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Consistent with that result, we identified bromoacetonitrile and chloroacetonitrile interacted with residues in the original estrogen recognition sites of hERα. Our results show that bromoacetonitrile and chloroacetonitrile affect the endocrine-disrupting potency mediated via estrogen receptors by using in vitro assay and molecular docking.Carbon materials derived from metal organic frameworks (MOFs) have excellent properties of high surface area, high porosity, adjustable pore size, high conductivity and stability, and their applications in catalysis have become a rapidly expanding research field. In this review, we have summarized the synthesis strategies of MOF-derived carbons with different physical and chemical properties, obtained through direct carbonization, co-pyrolysis and post-treatment. The potential applications of derived carbons, especially monometal-, bimetal-, nonmetal-doped and metal-free carbons in organo-catalysis, photocatalysis and electrocatalysis are analyzed in detail from the environmental perspective. In addition, the improvement of catalytic efficiency is also considered from the aspects of increasing active sites, enhancing the activity of reactants and promoting free electron transfer. The function and synergy of various species of the composites in the catalytic reaction are summarized. The reaction paths and mechanisms are analyzed, and research ideas or trends are proposed for further development.Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is successful in the detection of the spread of SARS-CoV-2. This review examines the methods used and results of recent studies on the quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater. WBE becomes essential, especially with virus transmission path uncertainty, limitations on the number of clinical tests that could be conducted, and a relatively long period for infected people to show symptoms. Wastewater surveillance was used to show the effect of lockdown on the virus spread. A WBE framework tailored for SARS-CoV-2 that incorporates lessons learnt from the reviewed studies was developed. Results of the review helped outline challenges facing the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater samples. A comparison between the various studies with regards to sample concentration and virus quantification was conducted. ICEC0942 Five different primers sets were used for qPCR quantification; however, due to limited data availability, there is no consensus on the most sensitive primer. Correlating the slope of the relationship between the number of gene copies vs. the cumulative number of infections normalized to the total population served with the average new cases, suggests that qPCR results could help estimating the number of new infections. The correlation is improved when a lag period was introduced to account for asymptomatic infections. Based on lessons learnt from recent studies, it is recommended that future applications should consider the following 1) ensuring occupational safety in managing sewage collection and processing, 2) evaluating the effectiveness of greywater disinfection, 3) measuring viral RNA decay due to biological and chemical activities during collection and treatment, 4) assessing the effectiveness of digital PCR, and 5) conducting large scale international studies that follow standardized protocols.Plant-soil feedback (PSF) is an important driver of plant community dynamics. The role of plant species in PSF has been emphasized for secondary succession processes; however, microbial responses to PSF and the underlying mechanisms responsible for their effects on plant succession remain poorly understood, particularly in semiarid grassland ecosystems. Here, we conducted a greenhouse experiment using soil collected from early-, mid-, and late-successional plant communities to measure net pairwise PSF for species grown under monoculture. Soils conditioned by pre-successional species had a positive feedback effect on subsequent plant species, whereas soil conditioned by subsequent plant species had a negative feedback effect on pre-successional species. link2 The feedback effect of plants from different successional stages on soil bacterial and fungal communities was mainly positive. However, the bacterial genera in the soil conditioned by early- and mid-successional species and fungal classes in the soil conditioned by early- successional species had a negative feedback effect on late-successional species. Thus, the effects of soil fungal and bacterial communities on species in other successional stages varied with taxonomic level. Our results provide insight into the manner in which soil microbial communities influence PSF responses during secondary succession processes.Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are recognized as emerging contaminants that have captured worldwide attention. They are primarily transported in environments and spread around the globe due to their persistent and bioaccumulative characteristics. In this study, 15 PFASs were detected in major rivers of the rapidly developing coastal areas of China and South Korea. The concentrations and compositions of these PFASs varied greatly between different regions along the coastline. The total concentrations ranged from 14.9 to 16,500 ng L-1, and the mean concentrations of Σ15PFASs in Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, Laizhou Bay, and the west coast of South Korea were 124 ng L-1, 81.4 ng L-1, 1550 ng L-1, and 36.2 ng L-1, respectively. In Laizhou Bay, the relatively high perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was due to the high usage and manufacturing of PFOA-containing products and contributed 59% of the total compounds. In Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay, PFBA and PFOA were the most abundant compounds, accounting for >55% of the total compounds. Along the west coast of South Korea, PFBA and PFPeA were the most prevalent compounds, contributing 28% and 24% of the total compounds, respectively. The data collected in the last decade were analyzed to investigate the temporal trends of selected PFASs. The total concentration of Σ10 PFASs decreased in both China and South Korea, while the proportion of short-chain PFASs increased. The proportion of C4-C7 PFCAs in South Korea rapidly increased from 46% to 79% but decreased from 49% to 43% in China. The positive matrix factorization (PMF) model successfully addressed the site-specific source apportionment, which showed that 53% of the PFASs in Laizhou Bay were due to fluorine manufacturing. The results of this study provide novel insights into elucidating the spatiotemporal distribution and complicated sources of PFASs over a large area and provide a clear message for all stakeholders, water and coastal managers, and scientists.In wastewater treatment plants, most of the pathogens and antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs) transferred into and concentrated in waste activated sludge (WAS), which would cause severe public health risks. In this study, the capabilities of several WAS pre-treatment approaches to inactivate coliforms/E. coli and ARGs, as well as the subsequent regrowth of coliforms/E. coli and ARGs/intI1 in treated sludge were investigated. The results showed that electro-Fenton (EF), with continuous hydroxyl radical generation, could efficiently inactivate coliforms/E. coli in 60 min (about 4 log units), followed by methanol (MT), anode oxidization (AO), and acidification (AT). Kinetic analysis showed that the inactivation mainly occurred in the first 10 min. However, the efficiencies of all studied pre-treatment approaches on inactivating ARGs/intI1 ( less then 2 log units) were lower than coliforms/E. coli, whilst EF still had the highest efficiency of ARGs/intI1 reduction. Mechanical ultrasound treatment (ULS) could not inactivate coliforms/E. coli in WAS, but it could efficiently reduce ARGs/intI1. High regrowth rates of coliforms/E. coli were observed in the treated WAS in 10 days, but the abundances of ARGs/intI1 continuously reduced during the after-treatment incubation. Our study showed that EF could efficiently disinfect potential pathogens, however, the reduction of ARGs/intI1 in WAS need further investigation.Micropollutants have been linked to freshwater and human toxicity. Their occurrence in water bodies arises from different causes, including the discharge of effluents from conventional urban wastewater treatment plants, which are not designed for their removal. The addition of an advanced treatment process for this purpose will allow a toxicity reduction; however, such will also imply further resources and energy use resulting in other environmental impacts. Energy use is a particularly relevant hotspot of the environmental impacts associated with advanced treatments; therefore, solar-based treatments have great potential in this field. The present study assessed the environmental impacts via life cycle assessment (LCA) of five solar-based treatments - solar photolysis (with and without H2O2), photocatalysis using TiO2 (with and without H2O2) and circumneutral photo-Fenton - using a pilot-scale compound parabolic collector photoreactor to select the most suitable option for the removal of micropollutants (carenergy use during the application of advanced treatment processes is reinforced.With the recent rapid development of urbanization, severe air pollution events frequently occur in China. Subsequently, variations of bioaerosols during air pollution events have attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, most published studies on bioaerosols mainly focus on the characteristics of airborne bacteria and fungi at a certain height near the ground surface. link3 The vertical variations in microbial aerosols at different heights are not well understood. In this study, PM2.5 samples at three heights (1.5 m, 100 m and 229.5 m) were collected from September 2019 to January 2020 in Xi'an, China. The samples were then analyzed by a fluorescence staining and high-throughput sequencing to explore the vertical variations in the concentration and community structure of the airborne bacteria. The results show that the microbial concentration in PM2.5 decreased with increasing height on polluted days, while there was no significant difference at different heights on non-polluted days (p > 0.05). The bacterial community structures were similar at different heights on polluted days; however, on non-polluted days, the bacterial community structure at 229.5 m was significantly different from that at the other heights. Importantly, meteorological factors had more significant effects on the bacterial community at 229.5 m than at 1.5 m and 100 m. The present results can improve the understanding of vertical distribution of bioaerosols and their diffusion process.To effectively manage sustainably groundwater bodies, it is essential to establish what the naturally occurring ranges of chemical concentrations in groundwaters are and how they change over time. We defined baseline trends for New Zealand groundwaters using 1) pattern recognition techniques to deal with inconsistent monitoring suites between the national (110 sites) and the denser regional network (>1000 sites), and 2) multivariate statistics to identify and remove impacted sites from the enhanced dataset. Rates of changes were calculated for 13 parameters between January 2005 and December 2014 at more than 1000 groundwater quality monitoring sites. The resulting dataset included 262 complete cases (CC), which was enhanced using Machine-Learning (ML) techniques to a total of 607 sites. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify trend clusters that were consistent between the CC, ML-enhanced datasets and a 2006 study based on solely on the national network. The largest cluster (WR) consisted of low magnitude changes across all parameters and was attributed to water-rock interaction processes.

Autoři článku: Lundpearce9346 (Hartvig Hanna)