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Social bullying in academic nursing schools is an understudied area, yet extant research shows it is prevalent.

The purpose of this study was to generate a formal definition for academic social bullying and content validate an instrument measuring it in academic nursing.

Classic psychometric theory and survey design were used to develop an instrument measuring academic social bullying. Extensive literature review and analysis of existing instruments were conducted; 108 items indicating bullying behaviors and organizational characteristics were created. This study targeted establishing initial content validity. Forty nurse experts who had experienced or published on academic bullying were invited; 24 responded. Experts rated agreement with relevance/appropriateness of items using a Likert scale and provided comments.

Forty items with content validity indexes near 0.80 and supportive comments were retained. A formal definition was developed from experts' feedback.

Insights regarding differences between bullying and incivility were obtained.

Insights regarding differences between bullying and incivility were obtained.

On February 3, 2019, Atlanta, Georgia, hosted Super Bowl LIII, which is classified as a National Special Security Event. The festivities comprising this major sporting event brought approximately half a million people to Atlanta, which posed significant challenges to the local public health community. As the lead local agency for public health planning, preparedness, and response efforts, Fulton County Board of Health (FCBOH) needed to address multiple specific tasks based on core functional areas outlined in the Emergency Support Function (ESF) 8 (eg, bioterrorism preparedness and epidemiological surveillance).

To prepare for the Super Bowl, FCBOH developed a systematic approach to ensure community-wide public health preparedness for mass gatherings. This approach came to be known as the 6 E framework, which consists of (1) engaging stakeholders, (2) examining current capabilities and identifying gaps, (3) establishing roles and responsibilities, (4) executing plans to fill gaps, (5) exercising plans, ancross-sectoral and cross-jurisdictional partnership building, and the 6 E framework can help other local public health jurisdictions prepare to host major mass gatherings.Recurrent spontaneous abortion is an obstetric complication with undefined causes. Apoptosis, proliferation, and adhesion are considered important factors in the pathogenesis of abortion. This work aimed to determine Bax and Bcl-2 as a proapoptotic and antiapoptotic protein, Ki67 and P27kip as proliferative and antiproliferative proteins, and E-cadherin and CD44 as adhesion molecules in the trophoblastic tissues in cases with recurrent miscarriage. Immunohistochemistry and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis of Bax, Bcl-2, Ki67, P27kip, E-cadherin, and CD44 in paraffin-embedded sections of placental tissues obtained from 108 women were divided into 3 categories 66 Toxoplasma gondii-positive women with recurrent abortion, 22 T. gondii-negative women with recurrent abortion, and 20 women with no history of abortion as a control group. The mean ratio of the expression of Bax and P27kip proteins was 35.3% and 36.1%, which is significantly higher than that of the second group (19.88 and 20.02%), and the third group (12.3% and 10.98%), while the mean ratio of the expression of Bcl-2, Ki67, E-cadherin, and CD44 proteins was 12.35%, 11.23%, 10.32%, and 9.97%, which is significantly lower than that of the second group (33.75%, 13.18%, 21.88%, and 23.29%) and that of the third group (38.58%, 39.27%, 37.98%, and 35.79%). The presence of proapoptotic protein (Bax) and antiproliferative protein (P27kip) at high levels and the presence of antiapoptotic protein (Bcl-2), proliferative protein (Ki67), and adhesion molecules (E-cadherin and CD44) in lower levels in the T. gondii-positive group clarify the mechanism involved in the induction of abortion and loss of pregnancy.The Editors and Publisher of the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics retract the article “Sudden Complex Hallucinations in a 14-Year-Old Girl Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Versus Dissociative Disorders-The Influence of Early Life Experiences on Future Mental Health” by Khodayar-Pardo and Álvarez-Bravos, published online on June 10, 2020. This manuscript was published in error by the journal prior to peer review.

To explore the barriers faced by parents of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities when obtaining and using Developmental Disability Services (DDS) to support adolescent transition.

The authors conducted a basic interpretive qualitative study using semistructured interviews. Interviews were manually coded by the team of university-based researchers using constant comparative analysis. The codes were grouped into themes. Thematic saturation occurred after 18 interviews with parents (n = 10) and service coordinators for DDS (n = 8).

Barriers to DDS enrollment included emotional and administrative burden, fear of invasion of privacy, lack of a qualifying diagnosis, difficulties in accessing information about services, and misinformation about services. Barriers to DDS use once enrolled were difficulty in finding/hiring direct support professionals, high turnover of direct support professionals, and lack of training and skill among direct support professionals. Participants also noted trategies to support families.The Editors and Publisher of the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics retract the article “Abrupt and Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in an 11-Year-Old Girl-PANDAS/PANS Syndrome An Entity to be Considered-Management Implications” by Khodayar-Pardo and Álvarez-Bravos, published in the June/July 2020 issue. This manuscript was published in error by the journal prior to peer review.

Pottery objects are presently more and more used for decoration in homes and hotels. To assess radiological hazards to potters, 238U, 232Th, 222Rn, and 220Rn radionuclides were analyzed in different clay body samples used for pottery production by means of CR-39 and LR-115 II track detectors. Data obtained were compared to those gotten by means of isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Annual equivalent doses to the skin of potters resulting from the energy loss of alpha-particles emitted by the radionuclides of the 238U and 232Th radioactive families were evaluated. Estimates of the annual equivalent doses to the skin of potters due to the emitted alpha-particles ranged between 6.45 mSy y-1 cm-2 and 17.50 mSy y-1 cm-2 and between 1.87 mSy y-1 cm-2 and 5.33 mSy y-1 cm-2, respectively. Annual equivalent doses received by the skin of potters due to beta-particles (β-) emitted by the radionuclides of the 238U and 232Th series inside the studied clay body samples were determined. Alpha equivalent doses to the skind alpha-particles ranged between 6.45 mSy y-1 cm-2 and 17.50 mSy y-1 cm-2 and between 1.87 mSy y-1 cm-2 and 5.33 mSy y-1 cm-2, respectively. Annual equivalent doses received by the skin of potters due to beta-particles (β-) emitted by the radionuclides of the 238U and 232Th series inside the studied clay body samples were determined. Alpha equivalent doses to the skin of potters resulting from the diffusion of 222Rn and 220Rn gases present in the studied clay body samples were calculated. A total maximum annual equivalent dose of 23.0 mSv y-1 cm-2, resulting from the energy loss of alpha and beta minus particles emitted by the radionuclides of the 238U and 232Th series, was found for potters working 8 h d-1(6 d wk-1, 49.28 wk y-1).A new application of the Sohrabi albedo neutron dosimeters is reported for the first time for determination of very low-level neutron ambient dose equivalents on and around a 3.5 kJ plasma focus device (PFD). The Sohrabi dosimeters basically use a polycarbonate track detector as bare and/or in contact with B convertor(s) under special cadmium cover arrangements. Its sensitivity was improved by using enriched B under new cadmium arrangements in order to detect epithermal neutrons in addition to fast and thermal neutrons. Results of 12 dosimeters installed externally around the PFD at different azimuthal (φ) and polar (θ) angles showed that azimuthal (φ) fast, epithermal, thermal, and total neutron ambient dose equivalents were symmetric and isotropic, respectively, with values 55.15 ± 8.36, 1.36 ± 02, 0.53 ± 03, and 57.04 ± 8.62 μSv/shot at ~25 cm from anode top. Polar (θ) neutron ambient dose equivalent values on z-axis relative to 90 angle were relatively higher. Results of 38 dosimeters placed on PFD facility walls for workplace monitoring and on a BOMAB phantom at operator's location for personal dose equivalent determination showed values below minimum detection limits after exposure to 130 PFD shots. However, an operator's personal dose equivalents at ~1.0 and ~3.0 m from the anode top were estimated to be, respectively, ~13.7 and ~1.52 mSv y using azimuthal angle (φ) values if the PFD operates, for example, up to 20 shots per day for 200 d y. Even under such an extreme assumption, annual personal dose equivalent is still much below 20 mSv, the annual ICRP dose limit for workers.A 6-year-old boy was referred for constant right gaze deviation. Rather than a gaze deviation, he constantly seemed to look on the left side of any displayed target. Examination revealed the association of a highly positive angle Kappa and an esotropia of equal values. He also exhibited signs of ocular albinism with no associated infantile nystagmus syndrome. The X-linked ocular albinism was confirmed genetically, explaining the presence of a positive angle Kappa. A highly positive angle Kappa can be associated with a convergent strabismus; in case both values offset each other, this can result in a constant "sidelooking," which should not be confused with a gaze deviation.

Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is classically described by a clinical triad consisting of confusion, ataxia, and ophthalmoplegia, but recent reports emphasize a history of malnutrition along with 2 elements of the WE triad (Caine's criteria) to enhance diagnostic sensitivity. The ophthalmoplegia, vestibular, and auditory expeditious improvement with intravenous thiamine usually confirms the diagnosis; serum levels generally provide additional diagnostic certainty.

Here, we discuss the case of a woman with a distant history of gastric sleeve, poor nutrition and protracted vomiting, who developed acute confusion, imbalance, near-total external ophthalmoplegia (EO), and hearing loss. The baseline thiamine level was 28 πmol/L (Normal 70-180 πmol/L). We performed serial neurological, vestibular, and audiological examination to document over 5 days, the effect of intravenous (IV) thiamine, and again at 3 months with continued oral supplementation. We provide serial documentation with photographs and video recordiucial in achieving an early diagnosis and obtaining better outcomes. A history of the poor nutritional status can be an important clue to aid in this early diagnosis.

This case is an example of how awareness of the variations in the clinical presentation of WE can be crucial in achieving an early diagnosis and obtaining better outcomes. A history of the poor nutritional status can be an important clue to aid in this early diagnosis.

Autoři článku: Lottvittrup5530 (Mohr Barrera)