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Regulated cell death is essential in development and cellular homeostasis. Multi-protein platforms, including the Death-Inducing Signaling Complex (DISC), co-ordinate cell fate via a core FADDCaspase-8 complex and its regulatory partners, such as the cell death inhibitor c-FLIP. Here, using electron microscopy, we visualize full-length procaspase-8 in complex with FADD. Our structural analysis now reveals how the FADD-nucleated tandem death effector domain (tDED) helical filament is required to orientate the procaspase-8 catalytic domains, enabling their activation via anti-parallel dimerization. Strikingly, recruitment of c-FLIPS into this complex inhibits Caspase-8 activity by altering tDED triple helix architecture, resulting in steric hindrance of the canonical tDED Type I binding site. This prevents both Caspase-8 catalytic domain assembly and tDED helical filament elongation. Our findings reveal how the plasticity, composition and architecture of the core FADDCaspase-8 complex critically defines life/death decisions not only via the DISC, but across multiple key signaling platforms including TNF complex II, the ripoptosome, and RIPK1/RIPK3 necrosome.Serum liver enzyme concentrations are the most frequently-used laboratory markers of liver disease, a major cause of mortality. We conduct a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of liver enzymes from UK BioBank and BioBank Japan. We identified 160 previously-unreported independent alanine aminotransferase, 190 aspartate aminotransferase, and 199 alkaline phosphatase genome-wide significant associations, with some affecting multiple different enzymes. XMU-MP-1 molecular weight Associated variants implicate genes that demonstrate diverse liver cell type expression and promote a range of metabolic and liver diseases. These findings provide insight into the pathophysiology of liver and other metabolic diseases that are associated with serum liver enzyme concentrations.On the basis of Covid-19-induced pulmonary pathological and vascular changes, we hypothesize that the anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drug bevacizumab might be beneficial for treating Covid-19 patients. From Feb 15 to April 5, 2020, we conducted a single-arm trial (NCT04275414) and recruited 26 patients from 2-centers (China and Italy) with severe Covid-19, with respiratory rate ≥30 times/min, oxygen saturation ≤93% with ambient air, or partial arterial oxygen pressure to fraction of inspiration O2 ratio (PaO2/FiO2) >100 mmHg and ≤300 mmHg, and diffuse pneumonia confirmed by chest imaging. Followed up for 28 days. Among these, bevacizumab plus standard care markedly improves the PaO2/FiO2 ratios at days 1 and 7. By day 28, 24 (92%) patients show improvement in oxygen-support status, 17 (65%) patients are discharged, and none show worsen oxygen-support status nor die. Significant reduction of lesion areas/ratios are shown in chest computed tomography (CT) or X-ray within 7 days. Of 14 patients with fever, body temperature normalizes within 72 h in 13 (93%) patients. Relative to comparable controls, bevacizumab shows clinical efficacy by improving oxygenation and shortening oxygen-support duration. Our findings suggest bevacizumab plus standard care is highly beneficial for patients with severe Covid-19. Randomized controlled trial is warranted.Mesoscale eddies have strong signatures in sea surface height (SSH) anomalies that are measured globally through satellite altimetry. However, monitoring the transport of heat associated with these eddies and its impact on the global ocean circulation remains difficult as it requires simultaneous observations of upper-ocean velocity fields and interior temperature and density properties. Here we demonstrate that for quasigeostrophic baroclinic turbulence the eddy patterns in SSH snapshots alone contain sufficient information to estimate the eddy heat fluxes. We use simulations of baroclinic turbulence for the supervised learning of a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to predict up to 64% of eddy heat flux variance. CNNs also significantly outperform other conventional data-driven techniques. Our results suggest that deep CNNs could provide an effective pathway towards an operational monitoring of eddy heat fluxes using satellite altimetry and other remote sensing products.C. difficile infection (CDI) is a worldwide healthcare problem with ~30% of cases failing primary therapy, placing a burden on healthcare systems and increasing patient morbidity. We have little understanding of why these therapies fail. Here, we use a clinically validated in vitro gut model to assess the contribution of biofilms towards recurrent disease and to investigate biofilm microbiota-C. difficile interactions. Initial experiments show that C. difficile cells became associated with the colonic biofilm microbiota and are not depleted by vancomycin or faecal microbiota transplant therapies. We observe that transferring biofilm encased C. difficile cells into a C. difficile naïve but CDI susceptible model induces CDI. Members of the biofilm community can impact C. difficile biofilm formation by acting either antagonistically or synergistically. We highlight the importance of biofilms as a reservoir for C. difficile, which can be a cause for recurrent infections.In marine and freshwater oxygen-deficient zones, the remineralization of sinking organic matter from the photic zone is central to driving nitrogen loss. Deep blooms of photosynthetic bacteria, which form the suboxic/anoxic chlorophyll maximum (ACM), widespread in aquatic ecosystems, may also contribute to the local input of organic matter. Yet, the influence of the ACM on nitrogen and carbon cycling remains poorly understood. Using a suite of stable isotope tracer experiments, we examined the transformation of nitrogen and carbon under an ACM (comprising of Chlorobiaceae and Synechococcales) and a non-ACM scenario in the anoxic zone of Lake Tanganyika. We find that the ACM hosts a tight coupling of photo/litho-autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. In particular, the ACM was a hotspot of organic matter remineralization that controlled an important supply of ammonium driving a nitrification-anammox coupling, and thereby played a key role in regulating nitrogen loss in the oxygen-deficient zone.We present an application of multi-isotopic fingerprints (i.e., 236U/238U, 233U/236U, 236U/129I and 129I/127I) for the discovery of previously unrecognized sources of anthropogenic radioactivity. Our data indicate a source of reactor 236U in the Baltic Sea in addition to inputs from the two European reprocessing plants and global fallout. This additional reactor 236U may come from unreported discharges from Swedish nuclear research facilities as supported by high 236U levels in sediment nearby Studsvik, or from accidental leakages of spent nuclear fuel disposed on the Baltic seafloor, either reported or unreported. Such leakages would indicate problems with the radiological safety of seafloor disposal, and may be accompanied by releases of other radionuclides. The results demonstrate the high sensitivity of multi-isotopic tracer systems, especially the 233U/236U signature, to distinguish environmental emissions of unrevealed radioactive releases for nuclear safeguards, emergency preparedness and environmental tracer studies.Efforts to improve the prognosis of steroid-resistant gut acute graft-versus-host-disease (SR-Gut-aGVHD) have suffered from poor understanding of its pathogenesis. Here we show that the pathogenesis of SR-Gut-aGVHD is associated with reduction of IFN-γ+ Th/Tc1 cells and preferential expansion of IL-17-IL-22+ Th/Tc22 cells. The IL-22 from Th/Tc22 cells causes dysbiosis in a Reg3γ-dependent manner. Transplantation of IFN-γ-deficient donor CD8+ T cells in the absence of CD4+ T cells produces a phenocopy of SR-Gut-aGVHD. IFN-γ deficiency in donor CD8+ T cells also leads to a PD-1-dependent depletion of intestinal protective CX3CR1hi mononuclear phagocytes (MNP), which also augments expansion of Tc22 cells. Supporting the dual regulation, simultaneous dysbiosis induction and depletion of CX3CR1hi MNP results in full-blown Gut-aGVHD. Our results thus provide insights into SR-Gut-aGVHD pathogenesis and suggest the potential efficacy of IL-22 antagonists and IFN-γ agonists in SR-Gut-aGVHD therapy.The co-chaperone p23 is a central part of the Hsp90 machinery. It stabilizes the closed conformation of Hsp90, inhibits its ATPase and is important for client maturation. Yet, how this is achieved has remained enigmatic. Here, we show that a tryptophan residue in the proximal region of the tail decelerates the ATPase by allosterically switching the conformation of the catalytic loop in Hsp90. We further show by NMR spectroscopy that the tail interacts with the Hsp90 client binding site via a conserved helix. This helical motif in the p23 tail also binds to the client protein glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in the free and Hsp90-bound form. In vivo experiments confirm the physiological importance of ATPase modulation and the role of the evolutionary conserved helical motif for GR activation in the cellular context.Venoms have evolved over a hundred times in animals. Venom toxins are thought to evolve mostly by recruitment of endogenous proteins with physiological functions. Here we report phylogenetic analyses of venom proteome-annotated venom gland transcriptome data, assisted by genomic analyses, to show that centipede venoms have recruited at least five gene families from bacterial and fungal donors, involving at least eight horizontal gene transfer events. These results establish centipedes as currently the only known animals with venoms used in predation and defence that contain multiple gene families derived from horizontal gene transfer. The results also provide the first evidence for the implication of horizontal gene transfer in the evolutionary origin of venom in an animal lineage. Three of the bacterial gene families encode virulence factors, suggesting that horizontal gene transfer can provide a fast track channel for the evolution of novelty by the exaptation of bacterial weapons into animal venoms.Sarcomatoid and rhabdoid (S/R) renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are highly aggressive tumors with limited molecular and clinical characterization. Emerging evidence suggests immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) are particularly effective for these tumors, although the biological basis for this property is largely unknown. Here, we evaluate multiple clinical trial and real-world cohorts of S/R RCC to characterize their molecular features, clinical outcomes, and immunologic characteristics. We find that S/R RCC tumors harbor distinctive molecular features that may account for their aggressive behavior, including BAP1 mutations, CDKN2A deletions, and increased expression of MYC transcriptional programs. We show that these tumors are highly responsive to ICI and that they exhibit an immune-inflamed phenotype characterized by immune activation, increased cytotoxic immune infiltration, upregulation of antigen presentation machinery genes, and PD-L1 expression. Our findings build on prior work and shed light on the molecular drivers of aggressivity and responsiveness to ICI of S/R RCC.

Autoři článku: Lowerydecker7906 (Wren Fox)