallel the widow phylogeny, suggesting vertical transfer of species-specific bacterial symbionts. By cross-validating with RNA sequencing data obtained from the venom glands, silk glands and ovaries of L. hesperus, L. geometricus, S. grossa, and P. tepidariorum we confirmed that several microbial symbionts of interest are viably active in the host.

Together these results provide evidence that supports the importance of host-microbe interactions and the significant role microbial communities may play in the evolution and adaptation of their hosts.

Together these results provide evidence that supports the importance of host-microbe interactions and the significant role microbial communities may play in the evolution and adaptation of their hosts.

Favism is characterized as acute anemia, due to Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency as a result of fava beans intake. It is associated with paleness, jaundice, and hemoglobinuria. In this study, signs, symptoms and therapeutic findings of the patients with hemolysis due to G6PD deficiency were investigated in Shahid Madani Hospital of Khorramabad, Lorestan.

This is a single-center cross-sectional descriptive study that was conducted on all children with G6PD deficiencyinduced hemolysis.

308 children (64.3% male and 35.7% female) were included in this study. The most common complaint was jaundice (82.5%) and the most common cause of hemolysis was the intake of fava bean (85.7%). 68% of the children were treated with hydration/fluid therapy. Blood transfusion was conducted in 36.36% of the cases and the mean of blood administered was 18.9 cc/kg.

In this study, hydration therapy was performed in most of the children presenting favism. Also, the incorrect calculation of the amount of blood needed for transfusion has increased the frequency of blood transfusions and prolonged hospitalization time.

In this study, hydration therapy was performed in most of the children presenting favism. Also, the incorrect calculation of the amount of blood needed for transfusion has increased the frequency of blood transfusions and prolonged hospitalization time.

This study aimed to evaluate the antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic effects of Asteriscus graveolens.

Asteriscus graveolens (Asteraceae) is a medicinal plant widely used by the Moroccan population to treat various diseases including diabetes.

This work aimed to assess the capacity of flavonoids extracted from Asteriscus graveolens (FEE) to improve diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia in normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats.

Flavonoids were extracted from A. graveolens using the Soxhlet apparatus and using different organic solvents. Normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were treated orally by the extract of A. graveolens at a dose of 10 mg/kg. The oral treatment during 15 days was used to evaluate the effect of the flavonoids extracted from A. graveolens on blood glucose level and lipid profile in normal and diabetic rats. The oral glucose tolerance test as well as the analysis of histopathological examination of liver was performed. The antioxidant activity of FEE was also assessed by the method of trapping of free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), in order to estimate the mechanisms of action involved by FEE to improve hyperglycemia and lipid profile in normal and diabetic rats.

Autoři článku: Maciassvensson5295 (Yilmaz Moreno)