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In recent era of computer and software technology, it is necessary to introduce software which helps in routine assessment of surgical procedures practiced in oral surgery. Removal of impacted third molar is a common procedure. It is hard to evaluate factors that complicate removal of impacted third molars because of the large variation among patients and the difficulty in creating a study design. In this article, we have described about our newly designed software developed in order to assess the difficulty in extracting impacted mandibular third molars accurately, thereby reducing the bias faced during the assessment of difficulty in removing impacted mandibular third molar.

A software is designed using C# computer language and Windows Presentation Foundation Framework.

The measurements and angulations are accurately calculated by this software which helps to bring about uniformity in results, thus minimizing the bias during clinical as well as study purposes.

Mandibular third molar difficulty level calculator can be useful software for dental practitioners in day-to-day practice. Dental students and professionals should be made aware of this software so as to utilize it to the utmost possible level.

Mandibular third molar difficulty level calculator can be useful software for dental practitioners in day-to-day practice. Dental students and professionals should be made aware of this software so as to utilize it to the utmost possible level.

Reconstructive surgeries following fractures in the maxillofacial region often involve considerable bone manipulation, and paracetamol is a commonly used analgesic medication in both intraoperative and postoperative periods. Dexmedetomidine, an alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist, has both sedative and analgesic properties with minimal cardiorespiratory effects and has been used primarily for its sedative properties in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

To compare the intraoperative analgesic requirements among patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery who receive IV paracetamol versus IV dexmedetomidine. The time to requirement for the first postoperative analgesic dose and safety and adverse events of both medications were also assessed.

In total, 64 patients needing primary reconstructive surgery for facial fractures were recruited and divided into two groups for this double-blinded study. Patients were randomized to receive a preinduction dose of either IV paracetamol 1g (Group P) or IV dexmedetomidith groups, the time to request for the first analgesic dose in the postoperative period was significantly delayed in Group P (

< 0.05). No adverse cardiopulmonary events were observed in either group.

The intraoperative anesthetic and analgesic requirements and hemodynamic stability were comparable in IV paracetamol and dexmedetomidine groups. Dexmedetomidine did not confer any enhanced analgesia effect in the postoperative period. More research examining the role of dexmedetomidine for longer duration inpatient oral and maxillofacial surgery is needed.

http// (No. CTRI/2017/08/009468).

http// (No. CTRI/2017/08/009468).

There are scarcely any reported cases of unilateral dislocation in the literature. Hence, its etiology, a possible mechanism of injury, clinical features, and effective management strategies are yet to be described.

A 27-year-old male patient presented with the dilemma of unilateral dislocation of left TMJ. This was addressed by the use of a novel technique in dislocation management. Here, the author also proposes a modified classification system for the TMJ dislocation.

"Wagh-Kokane's" technique of manual reduction should be encouraged in complex cases of dislocation.

"Wagh-Kokane's" technique of manual reduction should be encouraged in complex cases of dislocation.

Since the advent of rigid fixation, there has been a paradigm shift in the management of condylar fractures from closed treatment options to open reduction and rigid internal fixation.

Sixty-eight cases of condylar fractures reporting to Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore, between 2009 and 2018 were reviewed in terms of age, sex, type of fracture, position of the mandibular third molar and the treatment rendered.

The majority of the patients were males (60). There was an involvement of the right side in 34, left in 21 and bilateral involvement in 13 cases. Forty-three of the fractures were subcondylar, and 25 were intracapsular. Significantly in most cases, the mandibular third molar was either fully erupted (42) or missing (12). Sixty-one cases were subjected to surgical management including 49 cases of rigid internal fixation, and 12 of the intracapsular fractures had the condylar stump/segment removed. Only seven cases were not treated surgically. Most of the cases (44) were in the age group of 21-40, 12 were in the age group of 41-60, 9 were in the age group of 1-20, and 3 patients were above 60.

Condylar fractures more often do not require surgical intervention, and their incidence is more likely to occur when the third molar is either fully erupted or missing.

Condylar fractures more often do not require surgical intervention, and their incidence is more likely to occur when the third molar is either fully erupted or missing.

Narrow dentoalveolar ridges remain a serious challenge for the successful placement of dental implants. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes of piezosurgery versus surgical disc on ridge splitting in the atrophic edentulous maxilla.

This was a double-blinded randomized clinical trial. The healthy subjects who were candidates for maxillary ridge expansion were included in this experiment. Patients were randomly divided into two groups piezosurgery group and surgical disc group. The width of the bone in the surgical site was measured by surgical calliper before the osteotomy. The bone width was remeasured after ridge-split completion (before suturing) and during the implant placement (4months later). Then data were analysed by SPSS software, and the

value was set at 0.05.

The study sample size included 20 cases. Our outcomes showed that both techniques (surgical disc and piezotome) were effective in ridge splitting (

 < 0.001). However, the average bone width which was obtained after ridge splitting was significantly higher in the piezosurgery group (

 < 0.05).

It can be concluded that both methods of piezosurgery and surgical disc can significantly lead to increase in the ridge width. However, the piezosurgery technique was more effective in ridge splitting.

It can be concluded that both methods of piezosurgery and surgical disc can significantly lead to increase in the ridge width. However, the piezosurgery technique was more effective in ridge splitting.Melioidosis is caused by the gram-negative environmental saprophyte, Burkholderia pseudomallei (B. pseudomallei). Common presentations include pneumonia, bone and joint disease, renal and soft tissue infections. However, head and neck involvement is rare. We report a jugular lymphnode abscess associated with facial percutaneous inoculation of B. pseudomallei. Hospital course was complicated by endocarditis, septic arthritis and pyelonephritis. Surgical drainage and intensive and eradicative phase of antibiotics successfully cured the disease.Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (ARS) is an extremely rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by ocular, craniofacial, dental and periumbilical abnormalities. We present a case of a 10-year-old boy. Its awareness among oral surgeons is essential for timely diagnosis and subsequent prevention of ophthalmic and systemic complications as craniofacial and dental features constitute the early recognizable symptoms of this syndrome. Systematic ophthalmic surgeries aid in relieving vision abnormalities, while symptomatic dental treatment should be provided for masticatory and esthetic rehabilitation.Alveolar ridge remodeling post-extraction is a well-documented process. Alveolar bone is in a continuous state of remodeling even after implant placement, and this leads to changes in the contour of the peri-implant tissues over the years. A vast number of procedures have been described in literature to address and correct this resorption including procedures like socket grafting, dual zone grafting, socket shield (partial extraction therapy) and many more. Socket shield (partial extraction therapy) is a relatively new procedure described in the literature. This technique aims to try and slow down this remodeling and maintain the peri-implant tissues in a state near normalcy. The aim of this article is to assess a case where the possible cause of buccal bone loss around an integrated implant was an inappropriately prepared socket shield. It is recommended that an evidence-based consensus be put forth on both case selection and execution to minimize inappropriate execution of this technique by the average clinician.

Various atraumatic tooth extraction techniques have gained popularity over the last few decades, and numerous instruments have been devised for the same. A pair of physics forceps is one such instrument that maintains the integrity of the gingival and surrounding periodontium while delivering the tooth out of the socket atraumatically. Extractions using these forceps are less invasive over conventional forceps using less intraoperative time but are technique sensitive and have a definitive learning curve.

To compare the efficacy of physics forceps with conventional forceps in the orthodontic extraction of bilateral premolars and to compare the clinical outcome and complications of each.

In this prospective randomized split-mouth study, all the patients (

 = 50) and total premolars (

 = 200) were divided into two groups, in which first premolars in maxillary and mandibular quadrant on one side were extracted with physics forceps (

 = 100), whereas those in the other 2 quadrants was done with conventio time significantly and have comparable clinical outcomes as the conventional forceps and are associated with few complications.

To assess the viability of the single transverse neck incision(STNI) for modified radical neck dissection and to analyze the yield of lymph nodes using this approach.

We conducted a prospective observational study in the Department of Head and Neck Surgical Oncology at our Tertiary Cancer Care Centre from November 2013 to May 2017.

A total of 257 patients underwent surgical treatment for malignant tumors of the head and neck which included 265 modified radical neck dissections (eight bilateral and 249 unilateral). Average of total dissected nodal yield was 37.07. Average yield of positive neck nodes was 2.78.

Single transverse neck incision is an acceptable technique for modified radical neck dissection as it provides adequate surgical exposure for achieving optimal nodal clearance with little technical difficulty.

Single transverse neck incision is an acceptable technique for modified radical neck dissection as it provides adequate surgical exposure for achieving optimal nodal clearance with little technical difficulty.Cleft rhinoplasty is a demanding, technique-sensitive procedure. Part art, part science; it poses several probing questions to the surgeon. The unilateral cleft nasal deformity is a distinct entity because the pursuit of symmetry in the unilateral cleft nose makes the repair much more challenging. selleck The advent of nasoalveolar moulding, the gaining popularity of primary (early) nasal repair and greater refinements in secondary (definitive) rhinoplasty techniques have contributed to better nasal results in unilateral cleft repair. Yet, some obstacles remain. This paper aims to discuss the anatomy of the unilateral cleft nose, enumerate aims and objectives of repair at every stage, and to demonstrate the evolution and varied rationale of management of nasal deformities in the unilateral cleft lip and nose.

Autoři článku: Lunagertsen4543 (McCaffrey Paulsen)