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The aim of the Million Person Study (MPS) of Low Dose Health Effects is to examine the level of radiation risk for chronic exposures received gradually over time and not acutely as was the case for the Japanese atomic bomb survivors. Nuclear power plant (NPP) workers comprise nearly 15 percent of the MPS. Leukemia, selected cancers, Parkinson's disease, ischemic heart disease (IHD) and other causes of death are evaluated.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System (REIRS) and the Landauer, Inc. dosimetry databases identified 135,193 NPP workers first monitored 1957-1984. Annual personal dose equivalents [

] were available for each worker. Radiation records from all places of employment were sought. Vital status was determined through 2011. Mean absorbed doses to red bone marrow (RBM), esophagus, lung, colon, brain and heart were estimated by adjusting the recorded

for each worker by scaling factors, accounting for exposure geometry and energy of the inand for IHD -0.01 (-0.06; 0.04).

Prolonged exposure to radiation increased the risk of leukemia other than CLL among NPP workers. There was little evidence for a radiation-association for all solid cancers, lung cancer or ischemic heart disease. Increased precision will be forthcoming as the different cohorts within the MPS are combined, such as industrial radiographers and medical radiation workers who were assembled and evaluated in like manner.

Prolonged exposure to radiation increased the risk of leukemia other than CLL among NPP workers. There was little evidence for a radiation-association for all solid cancers, lung cancer or ischemic heart disease. Increased precision will be forthcoming as the different cohorts within the MPS are combined, such as industrial radiographers and medical radiation workers who were assembled and evaluated in like manner.Multidrug Resistance (MDR) in tumors is caused by the over-expression of ATP Binding Cassette transporter proteins such as Multidrug Resistance Protein 1 and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein 1. This in silico study focuses on identifying a MDR inhibitor among acetogenins (AGEs) of Annona muricata and also aims at predicting colorectal cancer (CRC) core targets of AGEs through a network pharmacological approach. Twenty-four AGEs were initially screened for their ADME properties. Molecular interaction studies were performed with the two proteins MRP1 and BCRP1. As the structure of MRP1 was not available, an inward-facing conformation of MRP1 was modeled. A Protein-protein interaction network was constructed for the correlating targets of CRC. KEGG pathway and Gene Ontology analysis were performed for the predicted CRC targets. We identified four lead AGEs Muricatocin B, Annonacinone, Annonacin A and Annomuricin E having a higher binding affinity towards MDR proteins. MD simulation studies performed with the three lead AGEs and the MDR proteins showed that MRP1(DBD) Annomuricin E complex was stable throughout the simulation. Our analysis revealed ABCG2, ERBB2, STAT3, AR, SRC and ABCC1 as CRC targets of the lead molecules. The top 10 signaling pathways and functions of correlative CRC targets were also predicted. We conclude that the identified lead molecules might act as competitive inhibitors for reversing MDR in CRC. Additionally, network pharmacological studies established the correlative CRC targets and their mechanisms of action. Further experimental studies are needed to validate our findings. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.This paper explores the lived experiences of LGBTQ migrants participating in a civil society group in Sweden during the migration process and their reflections on the future. Eleven migrants who self-identified as LGBTQ (seven male/gay, one female/lesbian, one female/bi-sexual, and two transgender/gay persons) from three local support groups for LGBTQ migrants agreed to be interviewed. Participants came from Guinea, Iraq, Kurdistan, North Macedonia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Syria, Uganda and Ukraine. Interpretative-phenomenological analysis resulted in three themes Past from daily stress to the fear of being killed; Present safety, belonging and resources to support the transition to a new life; and Future making a positive difference or being afraid of what's ahead. Participants' health-related journeys and reflections about the future were complex in terms of favourable and unfavourable lived experiences, which become resources and risks for personal development. Study findings offers an enhanced awareness of the complex landscape of, and interaction between, vulnerability and potentiality. Based on the findings, we suggest the adoption of a health promoting approach focusing on the LGBTQ migrants' strengths and personal resources.Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been found to be correlated with different cell biological processes and progression of various types of cancers including colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC is one of the most widespread cancers, thus, introducing new methods or biomarkers for its early diagnosis are desirable. The Crucial role of RMRP lncRNA and its nearby gene, CCDC107, has been shown in numerous types of malignancies. The current study aims to compare expression of CCDC107 and RMRP in CRC and its adjacent normal tissues. For this study, RT-qPCR was applied to evaluate the expression level of candidate gene and lncRNA in 72 CRC cases. ROC curve was plotted to examine the diagnostic capacity. Additionally, for more supporting data, The Cancer Gene Atlas (TCGA, Firehose Legacy) dataset hosted by the cBioportal server and GEPIA online database were enrolled to investigate the effect of both genes expression level on clinicopathological parameters. We observed expression of CCDC107 was significantly down-regulated in the patients group (p  less then  0.05) which was associated with poor disease-free survival, friction genome alteration and surgical margin status. In contrast, RMRP expression was not significantly altered in CRC versus normal tissues. ROC curve analysis revealed that the area under the curve (AUC) for CCDC107 and RMRP were 0.871 and 0.5, respectively. Additionally, expression of these two genes did not change significantly in different stages of the disease. In conclusion, CCDC107 significantly decreased in colorectal tumor samples and can be considered as a biomarker for diagnostic aims in CRC, but not RMRP.For Pichia pastoris fermentation process with multi-operating conditions, it is difficult to predict the cell concentration under the new operating conditions by the soft sensor model established under the specific operating conditions. Inspired by the idea of transfer learning, a method based on an improved balanced distribution adaptive regularization extreme learning machine (IBDA-RELM) was proposed to solve the problem. The domain adaptation (DA) method in transfer learning is developed to reduce distribution distance by transforming data. However, the joint distribution adaptation (JDA) and the balanced distribution adaptation (BDA) in DA cannot be directly applied to regression problems. The fuzzy sets (FSs) method was proposed to solve this issue. Finally, a soft sensor model of Pichia pastoris cell concentration was realized by inputting the converted data to the RELM model. Simulation verification was carried out with three operating conditions at the scene of fermentation. The transfer effects of three DA methods, including transfer component analysis (TCA), improved joint distribution adaptation (IJDA) as well as IBDA, were compared. The predicted results show that IBDA-RELM had a better performance in the soft sensor of Pichia pastoris cell concentration under multi-operating conditions.

The non-invasive tympanic electrocochleography (TM-ECochG) is useful for clinical diagnoses. Nevertheless, the influence of the electrode location on tympanic membrane (TM) on ECochG results needs to be studied.

The aim of the present study was to compare the TM-ECochG results obtained when the electrode was placed on the superior region versus the inferior region of TM.

Forty healthy adults (aged 29 to 50 years) participated in this comparative study. The TM-ECochG testing was conducted with the electrode placed on the superior and inferior regions of TM.

SP and AP amplitudes were statistically higher for the inferior region of TM (

< .05). In contrast, SP/AP ratios were comparable between the two regions of TM (


In TM-ECochG recording, when the electrode was placed on the inferior region of TM, SP and AP amplitudes were greater than when the electrode was placed on the superior region of TM. On the other hand, SP/AP amplitude ratio was not affected by the location of electrode on TM. The findings from the present study could be useful to guide clinicians in optimizing TM-ECochG recording when testing their respective patients.

In TM-ECochG recording, when the electrode was placed on the inferior region of TM, SP and AP amplitudes were greater than when the electrode was placed on the superior region of TM. On the other hand, SP/AP amplitude ratio was not affected by the location of electrode on TM. The findings from the present study could be useful to guide clinicians in optimizing TM-ECochG recording when testing their respective patients.BackgroundCOVID-19 was first reported in the United States in January 2020. Its spread throughout the country required EMS systems to rapidly adapt to patient needs while protecting EMS personnel. EMS agencies developed protocols requiring personnel to don enhanced personal protective equipment prior to patient contact. We hypothesized that the Patient Access Interval (PAI), defined as the time from wheels stopped on scene to initial patient contact, had increased during the COVID pandemic. This had the potential to affect patient outcomes, particularly in time-sensitive emergencies such as cardiac arrest or respiratory distress.MethodsThis retrospective cohort study used commercial ambulance data from the four largest cities in Connecticut at two different time points (Pre-COVID) March-May 2019, and (COVID) March-May 2020. PAI was calculated from contemporaneously reported scene times. Total cases were analyzed, and sub-analyses performed for calls located at extended care facilities (ECFs), for all emergentnnel before entering facilities. This was highlighted in the ECF cardiac arrest data, which demonstrated a clinically significant increase in PAI of 2m18s. While this study was limited by the accuracy of contemporaneous time reports by EMS, the results support our hypothesis that PAI had increased during the COVID pandemic.Objective Southern California Naval hospitals incur substantial costs through the use of civilian emergency medical services (EMS) as they lack an internal transportation team. see more This study aimed to quantify the volume and the associated charges for these transports in the Southern California area as these are currently unknown. Methods This is a retrospective analysis of de-identified billing claims accessed through the Military Health System Management Analysis and Reporting Tool (M2) system. Data collected included the number and type of transports from Naval Hospitals in the Southern California area as well as the resulting charges. Data from Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton (NHCP) were collected over the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years. Results There were 19,886 and 19,014 total ambulance transports in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Of these, about a quarter (8674/38900, 22.3%) were 9-1-1 calls from the patient's home resulting in an admission at a military treatment facility or network hospital.

Autoři článku: Lundqvistdissing0440 (Albrektsen Funder)