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A large number of experimental simulations and cryptanalyses were performed, and the results proved that the algorithm had outstanding security and extremely high encryption efficiency. In addition, LF-NCHM could effectively resist statistical analysis attacks, differential attacks and chosen-plaintext attacks.A simple and effective lattice-gas-automaton (LGA) economic model is proposed for the income distribution. It consists of four stages random propagation, economic transaction, income tax, and charity. Two types of discrete models are introduced two-dimensional four-neighbor model (D2N4) and D2N8. For the former, an agent either remains motionless or travels to one of its four neighboring empty sites randomly. For the latter, the agent may travel to one of its nearest four sites or the four diagonal sites. Afterwards, an economic transaction takes place randomly when two agents are located in the nearest (plus the diagonal) neighboring sites for the D2N4 (D2N8). During the exchange, the Matthew effect could be taken into account in the way that the rich own a higher probability of earning money than the poor. this website Moreover, two kinds of income tax models are incorporated. One is the detailed taxable income brackets and rates, and the other is a simplified tax model based on a fitting power function. Meanwhile, charity is considered with the assumption that a richer agent donates a part of his income to charity with a certain probability. Finally, the LGA economic model is validated by using two kinds of benchmarks. One is the income distributions of individual agents and two-earner families in a free market. The other is the shares of total income in the USA and UK, respectively. Besides, impacts of the Matthew effect, income tax and charity upon the redistribution of income are investigated. It is confirmed that the model has the potential to offer valuable references for formulating financial laws and regulations.Quantum computation is often limited by environmentally-induced decoherence. We examine the loss of coherence for a two-branch quantum interference device in the presence of multiple witnesses, representing an idealized environment. Interference oscillations are visible in the output as the magnetic flux through the branches is varied. Quantum double-dot witnesses are field-coupled and symmetrically attached to each branch. The global system-device and witnesses-undergoes unitary time evolution with no increase in entropy. Witness states entangle with the device state, but for these blind witnesses, which-path information is not able to be transferred to the quantum state of witnesses-they cannot "see" or make a record of which branch is traversed. The system which-path information leaves no imprint on the environment. Yet, the presence of a multiplicity of witnesses rapidly quenches quantum interference.Advanced time series analysis and causality detection techniques have been successfully applied to the assessment of synchronization experiments in tokamaks, such as Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) and sawtooth pacing. Lag synchronization is a typical strategy for fusion plasma instability control by pace-making techniques. The major difficulty, in evaluating the efficiency of the pacing methods, is the coexistence of the causal effects with the periodic or quasi-periodic nature of the plasma instabilities. In the present work, a set of methods based on the image representation of time series, are investigated as tools for evaluating the efficiency of the pace-making techniques. The main options rely on the Gramian Angular Field (GAF), the Markov Transition Field (MTF), previously used for time series classification, and the Chaos Game Representation (CGR), employed for the visualization of large collections of long time series. The paper proposes an original variation of the Markov Transition Matrix, defined for a couple of time series. Additionally, a recently proposed method, based on the mapping of time series as cross-visibility networks and their representation as images, is included in this study. link2 The performances of the method are evaluated on synthetic data and applied to JET measurements.From a thermodynamic point of view, living cell life is no more than a cyclic process. It starts with the newly separated daughter cells and restarts when the next generations grow as free entities. During this cycle, the cell changes its entropy. In cancer, the growth control is damaged. In this paper, we analyze the role of the volume-area ratio in the cell in relation to the heat exchange between cell and its environment in order to point out its effect on cancer growth. The result holds to a possible control of the cancer growth based on the heat exchanged by the cancer toward its environment and the membrane potential variation, with the consequence of controlling the ions fluxes and the related biochemical reactions. This second law approach could represent a starting point for a possible future support for the anticancer therapies, in order to improve their effectiveness for the untreatable cancers.Complex network is a powerful tool to discover important information from various types of big data. Although substantial studies have been conducted for the development of stock relation networks, correlation coefficient is dominantly used to measure the relationship between stock pairs. Information theory is much less discussed for this important topic, though mutual information is able to measure nonlinear pairwise relationship. In this work we propose to use part mutual information for developing stock networks. The path-consistency algorithm is used to filter out redundant relationships. Using the Australian stock market data, we develop four stock relation networks using different orders of part mutual information. Compared with the widely used planar maximally filtered graph (PMFG), we can generate networks with cliques of large size. In addition, the large cliques show consistency with the structure of industrial sectors. We also analyze the connectivity and degree distributions of the generated networks. Analysis results suggest that the proposed method is an effective approach to develop stock relation networks using information theory.In this paper, we construct a five dimensional continuous hyperchaotic system and propose an image encryption scheme based on the hyperchaotic system, which adopts DNA dynamic coding mechanism and classical scrambling diffusion encryption structure. In the diffusion stage, two rounds of diffusion are adopted and the rules of DNA encoding (DNA decoding) are dynamically changed according to the pixel value of the plaintext image, that is, the rules of DNA encoding (DNA decoding) used to encrypt different images are different, which makes the algorithm can resist chosen-plaintext attack. The encryption (decryption) key is only the initial value of the chaotic system, which overcomes the difficulty of key management in the "one time pad" encryption system. The experimental results and security analysis show that the algorithm has some advantages of large key space, no obvious statistical characteristics of ciphertext, sensitivity to plaintext and key and able to resist differential attacks and chosen plaintext attack. It has good application prospects.In this paper, we discuss the implementation and tuning algorithms of a variable-, fractional-order Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller based on Grünwald-Letnikov difference definition. All simulations are executed for the third-order plant with a delay. The results of a unit step response for all described implementations are presented in a graphical and tabular form. As the qualitative criteria, we use three different error values, which are the following a summation of squared error (SSE), a summation of squared time weighted error (SSTE) and a summation of squared time-squared weighted error (SST2E). Besides three types of error values, obtained results are additionally evaluated on the basis of an overshoot and a rise time of the output signals achieved by systems with the designed controllers.It is necessary to switch the control strategies for propulsion system frequently according to the changes of sea states in order to ensure the stability and safety of the navigation. Therefore, identifying the current sea state timely and effectively is of great significance to ensure ship safety. To this end, a reasoning model that is based on maximum likelihood evidential reasoning (MAKER) rule is developed to identify the propeller ventilation type, and the result is used as the basis for the sea states identification. Firstly, a data-driven MAKER model is constructed, which fully considers the interdependence between the input features. Secondly, the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the parameters of the MAKER model in order to improve the evaluation accuracy. Finally, a simulation is built to obtain experimental data to train the MAKER model, and the validity of the model is verified. The results show that the intelligent sea state identification model that is based on the MAKER rule can identify the propeller ventilation type more accurately, and finally realize intelligent identification of sea states.This investigation deals with a discrete dynamic system of susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic (SISE) using the Tsallis entropy. We investigate the positive and maximal solutions of the system. Stability and equilibrium are studied. Moreover, based on the Tsallis entropy, we shall formulate a new design for the basic reproductive ratio. Finally, we apply the results on live data regarding COVID-19.Intuitionistic fuzzy distance measurement is an effective method to study multi-attribute emergency decision-making (MAEDM) problems. Unfortunately, the traditional intuitionistic fuzzy distance measurement method cannot accurately reflect the difference between membership and non-membership data, where it is easy to cause information confusion. Therefore, from the intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN), this paper constructs a decision-making model based on intuitionistic fuzzy cross-entropy and a comprehensive grey correlation analysis algorithm. For the MAEDM problems of completely unknown and partially known attribute weights, this method establishes a grey correlation analysis algorithm based on the objective evaluation value and subjective preference value of decision makers (DMs), which makes up for the shortcomings of traditional model information loss and greatly improves the accuracy of MAEDM. Finally, taking the Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12th 2008 as a case study, this paper constructs and solves the ranking problem of shelters. Through the sensitivity comparison analysis, when the grey resolution coefficient increases from 0.4 to 1.0, the ranking result of building shelters remains stable. Compared to the traditional intuitionistic fuzzy distance, this method is shown to be more reliable.Nonclassical effects are investigated in a system formed by two quantum wells, each of which is inside an open cavity. link3 The cavities are spatially separated, linked by a fiber, and filled with a linear optical medium. Based on Husimi distributions (HDs) and Wehrl entropy, we explore the effects of the physical parameters on the generation and the robustness of the mixedness and HD information in the phase space. The generated quantum coherence and the HD information depend crucially on the cavity-exciton and fiber cavity couplings as well as on the optical medium density. The HD information and purity are lost due to the dissipation. This loss may be inhibited by increasing the optical susceptibility as well as the couplings of the exciton-cavity and the fiber-cavity. These parameters control the regularity, amplitudes, and frequencies of the generated mixedness.

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